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Melanie Michelle Medina Castañon


What are natural
Materials created in nature that are
used and usable by humans

There are renewable and non renewable

resources they are everything that is
provided for us by nature

This includes water, forests, fossil fuels,

minerals, plants, animals and even air.

When we use these resources too

quickly, they can run out because there
is not enough time to replace them.

resources are concentrated in specific

places because of the processes by
which they form.Each process took
place in a certain location under
specific conditions.

Non renewable
is a natural substance that is not
replenished with the speed at which it
is consumed. It is a finite resource.
Nonrenewable energy resources
include coal, natural gas, oil, and
nuclear energy. Once these resources
are used up, they cannot be replaced.
When we use these resources too
quickly, they can run out because
there is not enough time to replace

3 Melanie Michelle Medina Castañon 201

Non renewable sources
Coal : Non-renewable energy comes from
sources that will run out or will not be
replenished for thousands or even millions of

Petroleum :also called crude oil or just "oil",

is another popular source of non-renewable
energy. Petroleum is a liquid fossil fuel.

Natural gas :is another fossil fuel that is trapped

underground in reservoirs.extracting natural gas
can cause environmental problems. Fracturing
rocks can cause mini-earthquakes

Oil : is a non-renewable energy resource. ...

Once extracted, crude oil is processed in oil
refineries to create fuel oil, gasoline

Over consumption
Overconsumption describes a
situation where the use of
resources has outpaced the
sustainable capacity of the
ecosystem. The continuation of
overconsumption leads to
environmental degradation, and
ultimately loss of resources. the
greater factor for
overconsumption is our lifestyle,
including our overall affluence
and use of resources, and
especially the pollution it
generates. While the population
rate has decreased, resource Melanie Michelle Medina Castañon 201 B

consumption hasn’t.
In 2019 an average American was to work hard but consume
used almost twice as much oil little.
than someone in Japan, and
almost 350 times as much as a
person living in the Democratic
Republic of Congo.In agricultural
societies, the reality of people

Renewable resources
Renewable resources is one that
can be used repeatedly and does
not run out because it is naturally
replaced. They are an energy source
that cannot be depleted and are
able to supply a continuous source
of clean energy. is an endless
supply. Some resources, unlike the
sun, wind, or water, are considered
renewable Although precious metals
are not naturally replaced, they can
be recycled because they are not
destroyed during their extraction
and use.

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renewable sources

Hydropower:the mechanical energy from

flowing water is used to generate

Geother energy: comes from the heat

generated deep within the Earth’s core.

Wind energy:generates electricity by

turning wind turbines. The wind pushes
the turbine’s blades, and a generator
converts this mechanical energy into

Sun radiation:can be used as a power

source as well.Photovoltaic cells can be
used to convert this solar energy into

Energy supplies
Energy supply is the
quantity of energy available
that suppliers can provide
to end users, and this
chapter introduces the
basics of energy supply,
energy supply chain, and
indicators of sustainable
development . something
that can produce heat,
power life, move objects, or Melanie Michelle Medina Castañon 201

produce electricity.
There are 5 fundamental sources of energy:
Matter that stores energy is
called a fuel. Nuclear fusion in the Sun (solar energy).
Gravity generated by the Earth & Moon.
Nuclear fission reactions.
Energy in the interior of the Earth.
stored in chemical bonds.
Natural resources

Melanie Michelle Medina Castañon 201

Thanks for
you attention

Information reference

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Information: notebook


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