Ingles 1 Año

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La mayoría de las expresiones que vamos a ver a continuación constituyen
frases idiomáticas o modismos. Los modismos son formas del idioma que
no obedecen algunas reglas gramaticales y muchas de ellas no tienen
traducción literal.
Hola Hello, Hi
Buenos Días Good Morning
Buenas Tardes Good Afternoon
Buenas Noches (Al Llegar A Un Lugar) Good Evening
Buenas Noches (Para Despedirnos) Good Night
Por Favor Please
Dispénseme, Excúseme Excuse Me
¿Cómo está usted? How Are You?
Gracias Thanks
Gracias (A Usted) Thank You
Muchísimas Gracias Thank You, Very Much
Por Nada, No Hay De Que You Are Welcome
Adiós Good Bye
Muy Bien Very Well
Correcto, Muy bien All right
Bien Fine
Un poco A little
Un poquito A little bit

Lets practice! Use the expressions below to complete the conversations.

Hello! Hi! How are you? Fine Great Good morning

Good morning Please Thank you
Exercise 1

_______! My name is Santino. _____ _____ ____?

_____. I am Juan. I´m fine, and you?
I´m ________. I love sunny days.

Exercise 2

_____ __________. My name is Elias. I´m here for the interview.

_____ __________. Yes, we were expecting you. _______ sit down and wait here.
Yes, _______ _____.

Los pronombres personales son palabras que usamos para reemplazar un
sustantivo común o propio. Cuando reemplazan al sujeto de la oración se
encuentran al comienzo de la misma o antes del verbo. Cuando reemplazan
al objeto de la oración los encontramos después del verbo o la acción.

SUBJECT (sujeto) OBJECT (objeto)

Reemplazan al sujeto de Reemplazan al objeto de
la oración. la oración.

• I • Me
• You • You
• He • Him
• She • Her
• It • It
• We • Us
• You • You
• They • Them
1- Complete with the correct subject pronoun. (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they)

1- Does _______ speak French? Yes, she does.

2- How is your mum? _____ is better, thanks.
3- How are _____? ___ am fine, thanks.
4- How old is your brother? ____ is ten.
5- Where is the teacher from? _____ is from Belgium.
6- Is this your book? No, ____ is not.
7- What are the chilfren doing? _____ are playing in the garden.
8- Where is Bob? ____ is watching tv with his sister.
9- Where are your keys? _____ are in my pocket.
10- ___ enjoy going to school.

2- Complete with the correct object pronoun. (me, you, him, her, it, us, they)

1- Maria never eats sweets. She doesn´t like ______.

2- We´re going to a restaurant. Do you want to come with ____?
3- I want that book. Please give it to _____.
4- I never watch tv. I don´t like _____.
5- I don´t know that man. Do you know _____?
6- I don´t eat meat. I don´t like ____.
7- We´re going to a party. You can come with ____.
8- I hate dogs. I´m afraid of _____.
9- Where is daddy? I want to talk to _____.
10- Where are the airplane tickets? I can´t find ______.

3- Circle the correct pronoun for each sentence.

1- I don´t want to talk to you, please don´t call______

a) me b) I c) us d) we
2- Who is that woman? Why are you looking at ______?
a) her b) you c) she d) them
3- Do you know that girl? Yes, _____ is in my class.
a) her b) he c) she d) his
4- My brother likes music. _____ plays the guitar.
a) he b)her c) you d) I
5- ___ love gardening and like to help my uncle in his garden.
a) I b) they c) it d) me
4- Select the correct pronoun. Type it in the blank. (Subject pronoun)

1- Bill is happy because ___ is having fun. he / she / they

2- The children go to school. ____ are learning Math. we / they / she
3- Our class learn in Wellspring. ____ love our school. I / we / they
4- The monkeys eat bananas. ____ love the taste of them! they / you / I
5- Ms. Sarah loves chess. ____ plans to join the chess team. she / he / we
6- Mr. Tim always organizes his desk. ____ is very neat. they / you / he
7- Students cooperate with the teacher. ____ are a team. I / she / we
8- My Friends are learning English at home. ____ work hard. we / they / you

5- Select the correct pronoun. Type it in the blank space. (Object pronoun)

1- I love stories. My mom reads a story to ___ every night. you / me

2- She Works hard. The coach asked ____ to join the team. her / you
3- He cooks dinner. She says “thank you” to ___. him / them
4- We are going on a field trip. The school organized the trip for ___. us / it
5- There is a scary Monster. I am afraid of ___. it / them
6- They ride the bus. The bus driver stops for ____. us / them
7- The pencil is lost. I need ____ to write a sentence. it / her
8- I answer the question. The teacher is happy with ___. him / me

6- Select the correct answer. (subject and object)

1- Jonh has a car. ___ is red.

She He It We
2- The beach is beautiful. ___ is beautiful.
They You It I
3- Peter likes games. ___ is a gamer.
I He He She
4- Before i go to sleep, my mom reads ____ a story.
me she I we
5- She is scolding ____ son.
they her his us
6- This is a selfie of ___.
we us her I
7- Do you know that man? Do you know ___?
him her we I
8- The kittens are cute. ___ are cute.
We Her They Us
Este es un verbo que tiene dos usos: SER o ESTAR. Es un verbo irregular, cambia por
completo de acuerdo al tiempo en que se conjuga y el pronombre.
Se utiliza principalmente cuando vas a dar información sobre ti o alguien más, para
describir algo , describir a donde estas y para describir como te sientes

Lo podemos usar para hablar de la edad o del clima, teniendo en cuenta que en ese caso
su traducción será: TIENE o HACE.
Solo tiene tres formas: AM, IS, ARE y se usan de acuerdo a cada pronombre.

I Am
You Are

She Is

He Is

It Is

We Are

You Are

They Are


I am 13 years old. Yo tengo 13 años.

Are you ok? Estas bien?.
She is a lawyer. Ella es una abogada.
He is hungry. El tiene hambre.
It is a cat. Es un gato.
We are young. Nosotros somos jóvenes.
Are you having fun? Están ustedes divirtiéndose?
They are travelling to Paris. Ellos están viajando a París.
Let´s practice!

Exercise 1

1- I ___ sitting on the sofa.

2- We ____ watching tv.
3- ____ you from England?
4- It ___ a wonderful day
5- They ___ speaking Russian.
6- He ___ at the cinema.
7- She ___ dancing in the party.

Estas son las formas positivas, negativas e interrogativas para cada uno de los pronombres:

Positiva Negativa Interrogativa

A veces en las oraciones no aparecen los pronombres personales sino que en su lugar
aparecen los nombres de las personas, o sustantivos que pueden ser femeninos o masculinos.
Es importante identificar a que pronombre corresponde esa palabra para utilizar que
conjugación corresponde.


My father = he My father is in the office.

Joan = she Joan is a lawyer.
Tomas and Joseph =they Tomas and Joseph are brothers.

1- Choose the correct pronoun. Write a sentence

1- Maria=
2- My brother=
3- My dog=
4- Tom and Sue=
5- Pepe and I=
6- My parents=
7- The woman=
8- The boy=
9- The school=
10- My classmates and I=

2- Write the correct form of the verb to be in each sentence. ( am, is, are)

1- My sister ___ beautiful

2- My cat ___ in the garden.
3- My Friends ___ at the party.
4- My teacher ___ very intelligent.
5- Hugo and Paco ____ brothers.
6- The restaurant ____ closed.

3- Complete the text with the correct form of the verb to be. (am, is, are)
Let´s practice with the months of the year.

My month of bith is____________. It is the

__________ month of the year.
Esta es una lista de los países y sus nacionalidades más comunes. En la tercera columna vas
a encontrar el idioma que se habla en cada uno de ellos. ¿Cuál es el tuyo?

Where are you from? I am from Argentina.

Let´s practice!
1- Complete each sentence with the correct option.

1- Fiat cars are from Italy. They are ________.

2- Messi is from Argentina. He is ___________.
3- Antonio Banderas is from Spain. He is __________.
4- Harry Potter is from England. He is ___________.
5- One direction are from the U.K. They are ___________.
6- Ronaldinho is from Brazil. He is ___________.
7- Macron is from France. He is ____________.
8- Bayern Munich is a team from Germany. It is __________.

2- Read each sentence and circle the rigth choice.

1- I am Andy. I am from The USA/American.

2- He is Hussein. He is from Iraq/Iraqui.
3- She is Aisha. She is Iran /Iranian.
4- He is Davut. He is Turkey /Turkish.
5- I am Gulname. I am from Turkey /Turkish.
6- She is Cindy. She is from Britain /British.
7- He is Tony. He is American /The USA.
8- I am Gulnaz. I am from Pakistan / Pakistani.
9- She is Eslem. She is Portugal /Portuguese.
10- He is Jasper. He is Colombia /Colombian.
11- She is Hanae. She is Japan /Japanese.
12- I am Carlos. I am Peru /Peruvian.
13- Alex and Izzi are from Canada /Canadian.
14- Laura Paussini is a Singer from Italy/Italian.
15- Zeus is a god. He is Greece/Greek.
16- Mon Laferte is a Singer. She is Chile/Chilean.
17- My parents moved here from Poland /Polish.
18- El Chavo del 8 is a show from Mexico/Mexican.
En el siguiente listado vamos a encontrar las profesiones y trabajos más comunes con su
Let´s ´practice with the vocabulary.

1- Read the descriptions in each sentence. The complete the blank space with therigth

1- Prepares and cooks the bread. Works in a bakey. This person is a ________.
2- Prepares and cooks all types of food. This person is a _________.
3- Julie arranges all my appointments, types my letters and organizes my meetings. She is my
4- Sam Works in a law court. He judges and sentences people. He is a ________.
5- My eyesight is bodering my. I need to see my _________.
6- You need to cut your hair. Let´s go to the _________.
7- We work in a restaurant. We serve people food and drinks. We are ________.
8- Jonh has a fever, he doesn´t feel weel. We need to take him to a __________.
9- I work with children. I teach them how write and read. I am a __________.
10- The car is making a weird noise. I should pay a visit to the __________.

2- Match every job with the rigth picture.

El artículo indeterminado en el idioma inglés se conoce como A/AN y se traduce
como UN/UNA/O.
Ambos artículos significan lo mismo y son invariables en género, ya que se
utilizan ambos para el femenino como el masculino.

Usamos el artículo THE cuando hablamos de algo específico (un sustantivo). Se

traduce como los siguientes artículos en español: el, la, los, las y lo usamos tanto
para singular como para el plural.

El artículo A es usado delante El artículo AN es usado delante

de las palabras que comienzan de las palabras que comienzan
con una consonante. con una vocal.

Example: Example:

• A dog • An elephant
• A car • An apple
• A horse • An hour
• A lawyer • An umbrela
• A doctor • An engineer

En el caso del artículo THE, lo usamos delante de un sustantivo cuando hablamos de

algo específico o cuando hay un solo objeto.


• The boy - The boys

• The woman - The women
• The knife - The knives
• The cat – The cats
• The sun – The sun
• The moon – The moon
Te animas a resolver? Lets go!
1- Complete the blank space with the rigth article: A, An or The

2- Fill in the gaps with A or An where necessary.

1- He has got ____ puppy.

2- Kate is ____ Good girl.
3- John has got ____ old boat.
4- There is ____ star in the sky.
5- Mary has got ____ uncle.
6- I want ____ burguer.
7- He is ____ rush.
8- I have got ____ plan for tha.
9- We had ____ lot of fun today.
10- Susan bought ____ bag of pretzel.

3- Complete this sentences with A, An or The.

1- There is ____ bird in the tree. ____ bird is yellow.

2- Where are ____ shoes? They are under ____ bed.
3- I can see ____ fish in ____ water.
4- There is ____ old bus at ____ bus-stop.
5- ____ is in ____ sky.
6- There is ____ red pen in ____ box.
7- Look at ____ dog. It has got ____ long tail.
8- Listen to ____ woman. She is singing ____ nice song.
9- _____ color of this flower is purple.
10- Mr Hill has got ____ new car.

3- Complete the writing with A, An or The where necessary.

Grandma is ____ old lady. She´s got ____ house near ____ sea. ____ house has
got a beautiful garden. There are flowers and ____ tree. ____ tree is tall. It´s
____ apple tree. She has got ____ cat too. ____ cat is White but it has ____
black tail. It is _____old cat but grandma loves it very much. They like to sit in
____ garden to enjoy ____ fresh air in ____ mornings. They look very cute
together. When I visit grandma, I also sit with them. ____ cats name is Cuddles.
4- Complete with A or An each option.
En el inglés se utilizan como adjetivos demostrativos las palabras THIS/THAT
(singular) y THESE/THOSE (plural). Su traducción es al castellano es:

• This = Este/Esta
• That = Ese/Esa
• These = Estos/Estas
• Those = Esos/Esas/Aquellos/Aquellas

Usamos THIS cuando estamos cerca del objeto o persona a la que nos
referimos. Ejemplo:
This is my car.
Este es mi auto

Usamos THAT cuando estamos alejados del objeto o persona a la que nos
That is my house.
Esa es mi casa

Usamos THESE cuando los objetos o personas de las que hablamos están
These are my friends Joan and Melisa.
Estas son mis amigas Joan y Melisa

Usamos THOSE cuando los objetos o personas de las que hablamos están
Those are my slipers.
Aquellas son mis pantuflas.
Lests exercise together! Complete the blank space with This or That.

1- _____ is a plant. 2- _____ is a hat.

3- _____ is a bird. 4- _____ is an elephant.

5- _____ is a cup. 6- _____ is a boat.

7- ______ is a house. 8- ______ is a crayon.

9- ______ is a kiwi. 10- ______ is an apple.

2- Complete the sencente with This/That/These or Those.

hat raincoat



flipflops jeans



4- Fill in the spaces with This/That/These or Those.
La información personal la podemos obtener a través de las preguntas WH:
• What? = Qué?
• Where? = Donde?
• Who? = Quién?
• When? = Cuándo?
• Which? = Cuál?
• How? = Cómo? Cuanto?
• Why? = Por qué?

La información personal de una persona o la descripción de un objeto o situación la

podemos conseguir a través de las preguntas WH y por medio de los adjetivos.

Responde estas preguntas para luego armar un párrafo con la información recabada.

1- What is your name? ___________________________________

2- How old are you? _____________________________________
3- Where are you from? __________________________________
4- Where do you live? ___________________________________
5- Who are your parents? _________________________________
6- How many siblings do you have? ________________________
7- Do you have pets? _____________________________________
8- Where do you go to school? _____________________________
9- What is your favourite subject? __________________________
10- What is your favourite sport? ___________________________
11- What is your favourite colour? __________________________
12- Who is your best friend? ______________________________
13- What kind of music do you like? _______________________
14- Who is your favourite artist? __________________________
15- Which is your favourite movie? _________________________
Con la información que respondiste arma un párrafo para presentarte con un desconocido.

Usamos adjetivos para describir personas, cosas, situaciones y/o

lugares. Estos son algunos ejemplos.

Mary is tall
Jonh has brown hair
Melisa and Sophie are atlethes. They play tennis and football.
My house is big and very old.
That cat has a black tail.
Henry wears glasses.
Sandra likes to dance.
Martin is short and thin.
Joana is a redhead.
Ivan plays the guitar very well.
I am a very frank and honest person.
Lily´s house is small. It only has one bedroom.
These are my cats. They are both fat and hairy.
1- Read the mail and answer the questions with the complete information.

Hi Maggie
I hope you are fine. I am very happy because I am redecorating my room. The new color of
my bedroom is blue now. In my “new” room, the bed is in front of the window. My laptop
computer is on the desk. The desk is next to my bed. I have a waste basket now. It is under
the desk. I have 3 posters on the wall. My new lamp is behind my bed, now I can read my
comics at night! The TV is between my closet and the desk. The sofa is in front of the TV.
My room is perfect now! I love it !!!!!!!!!!! Hey, tell me about you, what are you doing these
days? You know you are my best friend and I miss you a lot, write back soon!

…..xoxo Tony

1.- What color is Tony’s room? __________________________

2.-Where is the bed?___________________________________
3.-Where is the wastebasket?___________________________
4.-What’s on the wall? _________________________________
5.-What is behind his bed? _____________________________
6.-Who is Maggie? ____________________________________

2- Now write something similar about your room.

My bedroom is very small. It is white and pink. My bed is next to …………………..
Los adjetivos posesivos en inglés hacen referencia al poseedor y no a la
cosa. Por lo general van antes de los sustantivos que indican partes del
cuerpo, parentesco, vestimenta y objetos personales.

Jonh is washing his hands
Jonh está lavando sus manos

• Se utiliza My para indicar que algo nos pertenece o se relaciona con uno mismo.
Ej: That is my watch
• Se utiliza Your para indicar que algo pertenece a la persona a la que se le está hablando. Se
traduce como Tu/tus.
Ej: I like your shoes
These are your tickets
• Se utiliza His para referirnos o indicar la pertenencia de algo hacia una persona del sexo
Ej: This is his tie.
• Se utiliza Her para referirnos o indicar la pertenencia de algo hacia una persona del sexo
Ej: She broke her arm.
• Se utiliza Its para referirnos o indicar la pertenencia de algo hacia una cosa, lugar o animal.
También puede usarse al referirnos a un bebe.
Ej: The bird is in its cage.
• Se utiliza Our para referirnos o indicar la pertenencia de algo hacia un grupo de más
de una persona entre las que nos incluimos.
Ej: Our house is very big and old.
• Se utiliza Their para referirnos o indicar la pertenencia de algo hacia un grupo de más
de una persona entre las que NO nos incluimos.
Ej: Where are their presents?.

1- Complete with my/your/his/her/its/our/their.

1- I am a student. _____ school is Obispo Caixal.

2- You are a student. What is _____ name?
3- Ben is an actor. _____ surname is Stiller.
4- Taylor is a singer. _____ surname is Swift.
5- We are students. _____ school is in Córdoba.
6- Sam and Josie played all day. They should clean ______ bedrooms before sleep.

2- Fill in the blank space with the rigth choice.

3- Complete the following activities.
My family
En este último tema vamos a aprender el vocabulario relativo a las
Es importante que conozcas las distintas formas en las cuales
podemos referirnos a los miembros de nuestra familia y cuáles son
las posibles relaciones de parentesco.
1- Complete your family tree. Add places if you need.

Exercise 1- Completa con el pronombre personal correcto ( I, you, he, she, it, we , they) o el
posesivo correcto (my, your, his, her, our , their)

Hi! ______ am a student. ______ name is Carlos. I have one sister. _______name is Isela.
________ is a student, too. ________ are Mexican. _________ house is in Poza Rica. And this
is my friend Tomas. ________ last name is Garcia. _________ is from Alamo.

Exercise 2- Escribe en los espacios: A, AN, THIS, THESE, IT ,THEY

Naomi is my best friend. She is _____ English teacher and she works in ______ University.
________ University is very famous. _______ is next to the Mexican Restaurant. Her
brothers work in _____ hospital. _______ are nurses.
________ have ____ house next to _______ park. ________ boys are in the basketball
team too.

Exercise 3- Completa cada oración con la opción correcta del verbo TO BE.
Describe a un miembro de tu familia usando el verbo to be, los pronombres y las palabras
de esta lista.

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