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Lessons on English

Note: I write this thing at 3 AM and still half awake while trying to overdose on
caffeine but can’t find any coffee (don’t ask why)
Simple present tense:
Simple present tense is what you use to talk about things that happens every
day, every week, or every month, one of the examples is “Jono goes to school
every day”. if the subject, is he/she/it add “s/ies/es”. If the verb word ends
with a y, you add a “s “with it, for example “john says everything is under
control”. if the verb word ends with a y but the letter before the y is not a vocal
letter add an “ies”, for example “Brian studies for 1 hour everyday”. If the verb
ends with o, ch, sh, x or z, add “es” to the verb, for example “she goes to
school everyday and arrive at 7 AM”. If the subject, is I, you, they, we don’t add
“s/ies/es” to the verb, for example “we go to the market every weekend”.
There is positive present tense, negative present tense and asking present
tense (aku gak tau inggrisnya apaan). for example positive present tense is
“Johnny goes to school every day this week.” , for negative present tense
“Johnny doesn’t go to school everyday this week.”, and for asking present
tense is “does Johnny go to school every day this week?”.
There is a lot of profession in the world, some is a harder job some is easier,
there is some profession with hard pronunciation and profession with easy
pronunciation. for examples there is a veterinarian who take care of pets,
doctors taking care of human, a hitman with a job to kill, pharmacists to give
prescription medications to patients, mechanic fixes car, vehicle, and
motorcycle (some may fix bicycle), cashiers which is people who process and
receive payments from customer as they leave with their purchases.
Describing animals:
To describe an animal, you must do it in the right order. the order starting from
its size from tiny-very small-small-big-very big-enormous, the 2nd in the order is
its colours, the 3rd is it a fish, an amphibian, a bird, a reptile, a mammal, or an
insect, the 4th is does it have a some kind of special body part like a beak,
wings, feathers, or a tail? if it is it’s a bird, or does it have ears, a whisken, paws
,tail, and have hair around its head? if it has it, most likely it’s a lion,5 th is
hability, for example “it can swim but it can’t climb trees”, and 6 th is your
personal opinion, do you love the animals?, do you hate it? or you absolutely
love it?.
Example of describing animals: CLOWN FISH
It is is orange with white has fins, scales (kalua gak salah
artinya insang) and can swim but it can’t is my favourite animal.
Descriptive text:
Descriptive text is a text that explains a particular person, place, or pets, like a
descriptive text about your pet, about a famous person like albert Einstein, or a
text about the Eiffel tower. generic structures are divided into 2, identification
and description. identification is the introduction of name or location,
description is describing physical appearances, characteristics, habit, content,
function, etc. language features in descriptive text has specific participants like
albert Einstein, simple present tense like “my cat sleep for 12 hours every day”,
action or verb like sleep, and adjective like cute, smart, and beautiful.
identification is usually in the first paragraph and description usually in the
next paragraph

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