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Finish the following sentences with the correct conditional.

1) If I hadn’t drunk so much coffee last night...

2) If I had time this week...
3) I would have brought more money.....
4) If I had known my favourite film was on TV last night....
5) If I remember your birthday next month....
6) Plants die....
7) What would you do....
8) If I went to bed earlier....
9) If he hadn’t been drunk....
10) If I win the lottery....
11) If he knew the truth…
12) Will we still go to the beach…
13) The picnic would have been great....
14) I could go to college.....
15) She won’t lend you her CD player …
16) If they enjoyed school more…
17) Mum could have made the cake....
18) Ice-cream melts...
19) If you arrive so late....
20) If Lisa passes her driving test …
21) What will he do …
22) If my brother and I stopped bickering…
23) I could finish my book….
24) Mark can have a dog….
25) If my dad had taken me to school…..
26) Where would you have gone….
27) When you water the plants…..
28) I wouldn’t eat that….
29) They could have finished their meal…..
30) If I press this button…..

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