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Assessment and Feedback: Student Template

Student ID Number(s): 2664035, 2669130, 2674880, 2708737, 2252659, 2139505, 2660198

Programme: MSc Marketing
Module: International Marketing
Name of Tutor: Dr Raphael Akamavi
Assignment Title: Group Assignment
Date and Time of Submission: 6th March
Actual Word Count: 3972
Extension: N
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Assessed Work.

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learning. It is a requirement to complete to complete all 3 sections, and to include this
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School will advise on exceptions).

Section One: Reflecting on the feedback that I have received on previous assessments, the
following issues/topics have been identified as areas for improvement: (add 3 bullet points). NB –
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Section Two: In this assignment, I have attempted to act on previous feedback in the following
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Section Three: Feedback on the following aspects of this assignment (i.e. content/style/approach)
would be particularly helpful to me: (3 bullet points)
Table Of Contents

0. Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Environmental Analysis
2.1 Macro Environmental Factors Analysis
2.1.1PESTLE Analysis
2.1.2 Porter’s Five Forces
3. Market Entry
3.1 BERI Analysis
3.2 Market Attractiveness (MA) and Competitive Strength (CS)
3.3 Market Entry Justification
4. Risk Assessment’s Benefits and Drawbacks
5. Conclusion
6. Recommendation
7. Appendix
Executive Summary

This summary explains the analysis completed for Delco Electronics Overseas LLC for the

given countries Ethiopia, Mexico, Algeria, Nigeria, Indonesia, Turkey, and Argentina

(EMANITA). The assessment examines the external factors impacting the company's

environment by utilizing PESTLE and Porter's Five Forces analysis. Additionally, it inspects

the factors for entering the market through analysis of BERI, Market Attractiveness and

Competitive Strengths. This report offers details on the investment possibilities, potential

customer base, and competitive advantage. These analyses equip Delco Electronics with

strategic insights to navigate market dynamics, capitalize on opportunities, and maintain

competitiveness in the automotive electronics industry.

1. Introduction

Delco Electronics Overseas LLC is a global leader in the automotive industry, specializing in

the design, manufacturing, and distribution of automotive electronics and communication

systems to improve vehicle performance and safety. As the company explores expansion

opportunities in the EMANITA market, conducting an in-depth business risk assessment is

critical to navigate uncertainties and make informed decisions. Now, as a global marketing

consultant using analytical frameworks like PESTLE analysis, BERI, Market Attractiveness,

and Competitive Strength assessments provides Delco Electronics with comprehensive

insights into the political, economic, social, and competitive landscapes. This helps Delco

Electronics look at strategic recommendations on EMANITA market segmentation,

identifying promising countries for entry, and developing tailored strategies to mitigate risks

and capitalize on opportunities.

2. Environmental Analysis

2.1 Macro Environmental Factors Analysis

2.1.1 PESTEL Analysis

Businesses use PESTEL analysis as a strategic framework to understand the external macro-

environmental factors that can impact their operations, strategies, and performance. PESTEL

stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors. The

term first originated from Aguilar (1967) who presented ETPS (Economic, Technical,

Political, Social) in his book. The analysis helps companies take a better look at the broader

external environment in which they operate or plan to operate. The insights generated helps

the company take better business decisions, improve on operations, and evaluate performance

on a global scale.

International expansion involves various risks and uncertainties, including regulatory,

economic, and socio-cultural risks. Companies can identify opportunities and threats they

may face in the international market by examining political, economic, social, technological,

environmental, and legal factors. This helps them capitalise on any favourable conditions

there is and mitigate any such risks associated with unfavourable conditions. Before entering

any new international market, companies must assess the feasibility and attractiveness of the

market (Czinkota et al., 2009). PESTEL analysis will help Delco Electronics Overseas LLC

evaluate the political stability, economic growth prospects, social-cultural dynamics,

technological infrastructure, environmental regulations, and legal frameworks of the target

It needs to be noted that any international business landscape is dynamic and constantly

evolving. And PESTEL analysis will provide Delco Electronics Overseas LLC with valuable

insights into any emerging trends there is, shifts in consumer behaviour and psychology, the

technological advancements, any regulatory changes, and environmental concerns. This will

allow them to adapt their strategies accordingly. Political factors

For the idea of expansion into the international market, Delco Electronics Overseas LLC

needs to keep in mind on how political decisions shape the regulatory environment, and

impact business operations, market entry, and compliance requirements. Regulatory changes

are also known to affect industries differently and create uncertainty for businesses (World

Bank, 2021). The company also needs to keep a track of political instability as it further leads

(World Bank, 2021). The need of a thorough research of the political environment is

imminent for Delco Electronics Overseas LLC to decide their target markets in EMANTIA.

For example, the political stability favours most to Mexico and are least to Algeria, Ethiopia,

and Nigeria [see Table]. Political factors check the influence on trade relations between

countries, affecting tariffs, trade agreements, and market access. Changes in trade policies

can impact supply chains, pricing strategies, and competitiveness for businesses (World

Bank, 2021). Moreover, political factors contribute to market entry barriers, including

bureaucratic hurdles, trade restrictions, and protectionist policies. Governments often impose

barriers to protect domestic industries or regulate foreign investment. It is observed that poor

political conditions increase trade barriers. This in turn decreases domestic welfare and gains

from any trade by shifting production away from the most cost-efficient producers. The

welfare is always proportional to the degree of trade openness.

Based on this political analysis, it was found that Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey are three of the

strongest countries when it comes to determining the political factors amidst EMANITA

countries. Delco Electronics Overseas LLC should keep these countries into consideration

while deciding based on the political affairs in their markets. Economic factors

The economic indicators will give a better outlook to entering international markets for Delco

Electronics Overseas LLC. For example, the GDP growth rate reflects the overall health and

expansion of the economy. This in turn means, that higher GDP growth rates will mean an

increase in activities in economy, demand of consumers, and opportunities in business, hence,

attracting foreign investment and facilitating a market expansion for international businesses

(World Bank, 2021).

Firstly, inflation causes a problem in purchasing power and affects consumer behaviour

drastically. It also is an indicator that affect investment decisions, and pricing strategies.

Moderate inflation rates often support the economic stability and confidence in business. On

the other hand, a high inflation rate can disrupt operations, increase costs, and impact

profitability (International Monetary Fund, 2021).

Factors like inflation needs to be understood well by the company as it is crucial to predict

trends and make informed decisions. (PESTLE Analysis, 2024). In the analysis, it is observed

Indonesia and Mexico have the least inflation rate but Turkey and Argentina have the most.

[see Table 2]
Delco Electronics Overseas LLC also needs to keep a close track of the growth in the

automotive industry. This will indicate market demand for vehicles and related products.

Growth rates will signal opportunities for market expansion, investment, and business

development in the automotive sector (Statista, 2021). Table 2 shows Automotive growth

industry is the lowest in Argentina and Algeria but the highest in Turkey. Other indicators like

Minimum wages have a massive effect on labour costs, production expenses, and business

competitiveness. (OECD, 2021) and sales tax rates causes ripples in consumer spending

patterns, product pricing, and market demand. (Tax Foundation, 2021).

One major indicator to be tracked by Delco Electronics Overseas is Foreign direct investment

(FDI). FDI contributes to what economic growth looks like, job creation, and technology

transfer. A better FDI inflow will indicate confidence by investors, market attractiveness, and

potential opportunities for international businesses to enter and expand operations (United

Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2021). Mexico has the highest FDI amidst

EMANITA and Algeria and Nigeria the least and close to zero.

Based on this economic analysis, it was found that Turkey and Indonesia are two of the

strongest countries when it comes to determining the economic factors amidst EMANITA

countries. Social factors

Social factors play a significant role in shaping market conditions, behaviour of consumers,

and business opportunities in international markets and understanding these factors and their

implications is crucial for Delco Electronics Overseas LLC seeking to enter and operate

successfully in diverse social environments. Keeping a track of individuals using internet

connectivity will indicate a digitally connected population, offering opportunities for

businesses to reach and engage with consumers online. This will help in advertisement

targeting and digital marketing strategies. Additionally, increased influencing consumer

behaviour and market research for market entry (World Bank, 2021). Table 3 shows

Argentina and Turkey with >80% of users with internet whereas Ethiopia has <20%.

Another indicator that needs to be tracked is Urbanization rates. These indicate concentrated

population centres with greater market potential and infrastructure development. These urban

areas offer opportunities for businesses to access larger consumer markets, distribution

networks, and business services (World Bank, 2021). An indicator that goes simultaneously

with it is Population growth rate. They impact market size, demand dynamics and more

market penetrating possibilities, and labour force participation. If population growth rate is

high, it may signal growing markets for consumers and economic opportunities for

businesses entering or expanding in these markets (United Nations, 2021). This analysis

portrays that it is the lowest in Algeria and highest in Mexico [Table 3]. Technological factors

Innovation ecosystems, and competitive advantages for businesses entering international

markets can be best checked with tracking technological factors. They play a crucial role in

shaping market opportunities and their implications is essential for businesses seeking to

leverage technology for successful market entry and expansion.

Indicators like high-technology exports will help Delco Electronics Overseas LLC reflect on

the country's technological capabilities, innovation capacity, and competitiveness in global

markets. It is important to have access to high-tech exports and partnerships. This can provide
businesses with advanced technology inputs, market knowledge, and competitive advantages

for international market entry (World Bank, 2021). Mexico leads the chart here and Algeria is

the last amidst the EMANITA countries. [Table 4]

Two more indicators that need to be given importance is R&D expenditure and the presence

of researchers in R&D [per million]. As a percentage of GDP indicates a country's investment

in innovation and technological advancement. If the country has higher R&D spending, this

signals an environment that is conducive for innovation-driven businesses, offering

opportunities for market entry and commercialization of new technologies (OECD, 2021).

Furthermore, the presence of researchers in R&D indicates a country's human capital and

scientific expertise. This access to skilled researchers and technical talent pools will enable

Delco Electronics Overseas LLC to leverage local knowledge, collaborate on any such

research projects, and innovate solutions tailored to market needs, facilitating market entry

and competitiveness (World Bank, 2021).

This analysis indicates Turkey to be the most suitable market among these indicators and

Nigeria the least based on budget allocation, expenditure, and research access. Environmental factors

Countries that have a higher proportion of renewable energy consumption always tend to

have favourable regulatory environments and incentives for clean energy technologies.

Businesses in the modern age need to enter markets with a strong commitment to renewable

energy. It gives them opportunities to innovate and offer sustainable energy solutions

(International Renewable Energy Agency, 2021). Ethiopia consumes 90% of renewable

energy as opposed to the total energy consumption, highest in the EMANITA countries. [see

Table 5]

Another factor that Delco Electronics Overseas LLC needs to consider the access to

electricity. Limited access to electricity often constrains development, production, and

business activities. (World Bank, 2021). Ethiopia has electricity access to just over 50% of

its population which indicates that there is a limited access. Ethiopia also has the poorest

record amidst the EMANITA countries. [Table 5]

High levels of carbon dioxide emissions per capita is another strong indicator to be

considered by the company. They showcase environmental concerns and a possible

regulatory pressure to reduce carbon footprints which might need for Delco Electronics

Overseas LLC to make changes to its functioning (World Bank, 2021).

The environmental factors and understanding their implications are essential for businesses

seeking to get traction in a new country. Legal factors

Business environment is shaped keeping legal factors in mind. Companies entering

international markets need to keep a check on regulatory landscape, and investment

attractiveness. These factors need to be understood better by Delco Electronics Overseas LLC

for establishing in a new market.

Business operations, certainty in legal systems, and any regulatory compliance is affected by

the level of corruption. Strong control of corruption in a country fosters competition that is
fair, confidence of investors, and business integrity, supporting the market entry and growth

that is sustainable (World Bank, 2022). The analysis shows that Nigeria has the poorest

control of corruption and Indonesia and Turkey the best. [Table 5]

The rule of law is required to ensure that there is protection of property rights, and adherence

to any such legal processes. We observe countries with a strong rule of law tend to provide

legal framework that is stable for business activities, supporting international market entry

and any long-term investments (World Bank, 2018). Table 5 shows Nigeria and Algeria with

the least score and Indonesia and Argentina the most.

The PESTEL Analysis clearly showcases the countries to focus by Delco Electronics

Overseas LLC based on the the various indicators but is still inconclusive with respect to the

market analysis, competitiveness in each country which is further done by Porter’s Five

Forces and BERI analysis.

2.2 Elements of Five Forces

Porter's five forces model is one of the important frameworks for identifying and analyzing

industry competitive forces (Gratton, 2024). Delco Electronics Overseas LLC needs to

understand the challenges it will face when entering the EMANITA market will be judged

through three different aspects.

2.2.1 Competitive Rivalry

Ethiopia has Bosch, Denso, and Delphi who have distribution networks or partnership to

supply automotive parts. Mexican automotive industry has Nemak, Rassini, and Metalsa that

manufacture various automotive components. Additionally, there is also the presence of

international companies such as Magna International, Bosch, and Continental AG who have

significant operations or partnerships in Mexico. The Argentine automotive market includes

Tenneco, Magna International, and Valeo, along with local manufacturers like Sodecar and

Corven. Turkey has Tofaş, Otokar, and BMC that manufacture vehicles and automotive parts.

There are also other internation companies like Bosch, Delphi, and Mahle have a presence in

Turkey. Algeria automative company is relatively small, and companies like Renault,

Volkswagen, and Hyundai have established assembly plants in the country. Nigeria has

Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM), PAN Nigeria Limited, and Stallion Group that

assemble vehicles and import automotive parts. Finally, the Indonesian automotive industry

has Astra International, Toyota Astra Motor, and Indomobil Group that manufacture vehicles

and automotive components. International companies like Denso, Bosch, and Continental AG

also have a presence in Indonesia. These are some direct competitors of Delco Electronics

Overseas LLC. The company needs to keep track of its competitors in deciding factors like

wage pay, export prices and other such metrics.

2.2.2 Suppliers Bargaining Power

Suppliers and global supply chains will influence companies to continuously change and

improve strategic plans to a certain extent (Frenkel, 2022). The automotive industry is facing

rising operational challenges due to the global mobility sector's transformation, especially the

shift to electric vehicles (EVs). Suppliers in the automotive industry play a crucial role in

determining costs and pricing. Dominated by a few major players, suppliers possess the

ability to negotiate prices and impact the profitability of manufacturers. The challenge lies in

balancing the rising costs of materials with customer expectations for cost efficiency. Some

manufacturers and suppliers are realigning their business models around increasing EV

adoption. Supplier efforts to restructure, acquire, divest, and even separate their businesses to
best serve their customers and shareholders appear to be accelerating. The transition to EVs is

beginning to apply pressure on the competitive landscape, and suppliers must make careful

choices about the customer relationships they want to focus on.

In addition, as a major exporter of auto parts, Mexico has strong suppliers and a stable global

supply chain, which brings it bargaining power (Duarte, 2023). When selecting markets,

Delco should consider existing suppliers. Changing prices or interrupting the supply chain

will increase business risks. According to the analysis, Turkey, Mexico, and Indonesia have

strong political stability, which provides a good market environment for suppliers.

2.2.3 Buyers Bargaining Power

Buyers and suppliers should be in a complementary cooperative relationship (Nair &

Narasimhan & Bendoly, 2011). The buyer encourages suppliers to consider bargaining by

lowering prices and diversifying supplier selections, which can bring strong bargaining power

to the buyer. The automotive parts industry's bargaining power varies across countries due to

market dynamics. Ethiopia's limited choices and reliance on a few suppliers result in low

bargaining power. Mexico's proximity to the U.S. and TMEC agreement gives buyers

moderate influence. Nigeria's reliance on imports and economic challenges result in low

bargaining power. Indonesia's market resilience during the pandemic gives moderate

bargaining power. Turkey's aftermarket sector growth moderately influences market

competition. The overall bargaining power is influenced by these factors. Because consumers

in the target market already have unique consumption preferences, and consumers will be

highly sensitive to the price of new products, Delco should make some price adjustments to

reduce the bargaining power of buyers (Goldsmith & Flynn & Kim, 2010). In addition, lower

inflation will increase consumers' purchasing power. According to research, Indonesia and
Mexico have stable economy, which means that Delco's choice to enter this market will

reduce costs.

3. Market Analysis

3.1 BERI

The Business Environment Risk Index is used to measure the risk to a business in a particular

country. It helps the company evaluate the risk with respect to their prospective gains to assist

them with further course of action. (Mu, et al., 2009). The framework in Table 7 shows that

weights allotted to the criteria based on their relevance to risk assessment. The highest

weights are given to political stability and annual GDP growth rate as this will ensure long-

term business growth. (Bondarenko, et al., 2020). According to the analysis, the best business

environment for Delco Electronics is in the following order: Ethiopia, Algeria, Nigeria,

Argentina, Turkey, Mexico, and Indonesia. The selection of the best three countries for market

entry requires further analysis through the Market Attractiveness Framework and Competitive

Strength Framework.

3.2 Market Attractiveness (MA) and Competitive Strength (CS) Frameworks

MA and CS are interrelated factors for the decision-making process, both need to be assessed

together for accurate results. (Sipayung, et al., 2016). The most suitable data from PESTEL

was put into the MA and CS analysis tables, and weight was selected according to the key

factors in BERI. The score for each country is considered for further analysis.

According to the Table 8 & Table 9, GE MARTIX is drawn, and it is found that Indonesia,
Mexico, and Turkey are in Zone1, which means that these three countries have large markets

and can perform better in competition compared with other countries, which is a good

direction for Delco as a new challenger. Second, Argentina, Ethiopia and Nigeria are in the

zone2 position, while Algeria has a relatively poor data performance.

3.3 Market Entry Justification

As per the analysis from various frameworks, the best options for Delco are ranked as

Mexico, Turkey, and Indonesia. Moreover, as shown in Fig.1, these countries fall in Zone 1

which signifies primary opportunity. The GE Matrix is drawn from collective data of MS &

CS; and these three countries have the highest scores.

4. Risk Assessment’s Benefits & Drawbacks

Risk assessment in marketing is crucial for identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities in

marketing plans. By conducting a proactive evaluation, Delco Electronics Overseas LLC can

anticipate challenges and develop strategies to mitigate or avoid them. This helps minimize

losses by adjusting tactics, reallocating resources, and implementing contingency plans.

Moreover, risk assessment provides valuable insights that inform decision-making processes,

allowing Delco Electronics Overseas LLC to prioritize resources and investments based on

their potential return on investment and risk exposure. Hence, risk assessment is of great

importance to other stakeholders and the organisation. (Simon, et al., 2016). By effectively

managing risks, they can maintain brand reputation and integrity, safeguarding against

negative publicity or brand crises. This proactive approach also strengthens competitive

advantage by enabling the company to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and

outperform competitors. Additionally, risk assessment ensures compliance with legal

requirements, protecting companies from legal liabilities and ensuring ethical and responsible

marketing practices.
Although risk assessment has great value and plays an important role in marketing, it also has

limitations. For example, subjectivity and uncertainty (Smith, 2013): Risk assessment is

based on subjective assessments and predictions, leading to uncertain outcomes. Subjectivity

arises because the perception and interpretation of risk can vary between individuals and

organizations. Different stakeholders may have different views on the likelihood and impact

of the risk. On the other hand, uncertainty arises from the unpredictability of future events

and outcomes. Despite efforts to assess and minimize risks, there remains a certain degree of

uncertainty about their occurrence and consequences. Effective risk management requires

recognizing and addressing these subjective and uncertain aspects through rigorous risk

assessment, contingency planning, and continuous monitoring and adaptation. Incomplete or

inaccurate data (Jane, 2022): Risk assessment requires reliable data, but accurate and

complete data is difficult to obtain. Missing or unreliable data can lead to errors. Inability to

consider all risks (Lam, J. 2003) - despite efforts to consider various potential risks, some

unforeseen risks may still be overlooked.

However, efforts are made to consider various potential risks during the risk assessment

process, there are still risks that cannot be predicted or are overlooked. New risk factors may

emerge for Delco Electronics Oversea LLC over time that were not addressed in the initial

assessment. Too much reliance on historical data (Fraser, J. and Simkins, B.2010) – this can

ignore new trends or changes, affecting the accuracy of the assessment. Risk assessment often

prioritizes external factors and natural disasters while ignoring human factors. However,

human factors such as internal errors, fraud, and competitors' actions can also significantly

impact an organization's marketing and risk activities. Ignoring the human factor in risk
assessment often focuses more on external factors, ignoring internal errors or competitors'


Despite these limitations, a risk assessment for Delco Electronics Oversea LLC is important

to understand and manage potential risks. By addressing these issues, accuracy and efficiency

can be improved for the business.

5.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the research done for Delco Electronics Overseas LLC in the EMANITA

nations emphasises the significance of making strategic decisions based on comprehensive

assessments of external variables and market entry chances. Through the application of

frameworks like PESTEL analysis, Porter's Five Forces, BERI analysis, competitive strength

evaluations, and market attractiveness, Delco Electronics will be able to obtain important

insights into the competitive, political, and economic environments. The nations—Ethiopia,

Mexico, Algeria, Nigeria, Indonesia, Turkey, and Argentina—offer different chances and

difficulties for entering the market. Based on our analysis, Delco Electronics should enter

Indonesia, Turkey and Mexico andmust customise methods to reduce risks, take advantage of

investment opportunities, and keep a competitive edge in the automotive electronics sector if

it is to prosper in these varied markets.

6.0 Recommendations

Delco Electronics Overseas LLC's is recommended prioritising markets of Mexico, Turkey

and Indonesia based on the analysis done above. To mitigate political risk in high-risk

countries such as Algeria and Ethiopia, the company should develop a robust risk mitigation

strategy that includes in-depth research and local partnerships (Rugman & Verbeke, 2020).
Differentiation strategy is crucial when entering more saturated markets, and the strategy

requires unique features, a strong brand, and targeted marketing. Strategic supply chain

management is essential, including building partnerships, ensuring cost competitiveness, and

maintaining consistent product availability. Products and strategies should be localised

according to local consumer preferences and based on comprehensive market research,

resulting in increased product acceptance and sales. Considering competitiveness and

profitability, while addressing consumer price sensitivities, a careful and balanced pricing

strategy is recommended. Continuous monitoring of political, economic and market changes

is essential for the continued adaptation and long-term success of dynamic EMANITA.



Ethio Mexic Algeri Nigeri Indon Turke Argen Avera

Indicators Indicators meaning Sources
pia o a a esia y tina ge
It measures the likelihood of violent threats to, or
Stability changes in, government, including terrorism.
6.000 8.000 6.000 6.000 7.000 7.000 7.000 6.71 World Bank
Electoral The Electoral Democracy Index measures the extent to
The Global
democracy which a country's electoral processes are free, fair, and 0.319 0.598 0.281 0.490 0.574 0.276 0.823 0.48
democratic. Economy
Regulatory Regulatory Quality captures perceptions of the ability
of the government to formulate and implement sound
Quality Index policies and regulations that permit and promote
9.000 8.000 6.000 9.000 9.000 8.000 8.000 8.14 World Bank
Score private sector development.
Government measures the quality of public services, the quality of
Effective Index the civil service and its independence from political 10.000 8.000 6.000 10.000 8.000 7.000 8.000 8.14 World Bank
Score pressures,

Rule Of Law It measures how well the rule of law is upheld within a
given country according to several factors
13.000 12.000 9.000 13.000 11.000 10.000 12.000 11.43 World Bank
Index Score
Machinery and
measures the performance and trends in the production,
sales, or exports of machinery and transport equipment 31.010 29.500 22.650 3.410 13.440 19.940 13.540 19.07 World Bank
equipment within a specific economy or region.
Voice and It measures perceptions of the extent to which a 13.000 13.000 10.000 13.000 11.000 10.000 12.000 11.71 World Bank
Accountability: country's citizens are able to participate in selecting
their government, as well as freedom of expression,
Number of
freedom of association, and a free media.
Control of It measures perceptions of the extent to which public
Corruption: power is exercised for private gain, including both
petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as
12.000 12.000 7.000 12.000 12.000 9.000 12.000 10.86 World Bank
Number of
Sources "capture" of the state by elites and private interests.

refers to an economic indicator that tracks the level of
government debt owed by the central government of a country.
51.600 44.890 52.400 34.930 44.400 42.580 84.470 50.75 World Bank
debt index
Net incurrence refers to an economic indicator that measures the
change in a country's liabilities over a specific period,
of liabilities adjusted for factors such as repayments, interest
3.640 3.850 3.385 1.420 5.110 4.380 2.980 3.54 World Bank
index payments, and other financial transactions.
Imports of
goods and provides insights into the pace of growth or decline in
the volume of imports over a specific period.
13.260 15.050 -4.100 44.440 24.870 1.650 20.440 16.52 World Bank
services annual
growth index
value added provides insights into the pace of growth or decline in
the manufacturing industry over a specific period.
5.100 9.310 9.060 3.350 3.390 18.640 15.710 9.22 World Bank
annual growth
Total refers to the aggregate amount of money spent by the
162.24 101.06 105.71
Government government over a specific period, typically within a 9.330 30.190 2.420 97.180 72.59 World Bank
fiscal year. 0 0 0
The Commercial Tax Rate refers to the percentage of
Commercial 106.30 The Global
tax imposed on commercial activities, including the 37.700 55.100 66.100 34.800 30.100 42.300 53.20
Tax rate sale of goods and services. 0 Economy
Government accountability refers to the responsibility
Government of government officials and institutions to act in the The Global
1.816 0.807 -0.207 0.731 0.949 -0.286 1.420 0.75
accountability best interests of the public and be answerable for their Economy
actions and decisions.
Participatory The Participatory Democracy Index measures the
The Global
democracy degree of citizen participation and engagement in the 0.186 0.400 0.110 0.327 0.385 0.164 0.560 0.30
democratic process. Economy
It measures the degree to which corruption is perceived
Perceptions to exist among public officials and politicians.
31.000 36.000 25.000 34.000 34.000 37.000 32.83 World Bank
Political Rights It evaluates the degree of political freedom and civil
liberties enjoyed by citizens within a particular nation.
10.000 27.000 10.000 20.000 30.000 16.000 35.000 21.14 World Bank
Civil Liberties to evaluate the extent to which individuals within a The Global
society enjoy basic freedoms and rights, particularly 6.000 3.000 5.000 5.000 4.000 6.000 2.000 4.43
Index those protected by law or tradition Economy

Indicators Indicators meaning Ranking of countries (high to low [left to right]) Sources
It measures the likelihood of violent threats to, or Ethiop Algeri Nigeri Indone Argent Mexic
Stability changes in, government, including terrorism.
Turkey World Bank
ia a a sia ina o
Ease of The Electoral Democracy Index measures the extent to
Algeri Ethiop Nigeri Indone Mexic Argent The Global
Business Doing which a country's electoral processes are free, fair, and Turkey
democratic. a ia a sia o ina Economy
Index Score
Regulatory Regulatory Quality captures perceptions of the ability
of the government to formulate and implement sound Algeri Mexic Argent Ethiop Nigeri Indone
Quality Index policies and regulations that permit and promote
Turkey World Bank
a o ina ia a sia
Score private sector development.
Government measures the quality of public services, the quality of Algeri Turke Mexic Indone Argent Ethiop Nigeri World Bank
Effective Index the civil service and its independence from political
a y o sia ina ia a
Rule Of Law It measures how well the rule of law is upheld within a Algeri Turke Indone Mexic Argent Ethiop Nigeri
given country according to several factors
World Bank
Index Score a y sia o ina ia a
Machinery and
measures the performance and trends in the production,
transport Nigeri Indone Argent Turke Algeri Mexic Ethiop
sales, or exports of machinery and transport equipment World Bank
equipment within a specific economy or region. a sia ina y a o ia
Voice and It measures perceptions of the extent to which a
Accountability: country's citizens are able to participate in selecting Algeri Turke Indone Argent Ethiop Mexic Nigeri
their government, as well as freedom of expression,
World Bank
Number of a y sia ina ia o a
Sources freedom of association, and a free media.

Control of It measures perceptions of the extent to which public

Corruption: power is exercised for private gain, including both Algeri Turke Ethiop Mexic Nigeri Indone Argent
petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as
World Bank
Number of a y ia o a sia ina
Sources "capture" of the state by elites and private interests.

refers to an economic indicator that tracks the level of Nigeri Turke Indone Mexic Ethiop Algeri Argent
government debt owed by the central government of a country.
World Bank
a y sia o ia a ina
debt index
Net incurrence refers to an economic indicator that measures the
change in a country's liabilities over a specific period, Nigeri Argent Algeri Ethiop Mexic Indone
of liabilities adjusted for factors such as repayments, interest
Turkey World Bank
a ina a ia o sia
index payments, and other financial transactions.
Imports of
goods and provides insights into the pace of growth or decline in Algeri Turke Ethiop Mexic Argent Indone Nigeri
the volume of imports over a specific period.
World Bank
services annual a y ia o ina sia a
growth index
Manufacturing, provides insights into the pace of growth or decline in Nigeri Indone Ethiop Algeri Mexic Argent Turke World Bank
value added the manufacturing industry over a specific period. a sia ia a o ina y
annual growth
Total refers to the aggregate amount of money spent by the
Nigeri Ethiop Algeri Argent Indone Mexic
Government government over a specific period, typically within a Turkey World Bank
fiscal year. a ia a ina sia o
Transport The Commercial Tax Rate refers to the percentage of
Indone Nigeri Ethiop Turke Mexic Algeri Argent The Global
equipment tax imposed on commercial activities, including the
sale of goods and services. sia a ia y o a ina Economy
exports index
Transport Government accountability refers to the responsibility
of government officials and institutions to act in the Algeri Nigeri Mexic Indone Argent Ethiop The Global
equipment best interests of the public and be answerable for their
a a o sia ina ia Economy
imports index actions and decisions.
Automotive The Participatory Democracy Index measures the
Algeri Turke Ethiop Nigeri Indone Mexic Argent The Global
products degree of citizen participation and engagement in the
democratic process. a y ia a sia o ina Economy
exports index
It measures the degree to which corruption is perceived Nigeri Mexic Indone Turke Algeri Argent
Perceptions to exist among public officials and politicians.
World Bank
a o sia y a ina
Political Rights It evaluates the degree of political freedom and civil Ethiop Algeri Nigeri Mexic Indone Argent
liberties enjoyed by citizens within a particular nation.
Turkey World Bank
Index ia a a o sia ina
Civil Liberties to evaluate the extent to which individuals within a Argent Mexic Indone Algeri Nigeri Ethiop Turke The Global
society enjoy basic freedoms and rights, particularly
Index those protected by law or tradition ina o sia a a ia y Economy


Indicators Indicators meaning Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina Average Sources
represents the total monetary value
GDP Annual of all goods and services produced Trading
7.50 2.40 3.00 3.46 5.04 5.90 -0.80 3.79
Growth Rate within a country's borders over a Economics
specific period, usually a year
refers to the percentage change in
the general price level of goods and Trading
Inflation Rate 28.70 4.88 7.80 29.90 2.57 64.86 211.41 50.02
services in an economy over a Economics
specific period, typically a year.
refers to the difference between the
value of a country's exports and the 205740. Trading
Balance of trade -2920.00 4242.00 3790.00 1438432.00 2015.00 -6170.00 797.00
value of its imports over a specific 86 Economics
period, usually a year or a month.
This metric provides insight into the
average economic well-being and Trading
GDP per Capita 2381.00 10077.00 4000.00 2450.00 4074.00 14055.00 12941.00 7139.71
standard of living of individuals Economics
within a country.
is used to assess a country's ability
Government Trading
to pay back its debt obligations in 31.40 49.60 55.10 38.00 39.90 31.70 85.00 47.24
Debt to GDP Economics
relation to the size of its economy.
refers to the percentage change in
Automotive the production, sales, or revenue of
Industry Growth the automotive sector over a 10.90 11.30 9.12 18.90 31.00 83.00 9.00 24.75
Rate specific period, typically a year or a
refers to the amount of money that
Household households have available for
152026571 1039000000 3350000000 2798810 Trading
Disposable spending and saving after deducting 16,269 11726.34 105449.90 5393.33
000.00 0.00 0.00 1405.51 Economics
Income taxes and other mandatory
refers to the investment made by a
Foreign Direct company or individual in one Trading
748.00 1859.00 0.08 -73.32 196.00 815.00 748.00 613.25
Investment country in business interests in Economics
another country
refers to the process of
Vehicle manufacturing automobiles, 1352648.0 612921.
8000.00 307069.00 2773.00 1,40,000 1470146.00 536893.00 and
production including cars, trucks, buses, and 0 50
other motor vehicles.
refer to the transactions in which
automobiles, including cars, trucks,
vans, buses, and other motor Research
1230000.0 395607.
Vehicle sales vehicles, are sold by manufacturers, 12000.00 47976.00 25402.00 13304.00 1048040.00 392533.00 and
0 86
dealerships, or private sellers to Markets
consumers or businesses for
personal or commercial use.
refers to the net contribution of the
Manufacturing Trading
manufacturing sector to the overall 5% 21.47% 34.84% 13.52% 18.34% 22.11% 16.05% 0.19
Value added Economics
It represents the contribution of
GDP from Trading
manufacturing activities to the 14.94 0.26 9877.30 4.48 0.04 3016.00 1226.13 2019.88
Manufacturing Economics
overall GDP of a nation.
refers to the number of people who
are employed in the manufacturing
sector, which includes industries 5.10% 19% 31.04% 9.60% 13.10% 26.54% 19.95% 0.18 Statista
involved in the production of goods
from raw materials or components.
refers to a measurement or index
Fuel prices used to track changes in the prices 1.37 1.41 0.34 0.69 0.63 1.29 0.85 0.94
of fuel, such as gasoline or diesel.
refers to the income generated by
Passenger Car companies involved in the 51500000. 2178000000 591700000. 1562000000 335000000 1230000000 9177318
29533.23 Statista
Revenue production, sale, leasing, or 00 .00 00 0.00 00.00 0.00 504.75
servicing of passenger cars.
refers to the typical or average cost
Passenger Car 26565.4
consumers pay to purchase a 38250.00 23100.00 23590.00 26018.00 20000.00 30000.00 25000.00 Statista
average price 3
passenger car.
Consumer Price measure that examines the weighted 423.30 133.56 287.70 660.80 105.19 19884.02 3533.14 3575.39 Trading
Index average of prices of a basket of Economics
consumer goods and services, such
as transportation, food, and
medical care.
the lowest hourly wage rate that
Labour Trading
employers are legally permitted to 9.24 12.20 146.00 162.50 0.00 2400.24 1800.00 647.17
Minimum wages Economics
pay their employees
percentage imposed by governments Trading
Sales Tax Rate 15.00 16.00 19.00 7.50 11.00 20.00 21.00 15.64
on the sale of goods and services. Economics
refers to an assessment or ranking
of countries based on their
Terrorism Index susceptibility to terrorism or the 3.04 1.58 4.08 8.07 5.50 5.60 2.88 4.39
prevalence of terrorist activity
within their borders.

Indicators Indicators meaning Ranking of countries (high to low [left to right]) Sources
represents the total monetary value
GDP Annual of all goods and services produced Trading
Argentina Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Ethiopia
Growth Rate within a country's borders over a Economics
specific period, usually a year
refers to the percentage change in
the general price level of goods and Trading
Inflation Rate Indonesia Mexico Algeria Ethiopia Nigeria Turkey Argentina
services in an economy over a Economics
specific period, typically a year.
refers to the difference between the
value of a country's exports and the Trading
Balance of trade Turkey Ethiopia Argentina Indonesia Algeria Mexico Nigeria
value of its imports over a specific Economics
period, usually a year or a month.
This metric provides insight into the
average economic well-being and Trading
GDP per Capita Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Indonesia Mexico Argentina Turkey
standard of living of individuals Economics
within a country.
is used to assess a country's ability
Government Trading
to pay back its debt obligations in Ethiopia Turkey Nigeria Indonesia Mexico Algeria Argentina
Debt to GDP Economics
relation to the size of its economy.
refers to the percentage change in
Automotive the production, sales, or revenue of
Industry Growth the automotive sector over a Argentina Algeria Ethiopia Mexico Nigeria Indonesia Turkey
Rate specific period, typically a year or a
refers to the amount of money that
Household households have available for
Disposable spending and saving after deducting Turkey Nigeria Mexico Indonesia Algeria Argentina Ethiopia
Income taxes and other mandatory
refers to the investment made by a
Foreign Direct company or individual in one Trading
Nigeria Algeria Indonesia Ethiopia Argentina Turkey Mexico
Investment country in business interests in Economics
another country
refers to the process of
Vehicle manufacturing automobiles,
Algeria Ethiopia Mexico Argentina Turkey Indonesia and
production including cars, trucks, buses, and
other motor vehicles.
refer to the transactions in which
automobiles, including cars, trucks,
vans, buses, and other motor Research
Vehicle sales vehicles, are sold by manufacturers, Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Mexico Argentina Indonesia Turkey and
dealerships, or private sellers to Markets
consumers or businesses for
personal or commercial use.
refers to the net contribution of the
Manufacturing Trading
manufacturing sector to the overall Ethiopia Nigeria Argentina Indonesia Mexico Turkey Algeria
Value added Economics
It represents the contribution of
GDP from Trading
manufacturing activities to the Indonesia Mexico Nigeria Ethiopia Argentina Turkey Algeria
Manufacturing Economics
overall GDP of a nation.
Manufacturing refers to the number of people who Ethiopia Nigeria Indonesia Mexico Argentina Turkey Algeria Statista
employment are employed in the manufacturing
sector, which includes industries
involved in the production of goods
from raw materials or components.
refers to a measurement or index
Fuel prices used to track changes in the prices Algeria Indonesia Nigeria Argentina Turkey Ethiopia Mexico
of fuel, such as gasoline or diesel.
refers to the income generated by
Passenger Car companies involved in the
Mexico Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Argentina Indonesia Turkey Statista
Revenue production, sale, leasing, or
servicing of passenger cars.
refers to the typical or average cost
Passenger Car
consumers pay to purchase a Indonesia Mexico Algeria Argentina Nigeria Turkey Ethiopia Statista
average price
passenger car.
measure that examines the weighted
average of prices of a basket of
Consumer Price Trading
consumer goods and services, such Indonesia Mexico Algeria Ethiopia Nigeria Argentina Turkey
Index Economics
as transportation, food, and
medical care.
the lowest hourly wage rate that
Labour Trading
employers are legally permitted to Indonesia Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Argentina Turkey
Minimum wages Economics
pay their employees
percentage imposed by governments Trading
Sales Tax Rate Nigeria Indonesia Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Turkey Argentina
on the sale of goods and services. Economics
refers to an assessment or ranking
of countries based on their
Terrorism Index susceptibility to terrorism or the Mexico Argentina Ethiopia Algeria Indonesia Turkey Nigeria
prevalence of terrorist activity
within their borders.


Ethiopi Indone Argenti Averag
Indicators Indicators meaning Mexico Algeria Nigeria Turkey Sources
a sia na e
refers to the percentage of a
Individuals using internet (%) country's population that has access 16.7 75.6 70.8 55.4 66.5 83.4 88.4 65.26
to the internet. World Bank
refers to the percentage or number
of individuals within a country's
Population aged 65+ 3.1 8.3 6.4 3.0 6.9 8.6 11.9 6.89
population who are aged 65 years or
older. World Bank
refers to the number of brand-new
passenger cars sold by automotive
486962. 783563. 592660. 260876. 374641.
New passenger car sales manufacturers or dealerships within 5100.0
0 0 0 0 67
a specified period, typically on a 118689 The Global
monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. .0 Economy
refer to the number of brand-new
commercial vehicles sold by 647480. 264477. 234503. 146732. 217367.
New commercial car sales 4700.0
automotive manufacturers or 0 0 0 0 17 The Global
dealerships within a specified period. 6311.0 Economy
measure that assesses the degree
of social interconnectedness or
Social Globalisation Index (0-100) 52.0 71.0 49.0 40.0 52.0 64.0 71.0 57.00
integration between countries on a The Global
global scale. Economy
is a composite statistic used to rank
Human development Index (0-1) countries based on their level of 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.68 The Global
human development. Economy
The migrant population percentage
refers to the proportion of the total
Migrant Population (%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 4.0 5.0 1.86
population in each area that consists The Global
of migrants. Economy
refers to the number of deaths
Deaths by air pollution attributable to exposure to air 84184.5
(out/indoor) pollution, categorized by the location 197567. 186267. 7 Our World In
of exposure—outdoor or indoor. 77020.0 48332.0 22162.0 0 0 44166.0 13778.0 Data
Median age It is a statistical measure used to 18.8 29.8 28.2 17.2 29.9 31.8 31.9 26.80 Our World In
describe the age distribution of a Data
refers to the rate at which a
population increases or decreases
Natural population growth rate
due to natural causes such as births 2.6 0.6 1.7 2.4 0.6 2.4 0.5 1.53
and deaths, excluding the effects of Our World In
migration. Data
This metric provides insights into the
Population of age group 25-64 size of the working-age population
43.1 63.3 21.9 72.9 141.3 44.7 22.4 58.52
(million) within a given demographic or Our World In
geographic area. Data
refers to the condition and
Road Quality (1-7) maintenance level of roads within a 3.0 4.5 4.0 2.5 4.2 5.0 3.6 3.83 The Global
given area or country. Economy
measures the proportion of the
population aged 15 to 24 years who
are either employed or actively
seeking employment as a
Labor force participation rate for percentage of the total population in
ages 15-24, total (%) that age group. 69.0 44.0 23.0 24.0 45.0 44.0 37.0 World Bank
refers to the number of deaths
Road fatalities (death rate per resulting from road traffic accidents,
42.4 12.9 21.8 27.3 11.9 6.5 13.9 19.52
100,000) expressed as a rate per 100,000 World Health
population. Rankings
It is a key demographic indicator
used to understand population - - - - -
Net migration -1391.0 2344.0 33082.5
dynamics and migration patterns 52649.0 18797.0 76364.0 14992.0 69729.0
within a country or region. World Bank
used to quantify the number of
Registered vehicles per 1000 vehicles registered in a specific
6.7 334.6 62.2 490.4 260.3 495.4 274.93
people geographic area relative to its Our World In
population size. Data
refers to the percentage of a
Urban population (% of total
country's or region's total population 23.0 81.0 75.0 54.0 58.0 77.0 92.0 65.71
that resides in urban areas. World Bank
High-technology exports (% of refers to the percentage of a 3.2 19.4 1.0 2.4 7.9 3.6 4.8 6.04 World Bank
country's manufactured exports that
manufactured exports) are classified as high-technology
refers to the number of people World
Social Media users (in millions) actively using social media platforms 6.4 94.0 24.0 31.6 167.0 62.6 36.4 60.26 Population
worldwide, measured in millions Review
percentage of automotive parts and
components that are imported into a
Automotive parts imports (%) country relative to the total . 13.5 -24.6 17.6 32.6 5.3 19.4 10.63
automotive parts consumed or used World's Top
within the country. Exports
refers to the percentage of
Literacy rate of people obove
individuals aged 15 years and older 52.0 95.0 81.0 62.0 96.0 97.0 97.0 82.86
15yrs (%)
within a population who are literate. World Bank

Indicators Indicators meaning Ranking of countries (high to low [left to right]) Sources
refers to the percentage of a
Ethiopi Indones Argenti
Individuals using internet (%) country's population that has access Nigeria Algeria Mexico Turkey
a ia na
to the internet. World Bank
refers to the percentage or number
of individuals within a country's Ethiopi Indones Argenti
Population aged 65+ Nigeria Algeria Mexico Turkey
population who are aged 65 years or a ia na
older. World Bank
refers to the number of brand-new
passenger cars sold by automotive
Argenti Indones
New passenger car sales manufacturers or dealerships within Nigeria Algeria Mexico Turkey
na ia
a specified period, typically on a The Global
monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Economy
refer to the number of brand-new
commercial vehicles sold by Argenti Indones
New commercial car sales Nigeria Algeria Turkey Mexico
automotive manufacturers or na ia The Global
dealerships within a specified period. Economy
measure that assesses the degree
of social interconnectedness or Indones Argenti
Social Globalisation Index (0-100) Nigeria Algeria Ethiopia Turkey Mexico
integration between countries on a ia na The Global
global scale. Economy
is a composite statistic used to rank
Ethiopi Indones Argenti
Human development Index (0-1) countries based on their level of Turkey Algeria Nigeria Mexico The Global
a ia na
human development. Economy
The migrant population percentage
refers to the proportion of the total Indones Ethiopi Argenti
Migrant Population (%) Mexico Algeria Nigeria Turkey
population in a given area that ia a na The Global
consists of migrants. Economy
refers to the number of deaths
Deaths by air pollution attributable to exposure to air Argenti Ethiopi Indones
Algeria Turkey Mexico Nigeria
(out/indoor) pollution, categorized by the location na a ia Our World In
of exposure—outdoor or indoor. Data
It is a statistical measure used to
Ethiopi Indones Argenti
Median age describe the age distribution of a Nigeria Algeria Mexico Turkey Our World In
a ia na
population. Data
refers to the rate at which a
population increases or decreases
Natural population growth rate Argenti Indones Ethiopi
due to natural causes such as births Mexico Algeria Nigeria Turkey
(%) na ia a
and deaths, excluding the effects of Our World In
migration. Data
This metric provides insights into the
Population of age group 25-64 size of the working-age population Argenti Indones
Algeria Ethiopia Turkey Mexico Nigeria
(million) within a given demographic or na ia Our World In
geographic area. Data
refers to the condition and
Ethiopi Argenti Indones
Road Quality (1-7) maintenance level of roads within a Nigeria Algeria Mexico Turkey The Global
a na ia
given area or country. Economy
measures the proportion of the
population aged 15 to 24 years who
are either employed or actively Argenti Indones
Algeria Nigeria Mexico Turkey Ehtopia
seeking employment as a na ia
Labor force participation rate for percentage of the total population in
ages 15-24, total (%) that age group. World Bank
refers to the number of deaths
Road fatalities (death rate per resulting from road traffic accidents, Indones Argenti Ethiopi
Turkey Mexico Algeria Nigeria
100,000) expressed as a rate per 100,000 ia na a World Health
population. Rankings
It is a key demographic indicator
used to understand population Indones Argenti
Net migration Nigeria Turkey Mexico Algeria Ethiopia
dynamics and migration patterns ia na
within a country or region. World Bank
used to quantify the number of
Registered vehicles per 1000 vehicles registered in a specific Ethiopi Indones Argenti
Nigeria Turkey Mexico
people geographic area relative to its a ia na Our World In
population size. Data
refers to the percentage of a
Urban population (% of total Ethiopi Indones Argenti
country's or region's total population Nigeria Algeria Turkey Mexico
population) a ia na
that resides in urban areas. World Bank
refers to the percentage of a
High-technology exports (% of country's manufactured exports that Argenti Indones
Algeria Nigeria Ethiopia Turkey Mexico
manufactured exports) are classified as high-technology na ia
products. World Bank
refers to the number of people World
Ethiopi Argenti Indones
Social Media users (in millions) actively using social media platforms Algeria Nigeria Turkey Mexico Population
a na ia
worldwide, measured in millions Review
percentage of automotive parts and
components that are imported into a
Argenti Indones
Automotive parts imports (%) country relative to the total Algeria Turkey Mexico Nigeria
na ia
automotive parts consumed or used World's Top
within the country. Exports
refers to the percentage of
Literacy rate of people obove Ethiopi Indones Argenti
individuals aged 15 years and older Nigeria Algeria Mexico Turkey
15yrs (%) a ia na
within a population who are literate. World Bank


Indicators Indicators meaning Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina Average Sources
refers to an indicator used by the
PPPs Regulatory
World Bank to assess the regulatory
Quality (scale 1- 41.0 84.0 63.0 53.0 58.0 65.0 74.0 62.57 World Bank
quality in the context of Public-
Private Partnerships
This indicator assesses the ease of
getting electricity for businesses
according to the methodology used in 59.3 71.0 62.0 34.7 83.9 81.0 70.0 65.99 World Bank
the Doing Business reports during
that period.
Control of refers to an estimate or measurement
Corruption: of the level of control of corruption -0.4 -1.0 -0.6 -1.1 -0.4 -0.5 -0.4 -0.63 World Bank
Estimate within a particular country or region
Government refers to an estimate of the level of
Effectiveness: government effectiveness within a -0.7 -0.3 -0.5 -1.0 0.4 -0.5 -0.3 -0.41 World Bank
Estimate specific country or region
This indicator assesses the efficiency,
transparency, and effectiveness of the
judicial system in resolving 60.0 67.0 54.8 57.6 47.2 69.9 55.7 58.89 World Bank
commercial disputes and enforcing
refers to an estimated measurement
Rule of Law:
of the rule of law within a specific -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.9 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 -0.51 World Bank
country or region
Voice and It measures the extent to which -1.2 0.0 -1.0 -0.4 0.2 -0.8 0.5 -0.39 World Bank
Accountability: citizens of a country are able to
Estimate participate in the political process,
express their opinions, and hold their
government accountable for its
Landmine and
Cluster Munition
an initiative that monitors and
Monitor - state
reports on the implementation of
party to Mine 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00 World Bank
international agreements related to
landmines and cluster munitions.
Score-Dealing refers to a specific indicator or
with construction assessment within the context of the 52.8 68.2 64.6 59.0 65.9 73.4 49.3 61.89 World Bank
permits World Bank's Doing Business report.
refers to a numerical assessment that
Ease of doing quantifies the overall ease or
47.1 72.3 48.5 53.4 68.2 75.3 58.2 60.43 World Bank
business score difficulty of conducting business
activities within a particular country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
accessing credit for businesses within 15.0 90.0 10.0 85.0 70.0 75.0 50.0 56.43 World Bank
a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
paying taxes for businesses within a 63.3 65.6 53.9 53.5 68.4 74.8 49.3 61.26 World Bank
specific country
Score-Protecting evaluate the legal protections and
minority safeguards available for minority 10.0 62.0 20.0 72.0 70.0 76.0 62.0 53.14 World Bank
investors shareholders in a specific country
measure used to assess the
Quality of land
effectiveness, efficiency, and
administration 4.0 16.3 7.5 5.5 15.5 27.0 13.5 12.76 World Bank
reliability of land administration
index (0-30)
systems within a country
Strength of measure used to assess the
insolvency effectiveness, efficiency, and
5.0 11.5 7.0 5.0 10.5 10.5 9.5 8.43 World Bank
framework index robustness of a country's insolvency
(0-16) or bankruptcy laws and procedures.
Score-Paid-in evaluates the minimum amount of 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 World Bank
Minimum capital
capital required for starting a
(% of income per
business in a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
trading goods across borders in a 56.0 82.1 38.4 23.1 66.5 91.4 65.6 60.44 World Bank
across borders
specific country

Indicators Indicators meaning Ranking of countries (high to low [left to right]) Sources
refers to an indicator used by the
PPPs Regulatory
World Bank to assess the regulatory
Quality (scale 1- Ethiopia Nigeria Indonesia Algeria Turkey Argentina Mexico World Bank
quality in the context of Public-
Private Partnerships
This indicator assesses the ease of
getting electricity for businesses
according to the methodology used in Nigeria Ethiopia Algeria Argentina Mexico Turkey Indonesia World Bank
the Doing Business reports during
that period.
Control of refers to an estimate or measurement
Corruption: of the level of control of corruption Nigeria Mexico Algeria Turkey Ethiopia Indonesia Argentina World Bank
Estimate within a particular country or region
Government refers to an estimate of the level of
Effectiveness: government effectiveness within a Nigeria Ethiopia Algeria Turkey Mexico Argentina Indonesia World Bank
Estimate specific country or region
This indicator assesses the efficiency,
transparency, and effectiveness of the
judicial system in resolving Indonesia Algeria Argentina Nigeria Ethiopia Mexico Turkey World Bank
commercial disputes and enforcing
refers to an estimated measurement
Rule of Law:
of the rule of law within a specific Nigeria Algeria Mexico Ethiopia Turkey Indonesia Argentina World Bank
country or region
Voice and It measures the extent to which Ethiopia Algeria Turkey Nigeria Mexico Indonesia Argentina World Bank
Accountability: citizens of a country are able to
participate in the political process,
express their opinions, and hold their
government accountable for its
Landmine and
Cluster Munition
an initiative that monitors and
Monitor - state
reports on the implementation of
party to Mine Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Nigeria World Bank
international agreements related to
landmines and cluster munitions.
Score-Dealing refers to a specific indicator or
with construction assessment within the context of the Argentina Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
permits World Bank's Doing Business report.
refers to a numerical assessment that
Ease of doing quantifies the overall ease or
Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Argentina Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
business score difficulty of conducting business
activities within a particular country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
accessing credit for businesses within Algeria Ethiopia Argentina Indonesia Turkey Nigeria Mexico World Bank
a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
paying taxes for businesses within a Argentina Nigeria Algeria Ethiopia Mexico Indonesia Turkey World Bank
specific country
Score-Protecting evaluate the legal protections and
minority safeguards available for minority Ethiopia Algeria Mexico Argentina Indonesia Nigeria Turkey World Bank
investors shareholders in a specific country
measure used to assess the
Quality of land
effectiveness, efficiency, and
administration Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Argentina Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
reliability of land administration
index (0-30)
systems within a country
Strength of measure used to assess the Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Argentina Indonesia Turkey Mexico World Bank
insolvency effectiveness, efficiency, and
framework index robustness of a country's insolvency
(0-16) or bankruptcy laws and procedures.
evaluates the minimum amount of
Minimum capital
capital required for starting a Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina World Bank
(% of income per
business in a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
trading goods across borders in a Nigeria Algeria Ethiopia Argentina Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
across borders
specific country

Indonesi Argentin
Indicators Indicators meaning Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Turkey Average Sources
a a
refer to the fees or royalties paid by
Intellectual Property individuals or entities for the use of 4321444. 122677.2 252840.0 2063949. 2853000. 1741243. 1622628.
3241.50 World Bank
Usage Fees intellectual property (IP) owned by 24 1 0 84 00 24 00
another party.
refer to products or goods that involve a
High Technology high level of technology, innovation, or
6.00 21.00 1.00 2.00 8.00 3.00 9.00 7.14 World Bank
Exports research and development (R&D) in their
production process.
these are patent applications submitted
Patent applications, by foreign applicants seeking patent The Global
54.00 13180.00 547.00 598.00 6851.00 238.00 2562.00 3432.86
non-residents protection within the jurisdiction of the Economy
country in question.
refers to the proportion of a country's
Research and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is
Development allocated towards funding research and 0.00 0.32 0.23 0.00 0.05 0.52 0.42 0.22 World Bank
Expenditure (%GDP) development (R&D) activities. It is
typically expressed as a percentage.
refer to papers published in peer-
Scientific and
reviewed journals that report on original
technical journal 3968.00 20074.00 5689.00 7900.00 32544.00 42623.00 9730.00 17504.00 World Bank
research findings in various scientific and
technical fields
Charges for the use of refers to the revenue generated by a 344.40 1712564. 468.64 7827.51 213320.4 234000.0 204704.8 339032.9 The Global
intellectual property, country from allowing the use of its 97 1 0 6 7 Economy
receipts (BoP, current intellectual property (IP) assets by
US$) entities located outside its borders.
refers to the total value of exports of
High-technology 6963103 5971475. 4068849. 1487360. 1159914 The Global
high-technology products by a country, 7925.74 9027.40 18315.64
exports (current US$) 9.38 93 60 18 1.98 Economy
measured in current US dollars.
these are patent applications submitted
Patent applications, by domestic applicants seeking patent Our World In
6.00 1132.00 163.00 410.00 1309.00 7920.00 930.00 1695.71
residents protection within their own country's Data
refers to the number of researchers
Researchers in R&D engaged in research and development
90.00 320.00 832.00 39.00 216.00 1369.00 1212.00 582.57 World Bank
(per million people) (R&D) activities per million people in a
given population.
refers to the number of technicians
Technicians in R&D employed in research and development Our World In
33.00 140.00 42.00 13.00 17.00 354.00 350.00 135.57
(per million people) (R&D) activities per million people in a Data
given population.
refers to financial assistance provided by
Technical cooperation
one country to another for the purpose of 1887700 1073000 1628200 2307500 2853200 5964800 3061000 2288642
grants (BoP, current World Bank
supporting technical cooperation 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 0.00 85.71
Automated teller refers to the number of ATMs available
Our World In
machines (ATMs) (per for public use per 100,000 adults within a 0.46 62.26 9.30 16.15 48.09 80.37 62.99 39.95
100,000 adults) given population.
Mobile cellular refers to the number of mobile cellular
subscriptions (per 100 subscriptions available for every 100 56.00 100.00 109.00 102.00 115.00 106.00 132.00 102.86 World Bank
people) individuals within a given population.
A composite indicator measuring a
Innovations index (0- The Global
country's innovation activity and 16.30 31.00 16.70 16.90 27.90 38.10 28.60 25.07
100) Economy
capability, typically scored from 0 to 100.
The percentage of high-technology
High tech exports,
products within a country's total The Global
percent of 3.21 19.35 2.38 7.94 3.62 4.75 6.88
manufactured exports, indicating its Economy
manufactured exports
specialization in high-tech industries.
Information The share of information technology 0.71 14.36 0.09 2.92 0.88 0.03 3.17 The Global
technology exports, products and services within a country's Economy
percent of total goods total merchandise exports, highlighting
exports its role in the digital economy.
The number of patent applications filed
with the national patent office by
Patent applications by individuals, companies, or organizations The Global
1117.00 268.00 1397.00 8234.00 406.00 2284.40
residents residing within the country, reflecting its Economy
inventive activity and technological

Indicators Indicators meaning Ranking of countries (high to low [left to right]) Sources
refer to the fees or royalties paid by
Intellectual Property individuals or entities for the use of Argentin Indonesi
Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Turkey Mexico World Bank
Usage Fees intellectual property (IP) owned by a a
another party.
refer to products or goods that involve a
High Technology high level of technology, innovation, or Indonesi Argentin
Algeria Nigeria Turkey Ethiopia Mexico World Bank
Exports research and development (R&D) in their a a
production process.
these are patent applications submitted
Patent applications, by foreign applicants seeking patent Argentin Indonesi The Global
Ethiopia Turkey Algeria Nigeria Mexico
non-residents protection within the jurisdiction of the a a Economy
country in question.
refers to the proportion of a country's
Research and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is
Indonesi Argentin
Development allocated towards funding research and Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Mexico Turkey World Bank
a a
Expenditure (%GDP) development (R&D) activities. It is
typically expressed as a percentage.
Scientific and refer to papers published in peer- Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Argentin Mexico Indonesi Turkey World Bank
reviewed journals that report on original
technical journal
research findings in various scientific and a a
technical fields
Charges for the use of refers to the revenue generated by a
intellectual property, country from allowing the use of its Argentin Indonesi The Global
Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Turkey Mexico
receipts (BoP, current intellectual property (IP) assets by a a Economy
US$) entities located outside its borders.
refers to the total value of exports of
High-technology Argentin Indonesi The Global
high-technology products by a country, Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Turkey Mexico
exports (current US$) a a Economy
measured in current US dollars.
these are patent applications submitted
Patent applications, by domestic applicants seeking patent Argentin Indonesi Our World In
Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Mexico Turkey
residents protection within their own country's a a Data
refers to the number of researchers
Researchers in R&D engaged in research and development Indonesi Argentin
Nigeria Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Turkey World Bank
(per million people) (R&D) activities per million people in a a a
given population.
refers to the number of technicians
Technicians in R&D employed in research and development Indonesi Argentin Our World In
Nigeria Ethiopia Algeria Mexico Turkey
(per million people) (R&D) activities per million people in a a a Data
given population.
refers to financial assistance provided by
Technical cooperation
one country to another for the purpose of Argentin Indonesi
grants (BoP, current Mexico Algeria Ethiopia Nigeria Turkey World Bank
supporting technical cooperation a a
Automated teller refers to the number of ATMs available
Indonesi Argentin Our World In
machines (ATMs) (per for public use per 100,000 adults within a Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Mexico Turkey
a a Data
100,000 adults) given population.
Mobile cellular refers to the number of mobile cellular
Indonesi Argentin
subscriptions (per 100 subscriptions available for every 100 Ethiopia Mexico Nigeria Turkey Algeria World Bank
a a
people) individuals within a given population.
A composite indicator measuring a
Innovations index (0- Indonesi Argentin The Global
country's innovation activity and Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Mexico Turkey
100) a a Economy
capability, typically scored from 0 to 100.
The percentage of high-technology
High tech exports,
products within a country's total Argentin Indonesi The Global
percent of Nigeria Ethiopia Turkey Mexico
manufactured exports, indicating its a a Economy
manufactured exports
specialization in high-tech industries.
Information The share of information technology
technology exports, products and services within a country's Argentin Indonesi The Global
Nigeria Ethiopia Turkey Mexico
percent of total goods total merchandise exports, highlighting a a Economy
exports its role in the digital economy.
The number of patent applications filed
with the national patent office by
Patent applications by individuals, companies, or organizations Argentin Indonesi The Global
Algeria Mexico Turkey
residents residing within the country, reflecting its a a Economy
inventive activity and technological


Indicators Indicators meaning Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina Average Sources
refers to an indicator used by the
PPPs Regulatory
World Bank to assess the regulatory
Quality (scale 1- 41.0 84.0 63.0 53.0 58.0 65.0 74.0 62.57 World Bank
quality in the context of Public-
Private Partnerships
This indicator assesses the ease of
getting electricity for businesses
according to the methodology used in 59.3 71.0 62.0 34.7 83.9 81.0 70.0 65.99 World Bank
the Doing Business reports during
that period.
Control of refers to an estimate or measurement
Corruption: of the level of control of corruption -0.4 -1.0 -0.6 -1.1 -0.4 -0.5 -0.4 -0.63 World Bank
Estimate within a particular country or region
Government refers to an estimate of the level of -0.7 -0.3 -0.5 -1.0 0.4 -0.5 -0.3 -0.41 World Bank
Effectiveness: government effectiveness within a
Estimate specific country or region
This indicator assesses the efficiency,
transparency, and effectiveness of the
judicial system in resolving 60.0 67.0 54.8 57.6 47.2 69.9 55.7 58.89 World Bank
commercial disputes and enforcing
refers to an estimated measurement
Rule of Law:
of the rule of law within a specific -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.9 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2 -0.51 World Bank
country or region
It measures the extent to which
citizens of a country are able to
Voice and
participate in the political process,
Accountability: -1.2 0.0 -1.0 -0.4 0.2 -0.8 0.5 -0.39 World Bank
express their opinions, and hold their
government accountable for its
Landmine and
Cluster Munition
an initiative that monitors and
Monitor - state
reports on the implementation of
party to Mine 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00 World Bank
international agreements related to
landmines and cluster munitions.
Score-Dealing refers to a specific indicator or
with construction assessment within the context of the 52.8 68.2 64.6 59.0 65.9 73.4 49.3 61.89 World Bank
permits World Bank's Doing Business report.
refers to a numerical assessment that
Ease of doing quantifies the overall ease or
47.1 72.3 48.5 53.4 68.2 75.3 58.2 60.43 World Bank
business score difficulty of conducting business
activities within a particular country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
accessing credit for businesses within 15.0 90.0 10.0 85.0 70.0 75.0 50.0 56.43 World Bank
a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
paying taxes for businesses within a 63.3 65.6 53.9 53.5 68.4 74.8 49.3 61.26 World Bank
specific country
Score-Protecting evaluate the legal protections and
minority safeguards available for minority 10.0 62.0 20.0 72.0 70.0 76.0 62.0 53.14 World Bank
investors shareholders in a specific country
measure used to assess the
Quality of land
effectiveness, efficiency, and
administration 4.0 16.3 7.5 5.5 15.5 27.0 13.5 12.76 World Bank
reliability of land administration
index (0-30)
systems within a country
Strength of measure used to assess the
insolvency effectiveness, efficiency, and
5.0 11.5 7.0 5.0 10.5 10.5 9.5 8.43 World Bank
framework index robustness of a country's insolvency
(0-16) or bankruptcy laws and procedures.
evaluates the minimum amount of
Minimum capital
capital required for starting a 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 World Bank
(% of income per
business in a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
trading goods across borders in a 56.0 82.1 38.4 23.1 66.5 91.4 65.6 60.44 World Bank
across borders
specific country

Indicators Indicators meaning Ranking of countries (high to low [left to right]) Sources
refers to an indicator used by the
PPPs Regulatory
World Bank to assess the regulatory
Quality (scale 1- Ethiopia Nigeria Indonesia Algeria Turkey Argentina Mexico World Bank
quality in the context of Public-
Private Partnerships
Score-Getting This indicator assesses the ease of Nigeria Ethiopia Algeria Argentina Mexico Turkey Indonesia World Bank
electricity getting electricity for businesses
according to the methodology used in
the Doing Business reports during
that period.
Control of refers to an estimate or measurement
Corruption: of the level of control of corruption Nigeria Mexico Algeria Turkey Ethiopia Indonesia Argentina World Bank
Estimate within a particular country or region
Government refers to an estimate of the level of
Effectiveness: government effectiveness within a Nigeria Ethiopia Algeria Turkey Mexico Argentina Indonesia World Bank
Estimate specific country or region
This indicator assesses the efficiency,
transparency, and effectiveness of the
judicial system in resolving Indonesia Algeria Argentina Nigeria Ethiopia Mexico Turkey World Bank
commercial disputes and enforcing
refers to an estimated measurement
Rule of Law:
of the rule of law within a specific Nigeria Algeria Mexico Ethiopia Turkey Indonesia Argentina World Bank
country or region
It measures the extent to which
citizens of a country are able to
Voice and
participate in the political process,
Accountability: Ethiopia Algeria Turkey Nigeria Mexico Indonesia Argentina World Bank
express their opinions, and hold their
government accountable for its
Landmine and
Cluster Munition
an initiative that monitors and
Monitor - state
reports on the implementation of
party to Mine Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Nigeria World Bank
international agreements related to
landmines and cluster munitions.
Score-Dealing refers to a specific indicator or
with construction assessment within the context of the Argentina Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
permits World Bank's Doing Business report.
Ease of doing refers to a numerical assessment that Ethiopia Algeria Nigeria Argentina Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
business score quantifies the overall ease or
difficulty of conducting business
activities within a particular country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
accessing credit for businesses within Algeria Ethiopia Argentina Indonesia Turkey Nigeria Mexico World Bank
a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
paying taxes for businesses within a Argentina Nigeria Algeria Ethiopia Mexico Indonesia Turkey World Bank
specific country
Score-Protecting evaluate the legal protections and
minority safeguards available for minority Ethiopia Algeria Mexico Argentina Indonesia Nigeria Turkey World Bank
investors shareholders in a specific country
measure used to assess the
Quality of land
effectiveness, efficiency, and
administration Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Argentina Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
reliability of land administration
index (0-30)
systems within a country
Strength of measure used to assess the
insolvency effectiveness, efficiency, and
Ethiopia Nigeria Algeria Argentina Indonesia Turkey Mexico World Bank
framework index robustness of a country's insolvency
(0-16) or bankruptcy laws and procedures.
evaluates the minimum amount of
Minimum capital
capital required for starting a Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina World Bank
(% of income per
business in a specific country
evaluates the ease or difficulty of
trading goods across borders in a Nigeria Algeria Ethiopia Argentina Indonesia Mexico Turkey World Bank
across borders
specific country

Table 7: BERI Index

Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina

t Rating Rating Rating Rating
Index g Index Index g Index g Index Index Index
Political 2 2 4 4 8 2 4 2 4 3 6 3 6 3 6
Ease of
Business Doing 1.5 1 1.5 4 6 1 1.5 2 3 3 4.5 4 6 2 3
Index Score
GDP Annual
2 4 8 1 2 2 4 2 4 3 6 3 6 0 0
Growth Rate
Industry 1.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 0 0 1 1.5 2 2 4 6 0 0
Growth Rate
Inflation Rate 0.5 2 1 4 2 3 1.5 2 1 4 2 1 0.5 0 0
1 2 2 0 0 2 2 4 4 1 1 2 2
parts imports
Air Quality
0.5 2 1 3 1.5 2 1 4 2 3 1.5 3 1.5 0 0
1 3 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4 2 2 0 0
tax rate
1 4 4 2 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 3 3
GDP from
1 2 2 4 4 0 0 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 1
Control of
0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 4 2 1 0.5 1 0.5 3 1.5 1 0.5
applications, 0.5 0 0 2 1 1 0.5 1 0.5 2 1 4 2 2 1
Research and
1.5 - - 2 3 2 3 1 1.5 1 1.5 4 6 3 4.5
Social Media
users (in 0.5 0 0 3 1.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 4 2 2 1 1 0.5
Strength of
1 1 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 3
index (0-16)
Manufacturing, 0.5 1 0.5 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 3 1.5
value added
annual growth
quality index 1 4 4 3 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
Balance of
1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 4 2 2
0.5 0 0 3 1.5 4 2 1 0.5 2 1 4 2 3 1.5
Sales tax rate 1 2 2 1 4 3 1 1
globalisation 0.5 2 1 4 2 1 0.5 0 0 2 1 3 1.5 4 2
Road fatalities 0.5 4 2 2 1 3 1.5 3 1.5 2 1 0 0 2 1
0.5 0 0 3 1.5 3 1.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 3 1.5 4 2
vehicles per 0.5 0 0 3 1.5 - - 1 0.5 4 2 3 1.5 4 2
1000 people
technology 0.5 3 1.5 0 0 4 2 3 1.5 1 0.5 2 1 2 1
Technicians in
0.5 1 0.5 2 1 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 4 2 4 2
Score getting
0.5 0 0 4 2 0 0 4 2 3 1.5 3 1.5 2 1
effectiveness 1.5 3 4.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 0 0 2 3 1 1.5
Total 25 44.5 59 36 47 56.5 67.5 45
Table 8: Market Attractiveness Index

Indicators Weight Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina

15% 0.45 0.75 0.45 0.45 0.6 0.6 0.6
Ease of
5% 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.25
Doing Index
GDP Annual
15% 0.75 0.3 0.45 0.45 0.6 0.6 0.15
Growth Rate
Industry 10% 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.1
Growth Rate
Inflation Rate 5% 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.45 0.25 0.1 0.05
10% 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.1
Tax Rate
GDP from
10% 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3
Balance of
10% 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.2
Sales Tax
5% 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.2 0.05 0.05
15% 0.15 0.6 0.45 0.3 0.3 0.45 0.75
Total 100% 2.7 3.45 2.4 3.5 3.7 3.15 2.55

Table 9: Competitive Strength

Indicators Weight Ethiopia Mexico Algeria Nigeria Indonesia Turkey Argentina

Social media 5% 0.05 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.15 0.1
Strength of 15% 0.15 0.75 0.3 0.15 0.6 0.6 0.45
index (0-16)
Social 10% 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5
Automotive 10% - 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.4
parts imports
Registered 10% 0.1 0.4 - 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5
vehicles per
1000 people
High- 5% 0.15 0.05 0.25 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.15
Technicians in 5% 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.25 0.25
Labor force 10% 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2
rate for ages
15-24, total
Foreign direct 15% 0.45 0.75 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.45
Vehicle Sales 15% 0.15 0.6 0.45 0.15 0.75 0.75 0.6
Total 100% 1.95 4.0 1.75 1.5 3.75 3.65 3.6

Figure 1: GE Matrix

Market Attractiveness

E Ar



Country Competitiveness

Key to all Tables and Figures

Table 1 to Table 6
Colour Key
High Low

Table 7
Formula: BERI Index = (Weight Multiply Scores of Indicators) * (rating)

0 - unacceptable; 1 - poor; 2 - average conditions; 3 - above average conditions; 4 - superior conditions

Total Points
>80: favourable environment for investors and advanced economy
70-79: not so favourable but advanced economy
55-69: immature economy but has investment potential
40-54: high risk country and less developed
<40: very high risk

Colour Key
Most favourable Least favourable

Table 8
Formula: MA Index = (Weight) * (Scores of indicator scale)
1 – not attractive; 2 - average attractiveness; 3 - above average attractiveness; 4 - high attractiveness;
5 – very high attractiveness

Table 9
Formula: CS Index = (Weight) * (Scores of Indicator scale)
1 – negligible strength; 2 - average strength; 3 - above average strength; 4 - high strength; 5 – very high strength

Fig. 1
ZONE 1: Primary Opportunity
ZONE 2: Secondary Opportunity
ZONE 3: Tertiary Opportunity

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