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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5

Modes of Reproduction in Flowering Plants

(Sexual Reproduction in Plants)

Submitted by
Group 4
Medidas, Trisha Joy
Orejudos, Ruby Lyn
Babalo, Ginalyn
Galleta, Rizzalyn
Castillo, Ellyka Stefanie
Dumrique, Jashlie Melody
Higoy, Marie Joe

Submitted to:
Dr.Maricel C. Pajimola
Subject Professor

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5
A. Content The learners demonstrate and understanding in how to describe
Standard the reproductive parts of the flower and their function and the
importance of pollination and fertilization in flowering plant
base on observable properties.
B. Performance The learners should be able to categories the parts of the
Standard flower found at home and school according to their
reproductive parts and be able to understand the importance of
pollination and fertilization in flowering plants.
C. Learning The learner should be able to identify the reproductive parts of
Competency the flower and their function and pollination and fertilization
base on their characteristics. (S3MT-Ic-d-2)
1. Unpacked The Grade 5 pupils should be able to:
Compete 1. Classify the part of flowers base on reproductive part of
ncy the flower.
2. Categorize sexual reproduction in plants base on
reproductive parts of a flower, pollination and
fertilization and
3. Practice cooperation in the conduct of the activity
A. Topic Sexual Reproduction in Plants
B. Science  Parts of the flower may be classified base on their
Ideas characteristics such as reproductive part of the flower
(corolla, calyx, stamen, pistil, receptacle, and pedicel) and
the important of pollination and fertilization in flowering
C. Science Observing, identifying, classifying
D. Values Cooperation, keen observation
Value Focus
E. Materials Pictures of the parts of a flower, Gumamela flower (real
object), teacher-made worksheet, pins, flash cards, picture of
different flower
F. References Mariano, J.J.,Larisma,E.,& Apolinario, N.(2020). Science Link 5
(Revised Edition). Rex Book store. 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr, St.
G. Other Internet:
Learning Reproductive part of the flower:
Flower and plants:
Gumamela flower:

Cross-Pollination process:
Parts of a flower:
self pollination :
Cross-Pollination process:
Fertilization process:


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

1. Drill
I have here a set of flashcards. The pupils will read the words written on
Read the words as I flash them to the flashcards.
you. Stamen, pistil, petals, sepals, peduncle
(pedicel) , receptacle

2. Review
(The teacher shows the picture of The pupils will identify if its flowering or
the different flowers) not

I have here several pictures.

Identify if they are flowering
plant or not
Say yes if it is a flowering plant
and then say no if it is not.

This is a picture of rose plant is

this a flowering plants or Not?

Yes it is a flowering plant

This is the picture of Jasmine or

also called Sampaguita is this a
flowering plant or not?

Yes it is a flowering plant

This is the picture of Ficus plant

Is this a flower plant or not?

No its not

Very good students!

One clap and one hooray All pupils clap and hooray
1. Motivation
For today I have here pictures of
a flower. I want someone to look
and observe at these pictures of
a flower and determine what
name of flowers is this.
Yes, teacher
Do you understand?

Who wants to observe? (The pupils raised their hands)

Okay, what do you see in this


It’s a Santan flower

Okay very good!

This is a santan flower

There is a petals, leaves, stalk and stem
What do you observe in the
flower of santan? ma’am

That’s right this flower has
petals, leaves, Stalk and stem

But how about this flower, Who

wants to observe? (The pupils raised their hands)

Okay, what do you see in this


It’s a gumamela flower ma’am

That’s right!

Very Good!

This is a picture of a gumamela


Before that what you observe in It has petals, sepals, anther, style,
this gumalela flower? stigma, pollen, leaves, stem, and stalk
Okay very good!

Okay class listen in overall, what

do you observe in these two They both had petals and stem and other
pictures? part of the flower

Yes class both of this flower had

the same part of the flower

Good job class! Thank you for


2. Presentation
Today we will find out the
different parts and functions of
the flower

3. Pre-Activity
Now class we are going to have an
Activity. I am going to divide you
into 4 groups. You choose among
yourselves as to who will be the
leader, assistant leader, secretary,
and presenter.

May I remind you of the rules of this

Leader- makes sure that your group
are all cooperative and do the task.

Assistant leader-make sure that
everybody is working and
Secretary-make sure the group
members are all listed.
Presenter-make sure that you deliver
your group answers properly.

Before we perform the activity what

are the standards that we should
Follow? TEAMS Rule

That’s right let’s follow the Teams

While doing activity

What does the acronym TEAMS

Let us give the meaning of each

What does T mean?

Trust your teammate
What does E mean? Eager to learn more

What does A mean? Actively participated

Manage time
What does M mean?
Stay in your group
What does S mean?

Wow I’m happy that all of you still

remember the Teams rule

I want you to follow these rules as

we undergo the activity for today.

4. Activity Proper
I am going to distribute the
Worksheets, gumamela flower and
the pin you will going to use for this
group activity. Reminder be careful
in using the pin. The leader will
assign to lead and to start in cutting
all the parts of the gumamela flower
and name it according to their parts.
Then you will be indentifying the
parts of a flower by pinning it in the
worksheet. Look over in the
worksheet. The worksheet had
direction and this is your guide to
indentify the part of the gumamela
flower in this group activity. After 5-
10 minutes you will you going to
present your activity

There will be materials in each group
10 pins
1 Fresh gumamela flower
1 Group Worksheet

Who understood the instructions? The pupils raise their hands.

Any question? None, ma’am

If none, let us proceed to the group


The teacher will check and assist

each group.

(Please see attached activity sheet.)

1. Group Reporting
I’m glad that you finished you’re
activity within the time I’ve given
you. Now may I ask your
presenter of your group to come
in front and present your work
especially the parts of the In our group we have the Stamen part ,
gumamela. pistil part , petals , sepals , pedicel and
receptacle of gumamela flower

Very Good children!

Please give ourselves 1 clap for

“ang”! and 1 clap for “galing”
Combine together we have ang (The pupils will do so)
galing !

2. Discussion
Does every group state Yes, ma’am.
completely the parts of the

Are there other parts of the None, ma’am.

flower which was not mentioned
by the group?
We used a gumamela flower, 10 pins and
What are the materials used in a worksheet ma’am.
the activity?

Now let’s go back to the group

activity which you presented

How many parts of the flower We discover that the gumamela flower
have you discover? composed of six parts ma’am.

I asked everyone to participate in

dissecting the flower into parts
because I want you to familiarize Yes, ma’am.
in every parts of the flower.

(The teacher show different

picture of different parts of
gumamela flower)
Also I have here a picture of a
gumamela flower and you all said
that there are six parts of a
flower. Can you give one? A sepal ma’am.

So what is a sepal? The sepals are typically green color


I have here the picture of the


Its sepal is a typically green color? Yes ma’am

Calyx comprises the sepals of the

flower. Sepals is collectively
called calyx

What do you think are the Sepals protect the flower when still a bud
function of the sepals? and it contributes to the process of
photosynthesis of the plants ma’am.
That’s right

What other parts of flower? A petal ma’am.

So what is a petal? The petals comes in various shapes and

sizes and color’s ma’am

Now class the corolla comprises

the petals of the flower

Who comprises the petals of the The corolla compromises the petals of
flower? the flower

Now take a look at this picture

and observe

Is this also a gumamela flower? Yes ma’am

What do you observe in this

pictures and the picture of
gumamela flower that I presented We observe that there’s have a different
a while ago? types of gumamela and different shapes
and sizes and color’s

How about what do you think the The function of the petal is to protect
functions the petal? and give attraction ma’am

When you are dissecting and We notice that it contain nectarines that
holding the part of the petals. give the petals scent ma’am
What do you notice?

The bright colors of the flower an

scent attract agents of pollination

What else, the other parts of a A peduncle ma’am.


What is a peduncle? The peduncle or stalk who connecting the

flower from branch or stem.

I have here a picture of a

peduncle and the picture of
whole gumamela flower

It is the peduncle are connected Yes ma’am

to the flower and to the branch?

What else is the part of the Pistils ma’am


What is a pistil? The pistil is the female reproductive

structure ma’am.

How did you say that the pistil is Pistil is connected to the ovary and the
female reproductive structure of ovary is from female part
the flower?

Now take look on this picture in

this picture is that are pistil
connected to the ovary?

Yes ma’am

When we are dissecting the

flower have you notice the
enlarge part of the pistil? Yes ma’am

What is the enlarge part of the The ovary ma’am


What is the ovary? Ovary is the enlarge basal portion of the

pistil that houses the ovule ma’am

So class the function of the ovary

is the place where ovules
containing eggs are formed and
produced and will eventually
become the fruit

This is the picture of ovule if you

observe when you are doing your
group activity the ovary houses
the ovule and when you cut the
ovary we will see the shiny bread
like part.

In the part of the pistil it’s not

only the ovary but we also had
style and stigma. Stigma is the
swollen knob tip of the pistil. This
part is covered by a sticky
substance that the pollen grains
can adhere to. Style is the long

slender tube that connects the
stigma and ovary the function of
is as a conveyor for the pollen

This is the parts of the pistil or

female reproductive parts.

Now class what are the parts of The part of the female reproduction is
female reproduction? stigma, style and ovary ma’am

If we had the female reproductive

parts of the flower. How about Yes ma’am
the male part of the flower is
there a male part?

What is the name of the male Stamens ma’am.

parts of the flower?

I have here the picture of the

stamen or the male reproductive
parts or the flower.

What is the function of the The function of the stamen is to produce

stamen? pollens ma’am

So class stamen is composing of

two parts. The anther and
filament. The anther is the yellow
one in the picture which is the
pollens and the filament is the
hair stalk of the stamen which
bears the anther.

Now What are the function of the The anther is the expanded and the
anther and filament? lobular structure at the tip of the
filament. Also it is the pollen producing

organ of the flower. The filament is the
stalk that holds the anther ma’am.

What are the other parts of the Receptacle ma’am


I have here the picture of the


What is the function of receptacle The receptacle is a part of a stem from

which the flower organs grow’s ma’am.

What are the two important part The female and male reproductive parts
of the flower class that has male ma’am
and female part?

Wow, Very good pupils! Now you

know all the parts of a flower and
their definitions. Let’s clap to our The pupils will do so

On this part I will discuss to you

about pollination and

So let’s start our discussion, Do Pollination is the process that allow

you have any idea about plants to reproduce
pollination class?

Okay very good!

Pollination occurs when the

pollen grain of the one flower
reaches the stigma of another

Now take a look at this picture

What you’ve observe in this The Pollen grain of the one flower
picture? reaches the stigma of another flower by
the help of the bee

Now I have here a picture did you Yes Ma’am
see the pollen grain class?

Now when the sperm cell from

the pollen grain is released to the
stigma, the pollen grain grows a
pollen tube downward until it
reaches an ovule and releases the

Then what will happen next? The egg will be fertilized ma’am

Now because it release two sperm

the one sperm will fertilized an
egg cell and the other sperm will
fertilized the female structures
will be called polar nuclei.

(The teacher will explain the

board how one sperm will
fertilized an egg cell and the
other sperm will fertilized the
female structures will be called
polar nuclei)

How many sperm was release? They realised two sperm ma’am

Now what will happen in the one The sperms will fertilized an egg cell
sperm? ma’am

How about the other sperms? the other sperm will fertilized the female

Now take a look at this picture

that I will show you

So the union of the first sperm

with the egg cell becomes a plant
zygote which becomes the plant


Now we know what happen to the

first sperm cell of the union. The
second sperm with the polar
nuclei produces endosperms it
will be the food storage tissue
around the embryo.

I have a question class what will

happen in the first and second The first sperm cell becomes plant
sperm cell along the process of zygote which becomes the plant embryo
fertilization? and the second fertilization become food
storage tissues.

When we look at the illustration

in the picture it also form an
outer coat that protects the new
seed. So the Fertilization process
in the flowering plant sometimes
referred as double fertilization
because of its process

So now we will classify the two

types of pollination

Any one from you can give me the The two types of pollination is the Self
two types of pollination? Pollination and Cross Pollination Ma’am

Now take a look at this picture

What do you think is the self The self pollination occurs when the
pollination? pollen is transferred from the stamen of
one flower to the pistil of the same
flower Ma’am

Now class how about this picture The pollen grain is transferred from the
what you observe? anther of one flower to the stigma of
another flower of the same kind.

What do you think is this? Cross pollination ma’am

That rights class!

I have here another example how

pollination works look at this
picture that will show you

What do you observes? They doing a pollination ma’am?

That right our farmers do this

kind of pollination because this
will help the process in growing
fresh squash

So its pollination and fertilization Yes ma’am its will help us to make’s
is important? more seed and flower and fresh fruit or

So class not only the bees are the

helper of the pollination we also
had wind that carry out pollen,
human , other insect that has
pollen on their feet at can reach
to other same kind of flower. All
of this is called agent

Okay Very good class! Give (The student will do so)

yourself a butterfly clap!

What are the male reproductive Stamen ma’am
Parts of the flower?

What are the female reproductive Pistil ma’am

Parts of the flower?

What is pollination? Pollination occurs when the pollen grain

of one flower reaches the stigma of
another flower

What are two the types of Self pollination and Cross pollination

What is cross pollination? Cross pollination is the pollen grain is
transferred from the another of one
flower to the stigma of another flower of
the same kind

What is self pollination? It occurs when the pollen is transferred

from the stamen of one flower to the
pistil of the same flower
What do we need in our plant to We need agent such as people, bee, or
follow the process of pollination? other insect or wind to make pollination
as well as to fertilize the pollen grain.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. What is the external part of a flower? except one;
A. Stamen C. Pedicel
B. Stigma D. Receptacle
2. What is the part of a flower that is often had various shape and size?
A. Petal C. Stamen
B. Sepal D. Stigma
3. What is the outer part of the flower that encloses a developing bud?
A. Petal C. Stamen
B. Sepal D. Stigma
4. What is the reproductive organ of a flowering plant as it contains male and female
reproductive structures?
A. Pistil C. Stamen
B. Flower D. Filament
5. What is the name of the male reproductive structure?
A. Stigma C. Stamen
B. Filament D. Sepal
6. What is the name of the female reproductive structure?
A. Filament C. Sepal
B. Petal D. Pistil
7. What is the swollen knob tip of the pistil?
A. Stigma C. Stamen
B. Sepal D. Petal
8. What do we call a process that the sperm will travel down the pollen tubes?
A. Pollination C. Fertilization
B. Self-Pollination D. Double Fertilization
9. What do we call when occurs the pollen grain of one flower reaches the stigma of
another flower?
A. Fertilization C.Double Fertilization
B. Self -Pollination D.Pollination
10. What do we call when it transferred from one another of one flower to the stigma
of another flower of the same kind?
A. Self-Pollination C.Pollination
B. Cross-Pollination D.Fertilization


Draw a big gumamela, level its reproductive parts and color it. Will be past in our
next meeting.


Activity Number: _______
Date: _____
What are the parts of the flower?
What You Need:
Gumamela flower,10 pins and worksheet

What To Do:
1. Lay the flower in a blank sheet of worksheet
2. Put the point of a pin where the petals seem to be joined at the base of the
3. Pull the pin down toward the bottom of the flower.
4. Lift the cut petals and lay them flat.Use your other two pins to fasten the petals.
5. Look at the container shaped like a vase with a long neck.This is the pistil.
6. Look at the thread like parts with knobs at their tips.This are Called stamen.
7. Remove the stamens carefully.Put them aside.
8. Look at the enlarged part of the pistil.This is called the ovary.
9. Cut the ovary and use its exposed part.
10.Look at the small,shiny bead like parts.These are the ovules.
11.Observe the knobs at the tip of the stamens.Touch one of the stamens.Look at the
powder like structure.These are the pollen grains.
12.Keep the parts of the flower. Lay them on your worksheet and attached them with
the pins.

Group Member:


Part of the flower



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