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• The null hypothesis is indicated by the notation 𝐻0.

• The alternative hypothesis is indicated by the notation 𝐻𝑎.
• The probability of committing a Type I error is also called the level of significance.
• The probability of committing a Type I error at 95% confidence level is 0.05.
• What form of test statistic is appropriate concerning mean when the Central Limit
Theorem is to be used? z
• What form of test statistic is appropriate when the sample size is small, assuming a
normally distributed population? t
• Which is NOT a condition to be satisfied concerning the mean for a sample size n to be
considered sufficiently large? n < 30
• The critical value for a one-tailed z-test at 0.01 level of significance is 2.326.
• Which condition for the p-value is satisfied when the test statistic is within the rejection
region? 𝑝 ≥ 𝛼
• To find out if a proportion is less than a claimed value, what specific test should
be used? left-tailed
• Which type of hypothesis is non-directional? two-tailed
• Which condition is to be satisfied concerning the proportion p for a sample size
n to be considered sufficiently large? 𝑛𝑝 > 5 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛(1 − 𝑝) > 5
• The sum of the proportion of success p and that of failure q is equal to 1.
• Which is the least sufficiently large sample size for a test of hypothesis
concerning the proportion p when p = 0.1? 45
• Which form of test statistic is appropriate concerning the proportion p when the sample
size is sufficiently large?
• Which quantity does NOT have any effect on the z-statistic concerning proportion? level of
• In bivariate data, which variable is affected by the change in the value of the other variable?
• Which information is NOT found in a scatter plot? correlation coefficient
• When the points in a scatter plot are located on a straight line, the correlation is said to
be perfect.
• When the points in a scatter plot are concentrated near a straight line, the correlation
is said to be strong.
• When the line of best fit in a scatter plot goes upward to the right, the direction of
the line is said to be positive.
• In a regression analysis, the variable that causes the change in the value of the other
variable is called independent.
• The rate of change in the value of the affected variable in a regression analysis is called
the slope.
• The value of the affected variable when the other variable is zero in a regression
analysis is called the x-intercept.
• Use the bivariate data in the table below.
Learner 1 2 3 4 5 6
Score in Science Test 30 31 39 40 41 45
Score in Math Test 29 32 31 43 45 43

• The Pearson r correlation coefficient equals 0.80.

• The strength of correlation is strong.
• The slope of the line of best fit is positive.
• The y-intercept of the regression line equals 0.36.
• The slope of the regression line equals 0.98.
• When the x-value of the regression line is zero, y equals the 𝑦 − 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡 𝑎.
• Which is the independent variable? score in Science test
• When x = 41, y is estimated to be equal to 40.
• To draw the line of best fit on a scatter plot, which is NOT applicable? Line passes through
all points
• To draw the regression line in items 40 to 45 above, the point (29, 29) should be
connected to the point (45.44).

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