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ASSIGNMENT 1 (Observations): After arrival, take a seat in a nonintrusive location to begin your

classroom observations. Complete the questions below:

Observation 1: What are your first impressions of the classroom environment? Is it warm, inviting,
organized, etc? Describe the physical environment in detail. >>>

My first impression of the classroom was that it was unique. When I walked in the first day, the lights
were off, but the teacher had fun-colored lights around the room, the lights made the mood in
classroom relaxed. The classroom was decorated in a ‘Ninja’ theme and had sports paraphernalia on
the walls. The classroom looked like it was decorated for older children. The classroom was large with
six tables made up for individual desks that sat about five students each. The teacher’s desk was in the
corner of the room that overlooked the classroom. There were two smartboards, one at each side of the
room. The boards were interactive by touch screen. They were used to display whatever the teacher
wants to. The teacher used them to display websites; google, Youtube, the school website. It was also
used to display lessons and the daily schedule. The classroom was clean and organized. There was
not an overwhelming number of things on the walls, it was simple but inviting.

Observation 2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity, ELL,
students with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to note. >>>

There are six groups of tables with about five to six individual desks that make up their tables. The
classroom is diverse made up of different ethnicities and gender. I did not observe any students with
physical challenges or any known ELL students.

Observation 3: What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written) >>>

I do not see any posted rules in the classroom. However, there was something that I thought was neat
that the teacher incorporated in his classroom is a system he uses that allows students to have
classroom jobs and responsibilities. The classroom jobs are President, Vice President, Teacher Helper,
Lunch Managers, Mailman, and custodian. The jobs change weekly, students are picked for the six jobs
and do the responsibilities that are within the job. For example, the president gets to say the morning
news and take attendance. The students know their jobs and complete them through the day. This
allows children to learn responsibility in a fun way. The students seem to enjoy their jobs and take pride
in them. This also allows freedom for the students.

Observation 4: Does the teacher enforce these posted rules? Are rewards or consequences being used
for compliance or noncompliance? >>>

I do not see rules posted. But I did observe rewards being handed out for getting correct answers
during a whole group lesson. There is a sticker system where students collect stickers and place them
on a piece of paper. The stickers are given out for hard work, right answers, and being responsible.

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