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QUIZ # 3 in

Human Behavior and Victimology (CRIM 3)

Instructor: Pershalyn M. Almerol
Instruction: Read and answer the following questions. No erasure. Write your answer on the space provided.
I. Identification: Give what is being asked.

____________________1. earlier called hysteria involves a neurotic in which symptoms of some physical malfunction or loss of control
appear without any underlying organic pathology.
____________________2. A Latin word for body.
____________________3. a psychological disorder characterized by persistent and irrational fear of having a disease despite
reassurance from doctors that no physical illness exists.
____________________4. Is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
____________________5. It is a psychotic disorder, one that is characterized by a generalized failure of functioning in all areas of a
person's life.
____________________6. This is quite different in appearance from the other forms of schizophrenia. They sometimes experience
delusions and hallucinations; their most obvious abnormalities are social interaction, posture, and body movement.
____________________7. A cause of schizophrenia which includes, disorder runs in families; that is, blood relatives of people with
schizophrenia are more likely to develop the condition than those from families free of schizophrenia.
____________________8. are disorders that show no vacillation. Its essential characteristics are depressed, sad, hopeless mood, and
a loss of interest in all or almost all usual activities and past times.
____________________9. If delusion is false belief, hallucination is ___?
____________________10. People with this personality disorder continually strive to be the center of attention. They may act overly
flirtatious or dress in ways that draw attention.

II. True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if incorrect.

______1. People with borderline personality disorder experience intense emotional stability, particularly in relationships with others.
______2. People with paranoid personality disorder feel constant suspicion and trust toward other people. They believe that others are
against them and always look for evidence to support their suspicions.
______3. A narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a preoccupation with details, orderliness, perfection, and control.
______4. Anti-social personalities usually never fail to understand that their behavior is dysfunctional because their ability to feel guilty,
remorseful, and anxious is impaired.
______5. An avoidant personality disorder is a social withdrawal due to intense, anxious shyness. People with avoidant personalities
are reluctant to interact with others unless they feel confident in being liked.
______6. Schizoid personality disorder involves social interaction and a lack of desire for close personal relationships.
______7. People with histrionic personality disorder have a grandiose sense of self-importance. They seek excessive admiration from
others and fantasize about unlimited success or power.
______8. Every person has a character that is a common way of thinking, feeling, behaving, and relating to others.
______9. Borderline personality disorder involves severe and disabling emotional dependency on others. People with the disorder have
difficulty making decisions without a great deal of advice and reassurance from others.
______10. Some psychologists believe that a person's interactions with the environment determine whether schizophrenia will develop.
It is also possible that children and adults develop schizophrenia because their home environment is not conducive to healthy
emotional growth.

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