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Explain briefly two or three significant/interesting aspects (approaches, theories,

methods, findings, implications) of the research (1.5 to 2 pages); Guillermo, Taperla,

Parocha, Taperla

The article includes significant aspects of supply chain management, namely the

coordination and management of the flow of goods, information and finance from

suppliers to final customers in various countries. The researchers also identify the

factors that become an integral part of managing the international operations. This

includes the international logistics, international purchasing, international supply

management and international quality management. The researchers also entails the

significant complexity of international operations management and how it involves

business operations in diverse global environment. Some of this significant complexities

of international operation management are cultural differences, differences in laws and

regulations, global supply chain, changes in trade and policy, currency fluctuations and

last is the coordination and communication.

Through this research, the researchers reviewed the international operations

management of India. According to the researchers, international operations

management of India covers the planning, coordination and control of supply chains

involving the suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers in different countries.

Through the significant complexities mentioned, the country of India has unique

regulations and policies which is related to trade, investment, labor and the environment

of operating business. From this regulations and policies, operating business must

comply and follow these regulations and licensing procedures in order for the business
to operate lawfully in the country. The interesting aspects of the paper are how the

product adjustment and sales strategy became the key to have a successful enter and

to build a good market share in India. According to the researchers, The international

operations management system of India takes into account the political, economic and

environmental risks that are associated with business operations of the country.

Through taking this in account, businesses can create effective crisis and risk

management plan that can deal with unexpected situations. The researchers also

mentioned the things that businesses need to do to ensure that they are operating in

accordance to the regulations and policies set in the country.

Based on the Philosophy of Post Positivism, the researchers used descriptive

research method to examine the objects with natural conditions. They study literature to

collect data and explain things based on business operations of India. Through the

literature study, the researchers come up with the several solutions that can be applied

to overcome the problems in international operations management of India. These are

the product adaptation and marketing strategy; development of local partnership;

compliance with business regulations; human resource development and use of

technology and innovation. These solutions are recommended by Mr. Richard M.

Hodgetts which aims to assist business in overcoming the challenges and taking

advantage of opportunities in the management of international operations in India. By

implementing the recommended solutions, business can face the challenges and

achieve the success in operating business in India.

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