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Immunopolitics: A Marxist Analysis of the Connection Between

COVID-19 Pandemic and the Capitalist Exploitation

Nihal Sarkar
Department of Peace and Conflict Studies and Management, Sikkim University, Tadong, Sikkim


The gravest danger to freedom lies at the crossroads of neo-liberalism and capitalist society.
When the spread of chemical and biological and nuclear weapons, along with ballistic missile
technology—when that occurs, that must mean that there is no socialist state left in the world
to resist this militarisation of world economy and the practice of the biological and chemical
warfare, throughout the world, are just its stairs; because geopolitics of fear, geopolitics of
emotion are very popular among the policymakers these days. Castro was there, Stalin was
there, even Mao challenged this oppression done by the capitalist economic means of
production and its philosophical problems in the twentieth century, but historically it can be
seen that death of Stalin triggered the breakdown of Soviet Socialist economy, the Warsaw
pact was not the same as of 1948 and as of 1991, the death of Castro triggering the
disappearance of the last socialist state from this century and this capitalist multipolar world
has become economically unmaintained with balance of power. Here, the concern lies
because this is leading to a totalitarian imperialist world governance and all the people are
being blindfolded by their respective governments. As no state has been remained in today’s
world to raise questions against the medicine interventions and exchanges, the vaccine
diplomacy, the production means of the vaccines which are taking place in the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic, regarding how scientific, how proper these are in nature, specially with
respect to the economy and the bodily integrity. This article; focuses on such things and with
elaborative probable security measures against today’s neo-colonialism at the summit of
spread of COVID-19 pandemic; a tribute to the first President of Ghana who historically first
ever to identify the neo-colonial oppression, Kwane Nkrumah.


COVID-19, bio-warfare, bioterrorism, capitalist exploitation, India, China

The history of warfare and a history of diseases are unquestionably interwoven. Throughout
the history of warfare, disease and non-battle injury have accounted for deaths and loss of
combat capability higher than from actual battle in war itself. The most striking example is
the great influenza pandemic during World War One that killed 20 million people or more
worldwide in 1918 (Ainscough, 2002). Although this was a naturally occurring event, what if
a country could create a biological agent that could yield the same catastrophic loss of life on
the enemy? That, in essence, is the potential effect of applying genetic engineering for
biological warfare or bioterrorism.

The most prominent question regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is the whether it was man-
made or not. At first, it is needed to understand that the differences between biological
warfare and bioterrorism. Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of
biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects and fungi with the
intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war; biological
weapons are living organisms are replicating entities. Whereas bioterrorism is terrorism
involving the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents; these agents are same
like bacteria, viruses, insects, fungi or toxins and maybe in a naturally occurring or a human
modified form, in much the same way as in biological warfare (Harris & Paxman, 2016). In
the case of COVID-19, it is claimed to be a state-sponsored bioterrorism i.e., a sort of
terrorism which a state conducts against another state or against its own citizens. Two basic
questions have been raised to meet the previous statement in case of COVID-19 pandemic;
firstly, why such chaos was needed all of a sudden and secondly, how to securitise us from
this such of bio-warfare. The reason for the chaos can be explained as for implementing a
new world order and for incorporating of a change in the nature of market. Regarding the
new world order, the details are discussed in the latter part of this article. The change in
nature of market resembles with how the pattern of war has been changed from land grabbing
to economy grabbing of the neighbouring countries by own market; If systematically
observed, then it can be found that till the Second World War, the nature of war was mainly
followed by grabbing the land for expansion of own government but after Second World
War, specially during the Cold War, it can be seen that the nature of war had mainly become
grabbing the economy of the neighbouring countries by own market (Cox, 1996) e.g., China
is dominating the entire economies of the North Eastern Asian countries. This change in the
nature of market was also needed to implement the monopoly capitalisation of the
dominating economy on the neighbouring weak economy, same example of China
dominating the neighbouring economies can be referred here also. The possible measures for
securitising us from such worldwide chaos can be developed with dialectical researches.
Besides from the COVID-19 pandemic’s being a state-sponsored bioterrorism or not, two
more things are additionally also questionable; such as the ongoing nature of vaccine
diplomacy, the production means of the vaccines because the probable answers indicate an
economic exploitation only, throughout the world. The word “Immunopolitics” is so here by
framed to interpret the research gap in the methods of securitising us from the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic and to academically expose the interconnections, having currently
taken place among the global pandemic, the world order and the capitalist exploitation. So,
“Immunopolitics” can be defined as the integrity of biology, economy and politics (Neyrat,
Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism

The differences between the biological warfare and bioterrorism have been already discussed,
it can be seen that they are quite interconnected in nature although not the cent percent same
with each other by definitions. A terrorist attack with a biologically engineered agent may
unfold unlike any previous event. The pathogen may be released clandestinely so there will be
a delay between exposure and onset of symptoms. Days to weeks later, when people do
develop symptoms, they could immediately start spreading contagious diseases (Harris &
Paxman, 2016). By that time, many people will likely be hundreds of miles away from where
they were originally exposed, possibly at multiple international sites. Acutely ill victims may
present themselves in large numbers to emergency rooms and other medical treatment
facilities. In this scenario, medical professionals would be “on the front lines” of the attack. If
the pathogen was highly contagious, medics would then become secondarily infected.
Unsuspecting hospitals would become contaminated and soon overwhelmed (Harris &
Paxman, 2016). This would necessitate the quarantine of a large number of people, with the
situation exacerbated by the declining numbers of medical care givers. The media would
contribute to public anxiety. Civil disorder and chaos may ensue. We have very little
experience in coping with such an epidemic. Advanced warning of an impending specific
bioterrorist incident, especially with a genetically engineered biowarfare agent, will be
extremely rare— similar to an emerging disease outbreak (Koontz, 1989). Unless we happen
to have excellent intelligence, we can only be prepared to respond after the fact.

The most potent and desirable bioweapons should posses four main characteristic features:
low visibility, high potency, substantial accessibility and relatively easy delivery. Biological
weapons are economically cheaper to produce and can cause mass casualties and this factors
enhance the threat caused by them. The ease of availability, along with the ability of
infectious agents to cause severe toxic manifestations leading to societal disruptions and
panic, led to the term “Poor Man’s Nuclear Arsenal” for biological warfare agents. . Modern
development in the field of basic and applied microbiology has led to several advances,
including the identification of virulent pathogens suitable for aerosol delivery and industrial-
scale fermentation processes to produce large quantities of pathogens and toxins (Ryan,
2008). These agents must be considered in terms of an evolving world, where advances in
science and technology have overcome some of the earlier physical limitations. According to
Moisi, 2009, in today’s scenario, a biological warfare agent need not be highly lethal to be
effective. Incapacitation and confusion are all that is necessary to produce the intended
effects. Lethality of biological weapons may be increased if they are used in combination
with other types of potent weapons and if the initial symptoms of exposure to such agents are
usually indistinguishable (Ryan, 2008). They have the ability to cause mass destruction even
before their presence can be suspected. The incubation period associated with these agents is
also of concern, as, if one member of a (military, etc.) unit falls victim, others may still be
incubating the disease (Miller, Broad & Engelberg, 2001). Generally, troops deployed to
foreign lands are at a greater risk for exotic endemic disease agents as many of them lack a
natural immunity. This increases the effectiveness, and even after the first casualties have
been presented to medical personnel, nothing can be confirmed.
Also, the psychological, economical, and demoralizing impact of the sinister use of such
lethal agents or toxin cannot be underestimated.

Genesis & History

Biological agents include bacteria, viruses, fungi and other micro organisms and their
associated toxins. They have the ability to adversely affect human health in a variety of ways,
ranging from relatively mild, allergic reactions to serious medical conditions – even death.

Bacteria– bacteria are small single-celled organisms. Bacteria are found almost everywhere
on earth and are vital to planet’s ecosystems. Some species can leave under extreme
conditions of temperature and pressure. The human body is full of bacteria, and in fact is
estimated to contain more bacterial cells than human cells. There are generally four types of
pathogenic bacteria used in bioterrorism; Bacillus anthrax (Anthrax), Clostridium botulinum
(botulism), Francisella tularensis subspecies (Tularensis / valley fever), Yersinia pestis (the
plague) (Vidyasagar, 2019).

Virus- A virus is a sub-microscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living
cells of an organism. Why does in fact all types of life forms, from animals and plants to
micro organisms, including bacteria and archaea. Scientist worry a bola and other
haemorrhagic viruses such a small box could be used as biological agents. Biodefence uses
medical measures to protect people against bioterrorism. This includes medicines and
vaccinations (Krug & Wagner, 2020).

Fungus- A fungus is any member of the group of heterotrophic organisms that includes
micro organisms such as yeasts and molds, as well as the more familiar mushrooms (National
Geographic Encyclopedia, 2010). A characteristic that places fungi in a different kingdoms of
plants, bacteria and, some protists in chitin in their cell walls. Fungi cause disease directly by
infection or indirectly through mycotoxins. Fungi that are used as weapons might be targeted
against humans, livestock, or crops. Humans and animals in counter fungi and mycotoxins
through inhalation, ingestion and contact with skin and mucous membranes (Ahmadjian,
Moore, David and Alexopoulos, 2020).

Toxins of Microorganisms- Toxins are poisonous produced by living organisms. Toxins

relevant to bioterrorism include ricin, Clostridium perfrigens epsilson toxin, conotoxins,
shigatoxins, saxiotoxins, tetrodotoxins, mycotoxins and nicotine (Miller, Broad & Engelberg,

Development of newer technologies such as genetic engineering and easy access to

information are the two leading factors that encourage the misuse of biological warfare
agents, as the virulence and potency of agents can be further improved to make efficient
bioweapons (Ryan, 2008). Such misuse and development of newer strains could lead to the
development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, and also enhanced invasiveness
and pathogen city of commensals (Ryan, 2008). This enhanced resistance to new and potent
antibiotics constitutes a weak point and will eventually lead to failure of drugs to protect
urban and rural populations against lethal bioweapons. An attack with such antibiotic
resistant strains will initiate the spread of communicable diseases, such as anthrax and
plague, on an epidemic scale. This section of the chapter contains detailed discussions of
some of the most virulent pathogens and toxins that can be completely devastating when used
as biological weapons (Ryan, 2008).

600 BC Solon uses the Purgative herb hellebore during the siege of Krissa
1155 Emperor Barbarossa poisons water wells with human bodies in Tortona, Italy
1346 Tartar forces catapult bodies of plague victims over the city walls of Caffa,
Crimean Peninsula (now Feodosia, Ukraine)
1495 Spanish mix wine with blood of leprosy patients to sell to their French foes in
Naples, Italy
1675 German and French forces agree to not use “poisoned bullets”
1710 Russian troops catapult human bodies of plague victims into Swedish cities
1763 British distribute blankets from smallpox patients to Native Americans
1797 Napoleon floods the plains around Mantua, Italy to enhance the spread of
1863 Confederates sell clothing from yellow fever and smallpox patients to Union
troops during the US Civil War
World War I German and French agents use glanders and anthrax
World War II Japan uses plague, anthrax and other diseases; several other countries experiment
with develop biological weapons programmes
1980-‘88 Iraq uses mustard gas, sarin and tabun against Iran and ethnic groups inside Iraq
during the Persian Gulf War
1995 Aum Shinrikyo uses sarin gas in the Tokyo subway system
Table 1: Examples of remarkable biological and chemical warfare use during the past 2000 years (Carus,

Coronavirus and The Great Conspiracy

Coronavirus (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common
cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning
they are transmitted between animals and people. All three of these viruses have their origins
in bats (Read, Bridgen, Cummings, Ho & Jewel, 2020). Detailed investigations found that
SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary
camels to humans (Read, Bridgen, Cummings, Ho & Jewel, 2020).

The outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December, 2019 and recognised
as a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 11th of March 2020. The
exact origin of the novel coronavirus is still a mystery, with researchers racing the outbreak
began to figure it out. But already, virologists who’ve parsed the genome and infectious
disease experts who study coronaviruses, say they have enough evidence to prove the virus is
brand new and came from nature, which they then affirmed in The Lancet, the virus
originated in wildlife. According to them, the emergence of the virus in the same city as
China’s only level 4 biosafety lab; The Wuhan Institute of Virology, it turns out, is pure
coincidence (Read, Bridgen, Cummings, Ho & Jewel, 2020).

Conspiracy kept rising as the origin became questionable when for the first time, Charles
Lieber, a prominent Harvard University chemist and nanotechnology pioneer has been
arrested on 03rd of February, 2020 and charged with making false statements to the US
government about receiving research funding from China (Read, Bridgen, Cummings, Ho &
Jewel, 2020).

Details of Lieber’s alleged offences appear in a charging document submitted by the FBI in
connection with his arrest. It says that for periods of time between 2012 and 2017, Lieber
agreed to be paid a salary of $50,000 per month, as well as about $150,000 a year in personal
and living expenses, by Wuhan University Technology and was given more than $1.5
million to set up a research lab there. According to a contract cited in the document, Lieber
was to work at or for Wuhan University of Technology for at least nine months a year. Lieber
also agreed to host visiting scientists for two-month stints at his US lab, according to the FBI,
an agreement that Harvard was not aware of (Atlantic Council, 2020).

On February 24, recipient of Presidential Medal of Freedom Rush Limbaugh stated, “It
probably is a ChiCom laboratory experiment that is in the process of being weaponised. All
superpower nations weaponise bioweapons” (Xiaowei, 2020). The same day, former White
House strategist Steve Bannon went on Fox News and imply that the Chinese Communist
Part was still hiding about the origin of COVID-19 (Molla, 2020).

Again, Chen Quanjiro, a researcher of Wuhan Institute of Virology, reported the head of the
institute, Wang Yanji, claiming, “sold experimental animals” to the live animal and seafood
marketand “leaked the virus” from the lab. Later, Chen denied the claim, saying, “The rumors
about the institute have affected the researchers as they try to tackle key problems” (Xiaowei,

First of all, one clarification is extremely needed that if COVID-19 is a man-made disaster,
then it is being granted, assumed by everybody these days that a communist country
sometimes do feel the need of creating such genocide as a measure of population control;
which is actually a complete myth because firstly, China is not a communist country at all. In
Communism, there is no concept of a nation-state, a nation-state or a country technically
can’t be addressed as a communist country at all. So if a nation-state is adopting and
incorporating the Communist ideologies on its people by constitutional means, the type of the
nation-sate will be socialist state or socialist country (Marx, Engels, Lenin, 1976). Then,
having the words “Communist party” in the ruling political foundation’s name can never
prove the following country to be Communist in nature. A Communist government is
consisting of a socialist economy i.e., collectivisation of wealth takes place, developmental
institutions are found to be state-owned, economic activities are performed in the light of
collectivism, centralised planning of economy takes place, abolishment of private property
takes place, democratic centralism replaces the democracy in Parliamentary elections e.t.c
(Marx, Engels, Lenin, 1976). China is witnessed not to have performed a single action among
the above mentioned initiatives, it only has a ruling political party namely the Communist
Party of China. The first premier of USSR, Vladimir Lenin stated that imperialism is the
highest stage of capitalism and today’s China is imperialist in nature as it is witnessed that
China still occupying the political control on Taiwan and Tibet. Also, colonialism is known
as the highest stage of imperialism; in such scenario China is found to keep colonising the
African continent along with USA, United Kingdom and France even in today’s date.
Today’s nature of colonisation is slightly different, has been evolved (neo-colonialism) as it
is generally done through the corporate industrialisation (Harvey, 2005) and China is
establishing billion dollar railway project in Africa currently, like USA once established the
BPO industries throughout the world. So, it is meaningless to address China a communist
country; the day China lost Mao Ze Dong, lost socialism from own soil.

The British professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sorensen in their
22-pages study which is set to be published in the scientific journal Quarterly Review of
Biophysics Discovery, have claimed to have found "unique fingerprints" in COVID-19
samples that they say could only have arisen from manipulation in a laboratory (ABP News,
2021). In this event, the Lab Leak Theory has gathered more attention. Whereas in actuality
China cannot be blamed alone; several researches and alternative media has been keeping
revealing that a pandemic like COVID-19 has been a project jointly initiated by United States
Department of Defence, China and other imperialist countries; no matter how much one is
blaming another in today’s date because all of those countries equally culprit. On 6th of May,
2021; Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro had been found to link the COVID-19 pandemic to
'biological warfare' (WIO News, 2020); whereas on the other hand, he can be found equally
authoritative, these blames are nothing but a short time distraction as consumable products to
sell by the frontline media.

These universally unrevealed plots mainly remain unrevealed due to not questioned by the
mass population, the mass media at the proper time. Like Amazon forest fire took place in
2019 and 2020; it was said at the beginning that was a naturally occurred forest fire, but later
it was suspected that the fire was done man made only in fulfilment of the land grabbing for
industrialisation in Brazil, both the then Brazilian President Mr. Bolsonaro and the then US
President Mr. Donald Trump were found suspected to be responsible for that massacre
(Nakamura, 2019). The same land grabbing was witnessed in 2017 through Rohingya
extraction in the Rakhine state of Myanmar; it can be beautifully defined with the theory of
primitive accumulation by Karl Marx i.e., conversion of communal property into private
property and that time (Marx, 1977), that was done for industrialisation in those areas, highly
enriched with geo-strategic minerals. Again, if the 1985, Chernobyl nuclear explosion in
Ukraine would have been questioned; the then Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev could have
been surely proved to be feeding that disaster for shifting the public attention from the
ongoing Ukrainian farmers’ protest against the conversion of collective agricultural farms
into corporate farms (Deer, 2006) (Andrew & Mitrokhin, 1999). It can be seen that all such
unquestioned events happened to serve the economic purposes only.

These conspiracies thrive on our anxieties and that anxiety is cent percent logical and it is
logical since 1950s, when polio vaccination done by Hillary Koprowski in that decade (Blair
and Bush, 2006); whether caused the HIV epidemic in Africa or not, is still questionable.
That anxiety rose with silence for India’s accounting for over half the cases
of polio occurring globally in 1999, after almost hundred percent household survey with polio
vaccination, supported with advertisement by Bollywood stars and funded by the Gates
Foundation (Gates, 2017). Then we just keep going with the sudden Ebola outbreak in Africa
in 2014, then with Nipah Outbreak in India in 2018. On 24th of January, 2020 when the
Chinese Government filed a petition to their Apex Court to allow them to kill 20,000 of its
affected residents so that they could have stopped the spreading of the novel coronavirus
disease (Nature, 2020, Volume- 578, Issue- 7793, 7-9), it reminds us the genocide happened
in the Nazi rule. Those concentrations camps, these sealed states of China and what if even
our detention camps will become the same in taste, just smell different; we know this fact
about potato, onion and apple, right?

To Avenge The Fallen

So many safety measures and precautions have been being discussed everywhere nowadays,
in news channel, in telephonic caller-tunes, in social media, in posters, in placards,
everywhere. So, let’s not getting into those here, although those measures are really important
i.e., not making opened coughs and sneezes, not making physical contacts with unknown or
affected persons like shaking hands etc. These are genuine, not like the going in a cow-urine
party and having shots over there or making a protest march with slogan, “Go Corona Go”!!


(confirmed cases) (all cases)

80+ years old 21.9% 14.8%

70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
40-49 years old 0.4%
30-39 years old 0.2%
20-29 years old 0.2%
10-19 years old 0.2%
0-9 years old no fatalities
Table 2: Probability for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-
19 (The Lancet. Volume- 395. Issue- 10226. 755–838)

Coming to the point; as per the statistics provided by the World Health Organisation (WHO),
it can be observed that in the first wave of COVID-19, old generation i.e., mainly
economically active people, aging between 20 to 40 years, are comparatively less vulnerable
to get affected by the coronavirus disease, compared to the aged person aging 50 years and
above. The scenario is like this, because of our internal body immunity’s being more active
and strong compared to 50 and more than 50 years age old persons, because of the age group
of 20-40 years olds’ being less diabetic, less hypertensed and less affected by other medical
issues compared to 50 and 50 years plus age-old persons (Nature, 2020, Volume- 578, Issue-
7794, 191-192), especially in our country.
Now, such question can rise why a virus has been modelled targeting a particular age-group
of people!! What was that necessity to attack and eliminate the age-old people from this
living world!!! To answer these questions, anxieties and confusions, we need to follow these
statistical models:

Fig 1: Estimated and projected old-age dependency ratios by region, 1990-2050 (Almosara, 2010)

Fig 2: Ten countries or areas with the highest old-age dependency ratio (65+/20-64), 2019-2050 (World
population prospects, 2019)

So, it can be seen that the 'Unproductive' ageing population of economically developed
countries are facing vulnerability at different frontiers. Their higher percentage in coming
decades shall necessitate the States to plan for their rehabilitation and care. This shall
somewhere lead to conflict between Resources and Responsibilities. States shall hardly
manage to accommodate the needs of 'unproductive' section. Democratic States shall survive
with never ending conflicts and Authoritarian States shall flourish with 'Consensual Planned

It has not been proved yet whether the COVID-19 is a pre-aborted conspiracy against this
'unproductive' population but we must not live in ignorance. Such accelerations can't be
natural because the greedy enemies of humanities, too, need nature to survive. They know,
nature shall not destroy us selectively, but human can.

Stages of COVID-19 in India (The First Wave)

COVID-19 IN INDIA can be represented around a model that includes five stages of conflict.
In the first stage, the "Latent Stage," the people who are in conflict are not yet aware that a
conflict may exist. For example a project may have been turned in late to a client, but the
manager is not aware of it yet so the participants are not aware there is a conflict brewing.
The "Perceived Stage" is when the people involved in a conflict become fully aware that
there is a conflict, such as when the manager discovers that the project has been delivered late
and goes to speak to the employee about it. During the "Felt Stage" stress and anxiety are felt
by one or more of the participants due to the conflict, and this leads to the "Manifest Stage,"
during which the conflict can be observed. The Manifest Stage can take a number of shapes
including: e-mails, phone calls, phone messages, face-to-face meetings, or any situation in
which the conflict could be observed. The final stage is the "Aftermath Stage," which takes
place when there is some outcome of the conflict, such as a resolution to, or dissolution of,
the problem (Ramsbotham, 1999).

Fig 3: Cases of COVID -19 in India with Reference to Escalation of Deaths (Coronavirus disease situation
reports, 2020)


1. Latent Stage: Participants not yet aware of conflict

2. Perceived Stage: Participants aware a conflict exists

3. Felt Stage: Stress and anxiety

4. Manifest: Conflict is open and can be observed

5. Aftermath: Outcome of conflict, resolution or dissolution

Latent Stage: This stage is also known as stage of the pre-conflict situations, as it can be
found here as the pre-COVID situations. This time has witnessed that the general publics
were not even aware at all that such a pandemic was about to come. Many NGOs, medical
teams, volunteer and government organisations can be found there to spread awareness by
going physically in the slums, in the rural areas. Most of the of intellectual labourers also
didn’t have the complete awareness about what will be the supposed outcome. This stage
lasted in India from 14th March, 2020 approximately till 14th May, 2020 (Coronavirus disease
situation reports, 2020).

Perceived Stage: This stage is known as confrontation stage as it can be seen everybody was
panicking that time, several meetings between and among the opposing political parties,
opposing labour-classes have been conducted in the sake of a collective and communal good,
so that such decision could have been raised by mutual discussions that can save human lives.
This stage in India witnessed strict lockdowns nation-wide, inadequate amount of testing kits,
inadequacy in medication triage for COVID-19 patients, special health-insurance for front-
line workers etc. Many people, specially at private sector are found to fire their employees in
this stage due to company’s covering up an economic breakdown. This stage lasted in India
from 14th May, 2020 approximately till 21st July, 2020 (Coronavirus disease situation reports,

Felt Stage: This stage is known as the crisis stage witnessing the highest death tolls in India
per day on an average, this stage can be found as the longest with respect to the other stages.
This stage witnessed both the summit of death tolls, number of COVID-19 cases’ registration
per day and the initiatives to slow down the death and COVID-19 cases in a long run by
research for vaccination, fixing of particular medications, implementation of government aids
such as health-insurance for general publics etc. This stage lasted in India from 21st July,
2020 approximately till 01st November, 2020 (Coronavirus disease situation reports, 2020).

Manifest Stage: This stage is also known as outcome stage. The nationwide unlocking
processes have been found to be initiated. Facilities like public transportations at inter-state
level have been found activated in this stage. The death tolls can be seen with a downward
trajectory but at a very slow and gradual pace. The trials of vaccination can be found to be
effective with utmost eagerness. The new-normals can be found to be normalised at its best.
Tourism industries can be found effectively active in this stage, peoples are found in some
parts to go out for a relaxations after a long-lasted house-arrests. This stage lasted in India
from 01st November, 2020 approximately till 10th January, 2021 (Coronavirus disease
situation reports, 2020).

Aftermath Stage: This stage is also known as the stage of post-conflict situations. All the
facilities such as educational institutes, shopping malls, cinema halls are found to be in
process to be opened again, few of these have been opened also. Vaccines are found available
at medical facilities and distributions can be also found effective but maintaining a proper
triage, vaccine-diplomacy has been raised in foreign affairs. The life of people can be found
to be beloved once again beating with the normal tune in these new-normal days. This stage
is effective in India since 10th January, 2021 (Coronavirus disease situation reports, 2020).

COVID-19 in India (2nd Wave)

In the entire 2020, not only the India but the entire world experienced a lockdown due to a
pandemic and this lockdown can be mainly categorised as an economic lockdown. Economic
lockdown, because class struggles are the universal truth here and this class discrimination
can also be noticed in the mean time of this worldwide lockdown. Upper-class people or
specially the Bourgeoisies are found to afford to be locked in the house and to thrive on
economically on their bread and butter which was not possibly found for the lower class
people i.e., mainly the workers-class, specially the migrant labourers are widely found to be
travelled by foot following the railway tracks and they are found to come up with deadly
accident also. In 1991, when the then US President George W Bush postulated the recent and
the then new world order, it was also hypothesised that this world order will make a
totalitarian world government in near future which will be ruled by only few world
geopolitical powers like United States of America, United Kingdom, Russia, France, China,
Brazil and India (Cox, 1996). The most surprisingly, it is noticed that these are the top most
countries in the cumulative-frequency list of COVID infected people around the world and
vaccine diplomacy or medicine diplomacy has been mainly taken place as uniclinal and
centrifugally centring these countries as focal poles. This is very obvious now that in this
capitalist world, consumerism has become the only religion and this pandemic is also
structured by this consumerism only. Nobody, no intellectuals have been ever asked
regarding the fact that it took almost 20 to 25 years in the last decades for W.H.O to keep
experimenting to create a common vaccine for all (HnNn) Influenza viruses which usually
varies from H1N1 to a H12N12 combinations and the outcome is still unsuccessful
(Cumbers, 2020) but it took only one year to create a universal vaccine for all strains of
R.N.A viruses responsible for Severe - Acute Respiratory Syndromes (Nature, 2020,
Volume- 579, Issue- 7799, 319-320)!!! Why is this ongoing pandemic not being taken or to
be considered as a World Economic War, already mortality has reached higher than the First
World War (Ainscough, 2002)!!

When it was declared that the second wave of COVID-19 outbreak had hit India and
everybody was found at first, considering that the virus has got the mutation for one time and
it is the second strain where this is not the actuality. According to researches of I.C.M.R and
W.H.O, COVID-19 virus has been mutated 366 times already (Callaway, 2020) and there are
more than one strain currently active in India only, that means the new strain which is active
in West Bengal is different from the new strain which is active in Maharastra right now. So it
is very much clear that one common vaccine, whether it is Covishield or Covaxine won’t
work for all the places in the India. Rather the lack of oxygen supply, the lack of number of
beds in the hospitals, the lack of life saving drugs like Remedesivir have taken the very
serious figure right now in the whole country, but interestingly the structure of the health
system of the country was actually always like this, the scenario is just exposed now in the
media and everybody has become aware of it for the first time.

Fig 4: Cases of COVID -19 in India with Reference to Escalation of Deaths (Coronavirus disease situation
reports, 2021)

On the other hand, the world has already experienced the unscientific diplomacy of Hydroxy-
Chloroquine (Coronavirus Disease Situation Reports, 2020) from its top most manufacturer
India to the rest of the world and now the world is experiencing that the medical facilities are
accessible not only through black market of the world’s largest democracy but also the
Government of India is making profit by selling these medicines, these vaccines to its
citizens, where these services, these medical facilities should have been provided to the
citizens at free of cost, specially during the time of pandemic but this Government only has
been functionalising a multi-billionaire, commercial, recreation show like Indian Premier
League!!! Apart from this, the world has experienced humongous gatherings of Kumbh Mela
in Uttar Pradesh has become a super-spreaders of COVID-19 viruses in the history of
pandemic. Some of the ministers even gave statement in favour of this religious gatherings of
Kumbh Mela that this is holy occasion so it should not be judged for spreading COVID-19
pandemic!! What kind of diplomacy is this!!! The British Prime Minister of the time of
Second World War, Sir Winston Churchill made a beautiful statement on the diplomacy
which has the perfect reflection in this event; “Diplomacy is such an art of telling someone to
go to hell in such way so that they will ask for the directions” (Trukhanovsky, 1978). Other
than these, the steps of Indian Council of Medical Research (I.C.M.R) to conduct medication
for COVID-19 in India can also be criticised as how experimental and haphazard their
selection of medicines has been since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, at first they
started with the Hydroxy-Chloroquine and Azithromycin, then Remdesivir, then in the
second wave they’ve started with Doxycycline and Ivermectin and in this process, it has to be
critically noticed they’ve kept cancelling the drugs once selected by them previously for the
advanced strains as the effectiveness of the drugs has been noticed declining and also these
drugs have caused several side effects in the patients. Each of these drugs are the mostly used
as anti-biotic and that’s also for specific purpose, for specific diseases and here, a tremendous
research gap can be observed for which the advanced mutants of any virus can become
antibody-resistant and there are the possibilities that if the scenario remains like this only, one
day in near future the vaccines won’t be effective anymore!!

INDIA INR 600 ($8-ODD)

BRAZIL $3.15
EUROPEAN UNION $2.15-$3.50
Serum Institutes’s INR 600/dose for Covishield in private hospitals is its highest rate world over (in
March, 2021), later the rate was increased more than 1000 INR per dose in the month of April and May.
This, despite it being contract-manufactured by Pune’s Serum Institue of India whose CEO Adar
Poonawalla had said that the firm was making a profit even at a price of INR 150 per dose. (Raghavan &
Sasi, 2021)

Even for treating infections caused by black fungus in the second wave of COVID-19
outbreak in India, vials of liposomal amphotericin is being sold at INR 70,000 per injection
where during the most needed prolonged treatment for this invasive fungal infection, 15 – 20
doses of these injections are being used on a single patient (Didyala, 2021). Already, this life
saving drug right now is having shortage in market and that’s also an exposed strategy for
price-hiking of the medicines because before the arrival of the first case of infectious black
fungus, plenty no of samples of liposomal amphotericin kept being supplied in medical
colleges and when the first cases started to be registered at the medical colleges, the supply
has become tremendously short in hand and in today’s date, one single vial of liposomal
amphotericin is being sold for INR 1 lakh even (Didyala, 2021). In the last few years, same
price-hiking strategies for onions also, we have already witnessed in our country!!!

A beautiful quotation of Karl Marx can be traced here with the above mentioned tabular
reference; “With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 percent will ensure its
employment anywhere; 20 percent will produce eagerness, 50 percent positive audacity; 100
percent will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 percent, and there is not a crime
which it will not scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being
hanged” (Marx, 1965).

Areas of Conflict

In the on-going COVID-19 pandemic there are four areas of conflict which can be identified
as having the same economic interest of exploiting the general public and serving the
bourgeoisies. Those areas are: the currently employed diagnosis method for the disease, the
currently accepted anatomy of virus for consideration of research, the currently practised
mechanism of vaccination for COVID-19 and the overall nature of the global vaccine

The Diagnosis Method - RTPCR:

PCR stands for Polymerase chain reaction which is a method widely used to rapidly make
millions to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, allowing scientists to take a very
small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough amount to study in detail (Kent,

In case of RT-PCR; it is Reverse Transcriptional - Polymerase chain reaction (Kent, 2021).

Transcription means the process by which DNA becomes converted into RNA and translation
is such a process by which RNA becomes converted into protein. So, reverse transcription
means conversion of RNA into DNA as the COVID-19 virus has been found to be of RNA
origin. Surprisingly the 21st century is known to be technologically so much advanced, then
also the process of reverse translation i.e., conversion of protein or nucleic acid into RNA is
not yet invented; whenever somebody will be able to invent the process of reverse translation
in a laboratory in future, he or she will be definitely a Nobel laureate by the time.

In 1985, U.S Born biotechnologist Kary Mullis invented the process polymerase chain
reaction (PCR), in which a small amount of DNA can be copied in large quantities over a
short period of time. By applying heat, the DNA molecule's two strands are separated and the
DNA building blocks that have been added are bonded to each strand. In recognition of his
invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize
in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year.

First of all, Kary Mullis did not support the recognition of RT-PCR for universally practising
as the diagnostic tool of COVID-19 as one cannot use PCR or RT-PCR to diagnose a disease
because the magnifying tests don’t measure the quantity of anything and so, not just the PCR
test, all these rapid tests, each one of these are technically ineffective as the diagnostic tool
for being non-quantitative in nature (Knight, 2020).

Secondly, there is also evidence that researchers are detecting the virus in people who are not
really infected. It is also happening because of the amplification process, in which several
cycles are needed to perform for magnifying the sample by making the amplification of it.
So, in such process exceeding a cycle more than one cycle for further amplification makes the
threshold count greater than or equals to 30, which means indicators are coming positive
where the person from which the sample was collected, isn’t really positive at all (Knight,
2020). In case of COVID-19, generally the samples are being amplified by trillion times,
that’s what a PCR cycle of 40 does because the FDA requires PCR testing of COVID to be
40 CT (cycle threshold) and this is irrelevant according to Kary Mullis because of the
amplified sample’s being blown out of proportion (Boland, 2020).

Thirdly, the RT-PCR test does not confirm whether the collected sample proteins are of a
viral origin or not (Boland, 2020).

Kary Mullis not only criticised the strategy for locking us down again, based on these
fraudulent tests among which the most recognised one was invented by him only but also he
exposed how corporates are doing business out of it. He stated that using the fear of the
mysterious nature of AIDS in the very beginning, a US$2 billion was already utilised as a
blue-chip investment (Knight, 2020). In 1990s the financial and political incentives of AIDS
were found to be near around with a profit of US$20 billion. He warned that the ongoing
business with patents of PCR test is making trillions of dollars out of the geopolitics of
COVID-19 pandemic (Knight, 2020). For all his protest and warnings against the capitalist
interests, Kary Mullis was found to have an auspicious death at the age of 74 back in August
2019 only. Would have been it sounded ethical if during Second World War, the then US
President Mr. Roosevelt or the then German dictator Adolf Hitler had murdered Albert
Einstein as if he would refuse to handover any of his invented formula for making of the
deadliest weapons for mass killing? This question is making sense. So, Kary Mullis must get

The patent of PCR test was issued to Cetus Corporation of California in United States
(Mullis, 1987). This foundation is mainly found to be responsible for worldwide marketing of
these magnifying tests as the diagnostic tool of COVID-19 and the propaganda was plotted
by World Health Organisation itself to support it. After all, these are all the branches of
United Nations, which itself is a common room for all the bourgeoisie, capitalist elites of
today’s world. It has to be remembered that in 1945, this United Nations was found in the
hands of the then Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin along with the then British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill and the then US President Harry Truman; whereas in the same year Joseph
Stalin himself opposed the entire United Nations stating it “a weapon of aggressive war” for
helping United States for destabilising the then Korea (SKY History, 1996). The nature of
being a geostrategic warmonger is historical for the United Nations. Now, if the nature of
business with patents of PCR test is focused, it can be seen that the Cetus Corporation is
profiting trillion dollars by selling tenders to each and every nation in this pandemic. The
former Tanzanian President John Magufuli refused to accept the millions of test kit of RT-
PCR, sent by World Health Organisation as he secretly operated a scientific mission in his
country, in which he collected random samples like papaya juice, saliva of goat, sheep etc
and the most surprisingly, many of the nonhuman samples were tested positive in RT-PCR
(Salaam, 2020). For his protest also, he was found to have an auspicious date in the month of
March, 2021 (BBC News, 2021).

The usefulness of PCR test is definitely there and scientific but the purpose is different. For
these capitalist nature of the market, patents of PCR test have been profiting by the current
means of production; as more suitable diagnostic method has remained uncovered,
unpublished and unutilised; if there is any.

The Anatomy of Virus:

The virus is usually defined as a dead cell which is covered with some protein shell which
maybe RNA or DNA in nature (Krug & Wagner, 2020), but the modern bioscience has been
developed with the redefinitions. The ‘virus’ has got such also. According to Forterne, virus
has been redefined as capsid-encoding organism and later, vision-encoding organism. Both
the definitions given by Forterne recognise viruses as organisms that produce capsids or
virions and rightly put emphasis back on the intra-cellular stage of virus infection cycle. This
redefinition has opened a new vista in front of the origin of the virus as it has become
questionable which comes first; virus or the cell. So, the origin of the viruses has become a
hypothesis again which is biologically plausible. So, when the evolutionary nature of the
object is still hypothetical, how can the applications on its function-abilities be guaranteed
then? The entire previously existed researches so need revision and the revision has to be
done understanding the evolution only.

Fig 5: Different Scenarios of the Origin of the Viruses (Nasir, 2020)

If we prioritise holistic biology over reductional biology as academics and research, we can
get more amazing results in form of inventing new evolutionary changes in mechanism or in
nature of the studied objects rather than the drug invention only. In case of virus, it is
observed that virus interacts in a particular and peculiar manner with the human host; so by
understanding the evolutionary nature of the virus, if this interaction with the human host can
be altered or changed, then that particular virus will be having no effectiveness in the human
body like it used to have previously.

The Mechanism of Vaccination for COVID-19:

It has to be understood how vaccination works; at first, antibodies are generally produced by
applying inactive viruses or its replica in animal body and in some cases in human body
directly. In the process where the antibodies are formed in the animal body, those antibodies
are collected separately and then again those antibodies are applied in human body after
several purification processes and in the another process where inactive viral cells or replica
are applying in human body directly, antibodies grow inside the human body. If more
critically analysed, it can be found the mechanism of the T-cell of the lymphocytes (a type of
white blood corpuscles) is used in vaccination mechanism. This T-cell of lymphocyte is
popularly known as the memory chip of our body, which can remember the protein structures
of all foreign micro-organisms ever entered our body and creates a particular defence
mechanism against it. So, when the same foreign micro-organism enter our body for the
second time, the existing defence mechanism for it starts working and defends our body from
being infected.

It was seen, the University of Oxford developed Astrazeneca in 2020 as the effective vaccine
to defend our body from COVID-19. There is no such question regarding the mechanism of
the vaccination but the function-abilities of the vaccination in the COVID-19 pandemic are
still questionable. First of all, by following above mentioned mechanisms, vaccination for
RNA virus cannot be generally done and coincidently COVID-19 virus is of RNA origin.
Secondly, few weeks ago, French virologist Luc Montagnier (2008, Nobel laureate in
Physiology for leading the identification of Human Immunodeficiency Virus) stated two
critical aspects of vaccination during pandemic which are resulting into having negative
impacts only (Nal, 2021).

• The Natural Mutation of The Virus- Vaccination during pandemic brings the virus
in the exposure of the natural mutation in the human body only (Nal, 2021). Till the
March 2021, the COVID-19 virus had been found to be mutated for 366 times. The
reason for a second wave in each country is the mostly the vaccination done during
the pandemic because it creates a disbalance of the body immunity within the
population, so that variants of the viruses occur to be developed separately in
vaccinated and non-vaccinated person in the same place. Even the Delta plus variant
(the new variant supposed to be responsible for the third wave in India) can evade all
the existing vaccines.

• A.D.E- A.D.E stands for antibody-dependent enhancement. It is the antibodies

produced by the virus that enable the infection to become stronger. It is what we call
antibody-dependent enhancement, which means antibodies favour a certain infection.
It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the
vaccination (Nal, 2021). As all our defence mechanisms in our body during the
COVID-19 pandemic are employed to work particularly against COVID-19 virus; if a
simple diarrhoea occurs in the meantime, it can be life-threatening. Such examples
can be traced from the cases of chickenpox where in the post-chickenpox time, the
patients are found to be vulnerable to cold, cough, tonsils, mumps for the less body
immunity against any disease in that time. It can be seen that the black fungus which
have been found to attack human bodily integrity but usually don’t occur in human
body because it’s mostly effective in plants such as in tea leaves; due to excessive
consumption of steroid as the means of treatment for COVID-19 are exposing the
patients towards such unusual pathogenic attacks and other diseases. Generally, the
black fungus has been traced to be active in exposure of industrial oxygen cylinders
because of its being unhygienic in nature.

These are the undeniable truths of science and the reflection can be noticed in the hesitancy
of accepting vaccines among the medical students, not only in India but throughout the world
(Jain, 2021). It can be seen that the frontline media throughout the world already claimed Luc
Montagnier’s analysis on vaccination as improper because people already falsified his actual
statement and the circulation of a fake claim done by him has been also noticed in social
media that all the vaccinated people will die by the upcoming two years, which Luc
Montagnier in reality never mentioned and the frontline media also never clarified in
actuality what he had said because of their own interest to feed capitalism. This strategy is
very commonly found in fascism as fascism can define and identify its own opposition itself
and also can neutralise it by applying such strategy which had been applied on Luc
Montagnier’s actual statement.

The Nature of Vaccine Diplomacy:

It can be seen that United States developed the vaccine for COVID-19, namely “Novovax”,
then United Kingdom developed “Astrazeneca”, then the Russian federation developed
“SputnikV”, China developed “Sinoform” (Nature. 2020, Volume- 579. Issue- 7794. 321);
which are the mostly circulated vaccines throughout the world in this ongoing pandemic. It
has to be noticed that the control of the market of the vaccines, the control of the world
economy by the import and export of these vaccines are still being ruled by which countries!
These countries are those only which are named as dominating player of the New World
Order by George W.Bush in 1991. In reality, the scenario is not like that other country other
than these hasn’t developed vaccines but those news and updates are not circulated
throughout the world because the mostly two reaons; first of all, the front line global media
these days promote news which are consumerable i.e., they are feeding the capitalism and
secondly, the current world order consisting of imperialist corporate elites won’t ever let the
moral and good works of the other democracies or the socialist Governments to be reached at
the doorsteps of common masses as they have concerns about selling their own consumerable
product; but capitalism as an economic model is anarchist in nature, because once the 40th
U.S President Ronald Regan during his presidential terms in 1980s incorporated neo-
liberalism as an economic philosophy with a futuristic vision of implementing cosmopolitan
capital throughout the world (Harvey, 2005) but just after 35 years since that, in the 2020
WTO agricultural symposium, the then U.S President Donald Trump had been found to wish
for restricting the rights of the other countries from producing own agricultural consumerable
goods as the other countries would have to buy those from United States only in exchanges of
the other foreign affairs (Wolff, 2020); the violation of its own and current economic
philosophy by the United States can be observed. So, among the other countries Cuba was the
first country which sent the medical team to help the other countries during the COVID-19
pandemic in 2020 when they send their first team in Italy. Cuba is still proceeding
successfully to develop their own vaccines and medicines as well and not only they are not
importing the US or the UK or the Russian made vaccines but also they are distributing their
own vaccines are medicines at free of cost to the underdeveloped pan-African countries
(Valdes-Balbin, 2021). It is relevant that these pan-African countries are having so weak
economy that they cannot afford either PCR kits or vaccines from US, UK, Russia, China so
technically business with vaccines is not possible in the soil of Africa right now and that was
very clearly understood by the world market. The remaining socialist economy of Cuba has
still lighting up the humanism in today’s world of consumerism.

Cuba has developed two doses of vaccine, namely “Soberana” and “Soberana-2”; which are
currently in the face of the third successful trials (Valdes-Balbin, 2021). It is questionable
whether Astrazeneca or Novovax or SputnikV or even India’s Covaxine and Covishield have
cleared three successful trials scientifically or not (Nature. 2020, Volume- 579. Issue- 7794.
321). “Soberana” is a Spanish word which means “sovereignty”. Cuba has also developed a
medicine in form of a nasal spray, namely “Abdala” which was named after a poem written
by the revolutionary Cuban poet Jose Marti (The Hindu, 2021). It is aesthetic that Cuba is not
compromising their cultural security also, where as the rocket race of the 60s and 70s
between U.S.A and U.S.S.R can be found in developing vaccines by these two nations during
this pandemic. Russia has named their vaccine after they are first successful launched
satellite, Sputnik and this is very humorous that the benefits of the tender of manufacturing
SputnikV in India has been enjoying by the Apollo pharmaceuticals (as the tender of
manufacturing SputnikV in India has gone to Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories), which has the
namesake with the first successful landed rocket on moon, sent by the United States. The
cultural heritage in the capitalist society has become vanished somewhere within the tensions
for rocket race between John F Kennedy and Nikita Krushchev and the tensions of vaccine
race between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Currently, a vigorous famine is occupying the nation-states of Northern Africa such as

Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea etc and frontline global media are just not covering it at
all. Their governments also technically feeding this ongoing famine. After Gaddafi, no leftist
sentiment is left today in those countries to make a protest, to bring international attention to
it. In such situation, Cuba is the only country which is currently at its doorstep to enter these
pan-African countries for supplying their home-grown vaccines without any charge and by
this time, United States has realised the danger for them that if Cuban vaccines start
successfully operating in those countries, all the international attention will go to Cuban
vaccines and the other vaccines will be starting demoted in the on-going vaccine race to earn
global prestige, their business will be hampered and on the other hand, the current fascist
governments of these northern African countries have started realising that if Cuba comes at
this moment to help their people, this famine will be exposed to them and to the entire world
by the Cuban government. So, finally to stop Cuba, United States has sent coup soldiers in
Cuba declaring that Cuba is having political instability inside their nation-state. Millions of
Cuban residents have come at road to protest again United States, to defend socialism , to
defend the legacy of Fidel Castro but here the corporate global media are circulating the
photos of this on-going protest in favour of United States only, they are misleading everyone
by saying that this is anti-government protest by Cuban residents (Alzajeera, 2021)!

Measures of Securitisation
There is a saying that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ and so the securitisation, conflict
resolution were invented out of necessity. Conflict is an inevitable part of society and conflict
resolution process such as securitisation is fundamental to its aspirants for peace. Therefore,
all the societies have had developed their own methods of conflict resolution. These methods
have been developed from various perspectives; realist, liberal, historical materialistic and
holistic (Ramsbotham, 1999). Liberalist perspectives are based on liberal values which use
democracy, free economy and humanitarian aids as the best tools to resolve both the national
and international conflicts (Collins, 2013). Realist perspectives of conflict resolution use
military and coercive diplomacy to resolve conflicts (Collins, 2013). Historical materialism
as a perspective involves socialism, Marxist economy, abolishing class struggles from society
as the best tools to resolve conflicts (Collins, 2013) (Marx, Engles, Lenin, 1972). Whereas,
the holistic perspective of conflict resolution is based on traditions, rituals, wisdom of elders,
social and cultural values and so on. All these major perspectives of conflict resolution
operate both formally and informally. Liberal and realist perspectives of conflict resolution
are considered as modern, therefore, all the modern states commonly use these methods in
formal way. Historical materialist perspective is counted as one of the most scientific as it
deals with the economy and class struggles as base conflict sources (Marx, Engles, Lenin,
1972) as witnessed in U.S.S.R, Cuba and in China but only during the premiership of Mao-
Ze-Dong. Holistic or indigenous methods of conflict resolution are really recognised by the
modern states and therefore, in the most of the cases, holistic approaches are performed
informally. As throughout the whole article, a Marxist perspective has been followed; the
securitisation processes of conflict resolution for threats such as COVID-19 pandemic are
discussed in the light of historical materialism only.

• Abolishing Intellectual Property Rights: Intellectual property rights are the rights
given to the persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an
exclusive right over the use of his or her creation for a certain period of time.
According to U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy Center,
generally there are four types of intellectual property; copyrights, patents, trademarks
and trade secrets. For the scientific inventions, generally the patents are issued as the
intellectual property right. If these patents can be removed from the intellectual
properties, the practice of that particular idea or the invented mechanism can be done
everywhere in the world freely without any judiciary restriction. Like Madam Curie
did not avail intellectual property rights on her discovery of Radium and Polonium
(Curie, 2001) and today’s medical facilities are still getting tremendous benefits for
this initiative of her as those invented mechanisms are widely and almost universally
practised for treatment of cancer these days. If she would avail intellectual property
rights on her discovery of Radium and Polonium that day, the treatments of cancer in
today’s date would have become tremendously expensive because of fulfilling of the
criteria of purchasing patents issued on her name one her inventions and those patents
would have surely registered in the name of any corporate company today, who would
have charged millions of dollars for the business with these patents. It can be seen that
the legalisation of practising an already issued patent covering an intellectual property
is highly expensive and long time consuming also.

• Demilitarisation of the Economy: India is the third in ranking in military

expenditure but ranked 155th on the health spending index (Banerjee, 2020). India
spends a total of INR 5 crore a day for the safety and supply of food through
helicopters to soldiers stationed at the Siachen glacier, according to a defence review
report and spends between 200 to 300 million US dollar yearly to maintain control of
that glacier only (Kapadia, 2010), whereas India spends less than 4% of its annual
budget on health (Banerjee, 2020). The world has witnessed that Israel’s state-owned
company, Rafael Advanced Defence Systems and India’s Kalyani Rafael Advanced
Systems Ltd India signed a deal for One hundred million US dollar for 1000 Barak-8
MRSAM missile kits on 02nd of July 2020 (The Economic Times, 2021), that India
had signed a USD 5 billion deal with Russia to buy five units of the S-400 Air
defence missile systems which will be delivered by the end of 2021 (The Economic
Times, 2021), even that India imported advanced missiles from Saudi Arabia with
exchange of hundred of million U.S Dollars in 2020 (The Economic Times, 2021)
even after the pandemic had hit the country. Even when the nation was witnessing
lock down at its deadliest in the last year, Indian government had been found to invest
in establishing religious shrine in Ayodhya of Uttar Pradesh. Even the fully
commercial entertainment TV show Indian Premier league was found to be kept going
when the entire country was crying for beds, oxygen cylinders as the second wave of
the COVID-19 pandemic had hit the country. These times, the costing expenditure
could have been utilised in medical facilities, millions of lives could have been saved
in India.

• Medical Internationalisation: Medical internationalisation mainly means the

exchanges of medics throughout the world, but not the corporate exchanges are being
considered here. It is seen that there is plenty of fluency in exchange of Blue Helmets
who are named after the United Nations peacekeeping force and this peacekeeping
force get supply of military personals from the several member states of United
Nations. Like the fluency of military intervention of United Nations, medical
interventions also have to be prioritised even before military interventions. Even if as
the peacekeeping force of United Nations, in place of blue helmets only the medics
can be addressed; it won’t be wrong; medical aid is enough for peace building,
peacekeeping and peacemaking. Once, the Bolsheviks in U.S.S.R conceptualised the
theory of proletariat internationalisation and later it was developed by Vietnam
Premier Ho Chi Minh, which tells about the exchanges of workers throughout the
world without the restrictions of paperwork like passport visa and all (Minh, 2003);
the kind of practice can be witnessed in the exchanges of the merchant Navy cadets in
today’s date via their Cadet Discharge Certificate (C.D.C) as considered the most
prior travel document. That relaxation from paperwork has to be introduced in the
exchanges of medics throughout the world.
• Democratic Health Services: It is witnessed throughout the country, throughout the
world that how much the privatisation of the health services have been dominating
right now. The expenditure of availing health services are so high that 70% of the
world population can’t even afford that (United Nations, 2020), specially the
particular medical requirement when needed. The hospital bed charges, the ICU
charges, the ventilation charges have been turned into digits after digits for doing
businesses only, these days. The accessibility of the health services can be smooth
only when the collectivisation of the wealth of the state will take place and only then
the state will be able to provide health services as a fully democratic right to each of
its citizens. The Cuban government, specially since the premiership of Fidel Castro
has been found to democratise the health facilities not only for their own citizens but
also for the rest of the world; they are the first country even in this COVID-19
pandemic to provide medical aid internationally.

• Practices of Fundamental Researches and Holistic Academics: It can be seen that

how much the absence of the opportunities and practises of fundamental researches
have hit our country. The citizens are currently even unable to differentiate the reality
between science and pseudoscience. Considering from practises of consuming cow
urine as medicine to promote to conception of the usage of flying transportation tools
like Pushpak Rath in ancient times of a particular religion biased society, we must
understand how much the degradation of the scientific temperament has taken place in
our society and how much the fundamental scientific and social researches are absent
in the society. Other than eliminating the pseudoscience, one more concern is there
that is the dual nature of academics; fundamentalism and applicability. In each and
every subject of academics, there are two branches, pure branch and applied branch.
Like in Mathematics, it is known as pure Mathematics and applied Mathematics. The
applied part of a subject generally deals with the applicability, engineering. Whereas
the pure part deals with the fundamental properties, evolution. In today’s application-
based nature of academics, promotion of the practises of pure part of the subjects is
degrading. In the United States, till the higher secondary (class XII) level, no single
school is found to offer evolution chapter in biological science; even when the CBSE
board in India had reduced its syllabuses up to 30% in the last year for conducting
special term end exams for class 10 and 12, evolution chapter from the subject
biology was compromised. It has to be understand that today’s world, specially
consisting with subjects like Biotechnology and Microbiology, reductional biologies
are popular in institutions, which deal with more and more molecularity, but only the
practice of holistic biology i.e., the holistic practises of a subject can develop the
modern standard of a society as it cultures, focuses on evolution. Without
understanding the evolution, the further development of anything is not possible. It
has to be kept in mind that for specialising in something, generalising that particular
thing before that is very important. So, holistic academics and fundamental researches
are the key to develop the models of securitisation even in today’s date.

• Incorporating Dialectical Materialism as Constitutional Philosophy: Dialectical

materialism is a Marxist theory adopted as the official philosophy of the Soviet
societies that political and historical events result from the conflict of social forces
and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions, the conflict is
seen as cost by material needs. So it is clear that all the conflicts first of all, have to be
seen as cost of the material needs only, not as the cost of any supernatural needs,
mystic needs, superstitions. In today’s date also, we can see these superstitions are
dominating through religious customs, rituals and the advancement of technological
practices are being slown down for this. These superstitions in practice lead a state
into a theocracy in the nature of the governance of that state. So, not only the
demolishing of the unscientific beliefs won’t be enough if that is not replaced with a
proper epistemology, but also a proper constitutional philosophy has to be needed to
be readily established. Historically, it’s witnessed, that was the main reason of the
fall of the Paris Commune (18th March – 28th May, 1871) that they didn’t set up new
epistemology in their governance when they demolished the previously existing
socio-political and economic order (Marx, Engles, 1980). Apart from this, Dialects
are very important for development because if there is no dialect then there is no
system of developing a thesis from a hypothesis revised by an anti-thesis and that
means there is no development. So, for practising the dialect, questioning is very
much required; questioning any event, anybody’s decision, any means of production
because if not questioned, exploitation will never be exposed. There will be a question
also like practising only materialism whether one can be happy or not because
wheather the highly wealthy character like Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani are
ultimately happy at the end of their life or not; it has to be very clearly understood that
the materialism in which they are belonging is called mechanistic materialism, the
type of materialism, produced in the past by the revolutionary bourgeoisie and it has
three grave weaknesses; firstly, it requires the conception of a supreme being who
started the world up; secondly, it seeks to reduce all processes for development, for
the emergence of new qualities, new types of processes in nature; thirdly, it cannot
account for social development, can give no account of human social activity and
leads to an abstract conception of human nature (Conforth, 1952). Dialectical
materialism on the other hand, has the main conception of conversion the quantity
into quality as referred by Friedrich Engels himself (Conforth, 1952). In the light of
the dialectical materialism, the development of the China can be witnessed in the time
of their Cultural Revolution; where Mao had used a quote to signal what he had
wanted from the intellectuals of the country, for different and competing ideologies to
voice their opinions about the issues of the day; “Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a
hundred schools of thought contend” (Snow, 1969).

Any type of violence can never be justified, doesn’t even matter whether it is mechanical,
biological, chemical, cultural or ethnic etc. In case of biological warfare what main problem
can be located is that killing is generally done making the victim completely unknown to the
fact that a disaster is about to happen. A beautiful reference can be traced from Mahabharata,
“Maharathis” like Arjuna, Karna, Bhima never attacked someone from backside that means
in the war of Kurukshetra they participated, they actually played a fair role by letting their
opposition at least known to the fact that they are coming to face, to attack or whatever etc.
So, it can be seen that in that event where ethics never died but in the biological or chemical
warfare innocent citizens who usually live miles away from the place of bombarding, they
also become infected, effected and killed by the side effects, where they don’t even get the
chance to come to know what has just happened to them. So, practising biological and
chemical warfare can be stated as tremendous unethical in the management of war strategies.
Same thing about ethics of war is mentioned by the realist Sun Tzu in his famous book “The
Art of War”. It is very rubbish to practise that everything is fair in war because nobody has
any right irrespective of money, power and politics to demolish the beautiful and innocent
lives. Nobody wants war and violence. Oppression is real, this oppression can be found
historically working in a structure that the capitalist bourgeois class is doing on the
economically weaker working class and the protest, the movement, the voices against this
oppression are always justified but it has to be kept in mind that negotiation, as much as
possible has to be done with democratic-centralism, with proletariat democracy because
socialism doesn’t support anarchism. So in form of violence by doing a protest actually
triggers a war in the long run, killing bourgeois is even not a solution, stated by Karl Marx
himself, they are needed to be developed by cultural revolution, by scientific revolution
(Marx, Engles, Lenin, 1976). Socialism is the only way to implement all the securitisation
measures, what’ve been just discussed, but question may come up referring 60’s or 70’s
Soviet Union’s activities. Today’s generation misunderstood socialism, they believe that
socialism is the murder of democracy and they believe this concept because of the influence
of saffronised Indian movies such as The Tashkent Files and others, books such as The
Conundrum and all etc. Where in reality, a society having capitalism as economic model, has
plutocracy as political mode of production and a society having socialism as economic
model, has communism (proletariat democracy) as political mode of production. Both the
plutocracy and communism are form of democracy; plutocracy is democractic favourism and
communism is democratic centralism (Lenin, 1918). So, socialism and democracy are not
opposite to each other, the readers have to understand it carefully! If any form of government
other than democracy is needed to understand existing in a same branch of classification,
those are geocracy (governed by natural forces and nature, e.g., when people used to worship
natural forces, animistic religion such as Shinto can be found historically to exist) and
theocracy (governed by supernatural beilefs i.e., Gods and Goddesses, such as Israel in
today’s date), and other than this democracy also share another branch of classification with
dictatorship with respect to the mode of election taken place in the state. It always has to be
remembered that a plutocracy or even a military-dictatorship leads to the militarisation of the
economy and that the militarisation of the economy leads to a war with the other nation but a
cultural protest against the class struggles with the proper logic, theories, references leads to a
revolution; these differences in approaches into a protest must not be mixed up. Soviet
Premier Joseph Stalin even never supported to go in a war that’s why the Cold War started
just after the Second World War in place of a mechanical war, that’s why the Warsaw Treaty
Organisation was formed to maintain a balance of power against the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation in 1948 politically but later de-Stalinised Soviet led the W.T.O into a military
power, because de-Stalinised Soviet Union was never socialist at all, they also developed
biological warfare programme in 70s and 80s; the 20th party congress of the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union on 25th of February in 1956 during Nikita Khrushchev demolished the
base of socialism in the soil of U.S.S.R (Furr, 2019). Today, the situation is really hopeless
that no balance of power against the imperialist geopolitical poles of the world is currently
existing today to challenge the practice of the brutality, the biological and chemical warfare.
All the people should be aware of this fact about what wrongs are happening with them in the
name of economic lockdown and the only hope to stop such brutal practises a socialist
revolution like once Vladimir Lenin led one in 1917.

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