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Pablo Neruda

By: Martin and Deborah

Biography of Pablo Neruda
Early Life

● Born July 12, 1904 in Parral, Chile

● Son of José del Carmen Reyes (Railway worker) and Rosa Basoalto
● Rosa died a month after Neruda’s birth
● At age 2, Neruda and his family moved further south of Chile to Temuco
● Neruda had started to written his first poem at age 10
● Father discouraged him from writing poems
● Finished high school in 1920
● Was encouraged to read by Gabriela Mistral

Early Adult Life

● He moved to Santiago to pursue being a french teacher

● Made 2 poem books, one of which was Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair
● At age 20, he decided to drop his french studies to pursue poetry full time
● His poetry wasn’t a good source to depend his living on
● Tried to translate his works so he could get more attention from other nations
● Was appointed consul in Burma, Batavia, and Buenos Aires but still lived in poverty
Biography of Pablo Neruda 2.0
Later Years

● In 1952, Neruda returned home with his work translated in many different languages
● He was now considered to be in the Upper Class, as well as famous
● Built homes near the Pacific Ocean on, Isla Negra, Santiago, and Valparaiso
● Travelled around the world (e.g. Europe, China, Cuba, etc.) to enhance his creativity and consistently
writing poems throughout
● “Odas elementales” is one of his most famous works in 1954, and included detailed representations of
everyday situations
● After his death in 1973, he became recognized across the globe for his surrealist, political, and love

Legacy & Accomplishments

● He received many awards such as, the International Peace Prize, the Lenin Peace Prize, Stalin Peace
Prize, & Nobel Prize for Literature, between 1950-1971
Work Cited
“Pablo Neruda.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Editors, B. (2021, June 22). Pablo Neruda. Retrieved February 27, 2022, from

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