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1. What are two main factors that make city driving difficult? (2)
Traffic is more dense i urban areas than it is in rural areas. There are more cars, buses, trucks, and pedestrians per
City traffic hazards are closer to you than they are in rural areas. Those hazards can quickly block your path.
2. How can you best use the IPDE Process in city
driving? Identify: Be vigorous in using your visual skills.
Predict: Predict possible points of conflict quickly and gain valuable time to respond.
Decide:Always be ready to communicate or adjust your vehicle position by changing speed
and-or using distance effectively.
Execute:Be ready to use your vehicle’s controls to make smooth low-risk maneuvers in traffic.

3. Describe the steps to measure your three-second following distance? (3)

1. Pick a fixed checkpoint on the road ahead. Road marks or shadows make good fixed checkpoints.
2. When the vehicle ahead of you passes your checkpoint, count: “one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, one-
thousand-three,” for your 3-second count
3. Now check to see that your vehicle is still short of your fixed checkpoint. If not, slow and add more

4. Name at least four situations when you should increase your following distance of
three seconds. (4)
- Your are just learning to drive
- A tailgating driver has closed your rear zone
- You are approaching a line-of-sight restriction
- Traction is low
5. What are three high-risk areas where closed zones and sudden stops can happen? (3)
- intersections where drivers may have to stop for traffic or pedestrians
- lanes next to parked vehicles
- business driveways with high-volume traffic
6. What three things can a driver do to reduce the chance of having a collision when
looking away from the road? (3)
- Make sure the zone ahead is stable and open.
- Lower your speed even further when you have line-of-sight restrictions
- Keep your eyes moving
7. What are the best actions to take when being followed too closely? (4)
- Increase your following distance to at least four seconds
- Move slightly to the right
- Signal early for turns, stops, and lane changes
- In extreme situations, change lanes, or pull out of traffic to avoid the tailgater

8. Name at least three reasons a driver may cross the center lane into your path of travel. (3)
- Driver impairment
- Poor judgment
- Poor visibility
- Reduced space
9. List the steps to take to avoid conflicts with oncoming traffic? (3)
- Slow until the other driver can return to the normal lane
- Turn on or flash your headlights and blow your horn
- If your right-front zone is open, move to the right to give the oncoming driver more room
10. How far ahead should a driver look in city traffic?
In addition to looking around your vehicle, look a block or more ahead.
11. What are two reasons you should not ride the braked (2)
Danger because the person behind you doesn't really know if you are slowing down or not. Danger of
overheated brakes when riding the brakes down long
12. What are the techniques you should use to select your best driving speed in city driving? (3)
- Drive with the traffic flow
- stay within the speed limit
- Adjust speed and position ahead of time for other drivers who might block your way
13. Why is passing in a city dangerous (on a two-lane, two-way city street)?
The left lane is usually for faster traffic. But at times, traffic can be held up by drivers waiting to turn
left. These left-turning drivers can be a problem when only two lanes are going in your direction.
14. What should you do if another driver approaches you from the wrong direction on a one-
way street?
If another driver approaches you from the wrong direction on a one-way street, slow down, signal,
and move to the right while alerting them with your horn to mitigate the risk of collision.

How do one-way streets reduce collisions?

One-way streets reduce collisions by eliminating the potential for head-on collisions, which are
among the most severe types of crashes. By directing traffic flow in a single direction, they simplify
traffic patterns, reduce conflicts at intersections, and minimize the chances of drivers entering
opposing lanes accidentally, thereby enhancing overall safety on the road.

Directions: Write the entire definition given on List A on Page 192 for the following
vocabulary words.

overtake: pass the car ahead

ride the brake: rest your foot on the brake
tailgate: follow another vehicle too closely
cover the brake:take your foot off the accelerator and hold it over the brake pedal to be ready to
brake quickly

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