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All around me

Mayerly Dayana Guzmán Bonilla

Código: 1006457144

Docente. Milton Rosero

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

ETAPA 1 - Estudio del E-Book
Continue con el estudio del E-book con el fin de tener una completa comprensión
de las unidades. Recuerde que este se encuentra en el entorno de aprendizaje.
1.1 Estudie los módulos 9, 10, 11 y 12 del E-Book.
1.2 Seleccione y realice solo uno de los ejercicios de comprensión oral y de lectura
y de la siguiente lista:
Módulo 4 ejercicio 2

ETAPA 2 - Practica oral

2.1. En esta etapa estructure de forma escrita su presentación personal y los
aspectos más relevantes de la ciudad o región donde usted se encuentra ubicado,
puede guiarse por las siguientes preguntas orientadoras, recuerde responderlas
con oraciones completas y compartirlas en el foro.
Talking about myself:
My name is Mayerley Dayana Guzman Bonilla. I am single. I am from Fortul –
Aarauca I am 23 years old. I am student. I am studying at UNAD. I live in Villa
nueva – Casanare In my free time, I like to I go to the gym, I take my dog for a
walk and I help around the house.
Talking about my city/town:
- What are the main touristic places in your city or town?
The main touristic places in Villanueva are: the unicentro shopping center, the
lookout and the wave pool
- What is the typical food in your city?
The typical food in my city is: the mute, and the meat to the llanera
- What are the main ingredients of the typical food?
(food) is prepared with: carne, verduras, granos secos, aliños.
- What are the main celebrations in your city/town?
The main celebrations in my city are: On November 15 the birthday of the town
is celebrated, on July 16 the day of the Virgen del Carmen.
- What do people do in those celebrations?
People usually , and dance, sing, eat, drink, horseback riding, alboradas.
- What activities can visitors do in your city or town?
In my city visitors can: go to the cathedral, have lunch in typical restaurants,
go to the river, visit the gazebo and go to the mall.

My name is Mayerly Dayana Guzman Bonilla, I am 23 years old and I study
Zootechnics at UNAD, I am from Fortul - Arauca but for work reasons I live in Villa
Nueva - Casanare, when I have free time I go to the gym, I take my dog Toby for a
walk and help with the housework.
In villanueva tourists visit the viewpoint, the shopping center and the wave pools,
this city, because it belongs to the plains,
its emblematic food is the mute and the llanera meat with refajo cannot be missing,
these meals are made with dried grains, meats and vegetables during a cooking of
more than three hours.
Throughout the year various festivals are celebrated, such as the city's birthday
which is on November 15 and on this day they bring singers, therefore we dance,
drink, eat, attend the parade and enjoy this day, another party It is celebrated on July
16, the day of the Virgen del Carmen since the city is quite religious.
It is important that when they visit us, they attend the cathedrals, the shopping
center, the swimming pools and rivers.
ETAPA 3 - Práctica de pronunciación / Grabación de audio


ETAPA 4 - Video o entrevista con su tutor

Profe la verdad no he estado bien de salud y se me dificulto este mes cumplir a
cabalidad las actividades, una disculpa por no presentar este punto pero la verdad
he estado hospitalizada y no han sido días tan buenos, gracias.

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