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MODULE TITLE: New Ventrue Creation (MAIN)



ISSUE DATE: Week Commencing 22nd January 2024

ASSESSMENT DATE: 15 April 2023 12:00 PM BST for Presentation

8 May 2023 12:00 PM BST for coursework

FEEDBACK DATE: 20 working days (5th of June, 2024)

Learning Outcomes:

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:

On completion of this assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their
ability to:
1. Construct, adapt and pitch a business idea via a minimal viable product or service
through carrying out primary and secondary research to analyse and evaluate its
value incorporating features, design, benefits and pricing structure.

2. Critically reflect upon your skills and capabilities in delivering a new venture
through active participation in practice-based experiential learning opportunities.

3. Apply and integrate cross-disciplinary learning in Management to problems of

starting a new venture by applying concepts learned in Management, Finance,
Marketing, Operations and Human Resources leading to developing a credible
feasibility study for a new venture.
College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

Transferable skills
This assessment will assist in the development of the following transferable skills:

Transferable Skill 1: Independence

 You will be engaging with independent learning throughout the module in organising
your own work/learning schedule. For example, seminar prep., watching online
lectures and taking notes, completing online tasks, readings and locating external
information relating to the course content. In addition, your assessment requires
independently researching, presenting and answering questions about your chosen
psychopathology through the lens of attachment theory.

Transferable Skill 2: Critical thinking and problem-solving

 As an applied Business module, you will learn to think critically about multiple
contexts of Business, including scenarios which you may face as a Manager, which
will require you to solve strategic problems within the workplace.

Transferable Skill 3: Self-awareness

 In this module you will naturally develop your sense of self-awareness as you reflect
on your own experiences and how they have impacted your own wellbeing. On the
whole, this is a positive outcome but support is clearly signposted to within the
module should your reflections cause discomfort in any way.

Transferable Skill 4: Teamwork

 Each week you will take part in small group discussions and activities. This will help
you develop further the teamwork skills you have acquired throughout your course.

Transferable Skill 5: Communication
 Each week you will be involved in small group discussions and make independent
contributions to in-class discussions. You will also have the opportunity to contribute
to the module forums, asking and answering questions posed by your colleagues. In
addition, the assessment is in-person, and involves both written, pictorial and verbal
communication so each of these skills will be developed and used in this module.

Transferable Skill 6: Ability to work under pressure

 You will have deadlines for formative assessment, and you will need to work
consistently throughout the module to do well. This will mean you having to set your
own schedule of work and keep to your own deadlines to meet the objectives of the
module. As this is a wholly applied module, there is a pressure on you to develop a
high standard of understanding as well as knowledge to meet the learning objectives
of the module to a high standard.

Transferable Skill 7: Planning and time management

 You will need to set your own schedule of independent work within your own
timetable to enable you to fully engage with all elements of this module. You will do
this via ensuring that you engage with the necessary readings, research and
preparing for seminars, watching provided videos and external online resources,
taking notes and organising your thoughts, and organising and scheduling your time.

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

Transferable Skill 8: Leadership

 Each week you will be offered the opportunity to take the lead in small group
discussions for the simulation, as well as being encouraged to make contributions to
the class discussions through a critical lens. We will engage with topics that will
challenge some views, and through debates you will learn to reflect on your own
views and appreciate those of others, a key skill in good leadership.

Summative Assessment Overview:

Group Presentation and written coursework [100%].
Learning outcomes assessed:
Assessment Part 1: Learning Outcomes 2
Assessment Part 2: Learning Outcomes 1 & 3
To pass this module, you must achieve a final overall mark of at least 50%. If
your mark is less than 50%, you will be required to retake the assessment.
Assessment Part I (weighted at 30%)
Delivering a pre-recorded group presentation of your strategic choices for the
company you made through the management simulation. The allocated budget and
the activities for which it is spent should be highlighted in the presentation.
The presentation should reflect strategic choices you have undertaken on behalf of
the company, as stipulated in the simulation. The group size must range from a
minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 members, with each individual allocated a
presentation time of 5 minutes for their respective parts.
To pass:
 It should be a video recording presentation (maximum 15 slides) and then
submitted on Moodle within the specified dates; the slides and the presenter
must be visible during the presentation.
 It must answer the following questions:
i. Problem statement and market need: What is the identified problem
or market need?
ii. Target segment: Whom does this problem affect, and how does it
affect them?
iii. Importance: Why is it important to solve (this should be supported by
some evidence to support your argument for its importance)?
iv. Offering: What is the solution?
v. Seed capital needs: What does it cost, and what is the return on
investment for the investor?

Assessment Part II (weighted at 70%)

An individual 2000-word report for a new business idea. This idea should be
different from the idea that has been designed for the simulation. It is divided into two

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

Section 1: A 1250 words report detailing the business concept (weighted at 50%)
To pass the concept document, you must:
 Briefly describe the product/service offered.
 Highlight the value proposition of the product/service being offered.
 Briefly describe the target customer as well as competitors.
 Highlight key strategies which will be implemented to reach the target
 Present high-level financial projections for the first 12 months (costs and
incomes) supported by some evidence.
 Develop a Business Model Canvas for the business (BMC template should be
used with detailed narrative).
Section 2: A 750 words critical reflection on your learning and experience in devising
strategies for the business concept for simulation (weighted at 20%)

To pass reflection must consider:

 Skills and capabilities developed during the module.
 Changes in thinking/mindset
 Challenges/issues and how these were managed/resolved.
 Plan on how the experience/learning from this module will be utilised in the
 The use of models of reflection is encouraged. (Reflection models)
The Marking schemes for all components with assessment criteria are
provided in more detail in the Assessment Brief.
For Assessment Part 2, the word limit does not cover material submitted as an appendix.
The content of the material submitted as an appendix needs to be related to the main text
and serve to complement the information provided; if the material in the appendix does not
contribute to or align with the main text, it should not be used because the word limit is

Marking is completed using the marking grid provided on page 6. The detailed mark scheme
identifies what percentage each LO contributes to the overall grade, and what percentage
each marking criteria contributes to assessing the stated LO (out of 100%). For this module
each LO contributes 25% to the overall grade, and there are either one or two marking
criteria contributing to the grade for each LO:

LO1: Criterion 1 (100%).100/40 = 40% contribution to module grade

LO2: Criteria 2 (100%) .100/30= 30% contribution to module grade
LO3: Criteria 3 (100%).100/30= 30% contribution to module grade

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

To ensure clarity and transparency about how each of the criteria for each class of grade
can be achieved you should read through the cells on the detailed mark scheme1. The
marking criteria will be discussed further in class to ensure transparency of the process.

Mark Scheme:
This is the marking scheme your tutors will use when marking your assessment.

This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes

0 – 39% 40 – 49% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 100%

Fail Fail Pass Strong Pass Very Strong Pass Exceptionally

Strong Pass
(merit) (Distinction)

Construct, adapt and pitch a business idea via a minimal viable product or service through carrying out
Criterion 1
primary and secondary research to analyse and evaluate its value incorporating features, design, benefits
and pricing structure (LO1)
Mark: 40
The pitch will The pitch will The pitch A pitch for a A pitch for a clearly In addition to
present a present a presents a clearly defined defined meeting the
business business defined, clear product/servic product/service is marking criteria
idea/concept for idea/concept for business e is made. made. Pitch
for a 70-79%
a very poorly a poorly defined idea/concept. Pitch underpinned by an
defined product/service. Evidence of underpinned excellent standard of
grade, the work
product/service. Pitch is idea being by strong research and demonstrates
Pitch lacks underpinned by underpinned research and analysis of relevant an outstanding
content and a limited analysis by the analysis of data (secondary and level of
analysis and has of relevant average level relevant data primary). Excellent academic
very limited or no research. Weak of research (secondary articulation of value. understanding,
evidence of value and analysis and primary). Clear pricing commercial
being proposition, of markets Good structure, robustly
awareness and
underpinned by unclear and articulation of evidenced/supported.
relevant pricing/ROI. Fails customers. value and linked back to professionalism
research. Value to demonstrate Evidence of proposition. A ROI. The pitch that makes it
proposition is feasibility/viability value to clear pricing makes an excellent stand out.
non-existent/very customer structure was case for investment
weak, presented but presented and in terms of viability
pricing/ROI is could be linked back to and feasibility
non-existent/very improved. The ROI. The pitch
limited. Fails to pricing makes a good
demonstrate structure and business case
feasibility/viability ROI are clear for investment
but need in terms of
improvement. viability and
Demonstrates feasibility
a case for
investment in
terms of
viability and

Please note that we use a 19-point marking scheme (as do the majority of HEI’s) and to avoid
confusion the grades across most have three points: a lower point mark ending in a “2”, a midpoint
mark ending in a “5” and an upper point mark ending in an “8”. The exception to this 3-point scale is
for fail grades and for first-class grades (please see detailed mark scheme).

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

Criterion 2 Critically reflect upon your skills and capabilities in delivering a new venture through
(LO2) active participation in practice based experiential learning opportunities (LO2)
Mark: 30 The simulation The simulation The simulation The simulation The simulation In addition to
reflection lacks reflection on reflection on reflection on reflection on meeting the
an analytical experiences and experiences experiences experiences and marking criteria
approach, is learning is not and learning is and learning is learning is analytical for a 70-79%
descriptive and analytical and not very analytical in and very well written grade, the work
fails to apply or predominantly analytical and most places and evidenced, demonstrates an
mention any descriptive in predominantly and well- underpinned by a outstanding level
reflective most places and descriptive in written and relevant reflection of academic
models. lacks evidence. most places evidenced. It is model understanding,
No reflective and lacks also commercial
model is some underpinned awareness and
mentioned or evidence. by a relevant professionalism
applied. Whilst a reflection that makes it
reflective model. stand out.
model is
mentioned, it
is either not
applied or not
applied at all.

Criterion 3 Apply and integrate cross-disciplinary learning in Management to problems of starting

(LO3) a new venture by applying concepts learned in Management, Finance, Marketing,
Mark: 30
Operations and Human Resources leading to developing a credible feasibility study for
a new venture (LO3)

The report The report The report will The report will The report will clearly In addition to
presents a new presents a new clearly present clearly present present a new meeting the
business business a new a new concept/idea that is marking criteria
idea/concept that concept/idea that business business accepted as for a 70-79%
is seen as is accepted as idea/concept concept/idea imaginative, grade, the work
lacking content reasonable and that is that is insightful, feasible demonstrates an
and analysis. viable. The accepted as accepted as and persuasive. The outstanding level
Little information report will reasonable, insightful, report will include of academic
on feasibility and generally lack feasible and feasible and substantive understanding,
markets is sufficient persuasive. persuasive. supportive commercial
offered. The information to The report will The report will information and awareness and
report has little demonstrate include some include excellent analysis professionalism
or no supportive feasibility. The supportive substantive offering a detailed that makes it
information and business case information to supportive analytical stand out.
analytical for the product or the analysis information underpinning for
underpinning. service presented, and a good points made. The
The business opportunity well-structured level of data business case for the
case for the would be seen and analysis, product or service
product or as reasonable discussed, supported by opportunity would be
service but with large offering analytical seen as very
opportunity scope for analytical underpinning convincing well-
would be seen improvement. underpinning for points presented and
as weak. The The analysis for points made. The structured. The
analysis would would made. The business case analysis would give
demonstrate little demonstrate business case for the product business insight and
business some level of for the product or service showcase effective
understanding business or service opportunity working and
and/or understanding opportunity would be seen excellent business
integration of and/or would be seen as convincing. understanding. The
learning and application of as reasonable. The analysis outcome would be
could still be learning. There The analysis would offer seen as excellent in

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

vastly improved. is a reasonable would show effective nearly all aspects.

The outcome structure. The some good business
would be seen outcome would business insight and
as poor in most be seen as understanding showcase
aspects reasonable in the and effective
majority of all application of working and
aspects. learning; there business
is a good analysis. The
structure. The outcome would
outcome be seen as
would be seen very good in
as good in most aspects.
some aspects.

*Please identify the % that each criterion contributes to the overall module grade and link
each criterion to the LO being assessed. Please note that LOs can be assessed over
multiple marking criteria. This should mirror the description on page 3.

Formative Assessment:

Formative assessment is given through regular feedback designed to help you improve your
work during the seminars. This form of assessment does not contribute to your grade.
Detailed feedback on the presentation and the coursework will not be possible
via email, and lecturer(s) can only comment in detail on one draft or part of the
draft up to two 2-weeks before the hand-in date. Comments on multiple drafts
are not possible as there is a danger your work actually becomes your lecturer’s
work. However, if you have any specific queries or need additional support, you can
still book an appointment at any time up to two weeks prior to the deadline –draft
reviews will not be provided in the final week prior to the deadline, so it is important
that you start work on your draft early.
Please note that tutors are unable to indicate a provisional grade for your work at
any point prior to the official release date. As such, it is requested that you do not
ask tutors what grade your work is likely to achieve prior to final submission.
Word count / Time Allowance
The maximum word count for your assignment/time allowance for your presentation
and written work is +/-10%.
Assignment format
Material should be written in formal business English and structured in a clear way to
ensure that ideas are expressed effectively.
ALL facts, concepts and quotations should be referenced appropriately using the
Harvard referencing system.

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

Presentation and Formatting

Slide Design and Content

 A clean and consistent slide template throughout the presentation is expected from
the students.
 Legible font styles (either Arial or Calibri) should be chosen for the text.

 Font size at least 32 for the slide titles and at least 24 for the text in the slides.

Each slide should have a concise and descriptive title; please avoid lengthy paragraphs;
instead, use bullet points as your main guidance. Balance content distribution on each

 Use a light background with dark text to ensure readability.

 Please avoid animations; instead, apply simple transitions between the slides.

 Please add slide numbers in the right corner of each slide- except the title page.

Details about the structure and content of the written coursework will be provided during the

Penalties for late submission

At time of publication the rules regarding late submission of work are:
 Assessments submitted up to 1 hour after the published deadline will receive no penalty.
 Assessments submitted between one and 24 hours after the published deadline will be
reduced by 5% of the actual mark given by the tutor.
 Assessments submitted between 24 hours and five working days after the published
deadline will be reduced by 10% of the actual mark given by the tutor.
 Work submitted more than five working days after the published deadline will not be
marked and the student will be deemed to have failed an attempt at the assessment.
If a student has a support statement specifying additional time to complete coursework, the
penalties will only apply from the alternative deadline provided by the statement.

Importance of Taking Assessments

It is important that you complete your assessment, otherwise it is classed as a failed attempt
(unless you have made a successful EC claim relating to Extenuating Circumstances).
If you fail any of your modules you will have to re-take it, although there are limits on the
number of times that you can re-take and you may even have to re-study a module you have
failed. Having to re-sit or re-study modules means that your workload will be increased and
you will be putting yourself under more pressure. You may even be liable to incur more fees
if you are required to re-study a module.
The university does appreciate that there are times when you may be unable to take an
assessment due to circumstances outside your control such as illness. If this is the case you
need to make a formal claim for an extension or deferral, as without this you are expected to
submit within the standard guidelines.
No tutor, module leader or course leader can grant any form of extension to the published
deadlines - this is done by a separate team within the university to ensure consistency

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

and fairness for all. For full guidance on what constitutes an exceptional circumstance
and how to make a claim, please visit the Extenuating Circumstances page on iCity; you
can also contact the Student Support Team for help.


· You are reminded of the University’s Disciplinary Procedures that refer to plagiarism. A
copy of the Disciplinary Procedure is available from iCity. Except where the assessment
of an assignment is group based, the final piece of work that is submitted must be your
own work. Close similarity between assignments is likely to lead to an investigation for
cheating. You must also ensure that you acknowledge all sources you have used.
Submissions that are considered to be the result of collusion or plagiarism will be dealt
with under the University’s Disciplinary Procedures, and the penalty may involve the loss
of academic credits. If you have any doubts about the extent to which you are allowed to
collaborate with your colleagues, or the conventions for acknowledging the sources you
have used, you should first of all consult module documentation and, if still unclear, your
· Please note that submissions are run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism, this
includes a ChatGP and AI detection software.

· If you have a Support Summary that tutors must take account of when marking your work,
please check the appropriate box on the coversheet. Contact the Enablement and
Wellbeing team for further advice if required

· If there is something outside your control that is affecting your ability to complete an
assessment or has affected your performance in an assessment, then you can make a
claim for extenuating circumstances:

· If you are experiencing problems, you should contact Student Affairs staff via

Additional information about electronic submission:

All work submitted electronically needs to be submitted in accordance with the following

· Submission means that a correctly formatted electronic copy has been submitted in the
correct method via Moodle, by the deadline set. Failure to do so may result in a mark of
zero being awarded.

· Your work must be submitted via Moodle - please refer to the Module Moodle site for
further details on where to upload your work.

· It is your responsibility to ensure that your work is successfully submitted. You will
receive an email receipt confirming your submission. Please check this and keep it for
your reference.

· Submissions using file formats other than those listed above may affect your work
being marked, and the feedback you may receive.

College of Business, Digital Transformation and Enterpreneurshop
Assessment Brief: Module Name (Module Code)

· The work you submit must not be password protected.

· You must retain an electronic copy of your work. Failure to produce a copy on request
will result in a mark of zero for the assessment task.

· You can use the Turnitin at BCU Moodle page to learn more about software that assists
in detecting collusion, AI and plagiarism. On this page you can upload a draft of your work
to view a Turnitin Originality Report.


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