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You must answer this question. Write your answer in 125-200 words in appropriate

Question 2
Your class has been discussing about online gaming addiction and your teacher has
asked you to write an essay about it.
In your essay, you should write about:
 the causes of online gaming addiction
 reasons why online gaming addiction is harmful
 suggestions to solve the matter
Write your essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view
Online gaming addiction:
- a serious problem globally – children and adults play games everyday
- most players are able to limit their usage, many others have developed
addiction –suffer detrimental effect
- addiction refers to unhealthy attraction to substances/activities that distrupt
the ability of a person to keep up with daily responsibilities.
- poor relationship with others / bored with their lile / want to escape reality
- a feeling of having been neglected
- depressed/anxiety
- to manage moods
- positive : build skills for future career
- self-motivation
- help ease anxiety
- Negative: decline in overall health and hygiene
- physical health –poor eyesight, painful back and spine
- Isolation and withdrawal from social interaction
- Poor performances – tired, sleepy, lack concentration
Suggestions :
- Advice for the parents
- Find alternative activities
Answer both questions. Write your answer in 200-250 words in an appropriate
Question 3
You recently participated in a National Day celebration.

School National Day Celebration

Write about:
 What were the activities held on that day?
 What were your feelings?
 How does the celebration affect the students?
Write a report to your school principal answering these questions

Question 5
You see this notice at the school library

Stories wanted!

We are holding a story writing competition. The title of the story is:

The Day I Lost My Temper

Your story must include:
 What made you angry
 What did you do to justify yourself

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