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Palacios 1

Karen Palacios

Trishia Briones

English 1302-264

March 4 , 2024

Reflection Essay

Critical learning from academic study have shaped my writing style. Using quotations

properly in my writing is a critical lesson. I have found out that quotes larger than four lines

should be a blocked quote or paraphrased. There have been times when I put the author's name in

the wrong place, ruining my references. I also noticed that I rarely italicized journal titles, which

gives academic writing a professional look. I've found accurate formatting useful technically.

Indents in my essays usually went on the second line. To provide a smooth and uniform display,

formatting elements must be mastered. To conclude, my academic research has taught me the

importance of quote formatting, italicization, citation accuracy, and indentation.

A very significant learning experience was the process of producing the literature review.

Especially when it became apparent that the process needed to be transformed into an organized

discourse with the writers who were involved.My annotations were a little chaotic, and they

lacked the coherent thread that would have connected the many authors' points of view. I

apologize for this. In order for any annotated bibliography to be a credible reflection of a

discussion, it became abundantly evident to me that I needed to indicate areas of dispute and

regions of agreement among the sources. Additionally, I needed to identify places of agreement.

After going back and rereading each annotation, I proceeded to reconstruct the key arguments.I
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did make an effort to find a consensus among the writers as I was working on the final draft we

were going to provide.

To be very honest this is the very first time that I have participated in the process of

writing an annotated bibliography, and I was initially inexperienced of the exact stages that are

required. The thorough technique, which begins with citations, then continues on to

summarizations, and eventually moves on to the development of the essay using these sources, is

something that I respect quite a bit. I can say without a doubt that everything is beginning to

make more sense at this point. We are now working on an essay in the psychology class that I am

currently enrolled in, and I also believe that the English 1302 class that I have been taking has

been beneficial to me when it comes to my personal development. We have just started the

process, and the first thing that we have done is locate our previous articles. Next week, we will

start working on our proposals, which will be the following week. My entire experience with the

literary essay has been positive thanks to the fact that it has assisted me in feeling more prepared

for the remaining parts of our essay, which will include delving deeper into the topic matter.

It turned out that the feedback I received from my professor was incredibly helpful

because she pointed out errors in my essay, particularly with regard to formatting it in the

appropriate MLA format. Not only did I struggle with italicizing journals, but there were also

times in which I made grammatical errors, particularly those that were associated with numbers.

In addition, I gained knowledge regarding the correct arrangement of citations. I realized that I

had occasionally confused the location of citations by naming the author at the beginning of

paragraphs when they should have been mentioned at the conclusion of the paragraphs. In my

essay, I underlined the importance of improved interaction and agreement between authors,

which was another key factor that was emphasized. In spite of the fact that it was not
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fundamentally incorrect to summarize the most important points made by each author, I have

come to realize that it is essential to interweave their thoughts in order to achieve better

cohesion, particularly when it comes to annotated bibliographies.

My peer Julian Ramos provided me with feedback that turned out to be really helpful.

He brought to my attention a number of grammatical errors that were present in my work and

also brought to my attention difficulties regarding the positioning of my indentation. His effort to

visually illustrate the acceptable and incorrect methods of indenting was really helpful to me, and

it was the thing that stood out to me the most. In addition, Julian suggested, in order to make my

essay more engaging as a whole, that I conclude it with some quotations from the articles.

I will be fully honest and say that I found the first phase of generating a literature review,

which consists of summarizing the ten articles that were gathered, to be fairly simple.

Nevertheless, the difficulty that I encountered came about during the period of drafting. In this

particular section, I had a difficult time elaborating on the primary arguments that the writers

were trying to make about the impact that exercise had on both health and performance. I found

that it was somewhat difficult to ensure that the text flowed in a smooth manner. On the other

hand, after revising the literature review and making any necessary revisions, I can honestly say

that I am more satisfied with it.

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