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Principles in

Principles in materials

Language learners Language teachers tend

to teach most
succeed best if
successfully if they enjoy
learning is positive,
their role and if they
relaxed, and enjoyable
can gain some enjoyment
themselves from the
materials they are using.
Principles in materials

Learning materials lose There are superficial cultural

differences between learners
credibility for learners
from different countries (and
if they suspect that the these differences need to be
teacher does not value respected and catered for) but
them. there are also strong universal
determinants of successful
language teaching and learning.
Principles in materials

The teacher is
responsible for the initial
generation of energy in Learners only learn
a lesson; good materials what they really need
can then maintain and or want to learn.
even increase that
Principles in materials

The most important thing The most important result

that learning materials that learning materials can
have to do is to help the achieve is to engage the
learner to connect the emotions of learners.
Laughter, joy, excitement,
learning experience in the
sorrow and anger can
classroom to their own
promote learning. Neutrality,
life outside the course. numbness, and nullity cannot.

Presented by Fauget Group Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Learning theory

Research into learning is controversial as

there are so many variables involved and
local circumstances often make generalization
precarious. However, it is important that the
materials evaluator considers the findings of
learning research and decides which of its
findings are convincing and applicable. The
conclusions which are convinced are that:
learning theory
Deep processing of
intake is required if
engagement is also
effective and
essential for
durable learning is to
effective and
take place (Craik
durable learning.
and Lockhart, 1972).
learning theory
Experiential learning is
Making mental essential (though not
connections is a necessarily sufficient) and,
crucial aspect of the in particular, apprehension
learning process. should come to the learner
before comprehension
(Kolb and Kolb, 2009).
learning theory
Multidimensional processing of
intake is essential for successful
Materials which address
learning and involves the learner the learner in an informal,
creating a mental representation personal voice are more
of the intake through such mental likely to facilitate learning
processes as sensory imaging
than those which use a
(especially visualization), affective
association and the use of the distant, formal voice
inner voice (Tomlinson and Avila, (Tomlinson, 2001b).
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