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Foreign Languages Didactics 1

Case Study
Model pedagogic in the school.

Laura Valentina Verano Quiroga

Leidy Carolina Guerrero Restrepo
NRC: 62399

Bogotá D.C, Colombia

Application of didactics in the study of a pedagogical case

Didactics is the art of teaching and learning, a field that seeks understand how the teaching

and learning process occurs to improve educational practice.

In this is essay, we will explore an imaginary pedagogical case study where we will apply

didactic as a solution to face the current educational challenge.

1. Context
Let us imagine in elementary school located in an urban area with significant cultural

diversity. In this school, the teacher Pedro is brought.

In this school. teacher Pedro faces a challenge in his sixth-grade class. It is observed that

some students show difficulties in understanding basic English concepts. Specifically, the

verb to be. These students come from diverse contexts socio-economic backgrounds and have

different learning styles. Pedro recognizes the need to adapt his pedagogical approach to meet

the individual needs of his students and improve their understanding of English.

2. Problem Analysis
The main problem lies in the lack understanding of English by some students, this can

attribute to numerous factors, such a difference in socio-economic level, variety of learning

styles, and lack of adequate teaching resources. Additionally, cultural diversity in the

classroom can influence how students they perceive and process information.

3. Teaching solution
To address this problem, teacher Pablo decided implement teaching strategies that focus

on diversity and the application of English concepts, below are some of Pablo strategies.
 Context the concept: Pedro integrates real situation into his English lessons to help

his students understand the relevance of the concept learned. For example, they could

present problems that relate to everyday situations, how to introduce themselves to a

person or express routines.

 Collaboration and Peer Learning: Pedro promotes group work among students to

support each other in the learning process. Organize activities with students to talk,

to each other about various topics, allowing them to improve their listening and

speaking comprehension.

 Constructive Feedback: Pedro provides and constructive feedback to his students,

focusing on their strengths and area for improvement in English proficiency. This

will understand your mistakes and develop strategies to address them effectively in

the future.

4. Implementation and Evaluation

Pedro implements teaching strategies didactics in his classroom for several weeks and

monitored his students’ progress, conducted periodic formative assessments to measure their

level of understanding of concepts, and adjusted his pedagogical approach, as necessary.

Additionally, you maintain open communication with your students and their families to

ensure they support learning progress at home.

5. Results and Reflection

After implementing the teaching strategy, Pedro observes a significative improvement

in his students understanding of English. They have demonstrated a higher level of

confidence and greater participation in learning activities. Additionally, she has noticed

greater cohesion in the classroom and an increase in motivation to learn English.

6. Conclusions

The invented pedagogical case study presents the successful application of didactics as

a solution to address educational challenges in the classroom. Through teaching strategies

focused on the diversity of learning and the contextualization of concepts, Professor Pedro

manages to improve the understanding of English in his students and promote an inclusive

and collaborative learning environment. This case illustrates the importance of adapting the

pedagogical approach to meet the individual needs of students and foster their academic


1. Biech, E. (2015). 101 ways to make learning active beyond the classroom.
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3. Gómez, M. A. B. (2016). Experiencia de la clase inversa en didáctica de las
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