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Logical reasoning

⁠Valid ⁠Sound
⁠ ⁠Deductive ⁠ ⁠ ⁠
⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠
⁠Invalid ⁠
⁠Argument ⁠ ⁠
⁠ ⁠
⁠Strong ⁠
⁠ ⁠Non‑deductive ⁠ ⁠
⁠ ⁠ ⁠Uncogent
⁠Weak ⁠
⁠ ⁠
Logical reasoning is concerned with the correctness
of arguments. A key distinction is between
deductive and non-deductive arguments.
Logical reasoning is a ment al act ivit y t hat aims t o arrive at a conclusion in a rigorous way. It
happens in t he form of inferences or argument s by st art ing from a set of premises and reasoning
t o a conclusion support ed by t hese premises. The premises and t he conclusion are proposit ions,
i.e. t rue or false claims about what is t he case. Toget her, t hey form an argument . Logical
reasoning is norm-governed in t he sense t hat it aims t o formulat e correct argument s t hat any
rat ional person would find convincing. The main discipline st udying logical reasoning is logic.

Dist inct t ypes of logical reasoning differ from each ot her concerning t he norms t hey employ and
t he cert aint y of t he conclusion t hey arrive at . Deduct ive reasoning offers t he st rongest support :
t he premises ensure t he conclusion, meaning t hat it is impossible for t he conclusion t o be false
if all t he premises are t rue. Such an argument is called a valid argument , for example: all men are
mort al; Socrat es is a man; t herefore, Socrat es is mort al. For valid argument s, it is not import ant
whet her t he premises are act ually t rue but only t hat , if t hey were t rue, t he conclusion could not
be false. Valid argument s follow a rule of inference, such as modus ponens or modus tollens.
Deduct ive reasoning plays a cent ral role in formal logic and mat hemat ics.

For non-deduct ive logical reasoning, t he premises make t heir conclusion rat ionally convincing
wit hout ensuring it s t rut h. This is oft en underst ood in t erms of probabilit y: t he premises make it
more likely t hat t he conclusion is t rue and st rong inferences make it very likely. Some uncert aint y
remains because t he conclusion int roduces new informat ion not already found in t he premises.
Non-deduct ive reasoning plays a cent ral role in everyday life and in most sciences. Oft en-
discussed t ypes are induct ive, abduct ive, and analogical reasoning. Induct ive reasoning is a form
of generalizat ion t hat infers a universal law from a pat t ern found in many individual cases. It can
be used t o conclude t hat "all ravens are black" based on many individual observat ions of black
ravens. Abduct ive reasoning, also known as "inference t o t he best explanat ion", st art s from an
observat ion and reasons t o t he fact explaining t his observat ion. An example is a doct or who
examines t he sympt oms of t heir pat ient t o make a diagnosis of t he underlying cause. Analogical
reasoning compares t wo similar syst ems. It observes t hat one of t hem has a feat ure and
concludes t hat t he ot her one also has t his feat ure.

Argument s t hat fall short of t he st andards of logical reasoning are called fallacies. For formal
fallacies, like affirming t he consequent , t he error lies in t he logical form of t he argument . For
informal fallacies, like false dilemmas, t he source of t he fault y reasoning is usually found in t he
cont ent or t he cont ext of t he argument . Some t heorist s underst and logical reasoning in a wide
sense t hat is roughly equivalent t o crit ical t hinking. In t his regard, it encompasses cognit ive skills
besides t he abilit y t o draw conclusions from premises. Examples are skills t o generat e and
evaluat e reasons and t o assess t he reliabilit y of informat ion. Furt her fact ors are t o seek new
informat ion, t o avoid inconsist encies, and t o consider t he advant ages and disadvant ages of
different courses of act ion before making a decision.

Logical reasoning is a form of t hinking t hat is concerned wit h arriving at a
conclusion in a rigorous way.[1] This happens in t he form of inferences by
t ransforming t he informat ion present in a set of premises t o reach a conclusion.[2][3] It can be
defined as "select ing and int erpret ing informat ion from a given cont ext , making connect ions, and
verifying and drawing conclusions based on provided and int erpret ed informat ion and t he
associat ed rules and processes."[4] Logical reasoning is rigorous in t he sense t hat it does not
generat e any conclusion but ensures t hat t he premises support t he conclusion and act as
reasons for believing it .[5][6] One cent ral aspect is t hat t his support is not rest rict ed t o a specific
reasoner but t hat any rat ional person would find t he conclusion convincing based on t he
premises.[6][1] This way, logical reasoning plays a role in expanding knowledge.[7]

The main discipline st udying logical reasoning is called logic. It is divided int o formal and informal
logic, which st udy formal and informal logical reasoning.[8][9][10] Tradit ionally, logical reasoning was
primarily associat ed wit h deduct ive reasoning st udied by formal logic.[11] But in a wider sense, it
also includes forms of non-deduct ive reasoning, such as induct ive, abduct ive, and analogical

The forms of logical reasoning have in common t hat t hey use premises t o make inferences in a
norm-governed way. As norm-governed pract ices, t hey aim at int er-subject ive agreement about
t he applicat ion of t he norms, i.e. agreement about whet her and t o what degree t he premises
support t heir conclusion. The t ypes of logical reasoning differ concerning t he exact norms t hey
use as well as t he cert aint y of t he conclusion t hey arrive at .[1][15] Deduct ive reasoning offers t he
st rongest support and implies it s conclusion wit h cert aint y, like mat hemat ical proofs. For non-
deduct ive reasoning, t he premises make t he conclusion more likely but do not ensure it . This
support comes in degrees: st rong argument s make t he conclusion very likely, as is t he case for
well-researched issues in t he empirical sciences.[1][16] Some t heorist s give a very wide definit ion
of logical reasoning t hat includes it s role as a cognit ive skill responsible for high-qualit y t hinking.
In t his regard, it has roughly t he same meaning as crit ical t hinking.[13][17]
Basic concepts
A variet y of basic concept s is used in t he st udy and analysis of logical reasoning. Logical
reasoning happens by inferring a conclusion from a set of premises.[3] Premises and conclusions
are normally seen as proposit ions. A proposit ion is a st at ement t hat makes a claim about what is
t he case. In t his regard, proposit ions act as t rut h-bearers: t hey are eit her t rue or false.[18][19][3] For
example, t he sent ence "The wat er is boiling." expresses a proposit ion since it can be t rue or
false. The sent ences "Is t he wat er boiling?" or "Boil t he wat er!", on t he ot her hand, express no
proposit ions since t hey are neit her t rue nor false.[20][3] The proposit ions used as t he st art ing
point of logical reasoning are called t he premises. The proposit ion inferred from t hem is called
t he conclusion.[18][19] For example, in t he argument "all puppies are dogs; all dogs are animals;
t herefore all puppies are animals", t he proposit ions "all puppies are dogs" and "all dogs are
animals" act as premises while t he proposit ion "all puppies are animals" is t he conclusion.[21][22]

A set of premises t oget her wit h a conclusion is called an argument .[23][3] An inference is t he
ment al process of reasoning t hat st art s from t he premises and arrives at t he conclusion.[18][24]
But t he t erms "argument " and "inference" are oft en used int erchangeably in logic. The purpose of
argument s is t o convince a person t hat somet hing is t he case by providing reasons for t his
belief.[25][26] Many argument s in nat ural language do not explicit ly st at e all t he premises. Inst ead,
t he premises are oft en implicit ly assumed, especially if t hey seem obvious and belong t o
common sense.[25][27] Some t heorist s dist inguish bet ween simple and complex argument s. A
complex argument is made up of many sub-argument s. This way, a chain is formed in which t he
conclusions of earlier argument s act as premises for lat er argument s. Each link in t his chain has
t o be successful for a complex argument t o succeed.[18][25]

An argument is correct or incorrect depending on whet her t he premises offer support for t he
conclusion. This is oft en underst ood in t erms of probabilit y: if t he premises of a correct
argument are t rue, it raises t he probabilit y t hat it s conclusion is also t rue. Forms of logical
reasoning can be dist inguished based on how t he premises support t he conclusion. Deduct ive
argument s offer t he st rongest possible support . Non-deduct ive argument s are weaker but are
nonet heless correct forms of reasoning.[28][29] The t erm "proof" is oft en used for deduct ive
argument s or very st rong non-deduct ive argument s.[30] Incorrect argument s offer no or not
sufficient support and are called fallacies,[31][32] alt hough t he use of incorrect argument s does
not mean t heir conclusions are incorrect .[33]

Deductive reasoning
Deduct ive reasoning is t he ment al process of drawing deduct ive inferences. Deduct ively valid
inferences are t he most reliable form of inference: it is impossible for t heir conclusion t o be
false if all t he premises are t rue.[34][35] This means t hat t he t rut h of t he premises ensures t he
t rut h of t he conclusion. A deduct ive argument is sound if it is valid and all it s premises are
t rue.[36] For example, inferring t he conclusion "no cat s are frogs" from t he premises "all frogs are
amphibians" and "no cat s are amphibians" is a sound argument . But even argument s wit h false
premises can be deduct ively valid, like inferring t hat "no cat s are frogs" from t he premises "all
frogs are mammals" and "no cat s are mammals". In t his regard, it only mat t ers t hat t he conclusion
could not be false if t he premises are t rue and not whet her t hey act ually are t rue.[37]

Deduct ively valid argument s follow a rule of inference.[38] A rule of inference is a scheme of
drawing conclusions t hat depends only on t he logical form of t he premises and t he conclusion
but not on t heir specific cont ent .[39][40] The most -discussed rule of inference is t he modus
ponens. It has t he following form: p; if p t hen q; t herefore q. This scheme is deduct ively valid no
mat t er what p and q st and for.[41][5] For example, t he argument "t oday is Sunday; if t oday is
Sunday t hen I don't have t o go t o work t oday; t herefore I don't have t o go t o work t oday" is
deduct ively valid because it has t he form of modus ponens.[42] Ot her popular rules of inference
include modus tollens (not q; if p t hen q; t herefore not p) and t he disjunct ive syllogism (p or q;
not p; t herefore q).[42][43]

The rules governing deduct ive reasoning are oft en expressed formally as logical syst ems for
assessing t he correct ness of deduct ive argument s. Arist ot elian logic is one of t he earliest
syst ems and was t reat ed as t he canon of logic in t he West ern world for over t wo t housand
years. It is based on syllogisms, like concluding t hat "Socrat es is a mort al" from t he premises
"Socrat es is a man" and "all men are mort al".[44][45][46] The current ly dominant syst em is known as
classical logic and covers many addit ional forms of inferences besides syllogisms. So-called
ext ended logics are based on classical logic and int roduce addit ional rules of inference for
specific domains. For example, modal logic can be used t o reason about what is possible and
what is necessary. Temporal logic can be used t o draw inferences about what happened before,
during, and aft er an event .[47][48][49] Classical logic and it s ext ensions rest on a set of basic logical
int uit ions accept ed by most logicians. They include t he law of excluded middle, t he double
negat ion eliminat ion, t he principle of explosion, and t he bivalence of t rut h.[50] So-called deviant
logics reject some of t hese basic int uit ions and propose alt ernat ive rules governing t he validit y
of argument s.[44][51][52] For example, int uit ionist ic logics reject t he law of excluded middle and
t he double negat ion eliminat ion while paraconsist ent logics reject t he principle of

Deduct ive reasoning plays a cent ral role in formal logic and mat hemat ics.[1] In mat hemat ics, it is
used t o prove mat hemat ical t heorems based on a set of premises, usually called axioms. For
example, Peano arit hmet ic is based on a small set of axioms from which all essent ial propert ies
of nat ural numbers can be inferred using deduct ive reasoning.[55][56]

Non-deductive reasoning
Non-deduct ive reasoning is an import ant form of logical reasoning besides deduct ive reasoning.
It happens in t he form of inferences drawn from premises t o reach and support a conclusion, just
like it s deduct ive count erpart . The hallmark of non-deduct ive reasoning is t hat t his support is
fallible. This means t hat if t he premises are t rue, it makes it more likely but not cert ain t hat t he
conclusion is also t rue.[57][58] So for a non-deduct ive argument , it is possible for all it s premises
t o be t rue while it s conclusion is st ill false. There are various t ypes of non-deduct ive reasoning,
like induct ive, abduct ive, and analogical reasoning.[1][59] Non-deduct ive reasoning is more common
in everyday life t han deduct ive reasoning.[60]

Non-deduct ive reasoning is ampliat ive and defeasible.[61][62] Somet imes, t he t erms non-deductive
reasoning, ampliative reasoning, and defeasible reasoning are used synonymously even t hough
t here are slight differences in t heir meaning. Non-deduct ive reasoning is ampliat ive in t he sense
t hat it arrives at informat ion not already present in t he premises. Deduct ive reasoning, by
cont rast , is non-ampliat ive since it only ext ract s informat ion already present in t he premises
wit hout adding any addit ional informat ion.[62][63][59] So wit h non-deduct ive reasoning, one can
learn somet hing new t hat one did not know before. But t he fact t hat new informat ion is added
means t hat t his addit ional informat ion may be false. This is why non-deduct ive reasoning is not
as secure as deduct ive reasoning.[58][64]
A closely relat ed aspect is t hat non-deduct ive reasoning is defeasible or non-monot onic. This
means t hat one may have t o wit hdraw a conclusion upon learning new informat ion. For example, if
all birds a person has seen so far can fly, t his person is just ified in reaching t he induct ive
conclusion t hat all birds fly. This conclusion is defeasible because t he reasoner may have t o
revise it upon learning t hat penguins are birds t hat do not fly.[65][66][67]


Based on many individual

observations of black ravens,
inductive reasoning can be
used to infer that all ravens are

Induct ive reasoning st art s from a set of individual inst ances and uses generalizat ion t o arrive at a
universal law governing all cases.[68][69][70] Some t heorist s use t he t erm in a very wide sense t o
include any form of non-deduct ive reasoning, even if no generalizat ion is involved.[69][71][68] In t he
more narrow sense, it can be defined as "t he process of inferring a general law or principle from
t he observat ions of part icular inst ances."[68] For example, st art ing from t he empirical observat ion
t hat "all ravens I have seen so far are black", induct ive reasoning can be used t o infer t hat "all
ravens are black". In a slight ly weaker form, induct ion can also be used t o infer an individual
conclusion about a single case, for example, t hat "t he next raven I will see is black".[69][1]
Induct ive reasoning is closely relat ed t o st at ist ical reasoning and probabilist ic reasoning.[72] Like
ot her forms of non-deduct ive reasoning, induct ion is not cert ain. This means t hat t he premises
support t he conclusion by making it more probable but do not ensure it s t rut h. In t his regard, t he
conclusion of an induct ive inference cont ains new informat ion not already found in t he

Various aspect s of t he premises are import ant t o ensure t hat t hey offer significant support t o
t he conclusion. In t his regard, t he sample size should be large t o guarant ee t hat many individual
cases were considered before drawing t he conclusion.[60][73] An int imat ely connect ed fact or is
t hat t he sample is random and represent at ive. This means t hat it includes a fair and balanced
select ion of individuals wit h different key charact erist ics. For example, when making a
generalizat ion about human beings, t he sample should include members of different races,
genders, and age groups.[60][74][75] A lot of reasoning in everyday life is induct ive. For example,
when predict ing how a person will react t o a sit uat ion, induct ive reasoning can be employed
based on how t he person react ed previously in similar circumst ances. It plays an equally cent ral
role in t he sciences, which oft en st art wit h many part icular observat ions and t hen apply t he
process of generalizat ion t o arrive at a universal law.[76][77][1]

A well-known issue in t he field of induct ive reasoning is t he so-called problem of induct ion. It
concerns t he quest ion of whet her or why anyone is just ified in believing t he conclusions of
induct ive inferences. This problem was init ially raised by David Hume, who holds t hat fut ure
event s need not resemble past observat ions. In t his regard, induct ive reasoning about fut ure
event s seems t o rest on t he assumpt ion t hat nat ure remains uniform.[78][79]

Abduct ive reasoning is usually underst ood as an inference from an observat ion t o a fact
explaining t his observat ion. Inferring t hat it has rained aft er seeing t hat t he st reet s are wet is
one example. Oft en, t he expression "inference t o t he best explanat ion" is used as a
synonym.[80][81][1] This expression underlines t hat t here are usually many possible explanat ions of
t he same fact and t hat t he reasoner should only infer t he best explanat ion. For example, a
t sunami could also explain why t he st reet s are wet but t his is usually not t he best explanat ion.
As a form of non-deduct ive reasoning, abduct ion does not guarant ee t he t rut h of t he conclusion
even if t he premises are t rue.[80][82]
The more plausible t he explanat ion is, t he st ronger it is support ed by t he premises. In t his regard,
it mat t ers t hat t he explanat ion is simple, i.e. does not include any unnecessary claims, and t hat it
is consist ent wit h est ablished knowledge.[83][81][84] Ot her cent ral crit eria for a good explanat ion
are t hat it fit s observed and commonly known fact s and t hat it is relevant , precise, and not
circular. Ideally, t he explanat ion should be verifiable by empirical evidence. If t he explanat ion
involves ext raordinary claims t hen it requires very st rong evidence.[84]

Doctors use abductive reasoning

when investigating the symptoms of a
patient to determine their underlying

Abduct ive reasoning plays a cent ral role in science when researchers discover unexplained
phenomena. In t his case, t hey oft en resort t o a form of guessing t o come up wit h general
principles t hat could explain t he observat ions. The hypot heses are t hen t est ed and compared t o
discover which one provides t he best explanat ion.[85][84] This pert ains part icularly t o cases of
causal reasoning t hat t ry t o discover t he relat ion bet ween causes and effect s.[84] Abduct ion is
also very common in everyday life. It is used t here in a similar but less syst emat ic form.[85][84]
This relat es, for example, t o t he t rust people put in what ot her people say. The best explanat ion
of why a person assert s a claim is usually t hat t hey believe it and have evidence for it . This form
of abduct ive reasoning is relevant t o why one normally t rust s what ot her people say even t hough
t his inference is usually not drawn in an explicit way. Somet hing similar happens when t he
speaker's st at ement is ambiguous and t he audience t ries t o discover and explain what t he
speaker could have meant .[85] Abduct ive reasoning is also common in medicine when a doct or
examines t he sympt oms of t heir pat ient in order t o arrive at a diagnosis of t heir underlying

Analogical reasoning can be used to

transfer insights from animal
experiments to humans, like in the
case of research on obesity and
hypertension performed on Zucker

Analogical reasoning involves t he comparison of t wo syst ems in relat ion t o t heir similarit y. It
st art s from informat ion about one syst em and infers informat ion about anot her syst em based on
t he resemblance bet ween t he t wo syst ems.[88][89] Expressed schemat ically, argument s from
analogy have t he following form: (1) a is similar t o b; (2) a has feat ure F; (3) t herefore b probably
also has feat ure F.[89][90] Analogical reasoning can be used, for example, t o infer informat ion
about humans from medical experiment s on animals: (1) rat s are similar t o humans; (2) birt h
cont rol pills affect t he brain development of rat s; (3) t herefore t hey may also affect t he brain
development of humans.[86]

Through analogical reasoning, knowledge can be t ransferred from one sit uat ion or domain t o
anot her. Argument s from analogy provide support for t heir conclusion but do not guarant ee it s
t rut h. Their st rengt h depends on various fact ors. The more similar t he syst ems are, t he more
likely it is t hat a given feat ure of one object also charact erizes t he ot her object . Anot her fact or
concerns not just t he degree of similarit y but also it s relevance. For example, an art ificial
st rawberry made of plast ic may be similar t o a real st rawberry in many respect s, including it s
shape, color, and surface st ruct ure. But t hese similarit ies are irrelevant t o whet her t he art ificial
st rawberry t ast es as sweet as t he real one.[91]

Analogical reasoning plays a cent ral role in problem-solving, decision-making, and learning. It can
be used bot h for simple physical charact erist ics and complex abst ract ideas.[92][93] In science,
analogies are oft en used in models t o underst and complex phenomena in a simple way. For
example, t he Bohr model explains t he int eract ions of sub-at omic part icles in analogy t o how
planet s revolve around t he sun.[94][95]

A fallacy is an incorrect argument or a fault y form of reasoning. This means t hat t he premises
provide no or not sufficient support for t he conclusion. Fallacies oft en appear t o be correct on
t he first impression and t hereby seduce people int o accept ing and using t hem. In logic, t he t erm
"fallacy" does not mean t hat t he conclusion is false. Inst ead, it only means t hat some kind of
error was commit t ed on t he way t o reaching t he conclusion. An argument can be a fallacy even
if, by a fort uit ous accident , t he conclusion is t rue. Out side t he field of logic, t he t erm "fallacy" is
somet imes used in a slight ly different sense for a false belief or t heory and not for an
argument .[32][96][97]

Fallacies are usually divided int o formal and informal fallacies. Formal fallacies are expressed in a
formal language and usually belong t o deduct ive reasoning. Their fault lies in t he logical form of
t he argument , i.e. t hat it does not follow a valid rule of inference.[98][99] A well-known formal
fallacy is affirming t he consequent . It has t he following form: (1) q; (2) if p t hen q; (3) t herefore p.
This fallacy is commit t ed, for example, when a person argues t hat "t he burglars ent ered by t he
front door" based on t he premises "t he burglars forced t he lock" and "if t he burglars ent ered by
t he front door, t hen t hey forced t he lock".[100] This fallacy is similar t o t he valid rule of inference
known as modus ponens. It is fault y because t he first premise and t he conclusion are swit ched
around. Ot her well-known formal fallacies are denying t he ant ecedent , affirming a disjunct ,
denying a conjunct , and t he fallacy of t he undist ribut ed middle.[32][96][101]

Informal fallacies are expressed in nat ural language. Their main fault usually lies not in t he form
of t he argument but has ot her sources, like it s cont ent or cont ext .[96][99] Some informal fallacies,
like some inst ances of false dilemmas and st rawman fallacies, even involve correct deduct ive
reasoning on t he formal level.[97] The cont ent of an argument is t he idea t hat is expressed in it .
For example, a false dilemma is an informal fallacy t hat is based on an error in one of t he
premises. The fault y premise oversimplifies realit y: it st at es t hat t hings are eit her one way or
anot her way but ignore many ot her viable alt ernat ives.[102][103] False dilemmas are oft en used by
polit icians when t hey claim t hat eit her t heir proposal is accept ed or t here will be dire
consequences. Such claims usually ignore t hat various alt ernat ives exist t o avoid t hose
consequences, i.e. t hat t heir proposal is not t he only viable solut ion.[104]

The st rawman fallacy is anot her informal fallacy. It s error happens on t he level of t he cont ext . It
consist s in misrepresent ing t he view of an opponent and t hen refut ing t his view. The refut at ion
it self is oft en correct but t he error lies in t he false assumpt ion t hat t he opponent act ually
defends t his view. For example, an alcohol lobbyist may respond t o t he suggest ion t o ban alcohol
advert isement s on t elevision by claiming t hat it is impossible t o make people give up drinking
alcohol. This is a st rawman fallacy since t he suggest ion was merely t o ban advert isement s and
not t o st op all alcohol consumpt ion.[105][96][106]

Ambiguous and vague expressions in nat ural language are oft en responsible for t he fault y
reasoning in informal fallacies. For example, t his is t he case for fallacies of ambiguit y, like t he
argument "(1) feat hers are light ; (2) light is opposed t o darkness; (3) t herefore feat hers are
opposed t o darkness". The error is found in t he ambiguous t erm "light ", which has one meaning in
t he first premise ("not heavy") and a different meaning in t he second premise ("visible
elect romagnet ic radiat ion").[107][108][109]

As a skill
Some t heorist s discuss logical reasoning in a very wide sense t hat includes it s role as a broad
skill responsible for high-qualit y t hinking. In t his sense, it is roughly equivalent t o crit ical t hinking
and includes t he capacit y t o select and apply t he appropriat e rules of logic t o specific
sit uat ions.[110] It encompasses a great variet y of abilit ies besides drawing conclusions from
premises. Examples are t o underst and a posit ion, t o generat e and evaluat e reasons for and
against it as well as t o crit ically assess whet her t o accept or reject cert ain informat ion. It is
about making judgment s and drawing conclusions aft er careful evaluat ion and cont rast s in t his
regard wit h uncrit ical snap judgment s and gut feelings.[17] Ot her core skills linked t o logical
reasoning are t o assess reasons before accept ing a claim and t o search for new informat ion if
more is needed t o reach a reliable conclusion. It also includes t he abilit y t o consider different
courses of act ion and compare t he advant ages and disadvant ages of t heir consequences, t o use
common sense, and t o avoid inconsist encies.[111][112] The skills responsible for logical reasoning
can be learned, t rained, and improved.[17][113]
Logical reasoning is relevant bot h on t he t heoret ical and pract ical level.[114][115] On t he
t heoret ical level, it helps decrease t he number of false beliefs. A cent ral aspect concerns t he
abilit ies used t o dist inguish fact s from mere opinions, like t he process of finding and evaluat ing
reasons for and against a posit ion t o come t o one's own conclusion.[114] This includes being able
t o different iat e bet ween reliable and unreliable sources of informat ion. This mat t ers for
effect ive reasoning since it is oft en necessary t o rely on informat ion provided by ot her people
inst ead of checking every single fact for oneself. [116][117] This way, logical reasoning can help
t he person avoid t he effect s of propaganda or being manipulat ed by ot hers.[118][119] When
import ant informat ion is missing, it is oft en bet t er t o suspend judgment t han t o jump t o
conclusions.[118] In t his regard, logical reasoning should be skept ical and open-minded at t he
same t ime.[120]

On t he pract ical level, logical reasoning concerns t he issue of making rat ional and effect ive
decisions.[114][115] For many real-life decisions, various courses of act ion are available t o t he
agent . For each possible act ion, t here can be conflict ing reasons, some in favor of it and ot hers
opposed t o it . In such cases, logical reasoning includes weighing t he pot ent ial benefit s and
drawbacks as well as considering t heir likelihood in order t o arrive at a balanced all-t hings-
considered decision.[121][122] For example, when a person runs out of drinking wat er in t he middle
of a hiking t rip, t hey could employ t he skills associat ed wit h logical reasoning t o decide whet her
t o boil and drink wat er from a st ream t hat might cont ain dangerous microorganisms rat her t han
break off t he t rip and hike back t o t he parking lot . This could include considering fact ors like
assessing how dangerous t he microorganisms are and t he likelihood t hat t hey survive t he boiling
procedure. It may also involve gat hering relevant informat ion t o make t hese assessment s, for
example, by asking ot her hikers.[123]

Time also plays a cent ral role in logical reasoning.[124] If one lacks import ant informat ion, it is
oft en bet t er t o delay a decision and look for new informat ion before coming t o a conclusion.[111]
If t he decision is t ime-sensit ive, on t he ot her hand, logical reasoning may imply making a fast
decision based on t he current ly available evidence even if it is very limit ed. For example, if a
friend yells "Duck!" during a baseball game t he most logical response may be t o blindly t rust
t hem and duck inst ead of demanding an explanat ion or invest igat ing what might have prompt ed
t heir exclamat ion.[124][125] Generally speaking, t he less t ime t here is, t he more significant it is t o
t rust int uit ions and gut feelings. If t here is more t ime, on t he ot her hand, it becomes import ant t o
examine ambiguit ies and assess cont radict ory informat ion.[126]
See also

Argumentation theory
Dialogical logic
List of rules of inference
Transduction (machine learning)
Transduction (psychology)



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