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Oracle Linux 8 Advanced System Administration

Which of the following commands will display the list of currently loaded kernel modules on Oracle Linux 8,
including their sizes, dependencies, and other related information?

Option A : lsmod

Option B : modinfo

Option C : depmod

Option D : insmod

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct: The 'modinfo' command displays information about a kernel module including its size, dependencies and

other details. Option 2: Incorrect: 'lsmod' only displays a list of loaded kernel modules. Option 3: Incorrect: 'depmod' is used to

generate a dependency file listing the prerequisites for a kernel module. Option 4: Incorrect: 'insmod' is used to insert a

module into the Linux kernel.


You are managing a server that has multiple users and groups. You need to add a new user to a group
without removing the user from any existing groups. Which of the following commands will allow you to add
a user to an existing group without removing the user from any of their other groups?

Option A : usermod -G groupname username

Option B : usermod -aG groupname username

Option C : groupadd -u username -a groupname

Option D : groupmod --users-add username groupname

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: This option is incorrect because the -G option overwrites the existing groups of the user instead of adding the user to

a new group. Option 2: This option is correct because the -a option ensures that the user is added to the specified group

without removing the user from their current groups. Option 3: This option is incorrect because the -u option is used to specify
the GID (group I of the new group, not the username of the user to be added. Option 4: This option is incorrect because the --

users-add option is not a valid option for the groupmod command, and even if it was, it would add the specified user to the

group, but not preserve any existing group memberships.


You've been tasked with troubleshooting a performance issue on a Linux server running Oracle Linux 8. You
notice that the CPU usage is high, even though the server has a multi-core CPU with hyper-threading enabled
and you have checked that the server has all the necessary performance-tuning parameters set in the
/etc/sysctl.conf file, such as vm.dirty_ratio = 10 and vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5. What other options
should you check to troubleshoot this issue?

Option A : Check if you have the latest version of the Linux kernel installed

Option B : Check if the CPU is running hot

Option C : Check if there are any cron jobs or background processes running on the server that are
consuming CPU resources

Option D : Check if there are any processes on the server that are stuck in an uninterruptible state

Correct Answer: C


Option 1: This option is incorrect because having the latest kernel is good practice, but it will not necessarily resolve the

performance issue. Option 2: This option is incorrect because even if the CPU is running hot, it does not necessarily mean that

it is the root cause of the performance issues. Option 3: This option is correct because it is advisable to check if there are any

processes or cron jobs that are consuming excessive CPU resources by running tools such as top, ps or htop which should give

a breakdown of the CPU usage. Option 4: This option is incorrect because although it is important to know which processes are

running on the server, processes stuck in an uninterruptible state usually do not consume much CPU time.


Which command can be used to run a container as a daemon process in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : docker run -d

Option B : docker run -t

Option C : docker run -i
Option D : docker run -p

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Option is the correct answer, as the -d flag instructs Docker to run the container as a daemon or background process.

Option 2: Option is incorrect, as the -t flag is used to allocate a pseudo-terminal for the container process. Option 3: Option is

incorrect, as the -i flag is used to keep STDIN open, even if not attached. Option 4: Option is incorrect, as the -p flag is used to

publish a container's port(s) to the host.


Which command is used to create a new user account in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : adduser

Option B : useradd

Option C : newuser

Option D : createuser

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: This option: adduser is not a valid command in Oracle Linux 8. This command is used in Debian-based distributions

like Ubuntu or Mint. Option 2: This option: useradd is the correct command used to create a new user account in Oracle Linux

8. This command has various options to add user information and set permissions. Option 3: This option: newuser is not a valid

command in Oracle Linux 8. This command is not included in the default installation of the operating system. Option 4: This

option: createuser is not a valid command in Oracle Linux 8. This command is used in older versions of the operating system

and has been deprecated.


Which directive is used to load kernel modules automatically during system boot on Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : modprobe
Option B : /etc/modules

Option C : /etc/modprobe.d

Option D : /etc/systemd/system.conf

Correct Answer: C


Option 1: modprobe is a command that allows the system administrator to add and remove kernel modules from the Linux

Kernel. It is not used to automatically load kernel modules during system boot on Oracle Linux 8. Option 2: /etc/modules is a

file that lists kernel modules that are to be loaded at boot time, if it exists. However, this file does not exist by default on

Oracle Linux 8. Option 3: /etc/modprobe.d is the correct directory to place configuration files that will load kernel modules

automatically during system boot on Oracle Linux 8. This directory contains a series of files which can be used to configure

modprobe, the service that controls the loading of kernel modules. Option 4: /etc/systemd/system.conf is a file that contains

configuration settings for the systemd system and service manager, not for the loading of kernel modules during boot time on

Oracle Linux 8.


Which command can be used to set the CPU performance policy in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : cpupower frequency-set

Option B : cpufreq-set

Option C : powertop

Option D : perf

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: cpupower frequency-set is the correct command to use when setting CPU performance policy in Oracle Linux 8. This

command allows you to set policy for frequency scaling drivers in the kernel. This is an important step when managing system

power and conserving energy. Option 2: cpufreq-set is an incorrect answer as it sets CPU frequency scaling policies which

depend on the hardware infrastructure. The command is therefore unsuitable for setting CPU performance policies in Oracle

Linux 8. Option 3: powertop is incorrect since it is a software tool that monitors and optimizes power consumption in Linux. It

does not set CPU performance policies hence unsuitable for the question. Option 4: perf is unrelated to the CPU performance
policy hence an incorrect answer.


Which configuration file should you modify to add or remove kernel modules from being loaded during
system boot?

Option A : /etc/sysconfig/modules

Option B : /etc/modules

Option C : /etc/sysconfig/kernel

Option D : /proc/sys/kernel/modules

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct: The /etc/modules file is used to specify which kernel modules should be loaded during system boot. Option

2: Incorrect: The /etc/sysconfig/kernel file is used to specify kernel parameters, not to configure kernel modules. Option 3:

Incorrect: The /proc/sys/kernel/modules file displays which kernel modules are currently loaded, but it should not be modified.

Option 4: Incorrect: The /etc/sysconfig/modules file is not a valid configuration file and should not be used to configure kernel



What command can be used to list all the currently loaded kernel modules on Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : listmods

Option B : lsmod

Option C : modlist

Option D : kernelmods

Correct Answer: B

Option 1: is incorrect because there is no command called listmods in Oracle Linux 8. Option 2: is correct because lsmod is the

correct command used to list all the currently loaded kernel modules. Option 3: is incorrect because there is no command

called modlist in Oracle Linux 8. Option 4: is incorrect because there is no command called kernelmods in Oracle Linux 8


What is the command that can be used to mount an Ext4 filesystem as read-only at boot time?

Option A : mount -a -t ext4 -o remount,ro /dev/sda1 /mnt/point

Option B : tune2fs -O read-only /dev/sda1

Option C : mount -t ext4 -o defaults,rw /dev/sda1 /mnt/point

Option D : echo '/dev/sda1 /mnt/point ext4 defaults,ro 0 0' >> /etc/fstab

Correct Answer: D


Option 1: This option is incorrect because the mount -a command is used to mount all filesystems listed in the /etc/fstab file

and the -o remount,ro options are used to remount an already mounted filesystem as read-only. This applies to the current

session only. Option 2: This option is incorrect because tune2fs is used to modify the filesystem parameters like label and

features and not used to mount the filesystem. Option 3: This option is incorrect because the -o rw option is used to mount the

filesystem as read-write. The option defaults is used to apply default mount options. Option 4: This option is correct because

the echo command is used to append the filesystem information to the /etc/fstab file which is used by the mount command to

automatically mount the filesystem at boot time. The options ext4, defaults, ro refer to the filesystem type, default mount

options and mount as read-only respectively.


Which command can be used to inspect the logs of a running container on Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : docker logs

Option B : journalctl

Option C : cat /var/log/messages

Option D : tail
Correct Answer: A


Option 1: docker logs is the correct command for inspecting the logs of a running container. It provides access to the logs

generated by the container in real time. Option 2: journalctl is a command that shows the logs of the systemd service on the

host. It is not used for inspecting the logs of a running container. Option 3: cat /var/log/messages is a command that displays

the system log file. It is not used for inspecting the logs of a running container. Option 4: tail is a command that shows the last

few lines of a text file. It is not used for inspecting the logs of a running container.


Which command can be used to create a file system on a physical partition?

Option A : mkswap

Option B : mkfs.ext4

Option C : vgcreate

Option D : pvcreate

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: mkswap is used to create a swap space on a partition. Option 2: mkfs.ext4 is the correct command to create a file

system on a physical partition. Option 3: vgcreate is used to create a volume group. Option 4: pvcreate is used to initialize a

physical volume for use by LVM.


You are receiving complaints that clients can no longer connect to your Oracle Linux 8 server. While
troubleshooting, you notice that the firewall service has been stopped. What command would you use to
start the firewall service?

Option A : systemctl stop firewalld

Option B : systemctl start firewalld
Option C : firewall-cmd --state

Option D : iptables -L

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: This command would stop the firewalld service, which is the opposite of what we need to do. Incorrect. Option 2: This

is the correct command to start the firewalld service. When clients cannot connect to the server, restarting the firewall is

always a good place to start troubleshooting. Correct. Option 3: This command would return the current state of the firewall,

but it would not start or stop the service. Incorrect. Option 4: This command would display the contents of the iptables ruleset,

but it would not start or stop the firewall service. Incorrect.


Which command would you use on an Oracle Linux 8 system to verify that the network interfaces are
properly configured and online?

Option A : systemctl status network

Option B : ip address show

Option C : ifconfig

Option D : ping

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: This option is incorrect because it shows the status of the network service, not the actual network interfaces. Option

2: This option is correct because the ip command is used to show or manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels.

The 'ip address show' command specifically shows the configuration of the network interfaces. Option 3: This option is incorrect

because ifconfig has been deprecated in favor of the ip command in newer versions of Oracle Linux. Option 4: This option is

incorrect because it only tests if the loopback interface is online, not the other network interfaces.

Which command is used to start a system service at boot time in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : systemctl start

Option B : systemctl enable

Option C : service start

Option D : service enable

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: Incorrect. The 'systemctl start' command is used to manually start a system service, but it does not ensure that it

starts at boot time. Option 2: Correct. The 'systemctl enable' command is used to enable a system service to start

automatically at boot time. Option 3: Incorrect. The 'service start' command is not a valid command in Oracle Linux 8. Option 4:

Incorrect. The 'service enable' command is not a valid command in Oracle Linux 8.


Which command is used in Oracle Linux 8 to view the current firewall rules?

Option A : iptables

Option B : firewall-cmd

Option C : ufw

Option D : firewalld

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: Incorrect. 'iptables' is a command used in previous versions of Oracle Linux to view and manage firewall rules. In

Oracle Linux 8, the 'firewall-cmd' command is used instead. Option 2: Correct. In Oracle Linux 8, the 'firewall-cmd' command is

used to view and manage firewall rules. Option 3: Incorrect. 'ufw' is a command used in Ubuntu to view and manage firewall

rules, not in Oracle Linux 8. Option 4: Incorrect. 'firewalld' is a command used in previous versions of Oracle Linux to view and

manage firewall rules. In Oracle Linux 8, the 'firewall-cmd' command is used instead.

Which command can be used to add a new group to the system?

Option A : addgroup

Option B : usermod

Option C : passwd

Option D : chown

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: The correct answer is 'addgroup'. This command is used to add a new group to the system. When adding a new

group, you will need to select a name for the group and specify any options for the new group. Option 2: 'usermod' is incorrect

because it is a command that is used to modify user accounts and not groups. Option 3: 'passwd' is incorrect because it is a

command that changes the password of a user account, and does not modify group settings. Option 4: 'chown' is incorrect

because it is a command used to change file ownership and permissions, and not to add groups.


Which command is used to display detailed information about a certain user's account including its group
memberships, the date and time of the last successful login, and the location of that user's home directory?

Option A : usermod

Option B : userdel

Option C : chage

Option D : id

Correct Answer: D


Option 1: The usermod command modifies the user account settings. Option 2: The userdel command removes a user account
from the system. Option 3: The chage command changes the expiration dates of user passwords. Option 4: The id command

displays detailed information about a certain user's account including its group memberships, the date and time of the last

successful login, and the location of that user's home directory. Therefore, This is the correct answer.


Which command can be used to view the status of a specific systemd service?

Option A : systemctl daemon-reload

Option B : systemctl status

Option C : systemctl enable

Option D : systemctl disable

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: This option is incorrect because it reloads the systemd manager configuration but does not affect the status of a

specific service. Option 2: This option is correct because it displays the current status and information of the specified systemd

service. Option 3: This option is incorrect because it enables a specified service to be automatically started at boot time, but it

does not show the current status of the service. Option 4: This option is incorrect because it disables a specified service from

being automatically started at boot time, but it does not show the current status of the service.


Which command is used to create a new physical volume in Linux?

Option A : pvcreate

Option B : vgcreate

Option C : lvcreate

Option D : mkfs

Correct Answer: A

Option 1: Correct. The `pvcreate` command is used to initialize a physical volume for use by LVM. Option 2: Incorrect. The

`vgcreate` command is used to create a new volume group, not a physical volume. Option 3: Incorrect. The `lvcreate`

command is used to create a new logical volume, not a physical volume. Option 4: Incorrect. The `mkfs` command is used to

create a file system on a partition or logical volume, not to create a physical volume.


Which command can be used to install the Oracle Linux 8 package?

Option A : apt-get

Option B : yum

Option C : dnf

Option D : pacman

Correct Answer: B


Option 1: Incorrect. 'apt-get' is not a package manager used in Oracle Linux 8. It is commonly used in Debian-based

distributions like Ubuntu. Option 2: Correct. 'yum' is the package manager used in Oracle Linux 8. It is used to install, update,

and manage software packages. Option 3: Incorrect. 'dnf' is a package manager used in Fedora and its derivatives, but not in

Oracle Linux 8. Option 4: Incorrect. 'pacman' is the package manager used in Arch Linux, but not in Oracle Linux 8.


Which command should be used to display the filesystem usage on Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : df

Option B : du

Option C : fsck

Option D : mount
Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct: The 'df' command is used to display the filesystem usage on Oracle Linux 8. It shows the amount of free and

used disk space on each mounted filesystem. Option 2: Incorrect: The 'du' command is used to estimate file and directory

space usage. It does not display the filesystem usage as a whole. Option 3: Incorrect: The 'fsck' command is used to check and

repair a filesystem. It does not display the filesystem usage. Option 4: Incorrect: The 'mount' command is used to mount a

filesystem, not to display the filesystem usage.


Which of the following commands can be used to create a new Docker container from an existing image?

Option A : docker pull

Option B : docker start

Option C : docker build

Option D : docker run

Correct Answer: D


Option 1: Incorrect. The 'docker pull' command is used to download an image from a registry, but not to create a new container

from that image. Option 2: Incorrect. The 'docker start' command is used to start a stopped container, but not to create a new

container. Option 3: Incorrect. The 'docker build' command is used to build a new Docker image from a Dockerfile, not to create

a new container from an existing image. Option 4: Correct. The 'docker run' command is used to create a new container from

an existing image and start it.


Which package management tool is used in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : YUM

Option B : APT

Option C : DNF
Option D : ZYpp

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct. YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is the package management tool used in Oracle Linux 8. It is used to

install, update, and remove software packages. Option 2: Incorrect. APT (Advanced Package Tool) is not the package

management tool used in Oracle Linux 8. It is commonly used in Debian-based distributions. Option 3: Incorrect. DNF

(Dandified YUM) is not the package management tool used in Oracle Linux 8. It is a next-generation replacement for YUM, but

Oracle Linux 8 still uses YUM. Option 4: Incorrect. ZYpp (Zypper) is not the package management tool used in Oracle Linux 8. It

is commonly used in SUSE Linux distributions.


Which command is used to partition a disk in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : /usr/sbin/parted

Option B : /usr/bin/fdisk

Option C : /usr/sbin/gdisk

Option D : /usr/sbin/partx

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct. The fdisk command is used to partition a disk in Oracle Linux 8. It allows you to create, delete, and manage

disk partitions. Option 2: Incorrect. The rpm command is used to manage packages in Oracle Linux. Option 3: Incorrect. The

lsblk command is used to list information about block devices. Option 4: Incorrect. The mount command is used to mount

filesystems in Oracle Linux.


Which of the following is an example of a best practice for managing user accounts and access on Oracle
Linux 8?

Option A : Granting full administrative privileges to all users
Option B : Using weak passwords for user accounts

Option C : Enforcing password complexity requirements

Option D : Allowing all users to have the same password

Correct Answer: C


Option 1: Incorrect. Granting full administrative privileges to all users is not a best practice as it can lead to security breaches.

Option 2: Incorrect. Using weak passwords for user accounts is not a best practice as it can easily be compromised. Option 3:

Correct. Enforcing password complexity requirements is a best practice as it enhances the security of user accounts. Option 4:

Incorrect. Allowing all users to have the same password is not a best practice as it increases the risk of unauthorized access.


Which command can be used to create an ext4 filesystem with an inode size of 256 bytes?

Option A : mkfs -t ext4 -I 256 /dev/sdb1

Option B : mkfs -t ext4 -i 256 /dev/sdb1

Option C : mkfs.ext4 -I 256 /dev/sdb1

Option D : mkfs.ext4 -i 256 /dev/sdb1

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct. The '-I' flag is used to specify the inode size in bytes when creating an ext4 filesystem with the 'mkfs'

command. This command will create an ext4 filesystem on the '/dev/sdb1' device with an inode size of 256 bytes. Option 2:

Incorrect. The '-i' flag is used to specify the percentage of inode space reserved for the ext4 filesystem when creating it with

the 'mkfs' command. This command will not create a filesystem with an inode size of 256 bytes. Option 3: Incorrect. The

'mkfs.ext4' command is a valid command for creating an ext4 filesystem, but it does not have an '-I' flag to specify the inode

size. This command will not create a filesystem with an inode size of 256 bytes. Option 4: Incorrect. The 'mkfs.ext4' command

is a valid command for creating an ext4 filesystem, but it does not have an '-i' flag to specify the inode size. This command will

not create a filesystem with an inode size of 256 bytes.

Which of the following commands is used to troubleshoot network connectivity issues on Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : ping

Option B : ifconfig

Option C : netstat

Option D : traceroute

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct. The `ping` command is used to check network connectivity by sending ICMP echo request packets to a

specific IP address or domain name. It can help identify if a network device or server is online and responding. Option 2:

Incorrect. The `ifconfig` command is used to configure network interfaces, but it is not primarily used for troubleshooting

network connectivity issues. Option 3: Incorrect. The `netstat` command is used for checking network connections, routing

tables, and network interface statistics, but it is not primarily used for troubleshooting network connectivity issues. Option 4:

Incorrect. The `traceroute` command is used to trace the route that packets take from the source to a destination, but it is not

primarily used for troubleshooting network connectivity issues


Which tool is used to create and manage network bridges in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : nmcli

Option B : ifconfig

Option C : brctl

Option D : ip

Correct Answer: D


Option 1: nmcli is a command-line tool to manage NetworkManager, but it is not used specifically for managing network

bridges. Option 2: ifconfig is a command-line tool to configure network interfaces, but it does not have functionality for creating
or managing network bridges. Option 3: brctl is a command-line tool to create and manage network bridges, but it is not the

recommended tool in Oracle Linux 8 as it has been replaced by newer tools. Option 4: Correct. The 'ip' command-line tool is the

recommended tool to create and manage network bridges in Oracle Linux 8. The 'ip' command provides more advanced and

flexible options than the deprecated 'brctl' tool.


Which command is used to send a signal to a process?

Option A : kill

Option B : stop

Option C : resume

Option D : restart

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct: The 'kill' command is used to send a signal to a process in Oracle Linux. This signal can be used to

terminate, stop, or resume a process. Option 2: Incorrect: The 'stop' command is not used to send a signal to a process in

Oracle Linux. Option 3: Incorrect: The 'resume' command is not used to send a signal to a process in Oracle Linux. Option 4:

Incorrect: The 'restart' command is not used to send a signal to a process in Oracle Linux.


Which storage technology provides a way to combine multiple physical storage devices into a single logical

Option A : RAID

Option B : LVM

Option C : iSCSI

Option D : NFS

Correct Answer: B

Option 1: Incorrect. RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks and is a way to combine multiple physical storage

devices into a single logical unit with redundancy. However, the question is asking for a different technology. Option 2: Correct.

LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager and provides a way to combine multiple physical storage devices into a single logical

unit. It allows for flexibility in managing storage, such as logical volumes, physical volumes, and volume groups. Option 3:

Incorrect. iSCSI stands for Internet Small Computer Systems Interface and is a storage networking standard that allows SCSI

commands to be sent over IP networks. It is not specifically designed to combine multiple physical storage devices into a single

logical unit. Option 4: Incorrect. NFS stands for Network File System and is a distributed file system protocol that allows a client

to access files over a network. It does not provide a way to combine multiple physical storage devices into a single logical unit.


Which command is used to change the default shell for a user in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : chsh

Option B : usermod

Option C : passwd

Option D : sudo

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct: The command 'usermod' is used to modify user account information in Linux. To change the default shell for

a user, you can use the 'usermod' command with the '-s' option followed by the path to the desired shell. Option 2: Incorrect:

The 'chsh' command is used to change the shell for the current user, not for other users. To change the default shell for a

specific user, the 'usermod' command should be used. Option 3: Incorrect: The 'passwd' command is used to change the

password for a user, not the default shell. To change the default shell for a user, the 'usermod' command should be used.

Option 4: Incorrect: The 'sudo' command is a tool used to execute commands with superuser (root) privileges. It is not used to

change the default shell for a user.


Which command can be used to create a private Docker network?
Option A : docker network create --driver=bridge mynetwork

Option B : docker network create --driver=overlay mynetwork

Option C : docker network create --driver=host mynetwork

Option D : docker network create --driver=none mynetwork

Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct. The `docker network create` command with the `--driver=overlay` option creates a Docker network that

spans multiple hosts. Option 2: Incorrect. The `docker network create` command with the `--driver=overlay` option creates a

Docker network that spans multiple hosts, not a private network. Option 3: Incorrect. The `docker network create` command

with the `--driver=host` option creates a Docker network using the host network stack, not a private network. Option 4:

Incorrect. The `docker network create` command with the `--driver=none` option creates a Docker network with no isolation,

not a private network.


Which command should be used to view the current power status of a system in Oracle Linux 8?

Option A : poweroff

Option B : shutdown

Option C : systemctl power-status

Option D : systemctl status

Correct Answer: C


Option 1: Incorrect. The 'poweroff' command is used to shutdown or halt the system, not to view the power status. Option 2:

Incorrect. The 'shutdown' command is used to initiate a system shutdown, not to view the power status. Option 3: Correct. The

'systemctl power-status' command can be used to view the current power status of a system in Oracle Linux 8. Option 4:

Incorrect. The 'systemctl status' command is used to view the status of a systemd unit, not to view the power status of the


Which option is the most efficient way to manage multiple containers that are running on a single Oracle
Linux 8 host?

Option A : Using systemd units to start and stop containers individually

Option B : Using a bash script to manage containers

Option C : Using Docker Compose to define and manage multiple containers as a single service

Option D : Using the 'docker run' command to start containers individually

Correct Answer: C


Option 1: Incorrect. Using systemd units to start and stop containers individually would require manual configuration for each

container, which can be time-consuming and error-prone when managing multiple containers. Option 2: Incorrect. Using a bash

script to manage containers can be a viable option, but it would require manual configuration and maintenance of the script for

each container. This approach may not be scalable or efficient when managing a large number of containers. Option 3: Correct.

Using Docker Compose to define and manage multiple containers as a single service is the most efficient way to manage

multiple containers on a single Oracle Linux 8 host. Docker Compose allows you to define and manage your containers using

declarative syntax, making it easier to scale, update, and manage the containers as a single unit. Option 4: Incorrect. Using the

'docker run' command to start containers individually would require manual configuration and execution for each container.

This approach can be time-consuming and error-prone when managing multiple containers.


Which utility can be used to check the integrity of system binaries and detect potential security

Option A : rpm

Option B : dnf

Option C : yum

Option D : apt-get
Correct Answer: A


Option 1: Correct: The rpm utility can be used to check the integrity of system binaries by verifying the package signatures and

checksums. Option 2: Incorrect: The dnf utility is a package manager for Linux distributions such as Fedora, but it does not

directly check the integrity of system binaries. Option 3: Incorrect: The yum utility is a package manager for Linux distributions

such as CentOS, but it does not directly check the integrity of system binaries. Option 4: Incorrect: The apt-get utility is a

package manager for Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, but it does not directly check the integrity of system binaries.

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