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Safety Instructions ............ 2-5

Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning .................... 8
Controls ............................. 6 U.S. Models:
Features ............................. 7 DSXH43
Loading and Using the Drger .......... 8 DPXH46
Installation Instructions ..... 9-20
Electrical Installation for Canada Models:
lj Electric Drger ...................
Electrical Requirements ..............
16, 17

!3 Exhausting the Drger ............. 12, 13


Gas Connection for Gas Drger ........ 18

Gas Supplg Requirements ............ 13
Location of Your Drger ............... 14
Mobile Home Installation ............. 15
Preparing to Install Your Drger ..... 9, 10
Reversing the Door Swing ............ 20
Stacking Instructions ............. 19, 20

Troubleshooting Tips ........ 21, 22

Consumer Support
Consumer Support .................. 26
Warrants for Canadian Customers .... 25
Warrantg for U.S. Customers ........ 24

175D1807P525 49-90257 !1-05 JR

350A4502P325 Rev. 1 134287400

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.

• Do not store or use gasoline or other • Installation and service must be performed
flammable vaporsand liquids in the by a qualified installer,service agency or
vicinity of this or any otherappliance. the gas supplier.


[] Do not try to light a match, or cigarette, or [] Immediately call yourgas supplier from
turn on any gas or electrical appliance. a neighbor'sphone. Follow the gas
supplier's instructionscarefully.
[] Do not touch any electrical switch; do not
use any phonein your building. [] ff you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
the fire department.
[] Clear the room, building or area of all

California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act

This act requires tile goxernor of Califin'nia to publish a list of substances knox_n to tile state to cause cance_,
birth delbcts or other reproducfixe harm and requires businesses to warn custoinei_ of potential exl)osure
to Stlch st/bstances.

(_as al)l)liances C}lil C}ltlSe illinoi" exl)OStli'e [o J[i)/lI" of these s/lbstances_ nalllely benzene_ C}li'bon illonoxi(le_

fimnaldehvde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or I,P fllels.

Propedy a(!justed dryers will minimize incomplete combustion. EN)osure to these substances can be
minimized flH'ther b)' i)rope_ty venting tile dryer to tile outdoors.
This dryer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used.

[] Prol)erlx, ,gr(mnd drxer to conform _ith all Exhaus_/Ducting:

go_ erning codes and ordinances. Follo_
derails ill Inst:dlation Instructions. [_ This dr) er MUSTbe exhausted to the outside.

[] Install or store where it will not be exposed to [_ onl} ngld metal 4 diameter ductx_ork
inside the dr}er c:d)inet. Use only rigid metal
temperatures belo_ freezing or exposed to the
or flexible metal 4" diameter ductwork fi)r
_eath er.
exhausting to the (mtside, USE OFPLASTIC OR
[] (]onnect to a properl} r_lted, protected and OTHERCOMBUSTIBLEOUCTWORKCAN CAUSE
sized power suppl) circuit to axoid electric;d A FIRE•PUNCTUREOOUCTWORKCAN CAUSEA
[] Remox e :Ill sharp packing items and dispose of INSTALLATION.
all shipping materi:ds properl).
For complete details, fi_llow the lnst:dl:ltion

• Keep tile area underneath and around ",'our • Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is
appliances fl'ee of coml_ustible materials, such used bv or near children. Do not allow children

as lint, paper, rags and chemicals. to play on, with or inside this or any other
• Keep tile floor around your appliances clean and
dry to reduce tile possibili b' of slipping. • Keep all laundry aids (such as detergents,
bleaches, etc.) out _ff tile reach of children,
• Keep area around the exhaust opening and
preferably in a locked cabinet. Observe all
s/u'ro/mding areas fl'ee from tile accumulation
warnings on container labels to avoid iqjm'};
of lint, dust and dirt.
• Never climb on or stand on tile dryer top.
• Do not obstruct tile flow of ventilating ai_: Do not
stack or place lmmch T or throw rugs against tile
ti'ont or back of tile ch_'er.

• Never reach into tile cha'er while tile drum is • Do not (h y articles containing rubbe_; plastic
moving. Before loading, unloading or adding or similar materials such as padded bras, temfis
clothes, wait tmtil tile drum has completely shoes, galoshes, bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby pants,
stopped. plastic bags and pillows that may melt or btlFn.
Some rubber materials, when heamd, can trader
• Clean the lint filterhefore each lead to prevent lint
certain drcumstances produce fire by
accumulation inside tile dryer or in tile room.
spont;ineo/is COlllb/istion.
FILTERIN PLACE,UNLESSTHEDRYINGRACKIS IN • Do not store plastic, paper or clothing that may
USE. Mways replace tile lint screen when finished b/m_ or melt on top _ff the dryer dining
using tile (hTing rack. operation.

• Do not wash or d U articles that have been • Gmments labeled On/Away from Heator Do
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted Not Tumblo On/(such as life jackets containing
with combustible or explosive substances (such as kapok) must not be put in yore" d_'e_:
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, dr)_cleaning
• Do not d_T fiberglass articles in yore" dryer
solvents, kerosene, etc.). These substances give
Skin irritation could result from the remaining
off' vapors that may ignite or explode. Do not add
these s/lbstJlnces to tile wash w;IteI'. Do not rise or
particles that may be picked up by clothing
dm'ing subsequent (hTer rises.
place these substances am/md yore" washer or
(hTer dining operation. • To minimize tile possibility ot electric shock,
mq)lug this appliance ti'om tile power supply
•Anv reticle on which wm have used a cleaning
solvent or that contai_s flammable mamfials or disconnect the dryer at the household
distribution panel b)' removing the fllse or
(such as cleaning cloths, mops, towels used in
switching off the circuit breaker befi)re
beau b salons, restaurants or barber shops, etc.)
attempting any maintenance or cleaning
must not be placed in or near tile d_yer until
(except the removal and cleaning of the lint
solvents or flammable materials have been
filter). NOTE:Tm'ning the Cycle Selector knob
removed. There are many highly flammable
to an OFf position does NOTdisconnect tile
items used in homes such as acetone, denatured
appliance fl'om tile power supply.
alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, some household
cleaners, SOIlle spot i'eil/over.% ttli])entines, • Do not spray any t)pe of aerosol into, on or near
waxes, W_lX i'eillovers and pi'odtlctS containing dryer at any time.
petroleum distillams.
• Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in
• Tile latmdry process can reduce tile flame your dryer: Items contaminated with cooking oils
retardancy of rid)tics. To avoid such a result, ram' contribute to a chemical reaction that could
carelulN fi)llow tile gali/lent i/lanttfilcttlrer's cause a clothes load to catch fire.
care instructions.

• Never attempt to operate this appliance if • You may wish to soften your la undered tiff)tics
it is dmnaged, malflmcfioning, partially or reduce the static electricity in them by using
disassembled or has missing or broken parts, a d_Te>applied riO)tic softener or an antistatic
including a damaged cord or plug. condifione_: _'\'e recommend you rise either a
fabric softener in tile wash cycle, according to tile
• Tile interior of tile machine and tile exhaust
mantdacturer's instructions for those products,
duct connection inside tile chTer should be
or try a (h_'e>added product for which tile
cleaned at least once a year by a qualified
inanufhcturer gives w_itten assurance oil tile
technician. See tile Loading and Using the Dryer
package that their product can be safelv used in
section. Do not tlse any t},'pe ot spI'}l}' cleaner
vour dryer: Service or pe_ti)mmnce problems
when cleaning (hTer interior: Hazardous fim/es
(aused i))' use of these products are tile
or electrical shock could occur
responsibility ot tile manufi_cmre_ of those
• If yours is a gas (hTe_; it is equipped with an products and are not covered under tile warranty
automatic electric ignition and does not have a to this appliance.
pilot light. 00 NOTAITEMPT TO tIGHT WlTH A
MATCH. l_urns Inav result ti'oln having your hand
in tile vicinity of tile burner when tile automatic
ignition turns oil.

• Grasp tile plug firefly when disconnecting this • gefi)re discarding a (hTe_; or removing it flx)m
appliance to avoid damage to tile cord while service, remove tile dryer door to prevent
pulling. Place tile cord away fl'om traffic areas so children fl'om hiding inside.
it will not be stepped on, t_ipped over or
• Do not tamper with controls.
subjected to dmnage.

• Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of

this appliance or attempt any se_Mcing unless
specifically recommended in this Owner's Manual
or in published use>_epair instructions that you
understand and have the skills to carry ()/it.

About the dryer controlpanel.
Models DPXH46 and DCXH46


_D._, iliU_........... _!_i!
._._. ;} 0n 0_, :;; ; _ssoeY

_ %i! !!i!!ili_

_ i,_ssORv

TIMED DRy 50 •


Models DSXH43, DH43 and PSXH43



i ilii
i.o., co_o,s

0 O
Features and appearance may vary.

o Fabric Care
COTTONSForregularto heavycottons.

PERM.PRESS Forsynthetics,
blendsanditemslabeledpermanentpress or tumble dry medium hea_

KNITS/ Forknits,delicates,syntheticsanditemslabeledtumble drylowhea_


AIR FLUFFForfluffing itemswithoutheat.Usethe TIMEDDRYcycle.


O Drying Cycles
The COTTONS,EASYCAREandDELICATES c_cles automatically sense rid)tic dryness. Select MOREDRY
tb_" heavier tid)_ics, LESSDRYfb_"lighte_" rid)tics. The TIMEDDRYcwle will _'un t'o_" a selected time.

COTTONSForcottonsandmostlinens.Formostloads,selectthe OptimumDrysetting(onsomemodels).

EASYCARE Forwrinklefree,permanentpressanddelicateitems,andknits.Formostloads,selectthe
PERMPRESS OptimumDrysetting(onsomemodels).

DELICATESFordelicatesand specialcarefabrics.Formostloads,selectthe OptimumDry

TIMED DRY Setthe CycleSelectoratthe desireddryingtime.

O Start
Close the (h'ver (loo_: Select START Opening the (loo_" during operation will stop the (h've_: To _'estart
the (hTet; close the (loox" and select STARTtocomplete the c)'cle.
About your dryer features.

CYCLE SIGNAL Cycle Signal Option (on some models)

When tile signal is on it will sound just five I/lillt/tes ;is ;i reI//isl(lel" t(5 reI//(sve

before the end of the cycle to remind the load.

you to remove tile clothes. Tile signal NOTE'
can be set at OFF(no SOtln(l), LOUD Or
• If items are removed before the end of
an}where in between.
the cycle, turn the CYCLESELECTORknob
If the dried load calmot be removed to OFF.
promptly during tile EASY CARE cycle,
• Remove garments promptly at the sound
the Cycle Selector will advance to the
of the signal. Place clothes on hangers
EXTENDED COOL DOWN setting. Unheated so wrinkles won't set in.
tumbling continues during EXTENDED
COOL DOWN and WRINKLE CARE (on • Use the Cycle Signal especially when
some models) fiST 40 minutes to help drying fabrics like polyester knits and
reduce wrinkling. When the CYCLE permanent press. These fabrics should
be removed so wrinkles won't set in.
SIGNAL is on, it will som_d briefly every

WRINKLE CARE Wrinkle Care Option (on some models)

EXTENDEDCOOLAIRTUMBLE LIse this option t(5 nliniinize tile wIJnkles
OFF in clothes. It provides approxilnatel) 15
nfilmtes of no-heat tunfl)ling alter tile
clothes are dry.

This option can onl} be used with tile EASY


Replacing the Dryer Light Bulb (on some models)

WARNING: the ..paneltile

tile tilse or switching
risk of electric shock, disconnect this
Toreplace the drger light
appliance ti'Oln tile power supply
befisre attelnl)ting any user _] /Jsing a slnall flat blade screwdriver,
maintenance. Turning the controls I)I) tile bott(sn/ of tile light cover ()lit
to the OFFposition does not and o11 tile light housing.
discolmect this ai)i)liance ti'oln the
_ /Jnscrew tile bull) when cool aim
power supply. replace it with an al)l)liance bulb of
The dryer light is located above the dryer tile Salile 55i"h)wer wattage.
door opelfing.
_] Snap the lightcover back on the light
Before repladng the light bulb, be sure to housing.
tmplug tile (liTer power cord or discolmect
tile dryer at tile household (listribution

Drying Rack (on some models)

A hand_, drying rack Ina,_ be used for drvilw, NOTE"
articles such as stuffed toys pillows or • The duing rack must be used with the
washable sweatels. TIMED DRYcvde.

[_ Relnoxe the lint screen. • Do not use this drying rack when there
are other clothes in tile (lI_'er.

_ Place tile front 1)aTunder tile lip of tile

lint screen (1)elfin ,

F_] X_lien itelns are dis' remoxe the rack

aim replace the lint screen. DO NOT
Loadingand using thedryer.
Always follow the fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.

Sortingand LoadingHints
_s a general rule, if clothes are soiled properly fi)r tlle washe_; they are sol_ed pr()perly tor tlle (hyel;

Do not add fabn_softener sheea once the load has become warm Theymay causefabn_ softener stalbs
Bounce_'Fabn_ConditionerDryerSheets have been approvedfor use ib aft GEDryerswhen usedib accordance
with the manufacturer# /bstructions.

Do not ove#oad.Thiswastesenergyandcauseswnbk//bg.

Be net drythe followingitems:fiberglassitems,woolens,nbber-coateditems,plastics,itemswith plastictnb7and


Careand Cleaningof the Dryer

The Exterior:Wil)e or dust any spills (5i" washing The Exhaust Duct Inspect and clean the exha ust
colnl)ounds with a dam I) cloth. DITer COlm-ol panel ducting at least once a year to prevent clogging. A
and finishes may be damaged by some launch'v partially clogged exhaust can lei_gthen the dlTing
pretreatment soil and stain remover products, time.
Apply these I)ro(hlcts away fl'()I/l the drveI; The
fifl)I'JC InaV then be washed and (h'ied nom_allv.
Follow these steps:
Dalnage to your dryer caused b v these i)roducts is _] Turn off electrical supi.q ) by disconnecting the
not c(weI'ecl by V(S/lI" W;lI'I';llllA'k i.qug h'om the wall socket.

The LintScreen: (:lean tile lint screen heft 5re each

_ Discolmect the dtlct ti'5)ill the drveI;
use. Lint buil(lu l) in the screen restricts air fl(5_,
which causes longer dr){ng tilnes. Tile screen is _ Vactltllll tile dtlct with tile hose attachlnei_t and
i'ecoi_nect the duct.
located at tile 1)(stt(5i/_ 55t tile (hs(sr (sl)elfing. ]_.em55ve
1)y pulling straight up. ]_elnove tile lint and replace TheExhaustHootkCheck fronl tile outside that tile
the screen. flal)S (ff tile hood move fl'eely when operating. Make
sure that there is no wildlite (birds, insects, etc.)
A waxy buildup may fi)Im on tile lint screen fl'oin
nesting inside the duct (5i"hood.
using dryer=added lift)tic softener sheets. To relnove
this buildup, wash the lint screen in waif/n, soapy
wateI: DI T thoroughly and rel)lace. D() not operate
the dryer without the lint screen in place.
Installation SpacemakerDryer
Models DCXH46
Instructions DSXH43

I In
ff youhaveany
Canada,carl 1.800.361.3400
questions,in the
orvisitonrWehsiteat: I
Read these instructions completely and carefully, ./k WARNING
these This dryer lnust be exhausted to tile outdools. Use
instIuctions fl)r local inspector's use. only rigid inetal or flexible metal 4" diameter ductwork
• IMPORTANT - Obsei,e,ll tor exhausting
to tile outside.
ductwork inside tile
Use only rigid
di_'er cabinet,
metal 4"

governing codes and ordinances.

• Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these Nexer use plastic or other combustible ductwork. See
instIuctions with tile Consmner. Exhausting section.
• Note to Consumer - Keep these instructions This appliance must be properly grounded and
tar fllture reference. installed as described ill these Installation Instructions.
• Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires
basic mechanical and electrical skills. • Do not install or store appliance ill an area xd/ere it will
be exposed to water/weathei: See Location of YourDryer
• Completion time - 1-3 hours section.
" Proper installation is tile responsibility of tile
installer, Tile National Fuel Gas code restricts installations of

gas appfimlces ill garages. Tile}' in ust be 18" (45.7 cln )

• Product tailure due to improper installation is not
covered under tile _,Varrantv, off the ground and protected fl'om vehicles by a
barriei: See Location of YourDryorsection.
Tile dectrical service to tile dryer nmst confimn with
local codes and ordinances and the latest edition of the
IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 or ill Canada,

MASSACHUSETTS CSA C22,1 Canadian Electrical Code Part 1,

Tile gas service to tile dIyer nmst confimn with local

• This product must be installed by a licensed codes and ordinances or the latest edition ot the
plumber or gas fitter. National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 or ill Canada,
° When using ball-type gas shu>off valves, they (]AN/C(;A B149.12. The gas dryer is designed under
shall be the T-handle type. ANSI Z 21.5.1 or ANSI/UI,2158-CAN/CSA C22.2
° A flexible gas connector; when used, must not (latest editions) tar home use only. This (hTer is not
exceed 3 feet. recolnlnended tor colnlnercial applications such as
I'est;ItlI';llltS oi" beatlP,' sahms.
Installation Instructions



[] Phillips head screwdriver ]° Prepare tile area and exhaust fi)r installation
of tile ne',_ (h3el=
[] Ac!justable plie_5 (at!just leveling legs)
2. Check to be sm'e that the existing external
[] Caq_enter's level exhaust is clean and that it meets attached
installation specifications.
[] Flat or straight blade screwdriver (may be needed
fin" cord strain relief) 3° Place tile ffmr corner posts fl'om tile shipping
crouton on tile floox; parallel to each othe*; 2-3"
[] Duct tape
apa_nL ( arefldly lay tile dryer on its left side on
[] Rigid or UI Aisted flexible metal 4" (10.2 cm) duct top of tile corner posts. Remo\v tile ioam
shipping pad.
[] Vent hood

[] 1/4" nut driver (renlove temfinal block access CAUTION: T,,prevent damage, do
cover and install cord) _:LECTRIC DRYER) not use tile control panel as a metals to pick up
of I//O'_ e tile (lI'} el2
[] Pipe thread sealer (GAS DRYER)

[]/JIAisted strain _eliet (may be sui)plied

with cord)

[] UiAismd 30A, 240V, 3-wire, #10 AWG minimum

conductor power cord (/J.S. existing structure)

[]/JiAisted 30A, 240V, 4-wire, #10 A_.VG

minimmn conductor power cord is required Foamshipping

(U.S. new construction)

[] Flexible stainless steel or plastk_coated brass

commecting robe (if allowed by building code)

[] Open-end wrenches lot flexible robe and

connector (GAS DRYER)
4. Return tile dryer to all uptight position,
5. Mo\e tile dryer to tile desired location.

6. Connect tile extermd exhmlst.

7. A(!iust tile leveling legs to match tile washer

height, Tile &yer must be le\vl and rest firmly
on all fimr le\ eling legs.

8. Connect tile power suppl>

9. Check tile operation ot tile power supply and


10. Place tile Owner's Manual and tile Installation

Instructions ill a location where they will be
noticed by tile ownel:

Installation Instructions

Read these instructions completely and carefully.



A_ WARNING - T,,_ed.cethe_sk.f A_ WARNING - T,,reducetheriskof

fire, electric shock or personal injury: fire, electric shock or personal iIIjtu3:


This dryer must be electrically grounded in accordmace
with local codes mad ordinances, or ha the absence of local This dryer must be electrically grounded ha accordmace
with local codes mad ordhmaaces, or ha the absence of local
codes, ha accordmace with the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL
CODE, ANSI/NFPA NO. 70 or ha Cmmda CSA C22.1 codes, ha accordance with the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL

CmmdJma Electrical Code Part 1. CODE, ANSI/NFPA NO. 70 or ha Canada, CSA C22.1
Cmmdima Electrical Code Part 1.
Electrical Requirements
Electrical Reqttirements
• This dryer must be connected to a 208V or 240V
• This dP,'er InUSt be supplied with 120V, 60-Hz,
individual branch circuit, protected by 30-amp drcuit
breake_ or time-delay fllses. and connected to a propedy grounded branch
circuit, protected by a 15- or 20-amp circuit breaker
• Power supply: 3-wire 240-volt, single-phase, 60-Hz, or time-delay fuse.
Pdternating Current. (Canada-240 volt, single-phase,
60-Hz Pdternating Current.) • If the electric supply provided does not meet the
above specifications, it is recommended that a licensed
• Use copper conducto_ only. electrician instnll an approved outlet.

• If the electric supply does not meet the above

specifications, call a licensed electrician.

NOTE: A wiring diagram is located trader the top panel.

External Ground (if required)

An external ground wire (not provided), which meets local

codes, may be added by attaching it to the green ground
screw on the rear of the dryer ha the upper left corner
above the cord, mad to grounded metal cold water pipe or
other established ground.

_7' £* ...... ;I ®l

NOTE: A wiring diagram is located under the top panel.

Installation Instructions


REQUIREMENTS The dryer MUST NOT be exhausted into a chinmey,
a wall, a ceiling, a commou duct with a kitchen exhaust or
Use only 4" (10.2 cm) dJmneter (minimum) rigid metaJ any concealed space of a building which can accumulate
duct for best performm_ce, or flexible metal duct, and lint, resulting in a fire hazard.
approved veut hood which has swiug-out dalnpels that
DO NOT exceed tile length of duct pipe or ntm_ber of
open when the dryer is in oi)eration, X,_l/en the dlTer
elbows allowed in tile Maximmn Length charts, can
stops, the dampei_ autolnatically close to i_revent drafts
accunmlate in tile exhaust system, l)lugging tile s}:stem and
aud tile eutrauce (ff iusects aud rodeuts. To avoid
creating a fire hazmvl, as xxell as increasing di?ing times.
restrictii_g the outlet, maiimfin a miifinmln (ff 19"
(30.5 Cln) clearance between the vent hood and the DO NOT screen the exhaust ends of the vent systeln, or
ground or any other obstruction. use any screws or rivets to asselnble tile exhaust s)steln.
I,int can become caught in the screen, on the screws or
It all rigid inetal duct calmot be used, then flexible rivets, clogging the duct work and creating a fire hazard
all-metal vei_ting can be used, but it will reduce the as well as ii_creasing drying tilnes. Use an ai)proved vent
um_umln recolnmei_ded duct length. See Additional hood to tennilmte the duct outdooI_, and seal all joints
h_stallation h_sO'uctions tollowiug. with duct tape. _dl inale duct pipe fittings MUST be
Correct installed dowi_stream with the flow ot all:

EXPLOSION HAZARD. Do not install tile (hyer where

gasoline or other flamlnal)les are kept or stored. If tile
diTer is installed in a garage, it lnust be a uliuinlunl ot 18"
(45.7 Cln) above the flooi: [<Sfihu'e to do so can result in
death, explosion, fire or burns.



If all rigid metal duct calmot be used, then flexible

all-metal venting can be used, but it will reduce the

./k WARNING - Thefollowing are specific

recomlnei_ded duct length. In spedal
when it is imi)ossible to lnake a coimection
requiremeuts for proper mid safe operatiou
with tile above recomlnei_datioi_s, then UL-llsted clothes
of your dryer. Faihue to follow these instructions can
dryer (*mlsition duct ma x be used as ti'al_sition venting
create excessive drying times mid fire hazards.
between tile (liTer and wall COlmecfion OldV. Tile use ot
this ducting will affect dryii_g tilne.
DO NOT ttse i)lastic flexible duct to exhatLst tile dIyeI:
If flexible mmsition duct is necessary, only UL-listed duct
Excessive lint can b/fild u l) inside exhaust system and create
a fire hazard and restrict air flox_: Restricted air flow will identified for use with dothes dryers is approved.

increase dITiug times. If your preseiu systeln is lnade up of The following directions must be followed.
plastic duct or lnetal toil duct, replace it with rigid or
') Use tile shortest length possible.
flexible lnetal duct. Ensure the present duct is free of any
liut prior to installiug dryer duct. • Stretch tile duct to its umxinmm length.

If the dryer is not exhausted outdoors, some fine lint will • Do uot Cl'tlsh Ol" collapse.
be expelled into the laundry area. An accuumlatioi_ of lint
in anv area of the home can create a health and fire haa_M. " Never use transition duct inside the wall or inside
the diwei:
This dryer exhaust system MUST BE EXHAUSTED TO
THE OUTSIDE of the dwelling. " Avoid resting tile duct on shaq) objects.
DO NOT allow conlbusfible inaterials (for exalnl)le: ') Venting umst coI_flmn to local building codes.
clothing, di_q)eries/curtains, paper) to coine in contact wifll
exhaust svstelIl.

Installation Instructions


_MIdrveI_ are slfii)ped set tlI) for rear exhausting.
Tim exhaust systeln should be inspected and cleaned a
nfilfinmm of evei T year with noi_nal usage. Tile more tim On electric dryeI_, exhausting can be on tile cabinet right
(liTer is used, tile more often you should check tile exhaust or left side, or through tile dryer bottom. Gas dlTei_ can
system and vent hood fin" l)rol)er ol)elvltion. exhaust on the cabinet iJght side or the (liTer bottom. To
change exhaust directioi_ you will need Exhaust ICdtPub.
• DO NOT asselnble the duct work with tilstenei_ that
No. 14-All 18 a nd a dgid metal 4" 90-degree elbow. The kit
extend into the duct. They will serve as collection points is a\:lilable through your GE retailei; Follow the
fin" lint.
instructions supplied with the kit.
" Insulation - Ductwork which runs through an unheated
area or is near an air coi_ditiolfing duct should be !t" otherside DIMENSIONS
insulated to reduce coi_dei_sadon and lint buildup. l 5 7/8"
"/_ 35/16" {11cm}
4"(10.2cm) Louvered
3 3/4" (9.5cm)
Number_1 4" 1 !_
turns _.)l.. i110,2c,.)l .< - _ {&as

0 30' (9.14 m) 18' (5.49 m)

1 22' (6.71 m) 14' (4.27 m)
2 14' (4.27 m) 10' (3.05m) Replace brass Colmecting pipe that is not plastic-coated.
Stainless steel or plastic-_'oated brass MUST be used.

of 4" (10.2cm)Dia. RIGIDMETALDUCT .LEWARNING: Ne,,
PREFERRED VENT HOOD TYPE connectors. The rise of old flexible connectors can cause

4"(10.2cm) Louvered gas leaks and personal illjut}: Alwa} s use NEW flexible
connectors _d_en installing a gas appliance.
of 90°
turns 1. Installation MUST confimn with local codes, or in the
4" 25"
--_1(102c1,,)1_ - --_ (c635 _. absence ot local codes, with the National Fuel Gas
0 60' (18.28 m) 48' (14.63 m) Code, ANSI Z223.1 (latest edition) or in Canada, the
current CAN/(_GA B149.
1 52' (15.84 m) 40' (12.19 m)
2 44' (13.41 m) 32' (9.75 m) 2. Tile gas supply line should be of 1/2" (1.27 cm) rigid
3 32' (9.75 m) 24' (7.31 m) pipe.
4 28' (8.53 m) 16' (4.87 m) 3. If codes allo_; fle_ble metal tubing may be used
to connect your (hTer to the gas supply line. The
INSTALL MALE FITTINGS IN robing MUST be constructed of stainless steel or
plastic-coated brass.

4. The gas supply line MUST have an individual shutoff


5. A 1/8" (0.32 cm) NPT plugged tapping, accessible fin"

test gauge connection, MUST be installed immediately
upstrean_ of tile gas supply COlmection to tile dryei:

6. The dla'er MUST be discolmected fl'oln the gas supply

i)iping s}:steln dtu_ing any pressure testing of the gas
supply i)iping systeln at test pressures in excess of 1/2
psig (3.45 kPa).

7. The dla'er MUST be isolated fl'om the gas supply i)iping

svsteln dtu_ing any i)ressure testing of the gas supply
i)iping s}:stem at test i)ressures equal to or less than
1/2 psig (3.45 kPa).

Installation Instructions

LOCATION OF YOUR DRYER Allow the following clearances for ease of installation:
Do Not Install the Dryer: FRONT SLOES REAR TOP
1. Do not h_stall the &cyer in an area exposed to dripping Alcove, stack, 3" (7.6cm) 0 (0 cm) 3" (7.6cm) 0 (0 cm)
water or outside weather c(mditions. undercounter
or closet
2. Do not h_stall the dryer in an area where it will come
in contact with curtains, drapes or anything that will THIS DRYER MUST BE EXHAUSTED OUTDOORS.
obstruct tile flow of combustion and x entilation ai_:
5. Tile following illustrations show minimum clearance
3. Do not h_stall the dryer on caq)et. diillensions t0r pI'oper opei'ation in a recess or closet
Floor MUST be solid with a ma_mum sh)pe
of 1" (2.:
( 5 4 cm).
.._ H_,. 0 _

ii (Ocm)
Undercounter Installation: II

If an undercounter* installation is desired, tile dryer

MUST have a top sheet kit installed, Pub. No. 14-A008.
I¢dt is a\:filable through your GE retaile_:
*Custom-sized countertop is required.

Installation in Recess or Closet:

1. This dryer MUST be exhausted outdo(n_.

2. No other tirol burning appliance shall be installed in tile _,,,.,..3 _ ,,,,..3

same closet as the GAS DRYER. II (76cm) II (7.6clrl)
ii ii

3.Your dryer needs the space around it fin" proper


4. Closet do(n_ m ust be louvered or otherwise ventilated

and must contain a minimum of 60 sq. in. (ff open area
equally distributed. If the closet contains both a washer
and a (hTe_; do(n_ must contain a minimum of 120 sq.
in. of open area equally (listrJbumd. Mr openings are
required to be unobstructed when a door is installed.
A hmvered door with equi\_dent air openings fin" tile fifll
length of the door is acceptable.


i i (
I !

Installation Instructions


1, Dryer MUST be exhausted outside (outdoing, not
beneath the mobile home) using metal ducting that will 267/8" _1
not support combustion.

duct is preferred.
Metal ducting must be 4"
(l 0.l 6 cm) in diamemr with no obstructions. Rigid metal

2, If the dryer is exhausmd through the flora; the exhaust Electrical
connection t
svsmm MUST NOT temfinate beneath the mobile Under
home. Temfination MUST be secm'elv fi_stened to the counter
mobile home structm'e.
29/16" _, (87.9cm)
3. When installing a gas (hyer into a mobile home, a (6.6cmT
provision illtlSt be made tin" outside make-up air. This 139/16"
provision is to be not less than twice the area of the (hwer
exhaust outlet. (34.5cm)]

4. Gas (h've_5 MUST be fi_stened to the floor using Mobile 1 © 36"

Home Installation t4dt Pub. No. 14-D346-33.

-f_ 3/16"(0.48cm)Dia.
5, See the Exhaust System Requirements section fin" other
important venting infiwmation. 33/4" gaspipe
6. Installation MUST confimn to cmTent Manufi_cmred
Home Construction & Safety Standard (which is a
Federal Regulation Title 24 CFR--Part 32-80) m;
when such standard is not applicable, with/hnerican 47 1/2"
National Standard fin" Mobile Homes, ANSI/NFPA No. (120.7cm}
501B. In Canada, the CSA Z240 is applicable. 3/4"
Correct <

4 3/8"
Don't (11.1cm7""-_!
vent knockout • .

__ 253/4" __ t
(65.4cm) 33/4"
Thedryer is designedunder ANSI Z 21.5.1. SIDE VIEW

SERVICING - Consideration m ust be given to provide

adequate clearances t0r installation and servicing.

Installation Instructions


WARNING: mp,,,pe,
ik WARNING: Thef.ll,,wi.g eqtfipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk _ff
electric shock. Check Mth a licensed electrician if you are in
requirements for proper and sate electrical installation oI
doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
your d_Te_: [_filure to follow these instructions can create
electrical shock and/or a fire hazard. The d_3'er MUST be grounded. In the event el a
malflmction or b_eakdown, grounding will reduce the risk
This appliance MUST be i)roperly grounded.
of electrical shock by creating a path of least resistance tot
Electrical shock can result if the dryer is not properly
electrical current.
grounded. Follow the instructions in this manual tot proper
grounding. Grotmding must be in accordance Mth local codes and

DO NOT use an extension cord with this (h_'e_: Some ordinances, or in the absence el local codes, in accordance
with the National Electrical Code _NSI/NFPA No. 70.
extension cords are not designed to withstand the amounts
of electrical ctm'ent this (hTer utilizes and can melt, For a grounded, cord-comaected electric dryer:
creating electrical shock and/or fire ha/m'd. I,ocate the
If your chyer is equiI)I)ed with a power sui)ply cord having
dryer within reach (ff the wall outlet, ta!dng into account
an equil)ment-grounding conductor and a grounding
the length of power cord to be purchased and allowing
sore e slack in the cord. Refer to Electrical Requirements in plug, the plug MUST be plugged into an ai)propfiate,
coppe_vired receptacle (in the U.S.), or in Canada, an
this manual for the proper power cord to be purchased.
ai)propfiam outlet that is properly installed and grounded
A LllAisted strain relict must be installed onto power cord. in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. If in
If the strain relict is not attached, the cord can be pulled doub_ call a licensed electrician.
out of the dryer and can be cut by any movement _ff the
For a permmmntly cmmected dectric dryer:
cord, resulting in electrical shock.
" The dryer MUST be connected to a grounded met;fl,
NOTE: D_'e_s operating on 208-volt power supi)ly will
permanent wiring system; or an equii)ment-grounding
have longer (h3'ing times than those operating
conductor must be rtm with the circuit conductors and
on 240-volt power supI)ly:
connected to the equil)ment-grounding terminal or lead
A wiring diagwam is located under the top panel. on the appliance.

For a grom_ded, cord-commcted gas dryer:

• This chyer is equii)i)ed with a three-prong (grounding)

plug for your protection against shock hazard and should
be phtgged directly inU_ a properly grounded three-prong
receptacle. Do not cut or remove the grounding prong
fl'om this l)lug. Do not modit)' the l)lug on this appliance.
If it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by
a qualified electrician.

Installation Instructions


NOT for use in Canada. Effective Jaamaacy 1, 1996: The National Electrical Code
DO NOT use for Mobile Home Installations, requires that new construction (non e_sting) utilize a
NOT for use on new construction. 4-wire connection to an electric (h_e_:

In Cmmda a 4-wire power supply cord is h_stalled on

1. ReInove the screws securing the temfinal block access
the dryer,
cover and the strain relict mounting bracket located on
the back of the (hwer upper corne_: 1. Remove the screws secming the terminal block access
cover and the strain relief mounting bracket located on
2. Install a UiAisted strain relief into the power cord entry the back of the (hTer upper corne_:
hole ot the I//o/Inting bracket. Finge>tighmn the n/It 2, h_stall a LrIAisted strain reliel in the ent_" hole of
only at this time.
the mortaring bracket. Finger-tighten the nut only
at this thne.
Greengroundscrew 3, Remove the green neutral (*rotmd wire from the green
ground screw located aboxe the temfinal block.

4 Black240V
Greenneutral conductor
11 - I_
groundwire !ut 4TYcI:ioCnluctor
c0rd _ White neutral
lighten nut to receptacle
_- Red240V _
_' Greenground
4, Thread a UIAisted 30A, 240V, 4 #l 0 A_.VGminiumm
copper conductor power cord through the strain relie£
Use copper
5, Attach the green power cord grotmd wire to the
conductors only. Strainrelief
mountingbracket cabinet with the green ground screw.
6. Attach the white (neutral) power cord condtlctor fFOI//
3. Thread a UI Aisted 30A, 240V, 3 #10 AWG minim um
the power cord and the green grotmd wire ti'om the
copper conductor power cord through the strain relieL dryer harness to the silver-colored center mmfinal on
4. Attach the power cord neutral (center wire) conductor the temfinal block, Tighten the screw secm'elv,
to the silvePcolored center temfinal on the temfinal , Attach the red and black power cord conductors to the
block. Tighten the screw secm'el> outer brass-colored temfinals on the temfinal block.

5. Attach the remaining two power cord o/iter con(hlctoi's Green

to the outer brass-colored temfinals on the temfinal Greenground _ /

block. Tighten both scrm_:s secm'elv. screw "__./_ Silverterminal

d__Tenei,,a, block
WARNING: 1,,, not inake a sharp bend or Greeveutra'__.t
crimp wiring/conductor at connections. gr0un0w,re
/,,_"f'-- _"'_gi/'_'Wbite
...... Nut
6. Reattach the strain relief mortaring bracket to the Red/ __/ / lightennutto
back of the dryer with screws provided. Tighten screws __ ,_JI_/_tbese threads
securely. L,
_" HI relief 1 /T_
7. Tighten the screws secming the cord restraint firefly Powercord/ " " leounting_[A_lJr%
against the power cord.

8. Tighten the strain relief nut secm'ely so that the strain

relief does not turn. WARNING: D,, not inake a sharp bend
9. Reinstall the temfinal block access coxe_: or crimp wiring/conductor at the connections.
8. Tighten the screws secm'ing the cord restraint firefly
against the power cord.
9. Tighten the strain relief nut securely so the strain relief
does not [tlI'II.
10. Reinstall the temfinal block access covei:

Installation Instructions


./k CAUTION: Before operating tile dI)'eI;
GAS DRYERS make sure tile drxer area is clear and fl'ee from
combustible materials, gasoline, and other flanmmble
1. I{emove tile shipping cap flxm_ gas pipe at tile rear ot wq)ot_. _Mso see that nothing (such as boxes,
tile dryer: clothing, etc.) ol>tructs tile flow of combustion and
ventilation ai_:
Conversion to LP Gas: DO NOT connect tile (hyer to
I,P gas service without converting tile gas wflve. An I,P 6. Rtm tile dryer through a cycle check fin" proper
conve_ion kit (Pub. No. 14-A038) MUST be installed opei'a[ion.

b v a qualified gas technician.

NOTE: On gas drye_, befin'e tile bm'ner will light, it is
a. Comlect a 1/2" (1.27 cm) I.D. semi-rigid necessary fin" the gas line to be bled of ai_: If the bm'ner
or approved pipe fl'om gas supply line to does not light within 45 seconds the fi_t time the dryer is
the 3/8" (0,96 cm) pipe located on the back of the turned on, tile satety switch will shut tile burner off. If this
dryeI: Use a l/2" to 3/8" (1.27 cm to 0.96 cm) happens, tm'n tile timer to Ol_" and wait 5 minutes befl)re
reducer fin" a comlection. Apply an approved thread making another attempt to light.
sealer that is resistant to the corrosive action of
7. If u)ur dryer does not operate, please review the
liquefied gases on all pipe comlections,
Troubleshooting lips section in this manual befi)re
b, Open the shutoff \:live in the gas supply line, calling fin" service.

c. Test all connections by brushing on a soapy water 8. Place these instructions in a location near the dryer fin.
sohltion. fimn'e reterence.


2, Cmmect tile exhaust duct to outside exhaust system.
Use duct tape to seal all joints.

3. With tile dryer ill its final position, at!just one or inore
ot tile legs until tile dryer is resting solidly on all fimr
legs. Place a level on top of the d_ve_: THE DRYER

4. Plug tile power cord into a gro/mded outlet.

NOTE: Check to ensm'e tile power is off at circuit
breaker/fllse box befin'e plugging tile power cord
into the outlet,

5. Tm'n on tile power at tile circuit breaker/fllse box.

Stacking Instructions


• To reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect this
appliance ti'om the power supply befin'e attempting The numbers in the illustration correspond to steps.
any user maintenance. Turning tile controls to tile
OFF position does not disconnect this appliance 1. Remove the washer top panel by first removing the 4
ti'om tile power sui_ply. scre_vs in tile 2 brackets located on tile top rear oI tile
• Refer to tile washer and (h-vet installation instructions
prior to stacking appliances. Reading all of the Slide tile top fin'ward, lift tile fl'ont (ff tile top up and
infimnation contained in these instructions will simpli{}' remove the top panel.
tile installation and ensure a correct and sate operation.
Remove the 2 brackets ti'om the rear of the top panel.
A fire hazard and/or personal iqim T could result fl'oln
improper installation. 2. Using the 4 screws that were removed in step 1, install
tile brackets in tile rear support as shown.

3, Remove the 4 scre_vs and the 2 long fl'ont brackets

TOOLS REQUIRED FOR STACKING located on the top fl'ont oI the washe_;
THE DRYER 4. Install the 2 new fl'ont mounting brackets provided and
tile 4 scrmvs that were removed in step 3. Note that tile
• Phillips head screwdriver tab of tile ti'ont mounting bracket is ti_cing fin'ward as
shown in tile illustration.
• Cham_el-lock a(!iustable plie_

Stacking Instructions-Reversing Door Swing

8. Insert the 2 long screws provided in the kit through

Thenumbers in the illustration correspond to steps. the holes in the dryer ti'ont panel and install into the
5. Using the blade end ofa putb' knite co',ered with fl'ont mounting brackets.
masking tape, carefllll) remoxe
.... the hole I_lugs, located 9. Install the hole i)lugs removed in step 5.
in the 1)otmm of the (h-vet fl'ont panel.
10. Refer to the washer and dryer installation instructions
6, Remoxe the 4 legs from the dr}er base.
fin" proper installation and fimction.
7. Place the dryer on top of the washe_: Slide the dr}er
11. Save the top panel and brackets in the case offlmu'e
back into the rear brackets (7A) then drop the fl'ont side-by-side rise.
down oxer the ti'ont brackets (7B).



1. Open the d_'er doo_: Remove the 4 hinge hole phlgs or
screws fl'om the left side of door opening. Place nearby
fl)r fllture installation. NOTE: You may need a plastic knife
to help pull out the plugs. Be careful not to scratch the paint.

2. Remove the fimr screws that secure the door hinges to

the dryer fl'ont panel. NOTE: Remove l screw from each
of the 2 hinges first. Hold the door firmly before removing the
last 2 screws.

3. Rotate the door 180 ° and reinstall the door hinges to the
(h?'er tixmt panel with the 4 screws.

4. Install the 4 hinge hole i)lugs or scre_:s that were

removed in stop 1 into the open screw holes on the right
side of the door opening.

4screws onefrom
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.

Possible Causes What To Do

Dryer doesn't start Dryer is unplugged • Make sure the (hTer plug is pushed c()mi)letely into
the outlet.

Fuse is blown/dreuit breaker is • Check tile building's flase/circuit breaker box and
tripped replace fltse or reset breakel; NOTE."Electric drvel_
use two fl/ses/bl'eakel_.

Thermal limiter tripped • Check the vent fi:q" any obstructions. Call authorized
seYvice l)elNou fi)l" l'epl;iceI//eut, if uecessai'v.

Dryer doesn't heat Fuse is blown/circtfit breaker is • Check the buihling's htse/circuit breaker box and
tripped, the dryer may tumble replace fitse or reset breaker: Your dryer may tumble
but not heat if only one fl/se is blown or one breaker tripped.

Gas service is off • Make sure gas slmtott at dryer and main shutoff are
fidly ()l)en.

LP gas supply tmlk is empty • Refill or replace tank. Dryer should heat wheu utility
or there has been a utility service is restored.
interruption of natural gas
(gas models)

Otyershakes ormakes Some shakh_g/noise is normal. • Move dis'el', to an even floor space, or at!just
ooise Dryer may be sitting unevenly leveling legs as necessary until even.

Greasy spots on clothes Improper use of fabric softener • Follow directions on tiO)ric sotteuer l)ack:we_.

Drying dirty items with clean ones • Use votu" drrer to d D" only cle:m items. Dirty items can
stail_ clean items and the drveI:

Clothes were not completely dem_ • Sometimes stains which cannot be seen when the
clothes are wet appearafler drying. Use proper
washing procedures befl)re drying.

Lint on clothes Lint Filter is full • Clean lint screen befi)re each load.

Improper sorting • Sort lint i)roduce_s (like chenille) from lint collectors
(like corduroy).

Static dectricity can atlract lint • See suggestions in this section uudel" STATIC.

Overloading • Sel)al'ate lal'ge loads iuto Slualler ()lies.

Paper, tissue, etc., left in pockets • EmpF all pockets bet0re laundering clothes.

Before you call for service...

Possible Causes What To Do

Staticoccurs Overdrying • TI_' a fid_fic softeuei:

• A(!iust controls fin" less drying.

No fabric softener was used • Tl-v a tidglJC sottelleY.

Synthetics, permmmnt press mad • Tin' a fabric s(_tteuer.

blends can cause static

Inconsistentdryingtimes Type of heat • Automatic drying times will vary according to the D'pe
ot heat used (electric, uatm'al or LP gas), size (ff load,
D'pes of fid_fics, wetness of clothes and condition ot
exhaust ducts.

Clothes take too long Improper sorting • Separate hea\ T items fl'om lightweight items (generally,
to dry a well-sorted washer load is a well-sorted dryer load).

Large loads of heavy fabrics (like • lm'ge heavv thbrics contain more moisture mad take
beach towels) hmger to dl y. Separate large, hea\_' tid_fics into smaller
loads to speed d_ying time.

Controls improperly set • Match control settings to the h>ad you are drvin

Lint filter is full • (3eau lint filter heft)re eveYv h)ad.

hnproper or obstructed ducthag • Check Installation Instructions fiw proper


Make sure ducting is clean, fl'ee ot kinks and


• (Jwck to see if outside wall damper operates easily.

• Check the Installation Instructions to make sure the dryer

veutiug is COITeCt.

Blown fuses or tripped circuit • Replace filses or reset circuit breakel_. Since most
breaker drvet_ use two fl/ses/breakel_, make sm'e both are

Overloading/combhahag loads • Do not put more th:m one washer load in tile dryer at
a till/e,

Underloadhag • If yot/ ;ll'e dDiug only one of two items, add a tew itelus
to eust/l'e l)roper tumbling.

Clothes are wrinkled Overdryhag • Select a shoYter (hTiug time.

• Remove items while they still hold a slight amount of

moistm'e. Select a LESS DRY setting.

Letting items sit ha dryer after • I>_emove items wheu cycle ends ;111(1fi)ld or hang
cycle ends immediatelv.

Overloading • Sel)al'ate large loads into smaller ones.

Clothesshrink Some fabrics will nat urally shrhlk • To avoid shrinkage, fi)llow gam_ent care labels exactly.

when washed. Others can be • Some items may be pressed back into shape after drvin
safely washed, but will shri_k
ha the dryer • If you are concerned about shrinkage in a l)articular item,
do not machine wash or tumble dry it.


GEDryer Warranty.(For
customers in the United States)

Aft warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers, Staple your receipt here.
or an authorized Customer Care® technician. Toschedule service, Proof of the original purchase
on-line, 24 hours a day, visit us at, or call 800.GE.CARES date is needed to obtain service
(800.432.2737).Please have serial number and model number under the warranty.
available when calling for service.

GE Will Replace:

Any part ot the dryer which tails due t(, a defect in materials or workmanship. During this
From the date ofthe limited one-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, all lal)or and related service
origbal purchase costs to replace the (lefecti\'e part.

• Service trips to your home to teach you how to use • Dmnage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods
the product. or acts of God.

• hnproper hastaJlation, delivery or maJntenmlce. • h_cidentaJ or consequential dmnage caused by possible

defects with this applimlce.
• FaAlure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for
other thm_ the intended purpose or used commercially. • Dmnage caused after delivery.

• Replacement of the light bulb. • Product not accessible to provide required service.

• Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit


EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this
Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law.

This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home
use within the USA. If the product is located in an area where service by a GEAuthorized Servicer is not available,
you may be responsible for a trip charge or you may be required to bring the product to an Authorized GE Service
location for service. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home.

Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what your
legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General.

Warrantor: General Electric Company. Louisville, KY 40225

GEDryer Warranty. (For
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized technician. For service, call 1.800.361.3400.
Please have serial number and model number available when
calling for service.

GE Will Replace:

Anypart ot the dryer which tails due to a defect in materials or workmanship, During this
Fromthe date of the limited one-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge, all labor and related service
origina!purchase costs to replace the defective part.

• Service trips to your home to teach you how to use • Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
the product. breakers.

• Improper hlstallation, delivery or mah_tenm_ce. • Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
• Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for
other thml the intended purpose or used commercially. • h_cidentaJ or consequentiaJ damage caused by possible
defects with this applimlce.
• Product not accessible to provide required service.
• Damage to f'nfish not reported within 48 hours followh_g
the delivery of the applim_ce.

EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repa# as provided in this
Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merehantability or fitness for a
particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law.

This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use
within Canada. In-home warranty service will be provided in areas where it is available and deemed reasonable by
Camco to provide.


] Warrantor: CAMCO IN(;. ]


"l gEAppliancesWebsite i,,the_.8.:
Havedo} of tile }ear'. For greater
with ?am" and thster service
%) tile you
GE can now download
a question or need appliance? Appliances "_\_bsite Ox_ner's
24 ham's Mmmals,
a day,
order pat_s, catalogs, or even schedule service on-line. You can also "_sk Ore" Team of Experts'"' }our questions,
and so much more... In Canada:

ScheduleService i,,the_.,.8.:
Expert (;E iepair service is onl) one step awa} fl'om }am" dooi: (;et on-line and schedule }our service at _otu"
convenience 24 ham's an} dm of tile ?ear! Or call 800.(;E.(Z_RES (800.432.2737) during mmnal business ham's.
In Canada, cab 1.800.361.3400.

RealLife DesignStudio i,,the_.,.8.:

GE supports tile l_)nivei_al Design concept--p_oducts, services and environI//ents that call be used by people _ffall
ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need to design tbr a wide range of physical and mental abilities and
impairments. For details of GE's lJnive_al Design applications, including ldtchen design ideas fbr people with
disabilities, check out our Website today. For tile hearing impaired, please call 800.TDD.GEAC (800.833.4322).
In Canada, contact: Managei; Consumer Relations, Cameo, Inc.
Suite 310, 1 Factm)' Lane
Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3

ExtendedWarranties In tile U.S.:

Purchase a (;E extended _<uTant} and learn about special discomlts that are available _llile }our _<m'ant} is still
in effect. You can pro'chase it on-line am_ime,
• or call 8 11
) ).026.2224
-_ .... dining mmnal business hom_. GE Consmner
Home Services will still be there after }our warrant} expires. In Canada, call 1.888.261.2133.

PartsandAccessories In tile U.S.:

Individuals qualified to secdce their own appliances can have pmnrs or accessories sent direcdy to their homes
(VISA, MasterCard and Discover caIds ate accepted). Order on-line today, 24 hours every clay or by phone at
800.626.2002 during mmnal business ham's.
instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to he performed by any user. Other servicing generally should he
referred to qualified service personnel Caution must he exercised since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.
Customel_ in Caznada shouM consult tile yellow pages for tile nearest Camco service (entel. or call 1.888.261.3055.

ContactUs In tile U.S.:

If you are not satisfied with tile service you receive Dora GE, contact us on our Website with all tile details
including your phone numbe_; or write to: General Manage_; Customer Relations
GE Appliances, Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
In Canada.", or write to: Directm; Consumer Relations, Camco, Inc.
Suite 310, 1 Factory Line
Moncton, N.B. El(': 9M3

RegisterYourAppliance i,, the u.s.: _e,_0m

commtmication and prompt service trader the temps of }our ",_arran_,,_ should tile need raise. Yo_.l ma} also
Register your new appliance on-line---at your convenience! Timel} product iegistrafion will allow for enhanced
mail in tile pre-pfinted registration card included in tile pacMng material. In Canada:


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