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GENERAL PARTS OF THE BODY Lungs – polmoni Stacks – pile

Arms- braccia Multifidus – muscle under the weight bench long, low surface
Back – schiena erector spinae used when lifting weightsdumb
Nails – unghie Weight machine – macchina per
Eyes – occhi Neck - collo
Bench – where you sit on
Face – faccia Obliques – obliqui are two sets of
Brand – a type of product made
Feet (foot) – piedi (piede) muscles that run along the sides
by a particular company under a
of the abdomen
Fingers - dita particular nome
Hands – mani
Pectorals – pettorali are the Bend – piegare
Head – testa
wide, flat muscles on the front of
Knees – ginocchia Elliptical trainer – ellittica
your chest
Legs – gambe Handlebar – manubrio per
Pelvis - bacino
Lips – labbra tenersi
Posture – postura is the position
Mouth – bocca Recument bike – bici sdraiata a
in which a person hold his or her
stationary bike that has a semi-
Neck – collo body
reclined backrest
Nose – naso Quadriceps – quadricipiti
Rowing machine - vogatore
Shoulders – spalle Rectus abdominis – retto
Stair stepper – stepper per scale
Stomach – stomaco addominale
Straight - dritta
Teeth (tooth) – denti (dente) Rotator cuff – cuffia dei rotatori a
Treadmill – tapis roulant
Toes – dita dei piedi group of muscles inside the
shoulders Upright bike – bici verticale a
Tongue – lingua workout machine that mimics
Elbow – gomito Shin - stinco
the classic bike
Armpit - ascella Shoulder – spalla
Preprogrammed – the condition
BODY MUSCLES Spine – colonna vertebrale is a
of having a present workout plan
series of bones that runs up a
Ankle - caviglia Dual- action bike – a stationary
person’s back
Biceps – bicipiti are on the front bike with moving handlebars
Thingh – coscia
Bottom – sedere ACTIONS
Trapezius – trapezio is shaped
Calf (calves) – polpaccio (to) Bend – piegare to curve
like triangles and latissimus dorsi
(polpacci) something so that it’s no longer
are wide, flat muscle on the back
Calves – muscoli del polpaccio in a straight or upright position
Triceps – tricipiti are on the back
Chest - pettorali (to) Hold - tenere
Waist - vita
Deltoids – deltoidi are the Jog – fare jogging to run or trota t
Wrist – polso
muscles that go around the a slow or leisurely pace
shoulders EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 1 jump – saltare to spring or leap
Elbow – gomito Ankle weigh – peso alla caviglia into the air
Erector spinae – 3 muscles from Barbell – manubrio a long, metal (to) Lean – appoggiarsi to move
the neck to the lower back bar with weights attached at one’s weight to one side
Fist – pugno either end (to) Lift – sollevare to raise
Dumbpell – manubrio da mano a something or someone upward
Forearm - avambraccio
handheld weight set at a fixed Lunge – balzare in avanti
Gluteals – glutei
weight or with adjustable weight Raise - aumentare
Hamstrings – muscoli coscia
Kettlebell – peso per squat cost Reach – raggiungere to extend a
Heel – tallone iron, circular (round) weight with part of the body in a particular
Hip – anca a handle direction
Hip flexors – flessori dell’anca Plate – to be used on a bar/ it’s Rotate - ruotare
Kidneys – reni found , flat with a hole in the
Run – correre to maintain a pace
Latissimus dorsi – gran dorsale middle and it’s made of metal
that is faster than walking or
Liver – fegato Pins – perni jogging
Stretching – fare stretching Frontal plane – piano frontale Misurazioni della circonferenza
Squat – fare squat divide the body into anterior and can be taken at the neck, waist or
(to) Swing - oscillare when you posterior halves chest
swing something you move it Sagittal plane – piano sagittale Health screening – screening
backward and foreward and from creates right and left sides sanitario
side to side Sideways – lateralmente Heart rate – frequenza cardiaca
Iliac crest measurement –
Touch - toccare Transverse plane – piano
misurazioni cresta iliaca is taken
Walk – camminare to move on trasverso divide the body into
above the hip bone at the
foot at a place that is slower than upper and lower halves
when jogging or running Ipsilateral – positioned on the
Skinfold measurements –
THE MUSCOLAR SYSTEM same side of the body as another
misurazioni della pelle
body part
Cardiac muscle – muscolo Subscapular measurements –
Medial – positioned closer to the
cardiaco it’s involuntary and misurazioni sottoscapolari
middline of the body
make brief, single contraction THE WORKOUT
Superior – above a referenced
Ligaments - legamenti Warm-up – riscaldamento a way
location on the body
Muscle tissue – tessuto to get ready to exercise more
Controlateral: positioned on the
muscolare intensely
opposite suide of the body from
Skeletal muscle – muscolo Group fitness class – gruppo
another body part
scheletrico muscle connected to d’allenamento a class for
Proximal – in a position closest to
the skeleton and operate in pairs. exercising with other people
the centre of the body or a
There are voluntary muscle Cool-down – defaticamento a
specific location
way to gradually get your heart
Smooth muscle – muscolo liscio Inferior – below a referenced
back to normal
located in the body’s internal location on the body
Boredom – annoiato the feeling
organs . we cannot control these
BIOMECHANICS: MUSCLE of being uninterested
muscles. They are able to keep
ACTIONS Variety – varietà a large range of
tension for large amounts of time
Concentric - concentrico things
Tendons – tendini Routine – a set of activities or
Eccentric –eccentrico
THE CARDIORESP. SYSTEM action performed in a certain
Isokinetic – isocinetico producing way
Blood – sangue the fluid made up
a fixed, constant velocity of Stretching – the act of extending
of plasma and blood cells
motion with varied resistance muscle
Carbon dioxine –anidride carb.
Isometric – isometrico producing Aerobic – requiring oxygen
Deoxygenated – deossigenato constant muscle lenght with no Anaerobic – not requiring oxygen
the condition of not having visible movement Creative – original and
oxygen Isotonic – isotonico describing a interesting
Exhalation – esalazione the act of range of motion that produces Conditioning – the act of doing
breathing out carbon dioxide force and constant tension activities to increase the body’s
Heart - cuore Rotatory motion – moto strenght
Heavy breathing – respiro rotatorio a movement that is PHASES OF TRAINING
pesante characterized by rotation Hypertrophy training: many
Inhalation – inalazione the act of Force couple – two equal forces repetitions, only short rest
breathing in oxygen acting simultaneously periods.
Length-tension relationship – a Maximal strength training:
Lungs - polmoni
muscle’s return to it resting focuses on improving body
Oxygen – ossigeno lenght strenght.
LOCATIONS Blood pressure – pressione it focuses on stability, endurance,
Above – sopra sanguigna flexibility.
Body composition – Strength endurance training: it
Below – sotto
composizione corporea uses supersets, promotes
Front – anteriore
Circumference measurements – stability, endurance and
Back - posteriore
Power training: force and speed, stress put on it and, later accustomed to a stressor through
supersets. requires more a series of stages
Hypertrophy – a training Recovery – the process of Set – a group of repetition
technique using large ammounts regaining one’s normal energy performed in resistance training
of repetition with short rest level, heart rate and respiratory Repetition – the cycles of raising
breaks rate. and lowering weights
Stability – the condition of being BALANCE TRAINING Said principle – the concept that
balanced and steady 1 Stabilization exercise the body will react uniquely to
Promote – to encourage 2 Strength exercise different stressors
something to develop or improve 3 Power exercise Resistance training – the type of
CARDIO TRAINING (FITTE) Center of gravity – centro di training that uses weights to
Frequency gravità the centre of mass of an build muscle
Intensity – the level of stress that object NUTRITION
an exercise activity put on the Equilibrium – equilibrio Carbohydrated – carboidrati is a
body Motionless – immobile compound of carbon, hydrigen
Time – the lenght of the period in Shape – forma and oxygen and is found in
which one engages in an exercise sugars and starch
Stable - stabile
activity Fatty acid – acido grasso is a
Surface – superficie the
Type – a form or style of exercise chain of organic acid compounds
antermost layer or area of
Enjoyment. that are either satured or
Exertion – sforzo the act of unsatured
Unstable – instabile
putting forth great strength or
Balance the state of equilibrium Polynsatured – if a fatty acid is
sustained affort to perform an
of the body polynsatured it has numerous
Variable a certain aspect that is triple and double bonds per
Overtraining – allenamento
susceptible to change molecule
Stationary the state of being Monounsaturated –
Workload – carico di lavoro
motionless monoinsaturi if a fatty acid is
Maximal – being at the highest or
RESISTANCE TRAINING monounsatured it has one
upper-most limit
Delayed-onset muscle soreness – double or triple bond per
Talk test – a method of
indolenzimento muscolare ad molecule
measuring the intensity of a
particular exercise insorgenza ritardata is the Protein – proteine is made up of
Fitte principle – the factors of general soreness of the muscles amino acids linked by peptide
frequency, intensity, type, time after aither on unaccustomed bonds that help build and repair
and enjoyment exercise or a sudden increase in tissues and structures. Protein is
Level – a position in degree, the intensity of training used for energy when not
amount or rank Exhaustion – esaurimento enought calories or
Incline – a slape or angled Mechanical specificity – carbohidrates are consumed
surface specificità meccanica Polyunsaturated – polinsaturi
Interval – a period between Metabolic specificity – specificità Resting metabolic rate (RMR) –
events or states of being metabolica the variation of metabolismo a riposo is the
Alternate – to change from one energy used during training ammount of energy spent while
to another Neuromuscolar specificity – at rest. RMR represent the
Training zone – a phase of fitness specificità neuromuscolare smallest amount of energy
activity required to sustain blood
Resistance development -
Circuit training – a form of circulaton, respiration and
sviluppo di resistenza
training consisting of a series of normal body temperature
Soreness – indolenzimento
strenght training axercises Total energy expenditure (TEE) –
Uniquely – univocamente
Interval training – a form of dispendio energetico totale
An alarm reaction – is the body’s
training in which the level of Satured – if an organic
initial reaction to the stress of
intensity varies compound is satured, it has
lifting weights
Principle of specificity – the belief neither double or triple bonds
Periodization – is the process of
that the body adapts to the between carbon atoms
allowing the body to became
Unsatured – insaturi – if an Adverse – causing unfavorable Glycemic – concerning blood
organic compound is unsatured it results glucose level
has both double and triple bonds Arthritis – artrite, caused by Intervention – the medical care
betxeen carbon atoms chronic joint inflammation provided in hope of relieving an
Nutrition – is the process by Blisters – vesciche illness or injury
which animals and plants use Jerky – convulsa
Bronchitis – bronchite
food substances to avoid in the
Bone mineral density – densità Joints – articolazioni
growth and reair of tissues
minerale ossea Lung disease – malattia
Nutrient – is a substance that
Bone stress – the pressure polmonare
provides essential nourishment
DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS applied to bones by weight or Mobility – mobilità a measure of
force the physical ability to move
Amino acid – ammino acido a
substance found in the body that Caution – the carefull attention Morbidly obese –
combines to create proteins paid to a potentially dangerous patologicamente obesi
situation Osteoarthritis – osteoartrite is a
Capsules – capsule medicine that
you swallow without chewing Cancer – cancro group of condition caused by soft or
diseases causing uncontrolled damaged cartilagine in joint
Dietary supplement – a pill, liquid
growth of cell Osteopenia – loss of bone
or powder that provides extra
nutrition to a person’s diet Coronary heart disease – mineral density
malattia coronarica a chronic Obstructive lung disease – lung
Excessive ingestion – ingestione
illness caused by plaque build up disorders caused by restricted air
eccessiva being more than is
within the coronary arteries flow due to airway obstruction
reasonable or needed
Diabetic – diabetico Privacy – being protected from
Illegal – begin against the law
Dyspnea - dispnea unwanted interference or
Ingestion – the act of taking food
Dysfunctional fibrous lung tissue attentiuon
and liquid into the body
– tessuto polmonare fibroso Prescribed medication – farmaco
Ergogenic aids – aiuti ergogenici
disfunzionale prescritto
Harmful – dannoso
Expenditure – spesa energetica Proprioceptive training –
Herbs – erbe
the amount of energy expended allenamento prpiocettivo is a
Intake – presa, the quantity of by the body to carry out activities muscle training mothod that
something that you take into the focuse on exercises to develop
Emphysema – enfisema
body sensory receptors in muscles
Fall – cadere a sudden collapse or
Minerals – minerali Pshycosocial – psicosociale
Multivitamins – multivitamine a Self esteem – autostima the
Flare-ups – fiammate the sudden
pill filled with vitamins and positive way a person feels about
onset of simptoms
minerals that people take to oneself
Fracture – frattura
improve their health
Gait – andatura the particular Prone – prono
Nutrients – nutrienti
way that eachperson walks Risk – the measurement of the
Pills - pillole ammount of danger from an
Hyperglycemic – iperglicemico
Powders – polveri activity
person affected by higher than
Vitamins – vitamine normal blood glucose level Restriction – a limitation placed
FITNESS CHRONIC CONDITIONS Hypoglycemic – ipoglicemico on a person or particular activity
Body mass index (BMI) – indice di person affected by low blood Restrictive lung disease lung
massa corporea is a measure of glucose level disorders caused by poor
body fat that is the ratio of Hypertensive – ipertensivo condition of the fibrous tissue
weight (kg) to height (mt) person affected by abnormally Rather weak – piuttosto debole
Abrupt – brusca high blood pressure Rheumatoid arthritis – artrite
Adhere – aderire Hypotensive – ipotensiva person reumatoide is an autoimmune
affected by abnormally low blood disease that causes inflammation
Asthma – asma a chronic lung
pressure in connective tissue
disease that causes sudden
attacks of difficulty in breathing
Sedentary – sedentarietà Goal-setting – obiettivo CPR AND FIRST AID
spending too much time sitting Psyched up – eccitato Aed – a defibrillator that is used
with little physical exercise Scippery - scivoloso to prevent cardiac arrest from
Sprained – slogata Self-management skills – capacità occuring
Strain – sforzo di autogestione Cpr – rianimazione cardio
Stable – stabile Self-monitoring – autocontrollo polmonare an emergency
Supine – supino procedure that provides an
Self-talk – parlare di se
unconscious person with oxygen
Trust – fiducia a measure of faith INJURIES
and confidence in a person or Analgesics – analgesici
Bruise – livido an area of skin
idea Antibiotic ointment – pomata ant
discoloration that may be painful
Tensive – concering blood to the touch caused byblood Bandages – bendaggi
pressure vessel leakage Cold packs – impacchi freddi
Weight bearing exercise – Blister – vescica a fluid bubbles of Defibrillator – defibrillatore an
esercizio di carico skin caused by friction or burns eletronic device used on people
Well-being – benessere Carpal tunnel syndrome – experiencing cardiac arrest
Weight-supported exercise – sindrome del tunnel carpale Heart attack – attacco di cuore
esercizio sostenuto dal peso Dislocation – dislocazione is an First aid – temporary treatment
exercise where some or all of the injury that results in the given to a person in the instance
body weight is supported displacement of a bone from a of illness or injury
Valsalva manevuer – manovra di joint First aid kit – kit di primo
Valsalva Inflammations – the swelling and soccorso a collection of supplies
pain caused by an injury or and equipment used for
infection temporary medical treatment
Commercial fitness equipment –
Lacerations – lacerazioni Gauzes – garze
attrezzature fitness commerciale
Pulled muscles – muscoli tirati Gloves – guanti
Liable – responsabile being
legally responsable for costs or Shin splints – an injury caused by Heart attack – an episode of
damages inflammation of the tendons that heart disease characterized by
Maintenance – manutenzione attach to the front of the shins severe chest pain
the work that is need to keep Sprains – distorsioni is an injury
Shock – the inability of the
something in good condition or that affected the ligaments of a
circlation sistem to supply
working order joint and is caused by overstretch
enough blood to tissue
Premises – premessa a building Stress fractures – fratture da
stress a small crack that occurs in Trauma – a serious injury to living
that is used for business
a bone caused by overtired tissue caused by an outside
muscles factor
Condition – the state that
something closely Swelling – rigonfiamento OTHER
Supervision – supervisione Swollen – gonfia Engaging - avvincente
Waiver – rinuncia a document Tears – lacrime an injury to a Futhermore – inoltre
that states you are giving up your muscle or ligament that causes Moreover – inoltre (se cosa
right to hold someone liable some of the tissue to pull apart introdotta + imp. di preced.)
Properly – done in a correct way and separate Infer – dedurre
Attention –the focus or Tendonitis – tendiniti the Sore – dolorante (noun)
concentration someone lends to inflammation of a tendon that
Therefore - perciò
an activity usually occurs due to excessive
use Wide – larga (agg.)
STRATEGIES Tennis elbow – gomito del
tennista an injury caused by a
Adherence – aderenza
tear in the tendons or muscles
Attainable - raggiungibile
around the elbow
Aware – consapevole
Exercise imagery – immagini di es

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