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ISSN 0026-8933, Molecular Biology, 2016, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 731–739. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2016.

Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2016, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 828–837.


UDC 615.371

Immunoreactivity of Chimeric Proteins Carrying Poliovirus Epitopes

on the VP6 of Rotavirus as a Vector1
X.-X. Pana, #, B.-X. Zhaob, #, Y.-M. Tengb, W.-Y. Xiab, J. Wangb, X.-F. Lia,
G.-Y. Liaob, C. Yanga, and Y.-D. Chenb, *
aKey Laboratory of Chemistry in Ethnic Medicinal Resources, State Ethnic Affairs Commission and Ministry of Education,
Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming, P. R. China
Yunnan Key Laboratory of Vaccine Research and Development on Severe Infectious Diseases, Institute of Medical Biology,
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Kunming, P. R. China
Received October 13, 2015; in final form, November 13, 2015

Abstract—Rotavirus and poliovirus continue to present significant risks and burden of disease to children in
developing countries. Developing a combined vaccine may effectively prevent both illnesses and may be
advantageous in terms of maximizing compliance and vaccine coverage at the same visit. Recently, we sought
to generate a vaccine vector by incorporating multiple epitopes into the rotavirus group antigenic protein,
VP6. In the present study, a foreign epitope presenting a system using VP6 as a vector was created with six sites
on the outer surface of the vector that could be used for insertion of foreign epitopes, and three VP6-based
PV1 epitope chimeric proteins were constructed. The chimeric proteins were confirmed by immunoblot,
immunofluorescence assay, and injected into guinea pigs to analyze the epitope-specific humoral response.
Results showed that these chimeric proteins reacted with anti-VP6F and -PV1 antibodies, and elicited anti-
bodies against both proteins in guinea pigs. Antibodies against the chimeric proteins carrying PV1 epitopes
neutralized rotavirus Wa and PV1 infection in vitro. Our study contributes to a better understanding of the
use of VP6-based vectors as multiple-epitope delivery vehicles and the epitopes displayed in this form could
be considered for development of epitope-based vaccines against rotavirus and poliovirus.

Keywords: chimeric protein, cross neutralizing activity, poliovirus epitope, rotavirus VP6-based vector
DOI: 10.1134/S0026893316030092

INTRODUCTION lowing international licensure of RV vaccines (Rotarix

Rotavirus (RV) and poliovirus (PV) are major and Rotateq) to reduce the global RV burden in devel-
human pathogens that present significant risks and oped and developing countries [7].
high burden to children in developing countries. RV is PV is the causative agent of acute paralytic polio-
the leading pathogenic agent of acute gastroenteritis myelitis. Following more than twenty years of anti-
worldwide, and group A rotavirus (RVA) is the most polio programs, prevention of PV has made great
principal causative agent of diarrhea in infants and progress and wild PV (WPV) remains endemic in only
young children. The two oral live RV vaccines, Rotarix three countries (Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria).
and Rotateq, have been licensed in 2006, and proved
The last paralysis case associated with WPV type 2
effective in all countries, particularly in those with high
diarrhea-related mortality [1, 2]. However, a risk of (WPV2) was registered in India in 1999, and WPV type 3
adverse effects has been associated with some live vac- (WPV3) has not been detected in circulation since
cines, such as intussusception, vaccine-acquired rotavi- November 2012; since 2012, only WPV type 1 (WPV1)
rus disease in infants with severe combined immunodefi- has been detected [8]. During 2014, a total of 359 WPV
ciency (SCID) after administration, the presence of cases were detected in nine countries worldwide [9].
adventitious agents in the vaccine [3–6]. Because live RV However, in the recent years, low vaccine coverage has
vaccines are found to have intrinsic limitations, it is nec- allowed occasional spread of wild PV strains from
essary to develop more efficacious and safe vaccines, endemic countries to neighboring or distant countries
especially in developing countries. WHO supports the where wild PV had disappeared; also pathogenic recom-
development of alternative RV vaccine candidates fol- binant circulating vaccine-derived PV (cVDPVs)
appeared, some vaccine-derived PV (VDPV) strains
1 The article is published in the original. were isolated from paralytic cases as well as healthy
# The authors contributed equally to this work.
individuals and environments, indicating that the

732 PAN et al.

I6 reactive among all RVA. VP6 has the ability to self-

assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs), tubular or
trimer structures, and thus it can be used as a carrier
I1 I2 candidate for foreign epitopes. Furthermore, in the
recent years a few candidate VP6-based vaccines have
been studied and the results showed that VP6 is able to
induce effective humoral and cellular responses
D''́ ́ against RV in mice [14–19].
D' ́ Previous studies revealed that the neutralizing anti-
genic sites (NAgs) of PV are distributed on the surface-
exposed loops in structural proteins VP1, VP2, and
I I4 VP3. NAg1 includes amino acid residues 91–102, 254,
H C D 168 of VP1. NAg2 includes amino acid residues 166–
170 and 270 of VP2, and residues 221–226 of VP1.
A' A'' B H NAg3 includes amino acid residues 285–289 of VP1,
E F 58–60, 71, 73 of VP3, and residue 72 of VP2 [20]. The
amino acid residues 89 to 100, 220 to 222, 286 to 290
G of VP1 are important cross neutralizing epitopes and
I D are able to induce production of cross neutralizing
antibodies, protecting adults from infections by differ-
ent PV serotypes [21].
A In this report, we searched for fine positions in the
surface loops of RV VP6 that can accommodate the
three foreign peptides derived from PV1. Chimeric
αf proteins carrying the PV epitope were constructed,
and then their immunoreactivities were evaluated. It is
αh expected that the chimeric proteins in this form could
αe be considered as alternative vaccines against RV/PV.
αc B
βb βa αa Cells and viruses. Fetal rhesus monkey kidney
αd (MA104) cells were maintained in Eagle’s minimal
αc essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 10%
fetal bovine serum (FBS). Vero cells (African green
monkey kidney cells) were maintained in Dulbecco’s
Modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented
with 5% FBS.
Human RV strain Wa (G1P [8]) was kept in our
laboratory. Three types of attenuated poliovirus, type 1
Fig. 1. 3D molecular structure of the VP6F vector protein
with six foreign epitope insertion sites on the outer surface;
Sabin SO+1 (PV1), type 2 Sabin SO+1 (PV2), type 3
these sites could be chosen for insertion of foreign epitopes 457 Pfizer RSO1 (PV3) were provided by the World
[22]. Sites I1, I3, and I5 were chosen for epitope insertion Health Organization (WHO). RV strain Wa was
in the present study. adapted to grow in cell culture by serial passage in
MA104 cells and PV strains were adapted in Vero cells.
eradication of PV is still a big problem currently facing Epitopes and construction of recombinant plasmids.
the globe [10–12]. In our previous study, using molecular cloning,
genetic recombination and expression techniques, a
Since RV and PV share similar transmission routes, new foreign epitope presenting a system based on RV
and co-infections by RV and PV are very common VP6 as the vector (VP6F) was developed [22]. Six sites
[13], the prevention of RV and PV at the same time has that could be used for insertion of foreign epitopes
a great importance for optimally utilizing the limited were created on the outer surface of the vector protein
resources and ensuring high immunization coverage. (Fig. 1).
Given the huge efforts underway to eradicate RV and Three NAg epitopes among the NAgs of PV1 were
PV, the most viable alternative vaccine candidates are studied in this paper: the NAg1 epitope, TVDN-
needed to accelerate the development process. PASTTNKDET corresponding to amino acid resi-
VP6, a group antigen protein of RV, is highly con- dues 91–102, 254, 168 of VP1; the NAg2 epitope,
served and antibodies against VP6 are highly cross- QTSPALSAALGD corresponding to amino acid resi-

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 50 No. 5 2016


dues 166–170 and 270 of VP2, and residues 221–226 in 8 M urea. The expressed proteins were analyzed by
of VP1; NAg3 epitope, DYKDGSATRSPHTDT cor- sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electro-
responding to amino acid residues 285–289 of the phoresis (10% SDS-PAGE).
VP1, 58–60, 71, 73 of the VP3, and residue 72 of the The expressed proteins were purified as previously
VP2, respectively, were selected from the PV1 strain described [23]. Briefly, the proteins were separated on
Mahoney in order to construct recombinant epitope 10% SDS-PAGE and dyed by 150 mM KCl. Accord-
chimeric vaccines. ing to the molecular weight of the protein, the band of
Three pairs of specific oligonucleotide primers gel containing the target chimeric protein was cut off
PV1/N1/298F (GGA CCG TGG ATA ACC CAG- and put into a column filled with polyacrylamide gel
CTT CCA CCA CGA ATA AGG ATG AGC CGC) (15%) on its bottom. Electrophoresis was performed at
and PV1/N1/298R (GGC TCA TCC TTA TTC GTG- 20 mA, 4°C for 15 h, and the chimeric protein was
GTG GAA GCT GGG TTA TCC ACG GTC CGC), enriched in the vial that was linked to the column bot-
PV1/N2/244F (CCA GAC ATC ACC TGC CTT- tom. The protein was further dialyzed in 10 mM phos-
ATC GGC AGC ACT AGG TGA CGG TAC) and phate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4) for desalination
PV1/N2/244R (CGT CAC CTA GTG CTG CCG- and renaturation. The protein concentrations were
ATA AGG CAG GTG ATG TCT GGG TAC), determined using the Lowry’s method [24].
PV1/N3/174F (CGA TTA CAA GGA TGG TAG- Animals and immunization. Guinea pigs (5–7 weeks
TGC CAC ACG GAG TCC ACA TAC AGA CAC- of age) used in this study were purchased from the
GGA GCT) and PV1/N3/174R (CCG TGT CTG- China Medical Primates Center, Kunming, China,
TAT GTG GAC TCC GTG TGG CAC TAC CAT- and housed in groups of four in sterile microisolation
CCT TGT AAT CGA GCT), corresponding to the cages. All research performed on guinea pigs in this
epitopes NAg1, NAg2, NAg3 of the representative PV1 study complied with national and institutional guide-
strain Mahoney (CAA24461) were synthesized and lines set forth by the Institute of Medical Biology Ani-
inserted respectively into the cloning sites I5, I3, I1 on mal Care and Use Ethic Committee. All studies were
the VP6F protein vector by means of genetic recombi- approved by the Institute of Medical Biology Animal
nation techniques. Briefly, the VP6F/PV1 epitope chi- Care and Use Ethic Committee.
meric protein coding gene was inserted into the plasmid All guinea pigs were screened for antibodies against
pETL which was derived from pET-3a, and four recom- RVA and PV by neutralization test upon arrival to
binant plasmids directing the expression of the chimeric ensure the absence of a preexisting immunity from
protein were constructed by genetic recombination prior exposure or maternally-derived antibodies.
techniques as previously described [23], pETP6F, Recombinant vector protein VP6F, chimeric proteins
pETP6F/PV1N1-I5, pETP6F/PV1N2-I3, and carrying PV1 epitopes NAg1, NAg2, NAg3, and refer-
pETP6F/PV1N3-I1. pETP6F carried the vector protein ence RV Wa, PV1, PV2, PV3 were used as immuno-
VP6F gene, pETP6F/PV1N1-I5 carried the VP6F gene gens separately (n = 4 guinea pigs per immunogen).
with the NAg1 epitope inserted in the SacII site (I5), For inoculation with VP6F and chimeric proteins car-
pETP6F/PV1N2-I3 carried the VP6F gene with the rying PV1 NAg1, NAg2, NAg3 epitope, each animal
NAg2 epitope inserted in the KpnI site (I3), and was inoculated subcutaneously in the hind leg with
pETP6F/PV1N3-I1 carried the VP6F gene with the 120 µg of each immunogen in 100 µL dilution solution
NAg3 epitope inserted in the SacI site (I1). (15 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.0) in the absence of
The recombinant plasmids described above were adjuvant. For RV Wa and PV1, PV2, PV3 inoculation,
transformed into E. coli DH5α and were then grown 1 × 107 of the 50% tissue culture infective dose
on agar plates, and the clones were selected for further (TCID50) of the virus was used for each animal at each
screening by enzyme digestion and PCR for gene injection. Four guinea pigs were used as negative con-
identity and orientation. Recombinant plasmids were trols and were mock-inoculated with 100 µL of dilu-
sequenced to ultimately confirm the authenticity of tion solution. Each animal was inoculated three times
the RV/PV gene sequences. (at 0, 14, and 28 days). Guinea pigs were bled by heart
Expression and purification of recombinant proteins. puncture at the fifth day after the last inoculation and
The recombinant plasmids were transformed into antibody levels in antiserum were measured by West-
E. coli BL21(DE3) cells. The transformed cells were ern blot and neutralization tests.
cultured in Luria–Bertani (LB) medium (10 g of tryp- Immunofluorescence. Immunofluorescence was
tone, 5 g of yeast extract, 5 g of NaCl per liter) supple- performed to detect PV1 and RV antigens in virus
mented with 200 µg/mL ampicillin at 37°C without any infected cells. To detect the PV1 antigen, Vero cell
chemical induction. When the culture grew to be satu- monolayers on glass coverslips cultured in MEM were
rated, cells were harvested by centrifugation (3000 rpm, washed twice with PBS and infected with PV1. The cov-
8 min, 4°C). Harvested cells were lysed by ultrasoni- erslips were taken out 12 hr after infection, washed twice
cation. The sonicated solution was then centrifuged with PBS, fixed with prechilled methanol, and rehy-
(12000 rpm, 30 min, 4°C), and the residue (inclusion drated for 10 min at 4°C with 70, 30, and 10% prechilled
bodies) containing the chimeric protein was dissolved ethanol. After washing with PBS, coverslips were incu-

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 50 No. 5 2016

734 PAN et al.

bated for 1 h at 37°C with antiserum (1 : 400 dilution in Neutralization test with guinea pig serum. The Neu-
0.1% of bovine serum albumin) collected from guinea tralization test (NT) was performed in the micro-neu-
pigs inoculated with PV1, VP6F, chimeric proteins, or tralization format in Vero cells (for PV) and MA104
with the serum collected from pre-immune guinea cell (for RV) in 96-well culture plates with 100 TCID50
pigs or the mock inoculated guinea pigs, respectively. of challenge virus according to the standard protocol.
After washing, the coverslips were incubated at 37°C RV strain Wa and three types of attenuated PV
for 1 hr with goat anti-guinea pig IgG labeled with obtained from WHO, type 1 Sabin SO+1 (PV1), type 2
FITC (1 : 100 dilution), and the fluorescence in the Sabin SO+1 (PV2), type 3 457 Pfizer RSO1 (PV3)
virus-infected cell was detected under the excitation were used to estimate the neutralizing reactivity of
light/emission filter EX450-490/B-2A on the D-FL antibodies elicited in the serum of guinea pigs inocu-
EPI-fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse E600, lated with the chimeric proteins. Briefly, 50 µL of virus
Japan). Meanwhile, for control, fluorescence from solution containing 100 TCID50 was mixed with an
infected cells of pre-inoculated or mock inoculated equal volume of the guinea pig antiserum at 2-fold
(negative) guinea pigs was detected. Fluorescence serial dilutions, and then incubated for 1 h at 37°C.
detection in noninfected cells with pre-inoculated The mixture was then added to MA104 cell monolay-
sera, virus inoculated or negative (inoculated with ers in 96-well plates. Each dilution was done in four
PBS) guinea pig sera were also carried out. wells. The cell plates were incubated in a 5% CO2
To detect the RV antigen, MA104 cells were incubator for 48 h, and CPE was observed. Neutraliz-
infected with the RV strain Wa, and the immunofluo- ing titers were defined as the highest dilution of the
rescence assay was performed as described above for antiserum that protected 50% of the cells from the
the PV1 antigen. viral infection.
Western blot. Soluble fractions including chimeric
proteins (about 4 µg each) were subjected to SDS-PAGE. RESULTS
Samples were suspended in gel loading buffer (2 mM
EDTA, 50 mM Tris, pH 6.8, 10% glycerol, 1% SDS, Expression and Purification of Chimeric Proteins
1% β-mercaptoethanol, 0.05% bromophenol blue), The recombinant plasmids pETP6F, pETP6F/
heated (95°C, 5 min), and subjected to 10% SDS- PV1N1-I5, pETP6F/PV1N2-I3, and pETP6F/
PAGE. Following SDS-PAGE, separated proteins PV1N3-I1 were sequenced to confirm that the epitope
were transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) sequences were correctly inserted and transformed
membranes. The membranes were then blocked with into competent BL21(DE3) cells for protein expression.
5% skim milk in TBS (25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 0.9% The recombinant proteins were expressed in the form of
NaCl), then incubated with antiserum from immu- inclusion bodies in the transformed cells (Fig. 2). The
nized guinea pigs (at a 1 : 400 dilution). After being expressed proteins, recombinant vector protein VP6F,
washed with 0.1% Tween20 in TBS (TBST), the mem- and the chimeric proteins 6F/PV1N1, 6F/PV1N2,
branes were incubated with horseradish peroxidase- 6F/PV1N3 that carry the epitopes of NAg1, NAg2, or
conjugated goat anti-guinea pig immunoglobulin G NAg3 had molecular weights of 43.2, 44.8, 44.5,
(IgG; 1 : 2000 dilution; Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA). 45.1 kDa (Fig. 2a) as expected, and accounted for
After washing, the membranes were stained with 3,3'- 47.8, 47.6, 48.3, and 53.2% of the total protein in the
diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB, Sigma) transformed cells, respectively. No chimeric proteins
to visualize the bound antibodies. were detected in the supernatants of the cell cultures or
Cell culture and determination of virus infectious sonication lysates (data no shown). The chimeric pro-
titer. MA104 and Vero cells were used for preparation teins were purified (Fig. 2b) and used to immunize
and determination of RV and PV infectious doses guinea pigs.
respectively. In short, when cells grew to a confluent
monolayer in 96-well tissue culture plates, medium was
removed and cells were washed twice with PBS, the Immunoreactivity of Chimeric Proteins
cells were incubated for 1 h with RV strain Wa which The immunological reactivity of the chimeric pro-
was pre-treated with acetylated trypsin (10 µg/mL, teins was detected by Western blot. Results showed
37°C for 1 h), or with PV respectively with gentle rock- that all of the chimeric proteins carrying the PV1
ing at 15 min intervals. The virus solution was removed NAg1, NAg2, or NAg3 epitopes could be specifically
and cells were then incubated in maintenance MEM recognized by antibodies in all four sera derived from
medium (without calf serum) at 37°C in an atmo- guinea pigs inoculated with recombinant vector pro-
sphere of 5% CO2. When the cytopathic effect (CPE) tein VP6F (Fig. 3). Antibodies from PV1 immunized
appeared in ≥75% of cells, whole cells and supernatant guinea pigs reacted with the chimera proteins, but not
were harvested, frozen and thawed three times. After cen- with the vector protein (Fig. 4), indicating that VP1
trifugation at 4000 rpm, at 4°C for 30 min, supernatant epitopes that were carried on the vector protein VP6F
was taken and virus infectious doses were determined by have good immunogenicity. While, antibodies from
TCID50 using CPE with Kärber’s method [25]. PV2 or PV3 immunized guinea pigs did not react with

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 50 No. 5 2016


(a) (b)
M 1 2 3 4 M 1 2 3 4

200.0 200.0

116.0 116.0
97.2 97.2

66.4 66.4


Fig. 2. SDS-PAGE (10%) of the chimeric proteins expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cell before (a) and after purification (b). Lane
M: Protein molecular weight standard (kDa); lane 1: vector protein VP6F; lane 2: chimeric proteins 6F/PV1N1; lane 3:
6F/PV1N2; lane 4: 6F/PV1N3.

the vector protein and the chimera proteins (data not in Wa infected MA104 cells with negative control or
shown). pre-inoculation sera (Fig. 6i). The results indicated
Antibodies elicited in all four guinea pigs in each that PV1 antigen in PV1 infected Vero cells and RV
group immunized with chimeric proteins carrying a antigen in Wa infected MA104 cell could be detected
single PV1 NAg epitope reacted with the vector VP6F by antibodies in sera from guinea pigs inoculated with
and chimeric proteins carrying the PV1 NAg epitopes chimeric proteins.
(Fig. 5). No immunoreactivity was observed between
sera derived from pre-immune or negative control ani-
M 1 2 3 4
mals and VP6F or the chimeric proteins carrying PV1
VP1 epitopes (data not shown). It is notable that the 200.0
VP1 but not VP2 or VP3 protein of PV1 could only be
recognized by the antibodies against the chimeric pro- 116.0
tein 6F/PV1N1 (Fig. 5, lane 5). No reactions of the 97.2
VP1 protein of PV1 with the antibodies against the
chimeric protein 6F/PV1N2 or 6F/PV1N3 was
observed (date not shown). 66.4

Immunofluorescence Test of PV1 Antigen

in PV1 Infected Cells 44.3
PV1 antigen in PV1 infected Vero cells and RV
antigen in Wa infected Ma104 cells were detected by
the immunofluorescence assay using guinea pig anti-
bodies against the chimeric proteins (Fig. 6). Results
showed that the PV1 antigen in PV1 infected Vero cells
could be detected by antibodies against PV1 (Fig. 6a) and
antibodies against the chimeric proteins (Figs. 6c–6e). 29.0
As a control, no fluorescence was detected in PV1
infected cells when detected with antibodies against
the vector VP6F (Fig. 6b), negative control or pre- Fig. 3. Western blot of chimeric proteins (about 4 μg each)
inoculation sera (Fig. 6f). RV antigen in Wa infected with antibodies from serum collected from VP6F inocu-
lated guinea pigs. Lane M: protein molecular weight stan-
MA104 cells could be detected by antibodies against dard, lane 1: recombinant vector protein VP6F; lane 2:
Wa (Figs. 6g–6i), antibodies against the chimeric pro- chimeric protein 6F/PV1N1; lane 3: chimeric protein
teins (Fig. 6h). No immunofluorescence was detected 6F/PV1N2; and lane 4: chimeric protein 6F/PV1N3.

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 50 No. 5 2016

736 PAN et al.

M 1 2 3 4 vector protein VP6F or mock-inoculated with PBS as

negative control (lower than 1 : 2). Meanwhile, there
200.0 was no neutralizing activity against infection of PV
116.0 type 2 (PV2) or type 3 (PV3) detected in antisera from
97.2 all guinea pigs (lower than 1 : 2) (table).
44.3 VP6, the major structural protein forming the mid-
dle layer in the triple-layered viral capsid of RV, is both
highly immunogenic and antigenic, and the most fre-
29.0 quently targeted protein in diagnostic assays to detect
virus particles. VP6 contains cross-reactive epitopes
Fig. 4. Western blot of chimeric proteins (about 4 μg each) shared by all the RVA, and the high degree of identity
with antibodies from serum collected from PV1 inoculated in the primary amino acid sequences of VP6 protein
guinea pigs. Lane M: protein molecular weight standard; from mammalian RV suggests that VP6-based vac-
lane 1: recombinant vector protein VP6F; lane 2: chimeric cines may potentially provide heterotypic protection.
protein 6F/PV1N1; lane 3: chimeric protein 6F/PV1N2; and For a long time it was thought that antibodies directed
lane 4: chimeric protein 6F/PV1N3.
against VP6 have no neutralizing ability in vitro, but
evidence to the contrary has been mounting [26–29].
M 1 2 3 4 5 The anti-VP6 IgA7D9 can mediate intracellular neu-
200.0 tralization by binding to RV double-layered particles
following transcytosis in mice [30, 31]. Some recent
116.0 studies showed that llama-derived single-chain anti-
body fragments (VHH) against a RV recombinant VP6
protein are able to generate a broad neutralizing activ-
66.4 ity in vitro and confer partial passive protection against
diarrhea in a neonatal mouse model [27, 32–34]. And
antibodies in sera of guinea pigs immunized with
44.3 recombinant VP6F could neutralize infectious activity
of Wa and SA11 in vitro [22].
In our previous study a foreign epitope-presenting
system using the RV VP6 as a vector was constructed.
29.0 Six sites that could be conveniently used for insertion
of foreign epitopes were created on the outer surface of
the vector protein, and its usefulness in development
Fig. 5. Western blot of rotavirus proteins with guinea pig of epitope-based vaccines was demonstrated.
antibodies from serum of guinea pigs inoculated with chi-
meric protein(s) carrying PV1 NAg1 epitope(s). Lane M: In this study, in order to evaluate the possibility for
protein molecular weight standard; lane 1: recombinant vec- developing a combined vaccine that has immunoge-
tor protein VP6F; lane 2: chimeric protein 6F/PV1N1; nicity against both RV and PV, three highly conserved
lane 3: chimeric protein 6F/PV1N2; lane 4: chimeric pro-
tein 6F/PV1N3; and lane 5: virus strain PV1. For each epitopes derived from PV1 were chosen to insert in
recombinant protein (lanes 1–4) about 4 μg was loaded. three different outer loops on the surface of the RV
For the virus strain PV1 (lane 5), about 3 × 106 TCID50 VP6 protein as the vector. The results demonstrated
was loaded. that these chimeric proteins reacted with anti-VP6F
and -PV1 antibodies, elicited against both proteins in
guinea pigs. Antibodies against VP6F neutralized RV
Neutralizing Antibodies Activity strain Wa and antibodies against the chimeric proteins
Neutralizing antibodies elicited in guinea pigs were neutralized both RV and PV1 infection in vitro.
determined. Antibodies in the serum of guinea pigs In the past years there were some efforts to use
inoculated with chimeric proteins neutralized the purified proteins or synthesized peptides as vaccines,
infectivity of the PV1 in Vero cells and RV in MA104 but their antigenic and immunogenic properties
cells. finally showed to be unsatisfactory. This may be that
The neutralizing titers in antiserum from guinea these purified proteins or synthesized peptides lack a
pigs inoculated with the chimeric proteins carrying conformational structure, their antigenic and immu-
NAg1, NAg2, and NAg3 epitopes were 1 : 120, 1 : 67 nogenic properties could not be correctly and fully
and 1 : 40 against PV1 infection, and 1 : 320 against RV displayed. In our previous study we used PV1 strain
infection, respectively. No neutralizing activity was Mahoney as the vector to construct antigenic chimeras
detected in antisera from guinea pigs inoculated with of PV. Of these chimeras, the NAg1 (residual aa 91–102

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 50 No. 5 2016


(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Fig. 6. Immuofluorescence analysis of PV1 and RV antigen. PV1 antigen in PV1 infected Vero cells with antibodies against PV1
(a), vector protein VP6F (b), chimeric protein 6F/PV1N1 (c), chimeric protein 6F/PV1N2 (d), and chimeric protein 6F/PV1N3
(e), and antiserum derived from the guinea pig mock inoculated with PBS (f); RV antigen in Wa infected MA104 cells with anti-
bodies against Wa (g), 6F/PV1N1 (h), and antiserum derived from the guinea pig mock inoculated with PBS (i). Bar: 50 µm (a–f),
20 µm (g–i).

of NAg1) of Mahoney was replaced by a correspond- [35], even after the chimera was inactivated [36].
ing sequence of PV2 Lansing or PV3 strain Leon. These results indicated that if an epitope, especially a
Since it was conformational and correctly displayed conformational epitope, is correctly displayed on an
on the virion, the NAg1 derived from Lansing and appropriate vector, the antigenic and immunogenic
Leon elicited a high neutralization activity that pro- properties of the epitope and the vector could be very
tected infection of the NAg-homotypic PV in vitro good and even may be used as a vaccine candidate.

Neutralization titers of antibodies against chimeric proteins carrying N1, N2, and N3 epitope elicited in guinea pigs
Neutralization titer of antibody against immunogen*
NC** VP6F 6F/PV1N1 6F/PV1N2 6F/PV1N3 PV1 PV2 PV3 Wa
PV1 <2 <2 120 67 40 10240 <2 <2 <2
PV2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 10240 <2 <2
PV3 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 10240 <2
Wa <2 320 320 320 320 <2 <2 <2 10240
*Neutralizing activity of poliovirus type 1, 2, 3 and RV Wa were detected in Vero cells and MA104 cells. Neutralization titers were defined
as the highest dilution of antiserum that protected 50% of cells from virus infection, and arithmetic mean NT titers were expressed;
**NC, negative control. In this group, sera were derived from animals that were pre-immune or mock immunized with PBS.

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Vol. 50 No. 5 2016

738 PAN et al.

In this study, using the VP6 of RV as a vector three PAEDS/APSU Study Group. 2011. Intussusception
recombinant chimeric proteins carrying epitopes from following rotavirus vaccine administration: Post-mar-
the NAg1, NAg2, and NAg3 of PV1 were constructed. keting surveillance in the National Immunization Pro-
The epitopes of NAg2 and NAg3 are conformational: gram in Australia. Vaccine. 29, 3061–3066.
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