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Teacher and Student Profiles

Teacher: Mrs. Hall

Teaching style
- She describes her teaching style as very responsive to
Student wants and needs
- She basis majority of her lessons on the interests of
Her students and what they would be most engaged with
- When a student is behaving badly, she uses principle visits
And referrals as a last ditch effort and tries to work out the issue
One on one
- She believes that no student is “bad” and that she does everything she can
For the betterment of every individual student in her class.
How she creates classroom culture
- She holds “morning meetings” everyday with students to check in with their personal
- During this time they have the opportunity to share exciting things that have happened
Outside of school. Parents also have the opportunity to share pictures on their learning
system Seesaw.
- She also creates a great environment for learning by allowing students to read and do
work on the carpet during small group time.
- At the end of every lesson she will have students hold up fingers correlating to how much
they grasp the information that was just taught.
Student: A.

Background: A. is a 3rd grader in Mrs. Hall’s class who came in

At the beginning of the year with the lowest reading ability in the class.

Our Relationship: When I first came in Mrs. Hall had me work with the lowest reading group
which A. was a part of. I remember the first activity I did with them was a speed reading game
with basic words, and A. was so eager to learn, but didn’t believe that he didn’t have the ability
to read well, and would constantly affirm that he was the lowest reader.

His Evolution: In the school they use a program called Achieve3000 for reading articles and
answering questions based on that reading. Because Mrs. Hall is busy with her own small group,
she hasn’t had much time to work with him on this specific website, so with me there I was able
to help. As I started working with him I quickly realized he’s so extremely smart and gifted.
While I had to help him with words in the passage and questions, he would almost always get a
100%. His comprehension abilities are fantastic, however because of his low reading he hadn’t
had the chance to show it. Thankfully through small group teachers and other efforts with Mrs.
Hall his lexile score TRIPLED!!! A. is such an inspiring and intelligent student and really
demonstrates resilience and hard work to all his peers and teachers.

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