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Work 1: Literary Commentary

I. General introduction

a) Title of the story and name of the author

the cat from hell by stephen king
b) Date of publication and historical period to which the work belongs
In 1977, the magazine Cavalier published a short story by Stephen King under
the title of “The Cat from Hell.”
c) General characteristics of the text and literary peculiarities
an intense story of revenge, a strange meditation on suicide, a slow descent
into madness, and a gross-out story about a longsuffering parent. “The Cat
From Hell” brings a bit of needed levity to the mix.Stephen King is known as
one of the greatest horror and gothic writers of our time.

II. Literary determination of the story

a) Exact location of the story

There are 2 major setting where the story takes place : dragon’s mansion and
the roadside.
b) Genre and subgenre (for example, lyrical genre, romantic subgenre)
Horror genre and fiction subgenre
d) Form of expression (for example, narration, dialogue, etc.)
e) Narrative point of view (for example, 1st person) examples from the
3rd person
example : ‘A trickle of blood ran in his eye. He tried again to cmove his
hands, to raise one of them and wipe the blood away’.

III. Content Analysis

a) Argument (summary of content)

In “The Cat from Hell” We find a wheelchair bound old man named Drogan
hiring a hitman to kill a cat .Drogan believes the cat is murderous. Downright
evil. When it is revealed that the man’s pharmaceutical company killed
thousands of cats while testing a new drug, it becomes clear that the cat is
not evil as much as it is vengeful: exacting its revenge as it kills Drogan’s
sister, friend, butler, and hitman, before ultimately dispatching Drogan

b) Theme and subthemes with examples from the text (with reference to
stylistic resources)
Revenge , death and supernatural forces.

e) Text message
The overall message is to not underestimate anything. Because Halston
underestimated the true nature cat, he later met his demise by the cat.
IV. Analysis of stylistic resources

a) Phonic level alliteration

b) Affective figures Rethorical questions
c) Intentional figures Hyperbole
d) Figures by addition of words no
e) Figures due to grammatical irregularities no
f) Descriptive figures prosopography
g) Logical figures no
h) Tropes It contents situational Irony . An example is that Drogan has tested
and murdered many cats, but he is deathly afraid of a single little kitty.

Work Unit 1: Inventory of questions when reading a narrative unit:

You need to choose 2(Two of these activities) and you should Prepare a
detailed exposition, explaining your Story.

2. Tell us some images that the author has left in your mind!
There is an specific image that this story had left in my mind. The part when
the cat was leaping into the assassin’s mouth, choking him, and then crawling
into his body.

Anyone with a cat will know that the horror Stephen King describes in his
story is what your cat would probably do to you too if you stopped feeding it.
So the next time your cat screams for your attention, don’t delay or you too
could be visited by a cat from hell one day.

9.- Who are the most important characters in the work? What personality
traits do you like or dislike? Mention your reasons!
The most important characters in the story arev Drogan and the cat from hell.
I dislike Drogan because he had killed thousands of cat in his drugs testing.His
total lack of empathy towards cats makes him to prefer the murder of a little
animal than to accelerate the end of his not so innocent existence.

I like The cat from hell because he was seeking revenge.The cat’s inner evil
might be understood as justice: Drogan will suffer seeing his beloved ones
dying one by one before leaving this world, being punished in the same way
the cat has been

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