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Volume 31, Number 2, 2017 Vaccines That Work

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Pp. 1–5
DOI: 10.1089/vim.2017.0121
and Lessons Learned

Challenges to Developing a Rotavirus Vaccine

Paul A. Offit


Rotavirus is the most important cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. In developing countries, the virus is a major
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cause of death in infants and young children. In the United States, before the licensure of vaccines, rotavirus
infections accounted for *2.7 million cases of gastroenteritis annually. Here are described the history and
challenges surrounding the development of a rotavirus vaccine.

Keywords: rotavirus, vaccine development, gastroenteritis

R otaviruses are the most important cause of gastro-

enteritis throughout the world. Symptoms include high
fever, vomiting, and diarrhea progressing, in severe cases, to
worldwide, a rotavirus vaccine would likely be licensed for
universal use in U.S. infants (making higher profits likely),
and Dr. Plotkin had enormous credibility with vaccine
dehydration, shock, and death (15). makers, having successfully researched and developed a
In developed countries, where standards of hygiene in the rubella vaccine and directed clinical trials of a human-cell-
home and sanitation in the country are high, rotavirus is the based rabies vaccine.
most common cause of infant diarrhea (6). Virtually all In 1983, several years after the rotavirus team at CHOP
children are infected by 2 to 3 years of age. In the United was formed, Bishop et al. provided the first evidence that a
States, before the availability of rotavirus vaccines, rotavirus vaccine to prevent rotavirus was possible (5). Bishop found
accounted for *2.7 million cases of gastroenteritis, 500,000 that children infected with rotavirus during the first month of
physician visits, 55,000 to 70,000 hospital admissions, and life were protected against moderate-to-severe disease
20–60 deaths per year (18,23). The high rate of hospital caused by reinfection; these children were not, however,
admissions for dehydration is caused by the virus’s pro- protected against mild disease. Conversely, children not
pensity to cause diarrhea, fever, and, most importantly, infected during the first month of life were susceptible to
frequent, severe, and persistent vomiting, making it difficult severe rotavirus gastroenteritis. Bishop’s findings were later
to rehydrate the child orally (35). replicated in children infected during the first few years of
In developing countries, rotavirus infections are one of life (3,16,38,41). The Bishop study set a limit on what could
the most common causes of death in infants and young be expected from a rotavirus vaccine; a realistic goal would
children. Before the availability of rotavirus vaccines, the be to keep children out of the hospital and out of the morgue
World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that between but not to prevent reinfection or even mild disease caused by
480,000 and 640,000 infants and young children died every reinfection.
year—about 2,000 children every day—from dehydration Bishop’s findings were consistent with previous obser-
caused by rotavirus (1,28,37,40). vations that effector functions at mucosal surfaces are short
Although oral rehydration therapy in the developing lived; for example, rotavirus-specific secretory immuno-
world has helped to decrease the number of severe and fatal globulin A (sIgA) is not typically detected at the intestinal
infections (1), the continuing mortality of rotavirus under- mucosal surface 1 year after symptomatic infection (14,25).
lined the need for a safe and effective vaccine. Although mucosal, virus-specific sIgA at the time of expo-
In 1978, Drs. Stanley Plotkin and Fred Clark, with sure can protect against all rotavirus disease, protection against
funding from Pasteur-Mérieux-Connaught (PMC; Sanofi moderate-to-severe disease but not mild disease is most
Pasteur today), established a rotavirus research team at the likely mediated by virus-specific sIgA produced by memory
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). I joined that rotavirus-specific B cells in the intestinal lamina propria
team in 1981. Dr. Plotkin was able to convince PMC to fund (26). Because it takes several days for memory B cells to be
the project because rotavirus was an important disease activated and to differentiate to antibody-producing plasma

Division of Infectious Diseases, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


cells, modification and not complete protection against that evoked virus-neutralizing antibodies and which rota-
disease results. viral genes determined viral virulence. With this informa-
Before the first rotavirus vaccine could be developed, tion in hand, the plan was to create a series of reassortant
several important questions about rotavirus pathogenesis rotavirus strains that retained the attenuated virulence
and immunogenesis had to be addressed. These questions characteristics of WC3 (which had been shown to be safe in
were answered using both large (calves, sheep, horses, and clinical trials) but did not include rotaviral genes associated
pigs) and small (mice) animal models. Researchers found with viral virulence. Again, animal models were used to
the following: determine the genetic basis of rotavirus virulence and ro-

tavirus neutralization phenotype.
Species-specific strains of rotavirus infect the young of
Animal model studies revealed the following:
many mammalian and some avian species (32).
 Species barriers were high. For example, bovine rota-  At least four rotavirus genes (VP3, VP4, VP7, and
viruses caused diarrhea in calves but not in babies and NSP4) determined viral virulence. Inclusion of all four
human rotaviruses caused diarrhea in babies but not in genes was necessary to confer pathogenicity (20).
calves (32).  Both rotaviral surface proteins (VP4 and VP7) inde-
 Rotaviruses replicated primarily in mature villous epi- pendently evoked rotavirus-specific neutralizing anti-
thelial cells of the small intestine; although rotaviruses bodies (19,29). Rotaviruses, therefore, were similar to
have been detected in the bloodstream, neither viremia the influenza viruses, where two viral surface proteins
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nor replication at sites distant to the small intestine was determine neutralization phenotype. Rotavirus surface
an important part of viral pathogenesis (31). Therefore, protein VP4 was responsible for viral cell binding.
protection against rotavirus disease depended on in- Because cleavage of VP4 by intestinal proteases was
ducing an immune response active at the intestinal required for cell entry, VP4 serotypes were termed P
mucosal surface. Because sIgA resists degradation by types. Because rotavirus surface protein VP7 is a gly-
acids and proteases, it is the critical immunoglobulin coprotein, VP7 serotypes were termed G types. Global
present at the intestinal mucosal surface. Monomeric surveillance has led to the characterization of at least
IgG in serum, because it lacks secretory piece, is not 37 P genotypes and 27 G serotypes in humans and,
transported through the polymeric immunoglobulin because rotavirus has a segmented genome, gene re-
receptor—which is located at the base of villous epi- assortment could theoretically lead to almost 200 dif-
thelial cells—to the intestinal mucosal surface. There- ferent P and G combinations. However, although >60
fore, the goal of a rotavirus vaccine was to induce high P-G combinations have been found in humans, five
titers of intestinal virus-specific sIgA. strains (P[8], G1; P[4], G2; P[8], G3; P[8], G4; and
 The most effective way to induce rotavirus-specific P[8], G9) are associated with 80% to 90% of the
sIgA at the intestinal mucosal surface and high fre- childhood rotavirus disease burden globally (32).
quencies of virus-specific memory B and T cells in the
With this information in hand, five bovine–human re-
intestinal lamina propria was by oral inoculation; par-
assortant rotavirus strains that included the attenuating
enteral inoculation was less effective (30).

genes of WC3 and either the P or G genes from prevalent
Although human and animal rotaviruses include a va-
human rotavirus serotypes were created. Unfortunately, at
riety of distinguishable serotypes, studies in animals
this stage, PMC abandoned the project and Dr. Plotkin left
and children showed that heterotypic immunity existed
CHOP. Fred Clark and I then presented what we had done to
scientists at three vaccine makers: Merck, Glaxo-Smith-
For these reasons, our first attempt at a rotavirus vaccine Kline, and Wyeth. Merck was willing to evaluate our bo-
centered on oral inoculation with a bovine rotavirus strain vine–human reassortant rotaviruses as a vaccine. A formal
that was distinct from known human serotypes. working relationship was established in 1992.
This source of our first rotavirus vaccine was a calf Unfortunately, an event that occurred in 1998 dramati-
with diarrhea in Chester County, Pennsylvania in 1981. This cally changed the landscape of how future rotavirus vaccine
virus was serially passaged 12 times in African green trials would be conducted.
monkey kidney cells at The Wistar Institute. Because this On August 31, 1998, the first animal–human reassortant
was the third of several strains isolated, it was called Wistar rotavirus vaccine for use in infants was licensed in the
Calf 3 (WC3) (13). In an initial double-blinded, placebo- United States. The vaccine (Rotashield), which was devel-
controlled, efficacy trial performed in suburban Philadel- oped by researchers at the National Institutes of Health
phia, three doses of WC3 were given by mouth at 2, 4, and 6 (NIH) in collaboration with Wyeth Laboratories, was given
months of age resulting in a 76% reduction in all rotavirus by mouth to infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age and con-
infections and 100% protection against moderate-to-severe tained one simian rotavirus and three simian–human re-
disease (12). These findings were not, however, reproduced assortant rotaviruses (7). The simian rotavirus strain, rhesus
in subsequent efficacy trials conducted in Cincinnati and rotavirus (RRV), was similar to human serotype G3. The
Bangui, Central African Republic, where protection against other three viruses were reassortants containing 10 genes
disease was insignificant (4,17). Heterotypic protection, from RRV and 1 gene (gene segment 8 or 9) from human
which was induced by antibodies directed against outer rotaviruses of serotypes G1, G2, or G4. The choice of simian
capsid proteins, appeared to be inconsistent. Therefore, the and simian–human rotaviruses for use as a vaccine for infants
WC3 vaccine was abandoned as a vaccine candidate. was based on inclusion of the attenuated virulence charac-
It was back to the drawing board. The goal at this point teristics of the nonhuman strain RRV, and inclusion of human
was to determine which rotaviral genes coded for proteins rotavirus genes that encoded surface protein vp7. Rotashield

replicated less efficiently in the human intestine than in lamina propria (26). However, these data could have only
natural human rotaviruses, evoked virus-specific neutraliz- been provided by performing intestinal biopsies on other-
ing antibodies against human G types 1–4, and was even- wise healthy children—an impossibility.
tually shown to afford excellent protection against challenge Although it took about 10 years to do the basic science
in prospective, placebo-controlled studies (2,22,33,34,36). research required to construct the bovine–human rotavirus
In August 1998, Rotashield was licensed for use in U.S. strains that became a vaccine, it took 16 years to do the
infants. Although Rotashield had been shown to be safe in a research of development, which included small Phase I and
10,000-child, prospective, placebo-controlled, prelicensure Phase II studies for safety and efficacy to prove that each of
study, a rare adverse event appeared postlicensure (although the strains needed to be in the final formulation (proof-of-
several cases of this adverse event had also been seen both concept studies), to determine the correct dose of each strain
in the vaccine and placebo group prelicensure). (dose-ranging studies), to prove that the shelf life of the
About 1 year after licensure, after Rotashield had been vaccine was compatible with distribution in the developing
administered to about 1 million infants in the United States, world (real-time stability studies), and to design a conve-
15 cases of intussusception after its use were reported to the nient plastic squirt vial that allowed for easy inoculation of a
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (8). Intussuscep- fully liquid product (32). One of the biggest hurdles was de-
tion occurs when a segment of the small intestine—typically ciding how to mass-produce the vaccine. GlaxoSmithKline’s
around the ileocecal junction—telescopes into itself causing a (GSK’s) microcarrier technology was probably the most effi-
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blockage. When this occurs, severe intestinal bleeding or cient way to mass-produce live attenuated rotavirus vaccines.
entrance of intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream can result Merck did not have this technology, eventually settling on
in sepsis. In July of 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Nunc cell factories. This, too, was one of the many go-no-go
Prevention (CDC) temporarily suspended the use of Rota- decisions that stalled the vaccine.
shield, pending the results of a case–control analysis. Sub- The Merck bovine–human rotavirus vaccine, RotaTeq, is
sequent studies found that Rotashield was a rare cause of a live, oral vaccine that contains five bovine–human re-
intussusception in children—about 1 case of intussusception assortant strains. The bovine strain WC3 is the backbone
for every 10,000 children vaccinated (24,27). virus for the vaccine. The four human strains reassorted into
Because Rotashield was found to cause intussusception, the WC3 backbone include human serotypes G1, G2, G3, or
both the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics G4 (derived from outer capsid protein VP7) as well as P1A
withdrew their recommendation in October 1999 (9). (derived from outer capsid protein VP4) (11).
Although Rotashield was withdrawn from use, several The efficacy of RotaTeq against all rotavirus gastroen-
investigators argued, reasonably, that even in U.S. children teritis was evaluated in a Phase III trial of >70,000 infants
natural infection was still far more likely to cause hospi- (39). This trial, which was a placebo-controlled, 11 country,
talization and death than immunization. Nonetheless, the 4-year, prospective study, cost about $350 million. The
manufacturer withdrew Rotashield for U.S. use. original study, which was designed in collaboration with
More tragic was the loss of Rotashield for the developing the Food and Drug Administration, was a 40,000-child,
world. Because the United States was no longer using Ro- placebo-controlled trial. But intussusception is a relatively
tashield, health officials in the developing world argued that rare event. Background rates are low. Therefore, the trial
if the vaccine was unsafe for U.S. children, then it was also continued, adding increments of 10,000 children beyond the
unsafe for their children, even though the benefit-to-risk original 40,000 until statistical differences between the in-
ratio was dramatically different. As a result, Rotashield, a cidence of intussusception in the vaccine and control group
vaccine that had the capacity to save as many as 2,000 lives were reached. During this time, as 10s of millions of dollars
a day, went unused. Seven years passed before the next were added to the expense of the trial, Merck struggled to
rotavirus vaccine became available. decide whether it wanted to continue to pursue this vaccine.
The cause of intussusception after administration of Ro- RotaTeq was effective. Protection against rotavirus
tashield remains unknown. disease of any severity was 74%, against severe rotavirus
The problem with the first rotavirus vaccine did not end disease 98%, against rotavirus-associated hospitalizations
attempts to make a safer vaccine, but it did increase the size 96%, against emergency visits 94%, against office visits
and expense of prelicensure trials. Now the task was not 87%, and against hospitalizations of any etiology 59%; the
simply to rule out relatively uncommon side effects pre- last finding proving the importance of rotavirus as a cause of
licensure, but rather to rule out rare events prelicensure. severe gastroenteritis in children. One year after vaccina-
Merck struggled with the cost of this development project, tion, the efficacy of RotaTeq was 63% against all rotavirus
which would soon exceed $1 billion. The argument that diseases and 88% against severe disease (39).
most persuaded Merck at this point, when it became clear The large Phase III trial also showed that RotaTeq neither
that a Phase III trial would be large, was that Glaxo-Smith- caused nor prevented intussusception. Within 14 days of
Kline, a competitor, was also moving forward with its own inoculation, 1 case occurred in the vaccine group and 1 in
rotavirus vaccine (a live attenuated human strain). Another the placebo group; within 42 days of inoculation, 6 cases in
limitation and expense to making a rotavirus vaccine was the vaccine group and 5 in the placebo group; and within 1
that no clear immunological correlate of protection had been year of inoculation, 12 cases in the vaccine group and 15 in
found. Neither virus-specific binding nor neutralizing anti- the placebo group (39).
bodies in the serum or at the intestinal mucosal surface was In February 2006, the Advisory Committe on Immuniza-
predictive of protection. Based on animal model studies, the tion Practices (ACIP) recommended routine immunization
correlate most likely predictive of protection was the fre- of U.S. infants with three doses of RotaTeq to be administered
quency of virus-specific B and T cells in the intestinal by mouth at 2, 4, and 6 months of age (7). Since licensure,

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