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Fifth Grade Of Secondary


The C.E.P. Santa Maria Reina accredited internationally provides a quality education
to the students, contributing and strengthening in different aspects in their integral
For this reason, the area of Science, Technology and Environment presents the
learning module for the Fifth high school grade students, emphasizing theory and
practice as an experimental science and promoting the development of competencies,
research skills and abilities such as understanding Information and Inquiry and
The area of Science, Technology and Environment promotes in students a critical,
reflective, creative and investigative attitude that enables them to innovate, modify
or develop alternatives to their need to transform and act on reality. Through the
study of this curricular area seeks to offer alternative solutions to environmental and
health problems, within a framework of sustainability for the planet and improve the
quality of life.


We give you this magnificent learning module where you will find interesting themes,
we hope this material likes you, we invite you to explore this wonderful world of
action research.

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better every day!

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4. Use a separator to locate some page of your module and do not fold the sheets
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Fifth Grade Of Secondary


Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on
earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Hail Maryfull of Grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our
death Amen.


The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary,

And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary, etc...
Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
E. Be it done unto me according to Your
Word. Hail Mary, etc...
And the Word was made flesh,
And dwelt among us. Hail Mary, etc...
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
That we may be made worthy of the promises
of Christ. Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord, Your Grace into our hearts;
that as we have known the incarnation of Christ, your Son by the message of an angel,
so by His passion and cross
we may be brought to the gloryof His Resurrection.
Through the same Christ, our Lord.


Father of us all, this meal is a sign of your love for us: Bless us and bless our food, and help us to
give you gloryeach day Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


We give thanks for all your benefits, almighty God, who lives and reigns forever. May the souls of
the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Fifth Grade Of Secondary











Fifth Grade Of Secondary












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Fifth Grade Of Secondary




Fifth Grade Of Secondary





Fifth Grade Of Secondary


Bioelements or Biogenic Elements
are the chemical elements, present
in living beings. They may appear
isolated or forming molecules.

According to their intervention in the constitution of biomolecules, bioelements are

classified as primary and secondary.

❖ PRIMARY BIOELEMENTS: They appear in an average proportion of 96% in

living matter, and are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur,
essential elements to form organic biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and
nucleic acids. These elements gather a series of
properties that make them suitable for life:
✓ They form very stable covalent bonds
between them, sharing pairs of electrons. Carbon,
oxygen and nitrogen can form double or triple
✓ They facilitate the adaptation of living
beings to the earth's gravitational field, since they are
the lightest elements of nature.

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

❖ SECONDARY BIOELEMENTS: Secondary bioelements are found in a smaller

proportion in all living beings, in an ionic form, in a proportion of 4.5%. They are
classified into two groups: the indispensable and the variables.
✓ Essential secondary bioelements. They are present in all living beings. The most
abundant: Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), the rest:
Chlorine (Cl), Iron (Fe), Iodine (I).
✓ Variable secondary bioelements (trace elements). They are present in some
living things: Boron (B), Bromo (Br), Copper (Cu), Fluorine (F), Manganese (Mn),
Silicon (Si).




It’s divided in


Are Are




Fifth Grade Of Secondary





Fifth Grade Of Secondary

In a broad sense, metabolism is the set of all chemical reactions that occur
inside the cells of an organism. Through these reactions the nutritional
molecules that, digested and transported by the blood, reach them are

Fifth Grade Of Secondary


Fifth Grade Of Secondary





Fifth Grade Of Secondary


In the SEXUAL REPRODUCTION two individuals

intervene and the descendants inherit part of the
characters of each of the parents, having as its
main process THE MEIOSIS. While, in the
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION it is carried out
without the intervention of the gametes. The only
parent produces offspring that are identical copies
of himself, the mechanism used being MITOSIS.


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Mitotic cell division






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Fifth Grade Of Secondary





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Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Organic Chemistry

A century and a half ago, scientists thought that organic compounds could not be synthesized in a
laboratory from inorganic chemical substances, a fact that led to chemistry being divided into two
large branches: the inorganic, which studied the compounds from minerals and the organic one,
that studied to the coming compounds of the alive beings. Furthermore, it was held that organic
compounds had a "vital force" that prevented their synthesis from inorganic compounds.

In 1828, the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler obtained urea, an organic compound generated
from the reaction of ammonium cyanate (a typical inorganic substance) and ammonia. Wöhler's
synthesis of urea was the beginning of the expiration of the "life force" theory.

Most of the natural compounds of carbon are found in living beings, but man has synthesized and
synthesizes in the laboratory a large number of carbon compounds, no less important, such as
aspiran, polystyrene, PVC, chloroform, etc.

Carbon chemistry is the chemistry of living things, also known as organic chemistry,because it stu
dies most of the chemical processes involved in organisms.

The chemistry of carbon compounds studies the composition of sugars, fats,

proteins and other essential constituents of living things; but it also covers
the study of basic materials for industry, such as plastics, textile fibres,varnishes,fossil fuels, food
preservatives, etc.
Organic compounds, unlike inorganic compounds, contain carbon in their composition. Because,
of this, the study of carbon, its structure, compounds,
transformations and applications is the goal of the chemistry of life.

The amount of organic compounds is very large (more than ten million structures are known, and
their number increases day by day).
In this sense, the progress of organic chemistry has been spectacular, as the
synthesis of organic compounds has become the main purpose of many chemicals.

Representation of carbon compounds

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Carbon atoms are joined by different types of bonds and form the carbonated chains,
that make up the skeleton of organic compounds.
A formula consists of the written representation of a molecule. It should indicate the following:
the kind of atoms that make up it and the proportion of each of them in the molecule,
the mass of the molecule and the weight ratio of the elements that enter its combination.
In organic chemistry various formulas are used to represent molecules:

Química Secundaria. Proyecto Savia. Lima 2017

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

The Carbon Atom

The Carbon atom is unique in its ability to form different chemical bonds than any other element. It
has very limited similarities: silicon, boron, germanium and atraer neighbors in the periodic table.

Chemical properties of the carbon atom

Covalence: The carbon atom combines with atoms of other elements (C, H, O, N)
through electron sharing, that is, forming covalent bonds.

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Tetravalence: The carbon atom can form four covalent bonds when it
joins with other atoms. In this way, carbon takes the form of a regular tetrahedron. The
fundamental electronic configuration of the carbon atom is 1s2 2s2 2p2. Its first two electrons
occupy the first level, with their paired spins 1s2, and the remaining four occupy the second
level: 2 electrons in s orbitals with paired spins 2s2 and 2 electrons in p orbitals with unpaired
spins 2p2: 2px1 2py1


saturation: Carbon has the ability to self-saturate, that is, to join other carbon atoms, and
it does so through single, double or triple bonds

Carbon hybridization: When the carbon atom joins other atoms, be they carbon or
another element, a rearrangement of the electrons of its structure occurs. This
phenomenon is coupled with the combination of atomic orbitals that we call
hybridization. This involves changes in the energy of the molecule and in the shape of its
Hybridization can occur in a number of ways, depending on whether the s orbital is
combined with three, two, or one of the p orbitals. Thus, hybrid orbitals of the sp3, sp2 and
sp type are produced, respectively.

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

We answer:

1.- What does organic chemistry study?

2.- What reasons make possible the existence of a large number of carbon compounds?
3.- Organic compounds dissolve mostly in:
a) organic b) alcohol c) water d) all
4.- It is the hardest known substance and in which there are only covalent bonds:
a) Soot b) graphite c) Diamond d) mineral carbon
5.- It is the property of carbon that it forms single, double and triple bonds.
a) The tretravalence b) Covalence
c) Bond polarity d) Self-saturation
6.- How many primary, secondary, and tertiary carbons are there in the following


1. What did you learn?

2. How did you learn?
3. What does it help your life for?
Fifth Grade Of Secondary


Isomers are those compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structural formula
(from the Greek: isos = equal and meros = part).
Isomers have different physical and chemical properties, but they contain equal numbers of the
same class of atoms, but these are bonded together differently.

Considering the molecular structure and the special distribution of the atoms in the molecule, we
have the following types of isomers:

structural isomerism chain isomerism

position isomerism
functional isomerism

optical isomerism
space isomerism geometric isomerism

Structural isomerism
They are those isomers that differ by molecular structure:
a) Chain Isomerism. - Also called nuclear or skeletal isomers, these isomers differ by the
arrangement of the carbon atoms.



CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 Butano


CH3 – CH – CH3 Metilpropano

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

C5H12 (3 isómeros)

CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 Pentano

CH3 – CH – CH2 – CH3 Metilbutano


CH3 – C – CH3 Dimetilpropano


There are formulas for determining the number of chain isomers in a given global formula. But they
are limited to ALCANS and a carbon number ranging from 4 to 10.

4≤ n ≤ 7 # isómeros = 2 n -4 + 1
CnH2n +2
7≤ n ≤ 10 # isómeros = 2n – 1 + n - 6

For other aliphatic hydrocarbons we have the following number of isomers:

C4H10 2 isómeros: #iso = 24 – 4 + 1 = 2

C5H12 3 isómeros: #iso = 25 – 4 + 1 = 5
C6H14 5 isómeros: #iso = 26 – 4 + 1 = 5
C7H16 9 isómeros: #iso = 27 – 4 + 1 = 9
C8H18 18 isómeros: #iso = 28 – 4 + 8 – 6 = 18
C9H20 35 isómeros: #iso = 29 – 4 + 9 – 6 = 35
C10H22 75 isómeros (No hay fórmula)
C20H42 366 319 isómeros (No hay fórmula)

b) Isomerism of Position. - These isomers have the same carbon chain, but differ in the position

of their substituent group.


CH3 - CH2 – CH2OH 1 – propanol

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

CH3 -CHOH – CH3 2 – propanol

C4H9CL (*)

CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2Cl 1 – clorobutano

CH3 – CH2 – CHCl – CH3 2 - clorobutano

(*) It is natural that chain and position isomers can present simultaneously. As in this example we
also have other isomers:

CH3 C CH3 Metil – 2 - cloropropano



CH3 CH CH2Cl Metil – 1 - cloropropano

Within the positional isomers we have the disubstituted derivatives of benzene, with their respective

positions: ORTH, META and PARA.

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

c) Functional Isometry. - They are also called compensation isomers; these isomers are
characterized by having different functional groups.

Alcohol and ether


compounds having a high number of carbon atoms, positional, chain and functional isomers can

conceived. For this reason, it is necessary to specify the type of isomer that is desired; still other
types of isomers can be present that we will observe later.
Example: For the C5H10O
CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CHO Pentanal
CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CO - CH3 2 - pentanona
CH3 - CH2 - CO - CH2 - CH3 3 – pentanona

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Geometric Isomers
Geometric isomers are a type of diasteromers that originate due to the existence of a rotation
around double bonds. For geometric isomerism to exist, certain relationships must be met
between the ligands of the doubly bonded carbons.
There is isomerism:

In geometric isomerism, the CIS and TRANS isomers are presented, each one is defined as follows:

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

CIS: It is characterized because the two reference substituents are on the same
side of the axis determined by the double bond. (Latin CIS = on this side).

TRANS: In this case the two substituents are on both sides of the axis. (Latin TRANS = THE
Compounds CIS and TRANS have almost the same boiling point, but different melting points.
TRANS compounds have a higher melting point than their respective CIS isomer.
• Geometric isomers of 1,2 – dicloroeteno: CHCI = CHCI

Fifth Grade Of Secondary


1) Indicate the true (V) and false (F) statement in:

( ) C6H14 has 5 isomers.
( ) C6H20 has 53 isomers.
( ) C20H42 has more than 100,000 isomers.
a) VVV b) VVF c) VFF d) FVF e) VFV

2) The number of positional isomers of the C 2H4Cl2

a) No tiene isómeros b) 2 c)3 d) 4 e) 5


classification of each carbon skeleton

___________ ____________ __________________ ________________

4) Determine the isomers for the hexane chain C 6H14


5) Relate carbon structures and form isomer pairs

Fifth Grade Of Secondary



They are those organic compounds that only contain in their structure the carbon and hydrogen
atom. Based on their structure, these hydrocarbons are divided as follows:







Fifth Grade Of Secondary


They are also called PARAFFINS, they are saturated hydrocarbons and are characterized by the
fact that in their molecule, the carbon atoms, only join each other through simple covalent bonds
(single bond).
In these types of compounds, the hybrids that join are of the sp3 - sp3 form, which have zero polarity
and also of the sp3 - s form with very small polarity ( En = 2,5(C) - 2,1(H) = 0,4).
We see that the unions are highly stable and this allows them to have a great inertia to react, hence
the name of paraffins (from the Latin Param Affinis = little affinity).

Linear chain alkanes

Fifth Grade Of Secondary


1. Given the name according to IUPAC

2. Given the name according to IUPAC

3. Given the name according to IUPAC

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

4. The semi-developed formula:


5. Name the following organic compound, according to IUPAC:

6. Name the following organic compound, according to IUPAC:

Fifth Grade Of Secondary


1. What did you learn?

2. How did you learn?
3. What does it help your life for?

Fifth Grade Of Secondary


Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Vector magnitudes:
They are those that besides knowing its
Physics is a natural science that
module is necessary to know its
studies matter and energy, as well
direction so that they are fully defined.
as all its effects.
Displacement, speed, acceleration,
It is everything that can be
force, etc.
expressed quantitatively or
The vector magnitudes are
characterized by being represented by
Classification of magnitudes:
a segment of straight line (arrows)
called vector.
A) by its origin: Fundamentals
magnitudes Derived Magnitudes
International System (SI):
The international SI system consists of
B) by its nature: Scalar
seven fundamental magnitudes and
Magnitudes Vector Magnitudes
two complementary or supplementary
Fundamentals magnitudes:
They are those that are
Magnitudes and fundamental SI units
conventionally considered
elementary and independent, and Magnitude Dimensio Unity Symbo
therefore serve as a basis for n l
determining the other magnitudes. Length
L meter M

Derived Magnitudes: M kilogram Kg
They are those magnitudes that are Weather
T second S
expressed as a function of the
fundamental magnitudes. Amount of
substance N Mol Mol

Example: Thermodynam
Area, volume, speed, acceleration, ic Θ Kelvin K
force, work, etc. temperature
Current of
electric I amp A
Scalar magnitudes: current
They are those that, stating their Light Intensity
J candle CD
numerical value followed by their
corresponding unit, are completely

Length, mass, time, volume, energy,

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
Properties of dimensional equations:


a. angles, trigonometric functions
generally are dimensionless
L2 m2 numbers and calculations are
Area L3 m3 considered equal to 1.
Volume LT -1 M/s
Speed LT -2 m/s2
MLT -2 Newton = N | 30º| = 1 | Log 5 | = 1
Strength = Weight
Work = Energy ML 2 T -2 Joule = J | π | = 1 | Sen θ | = 1
Hot ML 2 T -2 Calories = lime
power ML 2 T -3 Watts = w
Flow L 3 T -1 m 3/ s b. The dimensional equations comply
Specific weight
ML -3 kg / m 3 with the laws of algebra except for
ML -2 T -2 N/m3
Pressure ML -1 T -2 N/m 2 = Pascal = Pa
the addition and subtraction. For
Angular velocity
Angular Acceleration
T -1 Rad / s example, let A and B be physical
Period T -2 rad / s 2 quantities:
Frequency T S
Torque T -1 s -1 = Hz = hertz
Electric charge ML 2 T -2 Nm
Amount of Movement IT Coulomb
Impulse MLT -1 Kg.m / s
MLT -1 Ns

Magnitudes and supplementary or

supplementary units
c. When there are expressions that
Solid angle Stereo radian Sr
include physical quantities in the
Flat Angle radian Rad
exponents it should be remembered
that every exponent is always a
number, therefore this expression
Dimensional analysis:
must be dimensionless in its entirety.
It is an auxiliary branch of Physics
that studies the way in which the
Principle of homogeneity:
following derived and
fundamental magnitudes are
Any formula that describes the
occurrence of a physical phenomenon
must be dimensionally correct or
homogeneous, that is, all its terms
must be dimensionally equal.
[A]: reads: A dimensional equation
Where A is a derived quantity.
In its general form one has:
E = AB + CD - FG
| E | = | AB | = | CD | = | FG |
| X | = La Mb Tc θd Ie Jf Ng

Where: a, b, c, d, e, f, g are real


Fifth Grade Of Secondary

5. In this homogeneous expression

PROBLEMS find the magnitude which is
represented by [P].
1. The equation shown gives us
the distance traveled by a body
in free fall:
1 x y z
p g t
D = density F = force
2 L = length M = mass
h = height t = time
p = weight g = 9,8 m/s2
a) weight b) power c) pressure
d) work e) strength
Determine the value of: E= z x+y
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 6. The intensity of the electric field (E) is
D) 2 E) 2 2
the electric force (F) per unit charge
(q). Calculate [E].
2. What magnitude represents "y"?
a) MLT-2 b) LMT -3 I-1 c) LMT -2 I-2
d) LMTI-1 e) LMT 3 I

A = area, m = mass and P = 7. The following equation is

pressure homogeneous, find "x".

a) force b) acceleration
c) work d) velocity Q = heat M = mass
e) flow V = speed

3. Find [B] if C is dimensionless. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

d) 5 e) 6

8. In the dimensional correct

expression indicate that magnitude
D = density represents "y"
E = kinetic energy F = force

a) L-2M b) LM-2 c) LM2

d) L-2T e) TM M = mass
D = diameter V = speed
4. The kinetic energy of a moving
mass "m" and speed "v" is: a) force b) speed c) work
d) pressure e) acceleration
E = k . ma . v b

If k is dimensionless. Find a + b

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
d) 4 e) 5

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

9. Find [N] in: 14. In the dimensional correct

expression. Find [B]
UNFV = log V. Sen (UT)

F = distance T = time

a) L-1T b) LT-1 c) LT-2 A = speed, T = time

d) L-2T e) L2T-2
a) L b) L-1 c) T
10. Express in scientific notation: d) T-1 e) LT

I. 258 000 000 15. The homogeneous expression,

II. II. 0.00000000725 calculate: (ABC), if: x = distance
and t = time.
a) 2.58x 108; 7.25x 10-6
b) 2.58x 108; 7.25x 10-10 x = A cos (2 Bt + C)
c) 2.58x 108; 7.25x 10-11
d) 2.58x 109; 7.25x 10-10 a) MLT-2 b) ML2T-2 c) ML2T-3
e) 2.58x 108; 7.25x 10-9 d) ML2T e) LT-1

11. Find R: 16. If A= 2x 10-8, B= 6x 10-4, C= 3.6x 10-

19, D= 4.8x 1013 then AC/BD in units

“pico” is:

a) 0.2 femto b) 2 atto a) 0.25x 10-25 b) 2.5x 10-4

c) 2 femto c) 0.25x 10-37 d) 2.5x 10-37
d) 20 pico e) 0.2 atto e) 25x 10-25

12. In the following statements: 17. In an ideal spring verified that: F =

kx; Where F = force, x =
I: Frequency deformation (distance). Find [k]
II: Electrical current density
III: Luminous intensity a) M b) L2 c) T-1
They are fundamental: d) LT e) MT-2

a) only I b) only II 18. A beam of light having a wave

c) only III length () propagates in a milieu
d) I and III e) II and III with speed (c). If the energy of a
photon is given by the equation:
13. A pendulum travels with the
speed "v". The tensile force on
the rope is "T". "M" is its mass
where h is Planck's constant
and "L" its length. Find a + b +
What is the dimensional equation
of h?
a) ML2 T-1 b) ML2 T c) ML2 T2
a) 2.5 b) 2 c) 1 d) M2 L2 T-1 e) ML T
-3 -1

d) 1/2 e) 3

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

19. The
dimensionally correct equation: VECTOR ANALYSIS
Y = log (xt - zk)
Mathematical entity that is graphically
Calculate the dimension xt, if t =
represented by a segment of straight
time, k = angular velocity.
line (commonly called arrow) that
serves to represent physical quantities
a) L b) dimensionaless c) T
of the vectorial type (speed,
d) T-2 e) T-1
acceleration, force, etc.)
20. In photometry it is known that
lighting "y" expressed in cd/m2,
which illuminates a surface, is
given by the formula:
Reference line

Where "d" is the distance from Elements of a vector: Module:

the focus to the surface in “m”, Direction: Sentido:
and Ω is solid in estereoradianes
angle. Then the dimensional Vector Sum:
formula of luminous flux Ω will
be: Graphic methods for adding vectors:

a) I b) J c) JI Parallelogram Method:
d) JL2 e) L-2 J


Triangle method:

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

- α = 60 °
Method of the Polygon:

R = x √𝟑

Subtraction of vectors:
- α = 120 °

Particular Cases:

- α = 0° R=x

Vector decomposition in the Cartesian


- α = 180 °

- α = 90 ° (orthogonal vectors)


R= (Pythagoras theorem)

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

PROBLEMS 5. Calculate the resulting module.

1. Given the following vectors, find
the resultant:

a) a √3 b) a c) a√6
a) 6 b) 16 c) 10 d) 2a e) a √5
d) 5 e) 8
6. Find the module system resulting
2. The maximum resultant of two vectors shown.
vectors is 21 cm and the minimum
is 3 cm. What will be the result
when the vectors form 90°?

a) 10 cm b) 12 cm c) 14 cm
d) 15 cm e) 18 cm

3. Determine the magnitude of the

resulting vector:

a) 0 b) 20 √3 c) 40 √3
d) 20(2+ √3) e) 20

7. The flow of a river has a speed of

12m/s. If a student crosses
perpendicularly the river with a
speed of 5m/s. What will be the
value of the resulting velocity?

a) 5 b) 5 c) √31 a) 17 m/s b) 7 m/s c) 15 m/s

d) √29 e) 29 d) 13 m/s e) 12 m/s

4. Si: | A | = 3; | B | = 5, find the 8. If the result of the three vectors

resultant. shown is zero. Find the measure of
angle "α"

a) 13 b) 13 c) 15
d) 7 e) 1 a) 30 b) 37 c) 45
d) 53 e) 60

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

9. Find the module of the resultant 12. Hallar el valor de la resultante

vector. en el sistema mostrado, si está se
encuentra en el eje “x”.

A) 39N
B) 48N

C) 50N

D) 53N 53

a) 12u b) 15 c) 18 E) 55N 40N

d) 21 e) 24
13. Calcular el módulo del vector A ,
10. Finding the resulting para que la resultante sea el vector
assembly vectors shown. nulo.
A) 5N 5N
B) 5 2N 

C) 10N

D) 10 2N

E) 15N A
14. Si el lado del cubo es de 6,
determinar el módulo del vector
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 A) 6 3
d) 20 e) 25
B) 12
11. In the following vector
system determine the modulus C) 12 3
of the resulting vector.
D) 24

E) 0

15. Hallar el vector X en función de

los vectores A y B . (M es punto
medio). O Q

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

A) a
A) X = A + 2B B) X = 2A + B B) a 3
C) X = 2A − B D) X = 4 A − B
a 5
4A + B C)
E) X = 2
a 7
16. Los vectores que se muestran 3
tienen resultante nula. Si c=2a= E) a 2 B
20 3 , ¿Cuál es el módulo de b ?
A) 20
a 20. En un cuadrado están inscritas
B) 25
una circunferencia y un cuarto de
 circunferencia, como muestra la figura.
C) 30
 Exprese el vector x en función de los
vectores A y B .
D) 35

E) 50 B

17. Si cada cuadrado es de lado 1,

hallar la resultante de los vectores x

2− 2   2 
A)  (
 A + B ) B)  (
 A + B )
 2   2 
3− 2  3 2 
C)  (
 A + B ) D)  (
 A + B )
A) 5 B) 3 2 C) 6  3   2 
D) 7 E) 2 2+ 2 
E)  (
 A + B )
 3 
18. Si cada cuadrado es de lado
“a”. Hallar la resultante de los
vectores mostrados.

A) 3a B) 6a C) 9a
D) 3 2a E) a

19. En la figura se cumple:

2A − B = a 3 . Donde “a” es el radio de
la circunferencia. Hallar: A − B .

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Formulas for the MRUV:

Uniform Rectilinear Movement

By definition in the MRU:

d = v.t Each formula is taken with a sign (+) if
the movement is accelerated, (if the
Applications of the formula: velocity increases), and with a sign (-) if
the motion is retarded, (if the velocity
Meeting time (te): decreases).

Reach time (ta): V2 > V1
1. A mobile has a speed of 12m / s and
moves for 8s. How far does it travel?

a) 48m b) 72 c) 96 d) 80 e) 88

2. A car has a speed of 12.5m / s during

4s. What distance do you travel in
that time?
Variable Uniform Rectilinear Motion
(MRUV): a) 30 m b) 45 c) 48 d) 50 e) 60

3. A child travels 200m in 25s.

Determine the child's speed.

a) 12m / s b) 10 c) 8 d) 6 e) 4

4. A mobile moves in a straight line a

Acceleration (a): distance of 1800m for 36s. Calculate
Physical magnitude that measures your speed in m / s.
the changes in speed that the
mobile experiences for each unit of a) 20m / s b) 30 c) 40
time. d) 50 e) 80

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

station does it reach you?

5. An airplane
moves at a rate of 50 m / s, making a) 10 m b) 60 m c) 80 m
it possible to travel 800 m In what d) 120 m e) 160 m
time do you manage to travel this
distance? 11.After what time the mobile "A"
advances the mobile "B" 70 m.
a) 10 s b) 18 c) 17 d) 16 e) 15

6. A person has a constant speed of 5

m/s. How many blocks will you walk
in 1 minute? (1 block = 100 m)
a) 25 s b) 27 s c) 29 s
d) 30 s e) 32 s
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4
d) 6 e) 3
12. A student travels from Chiclayo to
7. A car moving at a constant speed Lambayeque in a car at a speed of
"V" for 4 s, covering a given space. 60km / h, arriving in Lambayeque,
Then increases Its speed in 4 m/s he returns walking to Chiclayo along
traveling the same space in 3.5 s. the same straight path at 5km / h; if
Find "V" in m/s the whole journey took 2h and 10
minutes. Calculate the distance
a) 28 m/s b) 14 m/s c) 7 m/s between Chiclayo and Lambayeque
d) 21 m/s e) NA in km.
A) 8 B) 9 C) 10
D) 12 E) 16
8. A mobile moving at 15 km/h
through a journey in time "t". If it 13.A hunter fires a bullet at a speed of
goes to 10 km/h it takes 2 more 170 m/s listening reaching the target
hours. At what speed does it have at 3 s. How far from the hunter is the
to go to arrive at a time (t + 1h)? target? (V sound = 340 m/s)

a) 6 km/h b) 7 km/h c) 10 km/h a) 170 m b) 340 m c) 540 m

d) 11 km/h e) 12 km/h d) 600 m e) 150 m

9. A mobile must travel 300 km in 5 14.Two mobile “Mendo and Brenu” start
hours but halfway suffers a from the same point in the same
breakdown that stops one hour how direction with constant speed of 7
fast should continue their journey m/s and 3 m/s to a pole located 100
to arrive on time to your meters away. Calculate after which
destination? time these mobiles will be
equidistant from the pole.
a) 50 km/h b) 60 km/h c) 80 km/h
d) 100 km/h e) 150 km/h a) 5 s b) 10 s c) 15 s
d) 20 s e) 25 s
10.Part a mobile station with a
constant speed of 4 m/s after 10 s
from the same place another mobile 15.A mountaineer is located between
part with a speed of 6 m/s to catch two mountains and emits a scream.
up to the first. How far from the
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

If you record the echoes

1. A plane departs from rest and travels
900m in 15s to take off. Calculate
your acceleration.

a) 5 m/s2 b) 8 c) 10 d) 6 e) 9

2. A mobile part with a speed of 36km

/ h and an acceleration of 6m / s2.
What speed in m / s will you have
after 5s?

a) 20m / s b) 30 c) 40 d) 50 e) 60

3. A vehicle achieves a fivefold increase

in speed in 20s. What is its
acceleration in m / s2, if in that time
it managed to travel 1.2km?
a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) 8 e) 10

4. A mobile increases its speed from

36km / h to 144km / h in
5s uniformly. What is its acceleration
after 3 s in m / s2?

and 4 s have issued the scream. a) 8m / s2 b) 6 c) 4 d) 5 e) 2

What will be the distance that
separates the mountains? (V sound 5. A car reduces its speed from 108km
= 340 m / s) / h to 72km / h in a 20m route with
a uniformly delayed rectilinear
a) 1 190 m b) 1 125 m c) 2 380 movement. What was its
m deceleration?
d) 850 m e) 109 m
a) 6m / s2 b) 7.5 c) 5
16.A car travels 20 m MRU experience d) 12.5 e) 10
in "t" seconds, but if its speed is
reduced by half would cross 8m less 6. A mobile that moves with constant
in 6 s. Determine "t" and the speed acceleration runs in 5 s a space of
of the car. 120 m between two points A and B.
If the mobile goes through "B" with a
a) 4 s; 5 m/s speed of 25 m/s. Calculate the speed
b) 5 s; 4 m/s when passing through A.
c) 5 s; 5 m/s
d) 4 s; 4 m/s a) 18 m/s b) 23 m/s c) 12 m/s
e) 10 sec; 4 m/s
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

d) 20 m/s e) 16 m/s

7. A mobile starts from rest and 12.Calculate the distance does go a

accelerates at 2 m/s2 for one mobile on 5 s with a distance of 2
second, after which travels at a m/s2, if in this interval achieves triple
constant speed for 4 s. It is asked to its speed.
find the space traveled to the cobo a) 10 m b) 20 m c) 30 m
of this time. d) 40 m e) 50 m

a) 1 m b) 8 m c) 9 m 13.Two cars A and B are spaced 750

d) 16 m e) 25 m m. If mobile "B" moves away with a
constant speed of 20 m/s and "A"
8. A mobile starts from rest with MRUV part of the Rest with a constant
Calculate your speed when walking acceleration of 4 m/s chasing "B".
the first 20 m in 5 seconds. How much can you advance "B"
when "A" reaches it?
a) 8 m/s b) 10 m/s c) 6 m/s
d) 4 m/s e) 14 m/s a) 100 m b) 200 m c) 300 m
d) 400 m e) 500 m
9. Two mobile depart simultaneously
from one place and rest with MRUV 14.Two cars “Ruber and Arian”are
and the same direction. At 5 s of the spaced 600 m both start from rest
game the distance between both is simultaneously, one to meet the
50 m. Calculate the acceleration of other with respective acceleration of
the second moving, knowing that 2 m/s2 and 4 m/s2. After how long are
the other is 3m/ s2 600 m separated again?

a) 1 m/s2 b) 3 m/s2 c) 5 m/s2 a) 2 s b) 20 s c) 25 s

d) 7 m/s2 e) 9 m/s2 d) 20√3 s e) 30√3 s

10.A body moves with MRUV and runs 15.A plane starts from rest with MRUV
55 m in 2 s and 77 m in the next 2 s. and changes its speed rate of 6 m/s2.
Find the initial velocity in this Achieving take off after traveling 1
movement. 200m. At what speed in m/s takes
a) 18 m/s b) 22 m/s c) 33 m/s
a) 80 m/s b) 90 m/s c) 100 m/s
d) 44 m/s e) 55 m/s
d) 110 m/s e) 120 m/s
11.A motorcycle is moving at 60 m/s
16.A mobile that has MRUV passes
speeds until your speed is 90 m/s
through two points A and B on its
traveling 600 m. What was the time
path that are 500m apart. When it
and acceleration used by the bike?
travels the section AB it reverses 10s
a) 3 s and 10 m/s2 and its speed triples. How fast was
b) 8 s and 3.75 m/s2 he when he had 40m to go to point
c) 10 s and 3 m/s2 A?
d) 4 s and 7.5 m/s2 A) 15m/s B) 20m/s C) 5m/s
e) 2 s to 15 m/s2 D) 10m/s E) 30m/s

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

For didactic purposes the value of

acceleration of gravity is considered
constant and equal to:

9.8 m/s 2  10 m/s 2

Formulas for free fall:

Each formula will be taken with a sign
It is the vertical movement that the (+) when the body is going down and
bodies perform in the vacuum by the with a sign (-) when the body is going
action of their own weight. The mov. up.
Of free fall is an MRUV where the
acceleration takes a constant value
called acceleration of gravity. PROBLEMS
1. A body is abandoned, and in 4 s
Characteristics: reaches the surface. Calculate how
high the surface was abandoned (g
= 10 m/s2)

a) 60 m b) 70 m c) 80 m
d) 90 m e) 100 m

2. A child throws a ball vertically

upwards. After 2 s it hits the roof with a
speed of 20 m/s. How high does the
ball travel to impact? g = 10 m/s2

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

a) 50 m b) 60 m 7. If a body is dropped and it is thrown

c) 70 m simultaneously with other body down
d) 80 m e) 90 m with a speed of 3 m/s. At what point
the distance between them is 36
3. A body is thrown vertically upwards meters
and when he takes 2 s to reach its
maximum height, located 60 m a) 10 s b) 11 s c) 12 s
from the flat. What was the firing d) 14 s e) 16 s
speed? (g = 10 m/s2)
8. a body is dropped from 500 m in
a) 30 m/s b) 40 m/s c) 50 m/s height, while the floor is thrown from
d) 55 m/s e) 64 m/s another body if both bodies fall at the
same instant, find the maximum
4. An object is thrown vertically height reached by the second body.
upwards at a speed of 40 m/s.
How high is the launch point when a) 250 m b) 200 m c) 100 m
it reaches a speed of 20 m/s? (g = d) 120 m e) 125 m
10 m/s2)
9. From the ground a projectile is
a) 40 m b) 50 m c) 60 m thrown vertically upwards. Find this
d) 70 m e) 80 m launch velocity so that between the
instants t = 4 s and t
5. A ball is thrown vertically upwards, = 10 s, there is no displacement.
if the ball remains in the air for 6 (g = 10 m/s2)
seconds. What would have been
the maximum vertical ascent of a) 70 m/s b) 60 m/s c) 50 m/s
the ball? g = 10 m/s2 d) 80 m/s e) 100 m/s

a) 30 m b) 45 m c) 60 m 10. A hot air balloon rises vertically with a

d) 75 m e) 90 m speed V1 = 30 m/s. The pilot,
standing at a height h = 240 m,
6. From a window pops up a ball with throws down a bag of sand
a speed of 20 m/s, if after 6 s vertically, with a speed with respect
impact on the floor. At what height to his hand. 20 m/s. After what time
of the floor is the window? g = 10 will the bag touch the ground? (g =
m/s2 10 m/s2)

a) 15 m b) 30 m c) 45 m a) 5 s b) 6 s c) 7 s
d) 60 m e) 75 m d) 8 s e) 9 s

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

11. From the edge of a 16. From the roof of a building a person
sufficiently high building is thrown drops a ball as shown and at the
vertically upwards a first stone at a precise moment a car located 40m
speed of 30 m/s, 10 seconds later from away. from the base of the building
the edge of a second stone is thrown begins its movement describing MRUV
with a velocity of 150 m/s vertically if the ball falls on the car, calculate the
down. Find the time required by the acceleration of the car. ( g= 10 m s2 )
second stone to reach the first stone. (g
= 10 m/s2)

a) 3 s b) 1.5 s c) 2.5 s
d) 5 s e) 3.5 s 80m

V0 = 0
12. A body is released from a height
taking 4 s in impact with the earth. 40m
Determine its velocity in the middle of
its path in m/s. (g = 10 m/s2) A) 5 m s2 B) 6 m s2 C) 7 m s2 D) 8 m s2 E) 9 m s2

a) 10√2 m/s b) 40√2 m/s 17. Dos piedras se lanzan verticalmente

c) 20√2m/s d) 35√2 m/s y en el mismo instante, desde A y B
e) 30√2 m/s con velocidades de 15m/s y
22,5m/s respectivamente. Para qué
13. From a balloon that rises vertically at instante “t” después del
a constant speed of 10 m/s a stone lanzamiento estarán a la misma
is released. How long until 75 meters altura.
apart? A) 4s
15 m s
a) 2 s b) 3 s c) 4 s B) 2s
d) 5 s e) 6 s
C) 1s
14. A body is dropped from a height onto 30m
D) 3s
the surface of a planet. In a certain 22,5 m s
second of its fall it travels 8 m and 1 E) 6s
second after 14 m. The acceleration
of gravity of the planet is in m/s2: 18. Desde un globo aerostático que
desciende con una rapidez de 5m/s
a) 8 b) 6 c) 4 se lanza una esferita verticalmente
d) 2 e) 14 hacia arriba con una rapidez de
15m/s. Si demora 4s en llegar al
15. From the edge of a pit a body is
piso, calcular desde qué altura fue
dropped. If a person on the edge
lanzada la esferita ( g= 10 m s2 )
listens to the impact with the
A) 20m
background at 51 sec. Calculate the
depth of the well. B) 25m
Sound V = 340 m/s; g = 10 m/s2
C) 30m 5m s

a) 4 800 m b) 5 780 m c) 3 410 m D) 35mE) 40m

d) 2 980 m e) 6 320 m h

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
Horizontal range:

Maximum height:


1. In a parabolic launch is found that the

maximum horizontal range occurs
when the firing angle is 45°.

 = 45º;

PARABOLIC MOVEMENT 2. If two pitches with the same speed

(V0) but with different angles α and β
are performed, it is found that the
scope will be equal if these angles
are complementary (α + β
= 90 °)

This movement results from the

composition of a uniform horizontal
rectilinear movement (MRU) and a
free fall motion (MRUV).
3. Relationship between H and R
Calculation of flight time (tv):

H = maximum height R = maximum


Fifth Grade Of Secondary

PROBLEMS horizontally two shells with speeds of

20 m/s and 30 m/s. Determine the
1. With that inclination to the horizontal separation between the impact points
should fire a projectile to reach a with the ground in meters. (g =
height of 5 m, if its initial velocity is 10m/s2)
20 m/s? (g = 10m/s2 and consider air a) 20 b) 40 c) 60
resistance null). d) 80 e) 100
a) 30 b) 37 c) 45
d) 53 e) 60 8. A projectile launched with a speed of
50 m/s and an angle of 53° with the
2. A football player says it can kick a ball horizontal. Find the maximum height.
and achieve a horizontal reach of 80 (g = 10m/s2)
m. Considering null the friction of the a) 160 m b) 140 m c) 120 m
air and that the angle was 45º. Find d) 80 m e) 200 m
initial ball velocity (g = 10m/s2)
a) 20 m/s b) 28.2 m/s c) 14.8 m/s 9. A stone thrown at a speed of 50 m/s
d) 24 m/s e) 30 m/s at an angle of 37° to the horizontal.
Calculate the horizontal space that
3. A canon can throw projectiles at a rate runs through the stone. (g = 10m/s2)
of 900 km/h. If the launch angle was a) 50 m b) 100 m c) 210 m
53°. How far from the cannon do the d) 240 m e) 180 m
projectiles fall? (g = 10m/s2)
a) 4 km b) 5 km c) 6 km 10. From the floor one projectile is
d) 7 km e) 8 km thrown askew, and its flight time 6s.
Find the maximum height you can
4. A projectile which describes a achieve. (g = 10m/s2)
parabolic trajectory achieving a a) 30 m b) 40 m c) 45 m
maximum range of 90 m, g = 10m/s2, d) 50 m e) 36 m
calculate your casting speed.
11. Se lanza un proyectil desde la posición
a) 10 m/s b) 20 m/s c) 30 m/s “A” con una rapidez V (en m/s), tal como
d) 40 m/s e) 50 m/s se muestra. Si dicho proyectil llega al
punto B. Determine su rapidez al pasar
5. A projectile is launched with a speed por P. ( g= 10 m s2 ) V
of 25√2 m/s. Determine the maximum
A) 10 2 A
range of said projectile (g = 10m / s 2) 11,25m

a) 100m b) 90 c) 120 B) 15 2 P
d) 125 e) 180 C) 20 2
D) 18
E) 21
6. An object was thrown horizontally B

from a height "h" with a speed of 60m

12. Un proyectil se lanza con una rapidez de
30 m/s, with its horizontal is 90 m
100m/s bajo un ángulo de 37°. Halle “x”
down to the ground. Find h (g = si el rebote es elástico y g= 10 m s2 .
10m / s 2)
a) 60 m b) 90 m c) 120 m A) 160m
d) 30 m e) 45 m B) 260m
C) 350m
7. From one point to 80 m in height are D) 400m
thrown in the same direction E) 500m
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

13.Dos proyectiles se E) 15
lanzan simultáneamente desde las
mostradas. Halla H de modo que
el proyectil B llegue también al
punto P. ( g= 10 m s2 ).20 m s

A) 15m
B) 25m
C) 35m H
D) 45m 25 m s
E) 40m

14. Un avión vuela a 2000m de altura deja

caer una bomba sobre un carro porta
tropas en el instante mostrado en la
figura, si la velocidad del avión fue de
360Km/h y la bomba logró impactar en
su objetivo, ¿Cuál fue la velocidad del
carro en m/s? ( g= 10 m s2 )

A) 10
B) 20
C) 25 VC
D) 50
15. Un proyectil sigue la trayectoria
mostrada en la figura; calcule la altura
H, si VB = 15i − 15 j ( m s ) y g= 10 m s2 . It is that movement whose trajectory is a
Elements of the Circular Movement:
Vo H
Period (T):
It is the time spent by the mobile in
A) 5,50m B) 7,25m C) 8,75m
D) 12,40m E) N.A. making a complete turn.

16. Una masa muy pequeña es lanzada T=

hacia la parte superior de un plano
inclinado como se muestra en la figura. Frequency (f):
¿Con qué velocidad en m/s, debe dejar It is the number of turns that the
el plano para llegar justo al punto P?. mobile gives in each unit of time.
( g= 10 m s2 ). The
frequency is inversely proportional
A) 5
the period.
B) 8 8m
C) 10
D) 12
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

value constant; But its direction

f= changes continuously. In equal
times, lengths of equal arcs are
It is usually measured in revolutions /
traversed and equal central angles
s or revolutions/s.
are swept.
MCU Formulas:
Linear displacement (S):
It is the arc length traveled by the
Angular displacement ():
It is the angle swept by the mobile. Relationship between "V" and "ω"

R = radius
 = angle measured in radians Uniformly varied circular motion
Tangential velocity (V t): Circular motion where the angular
acceleration remains constant,
Tangential keeps its value constant; But
its direction varies constantly. In equal
times are crossed arcs and different
central angles.
In equal times the changes of vel.
Angular and tangential velocity are
Tangential acceleration (at):
Units: m / s, km / h, etc.

Angular velocity (ω):

Units: m / s 2 cm / s 2, etc.

angular acceleration (a):

Units: degree / minute, rad / s, RPM

(rev./minute), etc.

Uniform circular movement

Circular movement where the
angular velocity remains constant,
the tangential velocity keeps its
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Units: rad / s 2 rev / min

2, rev / s 2, etc.

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
Relationship between at 2.- Toothed wheels or gears:
and :

MCUV Formulas: Tangential or

linear: If a body rotates an angle “” the

number of turns "n" will be:


Centripetal acceleration or normal



01. Un cuerpo con MCU gira un ángulo de 720°
en 10 segundos. Hallar su velocidad angular
A) 0,2πrad/s B) 0,4πrad/s C)
Each formula will be taken with a
(+) sign if the mov. Is accelerated D) 2πrad/s E) 4πrad/s
and signed (-) if the mov. Is
retarded. 02. Una partícula gira con MCU de tal modo que
It is also practical to use: da una vuelta de 22s. Si al recorrer 40cm de
arco, emplea 10s, ¿cuál es el radio de giro
del movimiento? (=22/7)
A) 10cm B) 12cm C) 14cm
D) 16cm E) 18cm
Rotation movement transmission:
03. Un cuerpo gira con una velocidad angular
constante de 90RPM. Calcular el ángulo que
1.- Pulleys joined by strips: gira en 2s
A) 6rad B) 60rad C) 60rad
D) 30rad E) 30rad
04. Una partícula que realiza un MCU pasa
por el punto A en el instante t=0 y por B en
t=2s. Determine la V de la partícula en t=8s,
All points are as fast sabiendo que: R=0,4m.

ω1. R1 = ω2. R2
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

los puntos periféricos de la rueda C ( R A

A)  (i + 3 j) m s B)  (i + 3 j) m s =20cm; RB =8cm; RC =12cm)
30 60
C)  ( 3 i − j) m s D)  (− 3 i − j) m s
60 60
E)  (−i + 3 j) m s B C

05. Dos satélites de la tierra S1 y S 2 , orbitan

describiendo MCU con periodos T0 y 3T0
respectivamente. A partir del instante A) 1cm/s B) 2cm/s C) 6cm/s
mostrado, determine qué tiempo debe D) 8cm/s E) 12cm/s
transcurrir para que la separación entre los
satélites sea la menor posible por primera 09. Hallar la velocidad tangencial de la rueda "C"
vez. si la velocidad angular de la rueda "A" es
A) T0 6 5rad/s. Los radios de las ruedas son: R A
=20cm; RB =10cm; RC =5cm.
B) 2T0 120
C) T0 2 A B
D) T0 

E) 3T0 2 A) 50cm/s B) 25cm/s C) 100cm/s

D) 12,5cm/s E) 75cm/s
06. Lasruedas giran con una velocidad angular
de 4πrad/s, ¿con qué velocidad baja el 10. Si la polea gira con velocidad angular
bloque? RA=10cm; RB=30cm constante de ω=20rad/s, ¿qué tiempo
A) 20πcm/s emplean los bloques desde las posiciones
indicadas hasta que se cruzan? (r=0,2m)
B) 40πcm/s B
A A) 1s
C) 10πcm/s B) 2s r
C) 0,1s
D) 25πcm/s D) 0,2s
E) 0,3s
E) 45πcm/s 1, 6m

07. Del gráfico mostrado, calcular la relación 11. Un disco gira con una velocidad angular
entre los radios R A RB , si la velocidad constante. Si los puntos periféricos tienen el
tangencial del punto A es el triple de la triple de velocidad que aquellos puntos que
velocidad tangencial del punto B. se encuentran a 5cm más cerca al centro del
A) 1 disco. Hallar el radio del disco
A A) 5cm B) 15cm C) 25cm D) 10cm E) 20cm
B) 2
2m 12. Dos móviles A y B parten de la posición
C) 3 mostrada con velocidades angulares
constantes de π/2rad/s y π/3rad/s
D) 1/2 respectivamente. ¿Después de qué tiempo el
móvil B alcanza al móvil A?
E) 1/3 A) 2s
B) 4s A
08. Sia rueda A gira con una velocidad de C) 6s
12rad/s, hallar la velocidad tangencial de D) 8s
E) 3s
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

13. Se tiene un disco 17. Sabiendo que el disco mostrado gira con
con un agujero que gira con velocidad velocidad angular constante. Calcula el radio
angular constante de 4πrad/s. A partir de la del disco si las velocidades de A y B están en
posición mostrada calcular la distancia de razón de 2 a 1.
separación entre el agujero y la piedra A) 16cm A
luego de 2s. ( g = 10 m s2 ; R=5m y h=25m)
B) 12cm
A) 5m Vo = 0
C) 10cm 8cm
B) 5 2m D) 9cm B
C) 25 2m  E) 8cm

D) 25m 18. Una piedra esmeril de 30cm de radio se

emplea para afilar cuchillos, haciéndola girar
E) 15m con una frecuencia de 240RPM. Determine el
recorrido realizado por un punto periférico en
14. Una esfera de 4m de radio gira alrededor un intervalo de tiempo de 3s.
de uno de sus diámetros con velocidad A) 640cm B) 200cm C) 720cm
angular de 5rad/s. Determinar la velocidad D) 240cm E) 480cm
tangencial del punto P, α=30°.
A) 4m/s 19. Si el bloque tiene que bajar a velocidad
 constante de 16m/s, ¿cuál debe ser la
B) 6m/s P velocidad angular con qué debe girar la
 rueda C? ( R A =8cm; RB =15cm; RC =25cm)
C) 10m/s A) 105

D) 16m/s B) 108 B C

15. Sabiendo que el bloque P desciende con C) 120 A

una velocidad de 8m/s, ¿con qué velocidad

ascenderá el bloque Q? D) 218
A) 4m/s
E) 311
B) 5m/s
1m 3m
C) 6m/s 20. Se dispara una bala con una velocidad
V=200m/s contra un cascarón esférico de
D) 7m/s
papel que gira con movimiento uniforme
E) 2m/s P Q respecto a un eje vertical. Sabiendo que el
radio del cascarón es 2m, calcular con qué
velocidad angular mínima deberá girar el
16. Si la rueda de radio "2r" gira con velocidad
cascarón para que el proyectil haga un solo
angular constante de 20rad/s, hallar la
agujero. La dirección del movimiento de la
velocidad con la cual asciende el bloque.
bala pasa por el centro de la esfera.
A) 2πrad/s
A) 50cm/s
2r B) 4πrad/s
B) 60cm/s r
C) 6πrad/s
C) 80cm/s
D) 8πrad/s
D) 150cm/s

E) 100cm/s
E) 10πrad/s

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
In the SI the force is measured in
Newton (N).
1N = Kg. m/s2

Newton's Third Law (principle of action

and reaction):

If a body "A" applies a force (action) on

another "B", then "B" applies an equal
but opposite (reaction) force on "A".

Special Forces:

a) Weight (P):

P = mass x acceleration

Mass: Kg
Acceleration: m/s2
Weight: N (Newton)
b) Normal (N):
Branch of physics that is
responsible for studying the
conditions to be met by forces
acting on a body so that it is

Balance: c) Tension (T):

A body is in equilibrium when it lacks
all kinds of acceleration


Hooke's Law
Physical vector magnitude that Robert Hooke established the
measures the interaction between relationship between a force and
two bodies or more, being able to
produce this (the interaction) by the deformation of a spring. This
contact or distance law is written like this:

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
F = deforming force
K= stiffness constant (depends on
the material)
X = deformation

Free Body Diagram (DCL):

Lamy's Theorem:
In an equilibrium system formed by
three concurrent and coplanar forces,

F1 F2

First equilibrium condition:

If a "particle" is in equilibrium, the
resultant of forces acting on it,
must be zero.

For horizontal and vertical forces. PROBLEMS

1. For a block of certain mass is in

equilibrium a force of 80 N and the
end of the string "1" is exercised.
What will be the mass of the block if
Horizontal axis: the voltage in cable "2" is 35 N?

Vertical axis: a) 2.5 kg

b) 3.5 kg
c) 6.5 kg
Triangle of forces:
d) 5.5 kg
A triangle is formed with the three
e) 4.5 kg
forces, the same that must be
closed so that the result is equal to
2. If the system is in equilibrium,
zero and the necessary criteria for
determine the weight of the block A,
solving it are applied to the triangle.
if the MB = 6 kg

a) 30 N
b) 100 N
c) 60 N
d) 80 N
e) 70 N

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

3. To determine the a) 50 3 N
block so that the system is in b) 50 N
equilibrium. W A = 10 N. c) 100 N
d) 50 3/2 N
A) 10 N e) 50 3/3 N
b) 20 N
c) 30 N 8. La figura muestra dos bloques A y B en
d) 40 N equilibrio. Si m A =3kg, determine la
e) 50 N masa del bloque B. ( g= 10 m s2 )
A) 1kg
4. Find the tension to "1" if the
weight of the block is 90N. B) 2,5kg 143°
C) 3kg
a) 10 N
D) 4kg
b) 20 N
c) 30 N E) 5kg A

d) 40 N 9. Find the value of "F" to raise the

e) 50 N block 80 N with constant speed along
smooth inclined plane.
5. Find the tension in the string, if
a) 60 N
the weight of the sphere is 10 N.
b) 80 N
c) 100 N
a) 20 N
d) 75 N
b) 10 N
e) 125 N
c) 10√2 N
d) 5N 10. Si cada polea lisa es de 1kg y el
e) 15 N sistema se encuentra en equilibrio,
determine la deformación (en cm) que
6. If the system is in equilibrium, experimenta el resorte de K=200N/m. (
determine the voltage of the "A" g= 10 m s2 )
and "B" wires. If the weight of the A) 3cm
block W = 120 N. B) 5cm
C) 4cm
D) 2cm
E) 1cm 2kg

11. Si el bloque de 8kg se encuentra

a punto de resbalar, determine la masa
a) TA = 100 N and TB = 80 N de la esfera. Considere que solo existe
b) TA = 180 N and TB = 160 N asperezas entre el bloque y la superficie
c) TA = 80 N and TB = 40 N horizontal (  s =0,5) y que la polea es de
d) TA = 200 N and TB = 160 N 1kg. ( g= 10 m s2 )
e) TA = 160 N and TB = 140 N A) 2kg
B) 6kg
7. Assuming no friction, what C) 8kg
D) 4kg
should be the weight of the block
E) 7kg
for it to rise at a constant speed?
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

17. Determine la deformación que

12. Si el sistema experimenta el resorte horizontal de
carece de rozamiento y las poleas K=500N/m. Las masas y los radios de
son ideales, determine la masa del las esferas A y B son (2kg; 20cm) y
cuerpo B para que esté en reposo. (5kg; 30cm) respectivamente;
( g= 10 m s2 ) además, todas las superficies son lisas
( g= 10 m s2 )
A) 3cm
B) 2cm A
C) 1cm
A) 1kg B) 2kg C) 3kg D) 4cm B
D) 4kg E) 5kg
E) 5cm
13. Find the normal of the wall, if 18. Finding that the system is in
the weight of the sphere is 90 N. equilibrium. The block weighs 15 N.

a) 120 N 530
b) 150 N
c) 170 N F
d) 180 N
a) 10 N b) 15 N c) 20 N
e) 200 N
d) 25 N e) 30 N
14. Finding "T" if the system is in
19. Se muestra un sistema mecánico en
equilibrium. W = 360N
equilibrio. Si cada polea es de 6kg
a) 45 N determine el módulo de la fuerza F. (
b) 90 N g= 10 m s2 )
c) 180 N
A) 70N
d) 360 N
e) 22.5 N B) 50N
F 53°
15. Find the tension of the string C) 60N
and the normal force of the
smooth surface. There is D) 80N M
balance, the bar weighs 20N.
a) 40N; 20√3 N E) 40N
b) 20 N; 20 N
20. Determine la deformación del resorte
c) 20√3 N; 20√3 N de K=100N/cm en el sistema en
d) 40 N; 40 N reposo. Superficies lisas. ( g= 10 m s2 ).
e) 10√3 N; 5√3 N

16. Find the voltage at "1" if W = 100 N

a) 20 N
b) 40 N
c) 60 N A) 1cm B) 2cm C) 8cm
d) 80 N
e) 100 N D) 4cm E) 5cm

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

21. En el sistema D) 50cm E) 48cm

mostrado los bloques están en
equilibrio. Si sus pesos son P=60N y
Q=40N, calcular (en N) la fuerza de
contacto que existe entre P y Q. Las
poleas no tienen peso.

A) 20
B) 10
C) 25
D) 40
E) 15 P
22. Determine la deformación del resorte
de rigidez K=50N/cm, si el sistema
se encuentra en equilibrio. El bloque
es de 40kg y las poleas son de masa
despreciable ( g= 10 m s2 )

A) 0,4cm
B) 0,1cm
C) 1,5cm
D) 0,8cm
E) 1cm

23. Si la polea de la figura no ofrece

rozamiento. Determine la tensión en
la cuerda BC. ( g= 10 m s2 )
45 C

B 01. Para el sistema mostrado que está en

reposo, determinar el valor de la fuerza
entre el bloque de 10kg y la barra
homogénea de 2,8kg. ( g= 10 m s2 )
40kg 50kg
A) 400 2N B) 900 2N C) 500 2N
D) 300 2N E) 600 2N
24. Un tubo liso de 64cm de longitud
2a 8a
permanece colgado mediante una
cuerda que pasa por su interior.
Determine la distancia desde el punto A) 60,5N B) 32,5N C) 57,5N
P al centro de gravedad del tubo. D) 62,5N E) 17,5N
02. La barra homogénea pesa 60N. Calcúlese
la reacción en el apoyo.


A) 40cmB) 14cm C) 24cm 2m 4m 4m

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

A) 10N B) 15N C) 20N A) 2kg B) 1kg C) 15kg

D) 5N E) 30N D) 5kg E) N.A.
03. El sistema mostrado se encuentra en 07. Una barra homogénea de 100cm es
equilibrio. La barra homogénea es de doblada en ángulo recto talque
4kg y el bloque de 2kg. Determine el BC=60cm. Hallar “x” del cual se debe
módulo de la fuerza de tensión de la sostener, para mantener el lado AB
cuerda. ( g= 10 m s2 ) horizontal.

A) 10cm
B) 12cm

1m 3m C) 6cm

D) 8cm C
A) 10N B) 20N C) 30N
D) 40N E) N.A.
E) 14cm
04. Determine cuánto indica el
08. La viga ABC es de sección uniforme, su
dinamómetro (D) si la barra
peso propio es de 40N y se apoya en una
homogénea de 10kg se encuentra en
articulación (punto B). El extremo “C” se
equilibrio. ( g= 10 m s2 )
halla sometida a la tensión de un cable.
Considerando el sistema en equilibrio.
D ¿Cuánto valdrá la tensión del cable?.
1m 3m
2m 4m
m 10kg
A) 400 N B) 600N C) 800N
D) 1000N E) N.A. 50N

05. La placa cuadrada de 10N es sostenida A) 10N B) 20N C) 30N

mediante un cable horizontal. D) 40N E) 15N
Determinar la tensión en la cuerda.
A) 10N 09. Se muestra una barra homogénea de
150N en reposo. Determine la
B) 5 2N deformación del resorte cuya constante
de rigidez es igual a 850N/m. ( g= 10 m s2
C) 8N
D) 5N

E) 20N
06. Determine la masa del bloque, si la a 3a
barra homogénea de 10kg y 2m de
longitud se mantiene en equilibrio ( 4 kg

g= 10 m s2 )
A) 10cm B) 5cm C) 2,5cm
D) 1cm E) 7,5cm

10. La barra AB uniforme y homogénea pesa

5N y se encuentra en equilibrio. Hallar la

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

tensión en la cuerda (1), el E) 60º

peso de la polea móvil es de 2N.

14. El sistema mostrado está en reposo, si la

barra homogénea y el bloque son de
10kg cada una. ¿Qué valor tiene la
tensión en la cuerda? g= 10 m s2 y AB =
A) 120N
1m 3m C
B) 150N
A) 1 N B) 2N C) 1,5N
D) 2,5N E) 3N C) 180N B
11. Determine la mayor masa que puede
D) 190N 53
tener el bloque para que la barra A
homogénea de 30kg y 4m de longitud
E) 200N
se mantenga en la posición horizontal (
g= 10 m s2 )
15. Se muestra una varilla articulada de 4N
de peso dispuesta verticalmente. Calcule
2, 5m la tensión en el cable. Q=10N.
A) 30kg B) 10kg C) 20kg
D) 15kg E) N.A. 2m

12. Una placa cuadrada y homogénea se

encuentra en equilibrio, si el globo y el Q
gas contenido en él tiene una masa de 53
1kg y la fuerza de empuje por parte del
aire es de 25N. Determinar la masa de
la placa. ( g= 10 m s2 ) A) 10N B) 20N C) 30N
A) 1kg D) 40N E) 50N
B) 2kg 16. Determinar la deformación del resorte, si
la barra es homogénea y pesa 40N.
C) 3kg (K=1600N/m)
F= 20N
2m 6m
D) 4kg
E) 5kg
13. Un alambre metálico de peso
homogéneo y uniforme se ha doblado y
puesto en equilibrio tal como se A) 4cm B) 5cm E) 8cm
representa en el diagrama, la longitud D) 12cm E) 10cm
de este alambre es “4a", halle el ángulo 17. En el sistema mostrado, halle la tensión
“” que se establece en el equilibrio. del cable. (desprecie el peso de la barra)
A) 30º P=500N.

B) 37º
C) 45º a L L 2L
 2a
D) 53º
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

A) 200N B) 400N
C) 600N
D) 800N E) 1000N
18. Si el sistema mostrado en la figura se
encuentra en equilibrio, los pesos de la
barra AB y el bloque son 60N y 30N
respectivamente. Hallar la tensión del
cable que sostiene a la barra.

A 30 30 B
a 2a a

A) 60N B) 120N C) 100N

D) 40N E) 80N
19. En el gráfico, la esfera y la barra son
lisas, homogéneas y de igual masa.
Calcule la deformación del resorte de
K=12N/cm. ( g= 10 m s2 )

5L 5kg


A) 2cm B) 3cm C) 1,4cm
D) 1,6cm E) 2,1cm It is part of the mechanics that studies
the relationship between the
20. La viga de masa “m” se encuentra en movement of bodies and the forces that
reposo, el dinamómetro ideal indica
produce it.
300N. Determine el número de
pescados de 0,2kg que se encuentra en When the resulting force is different
ese instante, (Considere masa del from zero, it produces acceleration and
platillo de 0,2kg y g = 10 m/s 2 ). M: punto this changes the modulus and / or
medio de la viga. velocity direction.

Newton's first law or principle of

Every body remains in a state of rest or

Platillo MRU unless an unbalancing force
causes it to vary.

A) 28 B) 30 C) 32
D) 34 E) 36

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Newton's second law or

fundamental principle of dynamics:
3. Find the tension chord joining the
Whenever a resulting force acts on a blocks. m1 = 9 kg; m2 = 11 Kg
body, the body acquires an
acceleration parallel and of equal a) 32 N
sense to the resultant; The value of b) 34 N
said acceleration is directly c) 36 N
proportional to the resulting force d) 38 N
and inversely proportional to the e) 40 N
mass of the body.
4. Find the interaction force between
the blocks if there is no friction. m1
= 6 Kg, m2 = 4 Kg

a) 14N
c) 18
d) 26
1. In each case find the acceleration e) 34
with which block advances, not
consider friction (forces are 5. What is the acceleration of block 5
Newton) kg mass? If F = 20 N, g = 10 m/s2
A) m = 3 kg
a) 4 m/s2
a) 2 m/s2 b) 5 m/s2
b) 4 m/s2 c) 6 m/s2
c) 6 m/s2 d) 8 m/s2
d) 8 m/s2 e) 10 m/s2
e) 10 m/s2
6. A block of 5 kg of mass descends with
an acceleration of 2 m/s2. Find the
B) m = 10 kg
tension in the rope (g = 10 m/s2)
a) 1 m/s2
b) 3 m/s2 a) 10 N
c) 5 m/s2 b) 20 N
d) 7 m/s2 c) 40 N
e) 10 m/s2 d) 500 N
e) 60 N
2. Find the tension chord joining the
blocks. 7. If the system is released from the
mA = 4 kg, mB = 6 kg position shown. Find the acceleration
of the system. mA = 6 Kg, mB = 4 kg,
a) 4 m/s2 g = 10 m/s2.
b) 6 m/s2
c) 8 m/s2
d) 10 m/s2
e) 16 m/s2

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

a) 2 m/s2 11. Si no hay fricción determine la fuerza

de contacto entre los bloques (
b) 4 m/s2
g= 10 m s2
c) to 5 m/s2
d) 6 m/s2 A) 48N
B) 9N 2kg
e) 1 m/s2 3kg
C) 66N 120N
D) 42N
8. Find the acceleration of each of
E) 36N
the blocks and the tension on the 37°
rope. mA = 6 Kg, mB = 4 kg, g = 10 12. Find the mass of the block "B"
m/s2 knowing that the system amounts to
an acceleration of 10 m/s2 and the
a) 2 m/s2 mass of the block "A" is 3 kg. F
b) 4 m/s2 = 70 N g = 10 m/s2.
c) to 5 m/s2 a) 1 kg
d) 6 m/s2 b) 2 kg
e) 1 m/s2 c) 0.5 kg
d) 3 kg
9. Find the mass of the block up an
e) 4 kg
incline with an acceleration of 4
m/s2 plane. (g = 10 m/s2) 13. Within a carriage is a mass "m"
a) 2 kg attached to the ceiling by a rope. If
b) 3 kg you start to accelerate at a rate of
c) 5 kg 7.5 m/s2, determine the form rope
d) 8 kg angle with the vertical
e) 10 kg acceleration duration.
a) 37°
10. In each case find what b) 45°
acceleration up or down the c) 60°
block. Masses are given in d) 53°
kilograms and forces in Newtons. e) 30°

A) m = 5
14. Un ascensor de masa 600kg lleva en el
a) 1 m/s2 techo de un resorte de constante
elástica K=150N/m. En el extremo del
b) 2 m/s2
resorte hay un bloque de masa 5kg.
c) 3 m/s2
Sabiendo que tanto el ascensor como
d) 4 m/s2 el bloque tienen la misma aceleración
e) 5 m/s2 a= 5 m s2 hacia arriba, determinar
cuánto se estira el resorte. ( g= 10 m s2 )
B) m = 5
A) 5m
B) 0,05m
a) 10 m/s2 C) 0,25m
b) 12 m/s2 D) 0,025m a
c) 14 m/s2 E) 0,5m m
d) 16 m/s2
e) 18 m/s2

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

15. Una grúa levanta, verticalmente, un

automóvil de 2000kg de masa. 1. Find "F" if the block is about to slide (m
Calcule la tensión del cable (en N) si = 4 kg)
el peso es levantado con una rapidez
que disminuye 5m/s en cada a) 10 N 𝑠 = 0,5
segundo. ( g= 10 m s2 ). b) 20 N
A) 1, 0  10 4 N B) 2, 0  10 4 N c) 30 N
C) 3, 0x10 4 N D) 4, 0 x10 4 N d) 40N
e) 50N

2. How much does the frictional force on

the block is about to slide?

a) 100 N
b) 30 N
c) 130 N
d) 70 N
e) 80 N

3. How much does the friction on the

block (A)? Everything is in balance.
(mB = 3 kg)

a) 10 N
b) 20 N
c) 30 N
d) 40N
e) 50N

4. If the above problem m A = 6 kg. How

FRICTION much is μs? Consider that the block is
about to slip.
It is a force of opposition to the
movement of one body over a) 1/3 b) 1/2 c) 1/5
another; This force is due to the d) 1/8 e) NA
irregularities of the surfaces in
contact and is present between 5. The block shown has a mass of 50 kg
them. and is about to slip on the inclined
plane. How much is the friction that
sustains it?
fr = frictional force N = normal
 = coefficient of friction
a) 100 N
b) 200 N
Total reaction of a rough plane: c) 300 N
It is the result of normal force and d) 400 N
frictional force. e) 500 N

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

6. In the above 12. Find the force "F" that leads to the
problem, find the μs block at constant speed on the
a) 3/2 b) 3/5 c) 3/4
d) 4/5 e) 5/8 a) 10 N
7. All that is shown is at rest and (B) b) 15√2 N
c) 15 N
about to slide. If mA = 7 kg, mB =
5 kg, mC = 3 kg. Find the friction d) 10√2 N
on (B) e) 20 N

a) 100N 13. The block shown is taken with

b) 40 acceleration, pulled by F = 20 N.
c) 101 Finding the frictional force.
d) 41
e) 70 a) 1N
b) 2N
8. In the above problem, how much c) 3N
is the μs on (B)? d) 4N
e) 5N
a) 3/5 b) 4/5 c) 2/5
d) 1/5 e) NA 14. The block shown is brought to
acceleration. Find the force "F" that
9. The block is driven at a constant carries it, if the friction is 4 N.
speed. Find the frictional force
that opposes. a) 7N
b) 9N
a) 5N c) 12 N
b) 10 N d) 14 N
c) 15 N e) 16 N
d) 20 N
e) 25 N 15. A block of mass 0.5 kg slides on a
horizontal surface with an initial
10. The block is driven at a constant
starting speed of 4 m / s. If the
speed. Find the force "F" that
block slides 2 m before stopping,
carries it, if the friction is 16 N.
the magnitude of the kinetic
a) 16 N frictional force is:
b) 18 N
a) 8.0 N b) 4.0 N c) 2.0 N
c) 8N
d) 4.5 N e) 2.5 N
d) 20 N
e) 24 N
16. The coefficient of static friction
11. If the block will constant speed, between the blocks "A" and "B" is
finding the friction coefficient μk. 0.5. The maximum acceleration
that the "B" block can have without
a) 1/5 b) 2/5 c) 3/5 d) 4/5 e) 3/4 block "A" slipping is:

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
a) 10 m/s2
b) 2 m/s2
c) 5 m/s2
d) 1 m/s2
e) 0

17. A block slides down an inclined

plane with constant velocity
(see figure). The coefficient of
kinetic friction μk is:

a) 3/2 b) 1/2

c) √3/3 d) √2/2

e) 0

18. A block 100N weight is resting on

a horizontal surface roughened
with μ = 0.8 and μ = 0.25.
Determine the frictional force.

a) 80 N b) 25 N c) 100 N
d) 70 N e) 0

19. Find the maximum horizontal

force "F" applied to the body of
80 N without any displacement.

a) 8N
b) 16 N
c) 4N
d) 2N
e) 10 N

20. Find μ s between "A" and "B" if you

know that "A" does not slide
vertically and "F" is the
minimum. m A = 3 kg; mB = 7 kg;
g = 10 m/s2; F = 150 N.

a) 1/3 b) 2/3 c) 4/5 d) 1/5 e) 3/5

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Work for a constant force:
Mechanical work (W):
Work is a scalar Were:
magnitude, in Physics, "a man or a W = work done by force.
machine performs a job when it F = force acting on the body. d =
overcomes resistance along a displacement of the body.
path."  = Angle between F and d.

c) Zero or null:
When between the
force and displacement, the angle
is 900.
W = Fdcos 

W = joule (J)
W = zero
F = newton (N) d = meters (m)
Net or total work:
The works can be: When
several forces act on a moving
a) Positives: body, net work is the one that
When between the force develops the resulting force or
and displacement, the is the sum of the work done by
angle is 00. each of the forces.

W = Fd

b) Negatives:
When between the force
and displacement, the angle is

W = -Fd

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Wnet = Fr .d or 4. The hammer of a carpenter from

Wnet = W 1 + W 2 + W 3 + ............ 0.5 Kg for driving nails rises to a
height of 1 m in two seconds. What
Calculation of the work in a power does the carpenter supply to
graph "Strength vs Position" the hammer? (g = 10 m/s2)
In any graph "F" vs. "x", the work
that develops the force equals the a) 5 W b) 4 W c) 3 W
area below the graph. d) 2 W e) 2.5 W

5. knowing the power of a lifting blocks

of 12 Kg mass to a height of 30 cm in
one minute motor. (g
= 10 m/s 2)

a) 0.2 W b) 0.4 W c) 0.6 W

A = Fd W = Fd d) 5 W e) 2 W
A =W
6. A bucket with 30 kg of cement is
raised by a motor with a constant
PROBLEMS speed of 36 km/h. What is the engine
1. In the graph shown, determine
a) 5 kW b) 4 kW c) 3 kW
the work done by force F = 50
d) 2 kW e) 6 kW
N, a distance of 6 m.

a) 240 J 7. A 10 kg crate rests on a rough

b) 230 J horizontal platform (μk = 0.5). On the
c) 220 J drawer a horizontal force is applied
d) 210 J so that the drawer constantly
e) 210 J accelerating rate of 2m/s2. Find the
work of the applied force until the instant
that the speed of the drawer of 8 m/s. (g
2. A block of mass 2 kg moves with = 10 m/s2)
a constant acceleration of 2 m /
s 2 and covers a distance of 100 a) 1120 J b) 540 J c) 860 J
m. Find the total work done. d) 980 J e) 680 J

a) 100 J b) 200 J c) 300 J 8. If a force varies the position of the

d) 400 J e) 500 J body on which it acts as the graph
shows. Find the work done.
3. An area of 8 kg mass is dropped
from a height of 5 m. Determine
the work done by the
gravitational force. (g = 10 m/s2)

a) 100 J b) 200 J c) 300 J

d) 400 J e) 500 J
Fifth Grade Of Secondary
a) 1 100 J
b) 1200 J c) -Mgd/2
c) 1250 J d) -4Mgd/3
d) 900 J e) -Mgd/3
e) 600 J
13. Calculate the net work on the block,
if it moves 5m.
9. A hockey puck weighs 2 N is
a) 300 J
released on a rough inclined
plane (μk = 0.25) was observed b) 400 J
c) 500 J
that the puck drops rapidly. Find
d) 800 J
the work of the friction force in 2 s
e) 900 J
descent through the plane whose
inclination is 53° (g = 10m/s2)
14. If an engine requires 80 W to
operate and delivers useful power
a) -3.9J b) -5.2 c) -4.8 J
as 60 W. What is efficiency?
d) -2.8J e) -1.8 J

10. Find the angle q, if the work a) 10% b) 25% c) 35%

done on the block is 168 J. d) 75% e) 80%

a) 74° 15. What it is more efficient engine:

b) 45° delivering the useful power as 4/5 of
c) 47° ,75 the power absorbed or one who has
d) 53° a loss equivalent to 20% of the
e) 30° useful power?

11. Find the net work done on a a) the first

body of 4 kg which ascends an b) the second
inclined plane whose slope is of c) the same
75% under the action of a force d) missing data
of 92 N parallel to the plane. The e) fail
distance is 5 m up the plane with
the body have a coefficient of 16. A block of 35 Kg is pushed a
kinetic friction of 0.25 (g = 10 distance of 6 m upwards along an
m/s2) inclined palno 53° to the horizontal,
by a force of 500 N parallel to the
a) 100 J b) 200 J c) 300 plane surface without friction. What
J is the total work? (g = 10 m/s2)
d) 400 J e) 500 J
a) 1520 J b)1420 J c) 1320 J
12. We used a rope to descend d) 1220 J e)1235 J
vertically a distance "d" with a
constant acceleration "g/4" to a 17. If a block moves at a constant
block of mass "M". Find the work speed of 3 m/s by action of a
done by the rope on the block

a) -3Mgd/4
b) -Mgd/4
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

force F = 10 N. What is the

power delivered to the block?

a) 20 W b) 40 W c) 30
d) 25 W e) 35 W

18. When lifting a block of 0.2 kg to

a height of 1 m the force applied
work performed 8 J. Is that
acceleration block got up? (g =
10 m/s2)

a) 10 m/s2 b) 20 m/s2 c) 30
d) 16 m/s2 e) 18 m/s2

19. A drawer 10 kg rests on a

horizontal platform aspera (μk =
0.25) on a horizontal force is
applied so that the drawer
constantly accelerating at a rate
of 0.5 m/s2, find the work force to
The instant that the speed of the ENERGY
drawer is 5 m/s. (g = 10 m/s2)
Energy is the ability to do work. Energy
a) 1 10 J b) 620 J c) 725
is a scalar magnitude and its units are
the same as those of the work.
d) 750 J e) 600 J
We can find different forms of energy
like; Electrical energy, chemical,
20. A spring constant k = 10 N/m is
hydraulic, nuclear, mechanical, etc.
stretched 10 cm. Find out how
much work it will cost to stretch
Mechanical energy (E M):
it further by 20 cm.
A system can have mechanical energy
a) 0.3 J b) 0.4 J c) 0.5 J
as a consequence of its location, its
d) 0.7 J e) 0.6 J
internal molecular arrangement or its
movement; Due to its location is called
potential energy and its motion kinetic

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Gravitational potential Total mechanical energy:

energy (E P):
E M =E K +E P

Relationship between work and


Conservation of mechanical energy:

E p = mgh Units:
E p = joule (J)
H = height (m) m = mass (Kg) g = C

Elastic potential energy (E PE): B


1. The block shown is released from

point (A). If you despise friction, say
how fast you will pass through (B).

a) 40 m / s
b) 15
Where: k = constant or c) 18
spring stiffness (N/m) d) 24
x = deformation (m) F = deforming e) NA
2. The block shown is released from
kinetic energy (E K): point (A). If you despise friction, say
how fast you will pass through (B).

a) 8 m /s
b) 12
c) 18
d) 24
e) 0
Units: E k = joule (J) m = mass (Kg)
V = speed (m/s)

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
7. Release the 2 kg block in (A). How
fast will you get past (B)?
3. The body (m = 2 kg) slides on the a) 10 m/s
smooth surface. If by (A) it b) 20
happened with speed of 10m/s, c) 30
with what speed it passes by (B)? d) 40
e) NA
a) 10 m/s
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40 8. A certain water tank is located at a
e) 50 height of 80 m above the roof of a
building, how fast will the water
4. The mass (m = 4 kg) block is reach the first floor approximately?
released in (A). How fast do you (Neglect all friction)
get past (B)?
a) 10 m/s b) 20 c) 30
a) 1 m/s d) 40 e) NA
b) 2
c) 3 9. The sphere is released in (A). What
d) 4 will be the maximum speed you get?
e) 10
a) 5 m/s
5. The block shown is launched from b) 7
(A) with a speed of 30 m / s. To c) 9
what maximum height can you d) 10
climb? e) 12

a) 15 m 10. Calculate the mechanical energy of

b) 20 the block of 4 kg with respect to the
c) 30 ground.
d) 40
e) 45

6. How fast was the block propelled

from (A) so that it reached (B) at
10 m/s?
a) 200 J b) 240 c) 280 d) 300
a) 10 m/s e) NA
b) 20
c) 30 11. Calculate the "Em" in (A) and (B) for
d) 40 block 2 kg.
e) 50
a) 50; 30 J
b) 40; 20
c) 80; 16
d) 60; 60
e) 16; 16

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

12. Calculate the e) 80

"Em" of the block
(A) and (B). (m = 2 kg) 17. Evaluate the mechanical energy of
the 1 000 kg block as it passes
a) 100; 80 J through the position shown.
b) 100; 36
c) 100; 100
d) 100; 64
e) 64; 36

13. Evaluate the mechanical

energy of the 4 kg block as it
a) 10 3 J b) 3.105 c) 2.105 d) 4.105
passes through the position
e) NA
a) 100 J
18. Find the mechanical energy of the
b) 116
block shown when it is in the position
c) 112
shown, if it is known that its mass is 2
d) 114
kg, take the ground shown as the
e) 120
reference level.
14. Evaluate the mechanical a) 55 J
energy of the 2 kg block when b) 10
passing through the position c) 12
shown. d) 16
a) 54 J e) 20
b) 60
c) 76 19. Find the mechanical energy of the
d) 32 block shown when it is in the position
e) 16 shown, if it is known that its mass is 4
kg, take as reference level the soil
15. Evaluate the mechanical that is shown.
energy of the 8 kg block when a) 20 J
passing through the position b) 40
shown. c) 60
a) 200 J d) 80
b) 320 e) 100
c) 400
d) 450 20. Find the work done by the friction if
e) 480 the block of 2 kg is released in "A"
and reaches "B" with speed 10 m/s.
16. Evaluate the mechanical
energy of the 5 kg block as it
passes through the position
a) 10 J
b) 20
c) 40
d) 60 a) 10 J b) -20 c) -30 d) -40 e) -50

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

07. La ecuación: x = 5cos (10t ) describe el M.A.S de

OSCILLATORY una partícula, donde x
está en metros y t en segundos. Determine
MOVEMENT la velocidad para cuando x=4m.
A) 40m/s B) 30m/s C)
01. Un oscilador armónico simple presenta un D) 10m/s E) 5m/s
periodo de 2s y una velocidad máxima de
2m/s. Determine su elongación cuando su 08.El M.A.S de una partícula está descrito en la
velocidad sea de 1m/s. ecuación: x = 4cos(t) Donde x en cm y t en
2 2 2 3 2 segundos. Hallar el periodo del movimiento y
A) m B) m C) m
   su velocidad máxima.
3 3 3 A) 1s; 3πm/s B) 2s; 4πm/s
D) m E) m
  C) 1s; 2πm/s D) 1; 5s; πm/s
E) 2; 5s; 4πm/s
02. Una masa de 100g oscila libremente sujeta
a un resorte cuya constante es de 40N/m, 09. Si cuando se cuadruplica la masa de un
¿cada cuánto tiempo esta masa pasa por el oscilador armónico su periodo se incrementa
punto de equilibrio? en 2s, hallar dicho periodo.
A)  s 
B) s 
C) s D) s E) s  A) 0,5s B) 1s C) 2s
8 5 10 20 D) 3s E) 4s
03. La velocidad de una partícula con M.A.S.
está dada por: 10. Un sistema masa resorte oscila libremente
  en un plano horizontal sin fricción, si la
V = 10 3 cos  6t + 
 2 energía del sistema es 40Joules, calcular la
Donde t se expresa en segundos y V en energía cinética del bloque de masa m
cm/s. Calcule su máxima aceleración. cuando la elongación es la mitad de la
2 3 amplitud.
A) m s2 B) m s2 C) 3 m s2 A) 10J B) 20J C) 30J
10 10
3 2 D) 32J E) 36J
D) 2 m s2 E) m s2
11. Un móvil con M.A.S al pasar por su posición
04. Cuando una masa es suspendida de un de equilibrio:
resorte hasta el equilibrio, el resorte queda ( ) Tiene una velocidad máxima
deformado 2,45cm, si luego se provoca un ( ) Posee una aceleración nula
M.A.S. ¿Qué periodo tendrá? ( ) Presenta su máxima elongación
Indicar verdadero (V) o falso (F):
A) 3  s B)  s C)  s D)  s E)  s
2 10 5 20 2 A) FVV B) FVF C) VVF
05. Determine la máxima elongación de una D) FFV E) VVV
partícula que describe un M.A.S. si cuando
12. La gráfica representa el desplazamiento de
x=7cm su velocidad es de 48cm/s y cuando
un oscilador armónico en función del tiempo.
x=20cm su velocidad es 30cm/s.
Hallar su amplitud y frecuencia.
A) 15cm B) 25cm C) 30cm
D) 20cm E) 12cm
06. Un M.A.S. está descrito por la siguiente ley: 1, 5
 
x = 10sen  0,1t +  O 5 6
 6 11 6

Donde x se expresa en cm y t en segundos.

Si el resorte que genera el M.A.S. tiene una −3
constante de rigidez de 200N/m, determine A) 2cm; 0,1Hz B) 3cm; 0,6Hz
la masa del móvil. C) 3cm; 0,5Hz D) 4cm; 1Hz
A) 1kg B) 2kg C) 0,8kg E) 5cm; 0,2Hz
D) 1,6kg E) 1,2kg
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Se13. muestra la 17. En los extremos de un M.A.S. se observa una

gráfica de una partícula que realiza un MAS, aceleración de 16000 m s2 . Si la amplitud del
si la partícula tiene una rapidez máxima de M.A.S. es de 4mm, halle el módulo de la
π/2m/s. Determine la posición en t=2s. velocidad cuando la elongación sea de 2 3mm.
A) 1m/s B) 3m/s C) 4m/s
A D) 2m/s E) 5m/s

2 16 1 16 t(s) 18. Un oscilador mecánico realiza un M.A.S. con

5 16 una frecuencia de 60Hz y una amplitud de
0,4m. Halle la ecuación de movimiento, si en
−A t=0 se encuentra en x =0,2m y se dirige
m B)
m C) 2m hacia la izquierda.
8 16 A) x = 0, 4cos(120 t +  6)
2 2
D) m E) m B) x = 0, 2cos(120 t +  6)
32 2
C) x = 0, 4sen(12 0 t + 5  6)
14. El pequeño carrete está unido al arreglo de D) x = 0, 2sen (60 t −  6)
resortes de igual rigidez K, si el carrete
E) x = 0, 4sen(120 t +  3)
realiza oscilaciones armónicas, halle su
periodo de oscilación. 19. El oscilador armónico que se muestra
comenzó a oscilar desde su extremos
m izquierdo, recorriendo 160cm en 2
Liso oscilaciones. Determine la ecuacion de su
A) 2 
B) 2 
C) 2 
3m movimento. (K=100N/m y m=4kg)
3K 3K 5K
m 5m K
D) 2  E) 2  m
5K K
15. En la figura K=400N/m. Halle el periodo de
3 
oscilación de la plataforma si los resortes A) x = 0, 2sen  5t +
2 

son ingrávidos y M=11kg.

B) x = 0, 2sen  5t +  m
 2
2K 4K 3
C) x = 0, 2sen  10t +  m
K 6K  2 
3K D) x = 0, 4sen (10t ) m

M E) x = 0, 2sen  5t +  m
 6
A) s B) 5 s C) 2 s
20. Un sistema masa–resorte oscila
D) 3s E)  10 s
horizontalmente según la ecuación
16. Para el arreglo mostrado, determine el x = 4cos(2 t) cm . Determine el tiempo en
periodo de oscilaciones, si el bloque es de segundos que demora la masa en recorrer la
1kg de masa y los resortes idénticos son de mitad de la distancia entre la posición inicial
constante K=500N/m cada uno. y la posición de equilibrio.
A)  s A) 1/6s B) 2/5s C) 3s
3 D) 1s E) 2s
B)  s
C) 2  s

D) s K
E) s

Fifth Grade Of Secondary


Relationship bet w een ρ and

 = ρ.g
Pressure (P)

N m = pascal (P a)
2 m2

Inlet pressure = Outlet pressure
PH = ρgh
F F2
Where: A1 A2
PH: liquid pressure
ρ: density of the liquid FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF
g: acceleration of gravity H: liquid HYDROSTATIC


P2 −P1 = L(h2 − h1)


THE PUSH (E): (flotation)

At sea level, the atmospheric

pressure is approximately:

Po = 1, 01 . 105 Pa

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

PROBLEMS 05. Un bloque tiene una altura de 16cm y flota

en aceite tal como se muestra. Halle la
01. Se tiene una piscina llena con agua. Si el densidad del bloque (en kg m 3 ).
fondo tiene un área de 60m 2 y soporta una ( aceite= 0,8 g cm 3 )
presión hidrostática de 0,25atm. Determine A) 500
cuantos litros de agua contiene la piscina. (
g= 10 m s2 ) B) 450
A) 3  105
B) 4  10 5
C) 25  10 4 9cm

D) 15  10 E) 10 5
4 C) 750
02. Halle
el módulo de la fuerza que ejerce el D) 600
agua a la pared del dique mostrado cuyo
ancho es de 8m. ( g= 10 m s2 ) E) 240
06. Las esferas permanecen en flotación en la
posición mostrada. Para los datos de la
h= 15m figura, halle la deformación del resorte. (
g= 10 m s2 y K=200N/m)
A) 2,4cm
A) 1000kN B) 1500kN C) 2000kN
D) 900kN E) 1800kN B) 6cm 1,5V 2kg

03. Lafigura muestra la diferencia de nivel en K
C) 4,5cm
las ramas de un manómetro de mercurio a V 3kg
nivel del mar. Si la presión del gas es de D) 5cm
1000mmHg. Determine h.
Patm = 76cmHg. E) 5,4cm
A) 100cm
Gas 07. Una pelota de plástico de 18N flota con la
B) 76cm tercera parte de su volumen sumergido en
agua. ¿Cuál es el módulo de la fuerza vertical
C) 24cm que debe aplicarse para mantenerla
totalmente sumergida? ( g= 10 m s2 ).
D) 30cm A) 18N B) 27N C) 36 N
D) 45N E) 54N
E) 14cm
08.Determinar la diferencia de presiones entre
04. Halle la presión del gas (en kPa), si el los puntos X e Y.
sistema se encuentra en equilibrio. El ( aceite= 0,8 g cm 3 )
bloque es impermeable, liso y de densidad A) 110
0, 8 g cm 3 . ( g= 10 m s2 )

A) 108,4 B) 80 Aceite

10cm Gas
B) 120,3 C) 90 y
10cm Bloque

C) 112,2 D) 100

D) 101,2
Agua E) 120
09. Las esferas mostradas permanecen en
E) 92,5
equilibrio, halle la suma de sus volúmenes en
litros. ( R A = 3r , RB = 2r , g= 10 m s2 )

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

A) 10,8L A) 41kPa B) 51kPa C) 61kPa

D) 71kPa E) 81kPa
B) 14L A 5kg
13. Si el sistema mostrado se encuentra en
C) 8L equilibrio. Determine el módulo de “F”.
B 9kg Considere despreciable la masa de los
D) 13L
émbolos y la masa de la palanca. ( g= 10 m s2 ,
A= 10 −2 m 2 )
E) 20L F
10. En la figura, la fuerza de tensión que 0,1m
soporta la cuerda inextensible tiene un
módulo de 98N. Si la densidad del líquido
es 50 veces la densidad del gas. Halle la Agua
densidad del líquido en g cm 3 . ( g= 10 m s2 )
A) 1

B) 1,5 A) 9N B) 8N C) 6.4N
GAS 5 Litros
D) 7N E) 10N
C) 2,5
14. Dos cilindros iguales se equilibran
D) 2 sumergidos en agua (uno de ellos en un
50%). Determine la densidad de los
E) 0,8 cilindros.
11. Una varilla de distribución de masa 3
homogénea se encuentra en flotación agua
apoyado en el borde rugoso de un 3
recipiente que almacena agua, hallar la 5agua
densidad de la varilla en g cm 3 . 3
A) 1 7 agua
a D) 45
B) 2 a E) NA
15. Dos líquidos no miscibles están en equilibrio
C) 3
en el tubo en U que se muestra, determine
la relación entre las presiones hidrostáticas
D) 4
para los puntos A y B.
A) 1/3
E) 5
12. El sistema mostrado se encuentra en B) 2/3 A
h B
equilibrio. Determine la diferencia de h
presiones entre el aire y el gas. C) 4/5
aceite= 800 kg m 3 , Hg= 13600 kg m 3 .
D) 4/3

Aceite 1, 5m E) 1

Agua 16. En el sistema mostrado, cuando el ascensor

1, 5m baja a velocidad constante el empuje que
0, 5m actúa sobre el cuerpo parcialmente
Hg sumergido es 20N. Halle la magnitud del
empuje cuando el sistema baja con una
aceleración de 5 m s2 . ( g= 10 m s2 )

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

A)a 10N 20. La gráfica nos indica la lectura de un

instrumento (que mide la presión
B) 8N hidrostática) colocada en un submarino que
se sumerge rectilíneamente formando un
C) 6.4N ángulo de 37° respecto a la horizontal.
Determine la rapidez del submarino.
D) 7N Considere:
H 2 O = 1000 kg m 3 y g= 10 m s2 .
E) 8N
A) 0,1m/s
17. Sabiendo que la esfera de 1kg y 2  10 −4 m 3 de PH (kPa)
volumen asciende con una aceleración B) 0,3m/s 300
4 jm s2 dentro del agua. ¿Qué masa posee el
bloque "m"? ( g= 10 m s2 ) C) 0,4m/s
A) 2kg
D) 0,5m/s
O 60 100
B) 3kg
E) 0,6m/s
C) 4kg

D) 5kg Agua

E) 6kg
18. La barra homogénea de 10m de longitud y
960 kg m 3 de densidad se encuentra
parcialmente sumergida en agua, Definition: Measures the degree of
encontrándose su extremo libre apoyado en molecular vibration or shaking of a
el fondo del recipiente. Calcule la altura body, and its value is associated with
necesaria de agua para que la barra pierda the average kinetic energy of the
contacto con el fondo del recipiente. molecules of the body.
A) 1m
30 • Units: remeasured temperature in
B) 2m
degrees Celsius (°C) degrees
C) 4m Fahrenheit (F) degrees Kelvin(K),
degrees Rankine (R)

D) 5m
• Thermometer: The instrument used to
E) 3m determine the temperature reached
by a body. Its construction is based
19. Una esfera de 3kg y densidad 3000 kg m 3 , es
on the "dilation of the bodies".
soltada sobre un lago. Si consideramos que
la densidad del agua varía de acuerdo a la
ecuación  = (10 3 + 2h)kg m3 (h=profundidad),
determine la cantidad de trabajo
desarrollado por la fuerza de empuje, hasta
que la esfera alcanza su máxima rapidez. El
lago es de gran profundidad. Desprecie
efecto viscoso. ( g= 10 m s2 ).
A) 5kJ B) 10kJ C) 15kJ
D) 20kJ E) 25kJ

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Thermometric scales:
3. At what temperature in degrees
Celsius does the reading of a
Fahrenheit thermometer equal to
twice the reading of a Celsius

a) 32 ° C b) 74 ° C c) -32 ° C
d) 160 ° C e) -160 ° C

4. Determine what temperature

readings match a thermometer
Celsius and Fahrenheit another.

In general, to relate to the four a) -40 F b) 40 ° C c) 4 ° C

d) 160 ° C e) 0 ° C
C F − 32 K − 273 R − 492
= = =
5 9 5 9
5. To calculate temperature in F,
scales reading on the Celsius scale is lower
at 24 ° reading on the Fahrenheit
• To calculate the variations of
temperatures in the different
scales are related by:
a) 14 °C b) 10 F c) -10 F
d) -14 F e) 24 F
C F K R
= = =
5 9 5 9
6. At what temperature in degrees
Celsius, the reading on the scale is
PROBLEMS greater Fahreinheit 13 ° than double
reading is the Celsius scale?
1. In a day of summer, the
thermometer marked 30 ° C for the a) 75 ° C b) 95 ° C c) 65 ° C
temperature of the environment. d) 105 ° C e) 100 ° C
How much will mark a thermometer
if you have scale Fahrenheit? 7. In the temperature scale called
"REINA" (R), Freezing point of
a) 30 F b) 54 F c) 86 F water is 0 ° R and the point of a boil
d) 22 F e) 92 F water is 80 ° R.
Find the equivalent in degrees
2. Two students "Gianlu and Shiu" are "REINA" of 77 ° F
to fever during his first day class in
college. Your company has a a) 10 ° R b) 15 ° R c) 20 ° R
Fahrenheit thermometer and to d) 28 ° R e) 18 ° R
measure its temperature registers
104 F. What be reading a meter with
Celsiuis scale?
a) 38 ° C b) 40 ° C c) 41 ° C
d) 39 ° C e) 38.5 ° C

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

the minimum and maximum

8. A group of cousins "the Pri" have temperature should be keptbetween
designed a new temperature them are 50 ° F and 140 F respectively.
scale called "little formula" in this Calculate the equivalent of these
new scale point Freezing of the temperatures in degrees Celsius.
water is 100 °S and the point of
boiling the same liquid is 300 °S. a) 10 ° C and 60 ° C
Calculate the temperature in °S b) 10 ° C and 70 ° C
corresponding to 320 K. c) 20 ° C and 80 ° C
d) 12 ° C and 95 ° C
a) 94 ° S b) 144 ° S c) 194 ° e) 50 ° C and 120 ° C
S d) 184 ° S e) 104 ° S
13. At what temperature in Fahrenheit
9. A thermometer of mercury has a degrees, reading a Fahrenheit
new temperature scale where thermometer is five times the
the point of fusion of the Ice is - reading of a Celsius thermometer?
20 ° x and the point of a boil water
is 280 a) 10 F b) 50 F c) 30 F
° x. calculate at what d) 20 F e) 40 F
temperature reading of this
thermometer is equal to the 14. Calculate at what temperature in
reading of a thermometer ° C Celsius reading on the scale is
Celsius. lower at 44 than reading on the
Fahrenheit scale.
a) 10 ° C b) 20 ° C c) 30 ° C
d) 15 ° C e) 25 ° C a) 59 ° C b) 12 ° C c) 44 ° C
d) 28 ° C e) 15 ° C
10. A term or mercury meter has a
scale marking 0 ° x when the 15. At what temperature (in ° C), the
temperature is - 20 ° C and 240 ° reading on the Fahrenheit scale is 18
x mark to 100 ° C. Wh a nto mark ° higher than twice the reading on
in the Celsius scale?
° x for human temperature of 37
° C? a) 50 ° C b) 60 ° C c) 158 ° C d)
70 ° C e) 128 ° C
a) 37 ° x b) 57 ° x c) 74 °
x d) 114 ° x e) 94 ° x 16. A new temperature scale °x
defined as follows:
11. A thermometer mark 28 ° Freezing point of water = 10 °x
Celsius, in a Fahrenheit Water boiling point = 160 °x
thermometer that temperature Determine the corresponding
meter be to: value in ° x of 24 ° C

a) 32 ° b) 50.4 ° c) 32.4 ° a) 36 ° x b) 46 ° x c) 40 ° x
d) 18.4 ° e) 82.4 ° d) 30 ° x e) 24 ° x

12. Two students "esao and Fati" buys a

CD and seen in the wrapper that
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

17. A thermometer is graduated

with a scale unknown of
temperature. This thermometer
- 32 °x to the temperature of
melting ice and 180 °x to the
boiling temperature of the
water. How much will mark this
thermometer when the
temperature is 25 °C?

a) 53 ° x b) 21 ° x c) 85 °
x d) 69 ° x e) 57 ° x

18. A thermometer is is badly

calibrated in it scale Celsius,
this thermometer marks 21 °
C when the temperature is 20
° C and brand 48 ° C when
the temperature actually is
50 ° C would how much will
mark this thermometer when
the temperature is of 40 ° C?

a) 40 ° b) 41 ° c) 38 ° C
d) 39 ° e) 42 ° C
19. Arantxa and Gatsb have
defined two new scales
temperature ALFA (°A) and
BETA (°B) as follows:
Ice melting point = 20 °A = -
10 °B Water boiling point = 120
°A = 170
Determine the value
equivalent to 40° A in °B

a) 22 ° B b) 26 ° B c) 36 ° B
d) 42 ° B e) 46 ° B

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

5. Find the heat so that 20 g of ice that

are at -16 ° C are about to melt.
a) 1600cal b) 16000 c) 80
HEAT d) 8000 e) 160

Q = mcT 6. How much heat do you need to

Units: deliver to 60 g of ice at -15 ° C to
fully melt it?
m c T Q
a) 5250cal b) 525 c)
g g C
°C cal
d) 1050 e) 7500

7. Have 20 g of ice at -25 ° C, calculate

the amount of heat needed to melt it
Heat won = lost heat
a) 185 cal b) 1850 c) 3700
d) 370 e) 7400
1. Calculate the amount of heat 8. How much heat should be delivered
needed to melt 200 g of ice at 0 to 160 g of ice at -72 ° C to fully melt
° C. it?

a) 16000cal b) 8000 c) 4000 a) 1856cal b) 3600 c) 18560

d) 1600 e) 80000 d) 720 e) 7200

2. How much heat is needed to 9. How much heat has the refrigerator
melt 48.5 g of ice at 0 ° C? drawn to 100 g of water that is at 20
° C when completely converted to
a) 388 cal b) 3880 c) 1900 ice?
d) 485 e) 4850
a) 4Kcal b) 6 c) 8
3. Determine how many calories d) 10 e) 12
are needed to melt 0.03 kg of ice
at 0 10. Have 45 g of water at 60 ° C, how
° C. much heat does it need to extract to
freeze it completely?
a) 1200cal b) 240 c) 2400
d) 120 e) 3600 a) 63Kcal b) 12.6 c) 126
d) 18.9 e) 6.3
4. How much heat will it take to
deliver 50 g of ice at -15 ° C so 11. An ice cube of 800 g is at 10 ° C and
that it is about to be melted? placed in a pond with water, which
is at 0 ° C. How much water will
a) 3750 cal b) 7500 c) 750 solidify?
d) 375 e) 1500

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

a) 5 g b) 10 c) 15 16. One kilogram of ice at 0 °C and 1

d) 20 e) 30 atm of pressure is placed in a
container of negligible heatcapacity
12. A 41.86 g bullet is fired and the whole is placed on the stove
horizontally against a large ice of a kitchen, noting that it melts
heath which is at 0 ° C after 2 minutes. After which time
remaining embedded and thus the water will start boiling. Consider
melting 2.5 g of ice. Determine that the burner transfers a uniform
the initial velocity of the bullet heat flow.
considering that all the heat lost
by the bullet is absorbed by the a) 1 min b) 3 c) 2.5
ice. d) 4 e) 4.5
a) 100 m/s b) 150 c) 200
d) 250 e) 400 17. How much heat would be required
to vaporize 200 g of water at 100 °
13. In a vessel of negligible heat C?
capacity, 100 g of ice is mixed
at a) 18Kcal b) 108 c) 540
-10 °C with 200 g of water at d) 16 e) 80
°C. Determine the 18. How much heat would be required
equilibrium temperature. to vaporize 35 g of water at 100 ° C?

a) 25 ° C b) 15 c) 10 a) 700cal b) 1890 c) 18900

d) 50 e) 45 D) 2800 e) 28000

14. In a vessel of negligible heat 19. How much heat would be required
capacity there is 50 g of liquid to vaporize 0.1 kg of water at 100 °
water at 100 °C. If they are C?
placed 30 g of ice at 0 °C,
determine its equilibrium a) 27Kcal b) 108 c) 72
temperature. D) 54 e) 8

a) 65 ° C b) 8.5 c) 20. How much heat would you need to

16.5 deliver to 60 g of water that is at 15
d) 32.5 e) 24.5 ° C to vaporize it?

15. "M" grams of ice at -10 °C are a) 37 kcal b) 32.4 c) 9.9

placed on the free surface of the d) 5.1 e) 37.5
water of a lake that is at 0 °C.
If you have 85 g of ice at the
thermal equilibrium, find "M".

a) 79 b) 80 c) 82
D) 83 e) 84

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
04. Un gas ideal experimenta un proceso a
presión constante de 4  10 4 Pa desde un
volumen inicial de 10 −3 m 3 hasta un volumen
final de 5  10 −3 m 3 . Si el calor transferido es de
310J, halle la variación de la energía interna
del gas en Joules (J) y el trabajo realizado.
A) 130J, 130J B) 145J, 150J
C) 150J, 145J D) 150J, 160J
E) 150J, 150J
05. Enel diagrama (P–V) se muestra el proceso
de "A" hasta "B" de un gas ideal cuando
recibe 300cal. Encuentre el incremento de su
energía interna. (1cal=4,18 J)
300 B

V(m 3 )
0, 2 0, 5

A) 504J B) 408J C) 700J

D) 560J E) 360J

TERMODYNAMICS 06. Calcularel cambio de energía interna que

sufre 1 mol de gas monoatómico al pasar del
estado "A" al estado "B", siendo su
temperatura inicial 100K.
01. Unsistema de trabajo libera 200J de calor, B
mientras que un agente externo desarrolla
sobre él un trabajo de 300J. Calcular la
variación de energía interna de la sustancia P A
de trabajo. V(lts)
A) 100J B) –100J C) 500J V 2V
D) –500J E) 0J A) 50cal B) 100cal C)
02. A un sistema termodinámico se le
D) 450cal E) 600cal
suministra 100 cal de calor. Calcular la
variación de su energía interna, si se sabe 07. Un gas ideal efectúa un ciclo como el indicado
que desarrolló 118J de trabajo. en la figura. Sabiendo que el calor neto que
(1cal=4,18J) recibe durante cada ciclo es de 360 J. ¿Qué
A) 100J B) 200J C) 300J trabajo se desarrolla en la expansión
D) 228J E) 18J isotérmica 3 – 1?.
03. Un sistema termodinámico evoluciona P(Pa)
desde un estado (1), P1 = 10kPa , V1 = 2m 3 ,
hasta un estado (2), V2 = 8m 3 ,
isobáricamente. Si recibe una cantidad de
calor Q=100kJ, hallar el cambio de energía 400
2 1
V(m 3 )
interna del sistema.
A) 20kJ B) 30kJ C) 40Kj 0, 5 0, 8
D) 45kJ E) 50kJ
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

A) 100J B) 300J C) 120J 11. La temperatura de la caldera de una máquina

D) 240J E) 40J de vapor es 500K y la de su condensador es
de 300K. Sabiendo que su rendimiento real
08. En un cilindro de pistón deslizante se tiene es el 25% de su rendimiento ideal, halle su
encerrado un gas ideal. El sistema está rendimiento real.
expuesto a la atmósfera, se le suministra A) 10% B) 20% C) 40%
90kJ de calor logrando aumentar D) 25% E) 30%
lentamente su volumen en 0, 5m 3 . ¿Qué
12. ¿Qué cantidad de calor extrae un refrigerador
incremento de energía interna experimenta
reversible de un sistema que está a –13°C,
el gas?
si lo expulsa al medio ambiente que está a
Patm = 10 5 Pa.
27°C, invirtiendo un trabajo de 50kJ?
A) 125kJ B) 325kJ C) 500kJ
Gas Pistón D) 80kJ E) 120kJ
13. La eficiencia de un motor de Carnot es de
40%, estando su foco frio a 27°C. ¿En
A) 10kJ B) 40kJ C) 30kJ
cuántos grados centígrados hay que
D) 50kJ E) 20kJ
aumentar la temperatura de su foco caliente,
09. Un gas ideal está encerrado por un pistón para que su eficiencia aumente al 50%?
liso cuya sección es de 0,3m 2 si el gas se A) 100°C B) 200°C C) 400°C
expande lentamente, de manera que el D) 250°C E) 300°C
pistón avanza 8cm y el ventilador 14. Un motor térmico ideal funciona a 360R.P.M.
proporciona un trabajo de 0,8kJ, encuentre y en cada resolución absorbe 200kJ de
el trabajo neto. Patm= 10 5Pa . energía calorífica del foco caliente. Este
motor funciona entre las
temperaturas de 500K y 200K. Halle la
potencia del motor térmico.
GAS A) 725kW B) 625kW C) 500kW
D) 800kW E) 720kW
15. Una máquina térmica que sigue el ciclo de
A) 1,6kJ B) 1,2kJ C) 1,0kJ Carnot trabaja entre los focos de
D) 0,5kJ E) 3,2kJ temperatura 7°C y 427°C. Determinar la
eficiencia de la máquina.
10. Laenergía de un gas en el estado A es 650 A) 60% B) 50% C) 80%
J y en el estado B es 960 J. halle el calor D) 70% E) 90%
suministrado en el proceso isobárico.
16. Una máquina térmica libera 600kJ en cada
ciclo. Si la potencia del motor es 5kW.
¿Cuánta energía (en kJ) absorbe el motor en
A B cada ciclo, si este emplea 40 segundos en
A) 500kJ B) 700kJ C) 100kJ
V(m 3 ) D) 800kJ E) 400kJ
0,2 0,5
17. En la figura se muestra el ciclo de un proceso
termodinámico que desarrolla un motor,
A) 110,4cal B) 200cal C) 30cal cuya frecuencia es de 100ciclos/s, si TA
D) 400,6cal E) N.A.
=27°C, TB =627°C, TC =327°C. Hallar la
potencia que desarrolla el motor en cada

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

P(10 5 Pa)
Study the properties and interactions of
electric charges at rest.
V(m 3 )
1 V
A) 10MW B) 20MW C) 30MW
D) 40MW E) 50MW We know that matter at the atomic leve
lis constituted mainly by electrons
18. Lagráfica temperatura-volumen muestra el (negative charge), protons (positive
ciclo termodinámico de máxima eficiencia charge), and neutrons (no charge), we
posible seguido por un gas ideal. Sabiendo experimentally prove that the
que por cada ciclo se obtiene un trabajo
magnitude of the charge of the electron
neto de 60kJ; determine la eficiencia del
ciclo y la cantidad de calor que se disipa en :(e- = −1,6  10-19 C )
5 ciclos.
Equivalent to the charge of the
proton: (p = +1,6  10-19 C)
The electric charge is manifested, from
the atom, when the number of
2T electrons is different from the number of
V protons, then we can say that the
electric charge is a property of matter.
A) 33,3%; 120kJ B) 66,6%; 120kJ
C) 33,3%; 600kJ D) 66,6%; 600kJ
E) 33,3%; 900kJ

19. Sabiendo que el esquema mostrado

• If the number of electrons is greater
corresponde a una máquina térmica de
Carnot, se pide encontrar el trabajo neto. than the number of protons; The net
A) 200J charge will be negative (-q).
B) 300J • If the number of electrons is equal to
C) 400J
the number of protons; There is no
D) 500J M.T. net charge (q = 0).
E) 600J • If the number of electrons is less
than the number of protons; The net
charge will be positive (+ q).
20. Unmotor que sigue el ciclo de Carnot, cuyo Consequence:
foco caliente funciona a 400K toma 100kJ If our object is to electrify a body (to
por ciclo y cede 80kJ al foco frío ¿cuál es la charge it electrically) the only thing we
temperatura del foco frío?
must do by some mechanism (rub,
A) 320K
B) 420K
Caliente contact or induction), is to make the
C) 520K
QA number of electrons different from the
D) 620K M.T.
WNETO number of protons.
E) N.A


Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Observation: Equivalences 1c = 3  109 stc

Any positive or negative charge 1uc (micro-coulomb) = 10-6 C
will always be: q =  ne-
n = 1, 2, 3, ....
This is known as quantizing PROBLEMS
the charge.
Coulomb Laws 1. Two electric charges interact with
60N and if one of the charges is
Qualitative Law: doubled and the other is reduced to
its third part and the distance is
Loads of the same
halved, what is the new interaction
sign are rejected or repelled, and force?
oppositely charged charges are
attracted. a) 80 N b) 100 c) 160
d) 200 e) 360
+ + 2. Two point charges are repelled with
- - a force of 5 N. If one of the charges
Attraction is doubled and the distance is
+ - reduced by half, find the variation of
the force that the loads undergo.
Quantitative Law
The force of a) 15 N b) 20 c) 35
attraction or repulsion between two d) 40 e) 55
point charges is directly proportional 3. Two loads +4 × 10 -6 C and -5 × 10 -6 C
to the product of the charges and a distance of 3 m apart, how strength
inversely proportional to the square attract?
of the distance that separates them.
a) 1 N b) 10 c) 2 × 10 -2
q1 F F q2 d) 20 e) 0.2
+ -
r 4. two loads 2 C and 3 C are

respectively and spaced 3 cm. How
2 much is the electrostatic interaction
1 r2
K= force worth?
a) 60 N b) 600 c) 6 000
Where “” it is the d) 6 e) 60 000
permittivity of the medium. 5. Two conducting spheres of the
To empty air (0) the same radius with load 20 C and -
absolute permittivity is:
2 10 C are contacted and then are
0 = 8,85  10-19 C
separated a distance of 30 cm.

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

Find the electric force

between them.
10. In the graph shown, calculate "q3"
a) 1 N b) 1.5 c) 2 the resultant force on the load.
d) 2.5 e) 3 (q1 = q2 = q3 = 10 -4 C)
q1 q3 q2
6. Two identical spheres, small
conductive, whose charges are
+35 C and -45 C are close to
touch and then separate until the
distance is 10 cm. What is the a) 7.5 N b) 10 c) 12.5
force of interaction between them d) 15 e) 17.5
11. When illuminating with ultraviolet
a) 70 N b) 90 c) 50 light to a plate of zinc, the plate
d) 57.5 e) 22.5 manages to be electrified with 16
C; Determine the number of
7. two charges qA = 9qB repelling electrons you gained or lost.
have 90 N. If separation is 6 cm,
find "qB". a) 1019 lost b) 1018 won
a) 1 m C b) 2 c) 4 c) 1017 lost d) 1013 won
d) 6 e) 8 e) 1014 lost

8. There are three point charges, 12. There is a metal sphere loaded with
arranged as shown in the figure, + 12C. How many electrons should
find the resultant electric force you gain to become electrically
on the charge (C). neutral?
qA = 9 C; qB = +2 C; qC = -6
a) 5.1019e- b) 6.1019e-
A B C c) 6,5.1019e- d) 7.1019e- e)
3 cm 6 cm 7,5.1019e-

a) 15 N b) 30 c) 45 13. Find the relation x / y so that the

d) 60 e) 75 load "q" remains in equilibrium.
q 4q 9q
9. Determine the total electric + + -
force on the load q0 = 2 C, if: x
q1 = 50 C, q2 = -40 C. y

a) 1/2 b) 1/3 c) 2/3 D) 2/5 e) 4/9

q1 3cm q2 2 cm q0
14. Determine the number of electrons
a) 1 440 N b) 1 800 c) in a charge of +32 × 10- 19 C.
d) 2,160 e) 1,840 a) 10 b) 20 c) 200
d)2 e) 2000
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

15. Indicate the a. Positive.

correct loads: b. Negative.
Q1 = +64 × 10-19C c. Neutral.
Q2 = -8 × 10-19 C d. The values of the loads
Q3 = -5 × 10-19 C are missing.
Q4 = + 12 × 10-19 C e. Information about
distance is missing.
a) Q1 and Q3 b) Q2 and
Q4 20. two charges of +4×10-5 are
c) Q1 and Q2 d) Q3 and taken and -3×10-5 C. Say you.
Q4 What type it is the interaction
e) Q2 and Q3 force and will happen with force
if we reduce the separation
16. If an electrically neutral body between these loads.
wins 5 x 1020 electrons,
calculate your load "C". a) Repulsion, decreases.
b) Attraction, increases.
a) 40 C b) 60 c)
c) Repulsion, increases.
d) Attraction, decreases.
d) 8 e) 400
e) FD
17. A glass bar rubbed with a
cloth loses 25 × 1020 electrons,
calculate the charge in "C".

a) 100 C b) 200 c)
d) 800 e) 40

18. A piece of plastic rubbed

totally wins 14 × 1020
electrons, determine its load
in "C".

a) 22.4 C b) 224 c)
d) 2240 e) 228

19. Three "A", "B", and "C"

electric charges are available
when approaching them, "A"
and "B" are repelled, "B" and
"C" attract; If "C" has an
excess of electrons, what sign
is the charge of "A"?

Fifth Grade Of Secondary
E = −14, 4 jkN C. Si en el punto P la intensidad del
campo eléctrico resultante es nulo, determine

01. Determine el módulo del campo eléctrico E

resultante en P. (q=2µC)
53 53 Q
q q 0, 6m

A) 1,7MN/C B) 0,9MN/C C) 0,7MN/C A) 0, 25C B) −0, 8 C C) −1C
D) 0,2MN/C E) 0,1MN/C D) 0, 5C E) −0, 25C

02. Elmódulo del campo eléctrico en A es 06. Una partícula de 20g de masa y electrizada
400N/C, halle el módulo del campo con 4µC es dejada en libertad en A. determine
eléctrico en B. (Q= 4  10 −9 C ) la intensidad del campo eléctrico (en N/C) para
que la partícula se mueva describiendo la
trayectoria rectilínea AB. ( g = 10 m s2 )

A) 80N/C B) 144N/C C) 100N/C

D) 120N/C E) 200N/C 45

03. Determineel módulo de la intensidad del B

campo eléctrico en P, si L=20cm y q=4µC.

2q A) 2  10 4 B) 6  10 4 C) 4  10 4
D) 5  10 4 E) 10 5
07. La esfera electrizada con +2µC unida a una
−q cuerda, se mantiene en reposo como muestra
la gráfica, si la intensidad del campo eléctrico
A) 9  10 5 2 N C B) 3  10 5 2 N C uniforme es 5  10 4 N C , determine la masa de la
C) 10 5 5 N C D) 9  10 5 N C esfera. ( g = 10 m s2 )
E) 5 N C A) 1g
04. Se tienen tres partículas electrizadas con B) 100g
+Q ubicadas fijamente en un tetraedro de E
arista “a”, determine el módulo de la C) 20g
intensidad de campo eléctrico en el cuarto
vértice. D) 10g 60

KQ 6
KQ 5
KQ 6 E) 40g
2 2
2a a a2
el módulo de la intensidad del campo
KQ 3 KQ 6
D) E) eléctrico en P es 4,5MN/C, halle Q.
3a 2 3a 2
A) 2mC
q= 2mC
05. En la región donde se encuentran dos B) 8mC
partículas electrizadas con Q se establece C) –8mC 2m
un campo eléctrico homogéneo D) –2mC 120°
E) 4mC P
102 Q
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

09. En el triángulo rectángulo mostrado en la E

figura, determinar el valor de la +q
intensidad del campo en el punto medio M
de la hipotenusa.
21 74
A) q
L2 A) 20kN/C B) 15kN/C C) 234kN/C
KQ D) 117kN/C E) 115kN/C
2KQ M 13. En la posición A mostrada en la figura se
C) L
abandona un bloque de 1kg de masa y 2C de
3KQ carga, el cual se mueve sobre la superficie
L2 cilíndrica, lisa y no conductora, de radio de
8KQ 2q L q curvatura R=1m. Sabiendo que la intensidad
L2 del campo uniforme es E=10N/C, calcular la
10. Un péndulo de masa “m”, carga eléctrica máxima fuerza de reacción que ejerce la
“q” y longitud L, se utiliza para medir la superficie sobre el bloque. ( g = 10 m s2 )
intensidad del campo eléctrico A
homogéneo por comparación. Cuando el
sistema se coloca en un campo de
intensidad E1 =80N/C el hilo de seda
forma un ángulo de 45° respecto de la
vertical. Cuando el sistema se lleva a otro E
campo homogéneo el hilo experimenta
una desviación angular de 37° respecto A) 90N B) 50N C) 100N
de la vertical. Hallar la intensidad E 2 de D) 120N E) 30N
este último campo homogéneo. 14. Luego de 2s de ser soltado el bloque de
A) 60N/C B) 50N/C C) 100N/C madera de 500g desde la posición “A”, este
D) 120N/C E) 30N/C pasa por “B”. Si el bloque lleva incrustada una
pequeña esfera de masa despreciable
11. La figura muestra un péndulo de longitud
electrizada con 20µC. Determine el módulo de
L=0,5m de masa m=0,05kg y carga
la intensidad de campo eléctrico homogéneo.
q=500µC, se abandona en la posición A.
El campo eléctrico de intensidad ( k =0,75; g= 10 m s2 )
E=600N/C es uniforme, representado E
mediante líneas de fuerzas verticales.
Calcular la máxima velocidad que A B
adquiere “m”. ( g = 10 m s2 )
A) 60m/s A
L A) 200N/C B) 400N/C C) 500N/C
D) 200kN/C E) 400kN/C
B) 5m/s
15. Halle el módulo de la intensidad de campo
C) 10m/s eléctrico resultante en P.
B E q1 = −3  10 −7 C y q 2 = 5  10 −7 C
D) 4m/s
E) 3m/s
12. Se muestra una esfera electrizada con 3m
q=+1µC, en reposo, tal como se muestra. q2 120
Determine E, si el módulo de la tensión en
la cuerda es de 70N.

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

de la pista semicilíndrica lisa y aislante. (

g= 10 m s2 )
A) 800N/C D) 200N/C B) 700N/C
C) 100N/C E) 100 3 N/C A) 1,5N A R
16. En el plano cartesiano X–Y se ubican dos B) 0,9N
cargas puntuales de 40C y –90C en los E
puntos A (2; 5) y B (5; 9) C) 0,7N
respectivamente (en cm). ¿A qué
distancia del punto A el campo eléctrico es D) 1,9N B
A) 5cm B) 10cm C) 15cm E) 2,9N
D) 20cm E) 25cm
20. Halle
el periodo de las oscilaciones de la esfera
17. La esfera de 0,1kg y electrizada con de masa 100g y q=+1mC.
q = 5  10 −7 , es lanzada sobre el plano (L=1m; g= 10 m s2 y E=600N/C)
inclinado tal como se muestra; determine A) 0,5πs
a que distancia del punto “A” impacta
sobre la superficie inclinada. B) πs
( g= 10 m s2 ; E= 10 6 N/C)
C) 1,5πs

D) 2πs E
50 m s
A 37 E) 2,5πs

A) 212,5m B) 252,5m C) 256,5m

D) 262,5m E) 266,5m
18. La intensidad del campo eléctrico
asociado a una partícula a lo largo del eje
X varía con la posición según la gráfica
adjunta. ¿Cuál es la intensidad del campo
eléctrico en la posición x=8cm?
E(kN C)

2 5

A) 2kN/C B) 3kN/C C) 4kN/C

D) 5kN/C E) 6kN/C
19. En el punto A, se abandona una esfera
pequeña de 10g y electrizada con +1µC y
en una región donde se establece un
campo eléctrico homogéneo de intensidad
E= 5  10 5 N/C tal como se muestra.
Determine el módulo de la reacción en B
Fifth Grade Of Secondary


1. Find "Re" between terminals A and B.

Resistors in series:
a) 1Ω
b) 5Ω
c) 6Ω
d) 2Ω
e) 7Ω

2. Find "Re" between terminals X and Y

Req = R1 + R2 + R3 a) 2R
b) R/2
c) 3R
d) R/4
e) R/3
I eq = I 1 = I 2 = I 3
3. To determine the XY Req.
Veq = V1 + V2 + V3
a) R/3
II.- Resistors in parallel: b) 2R/3
c) R/6
d) R
e) 3R

4. Find Req (AB)

a) 20 Ω
b) 30 Ω
c) 15 Ω
d) 10 Ω
e) 5Ω
1/ Req = 1/ R1 + 1/ R2 + 1/R3 5. Find "Req" between X and Y

a) 5Ω
b) 6Ω
c) 4Ω
Veq = V1 = V2 = V3 I eq = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 d) 7Ω
e) 3Ω

Fifth Grade Of Secondary

6. Find "Req" 12. Finding "Re" between X and Y.

between A and B.
a) 5Ω
a) R b) 6Ω
b) 2R c) 9Ω
c) 3R d) 3Ω
d) R/2 e) 12 Ω
e) 3R/2
13. Find the equivalent resistance
7. Finding "Re" (XY) between A and B.

a) 0 a) 0.5 Ω
b) 2Ω b) 1Ω
c) 4Ω c) 2Ω
d) 1Ω d) 1/3 Ω
e) You can not e) 3Ω
8. Find "Re" between X and Y.
14. Calculate the equivalent
resistance between A and B.
a) 2Ω
b) 3Ω
a) 3R / 8
c) 4Ω
b) 4R / 3
d) 5Ω
c) 5R / 6
e) 6Ω
d) 5R / 8
e) 8R / 3
9. Find Req (XY).
15. Determine the Re between
a) R
terminals A and B (R = 15 Ω)
b) 2R
c) 3R
a) 4Ω
d) R/2
b) 8Ω
e) R/3
c) 16 Ω
10. Find Req (AB) (R = 120Ω) d) 1Ω
e) 10 Ω
a) 170
16. Find the Re between terminals A
b) 340
c) 80 and B.
d) 640 a) 16R/3 b) 19R/3 c) 18R/3 d) 17R/3
e) 15R/3
e) 510

11. Find the equivalent

resistance between a and b.

a) R
b) 2R
c) R/2
d) R/3
e) 5R
Fifth Grade Of Secondary

17. What is the Re in the circuit


a) R/3
b) R/4
c) R/5
d) R/2
e) R

18. What it is the Req

between terminals A and B.

a) 2R/3
b) 2R
c) R/5
d) R/2
e) R

19. If R = 20, find "Req"

between terminals A and B.

a) 16Ω
b) 15 Ω
c) 61 Ω
d) 12 Ω
e) 17 Ω

20. Since the circuit composed of

an infinite number of sections
R1 = R2
= 1Ω and repeating 2Ω. Find
the equivalent resistance
between points A and B.

a) 1Ω
b) 5Ω
c) 6Ω
d) 2Ω
e) 7Ω

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