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1eacher's prob|ems and prospects

Oow rates of pay

1here are many reasons due Lo whlch aklsLanl Leachers are low pald 1he
causes effecLs and oplnlons are glven below
O resence of prlvaLe schools ls one of Lhe ma[or causes of low raLes of pay of Lhe
Leachlng sLaff lL has decreased Lhe value of a Leacher
O 8ad economy of our counLry ls playlng an lmporLanL role ln decreaslng salarles of
our Leachers CovernmenL of aklsLan ls spendlng less Lhan 2 of lLs budgeL on
educaLlon secLor
O Also salarles are only lncreased on Lhe basls of quallflcaLlons and experlence ls

O uue Lo low pay Leachers may noL glve more aLLenLlons Lo Lhe sLudenLs 1hey
have Lo Leach ln academles and ln home LulLlons Lo fulflll Lhelr deslres
O SLudenLs don'L geL lnLeresL ln golng Lo school because Lhey ofLen seem Lo be sald
LhaL Leachers don'L enLer ln a class
O uue Lo Lhese reasons lnsLlLuLes lose Lhelr momenLum and can'L reach Lo

O CovernmenL should Lake sLeps Lo lncrease Lhe salarles of Lhe Leachers 1hey musL
develop an excellenL sysLem of educaLlon whlch conLalns rlghLs of Leachers
O 8udgeL of educaLlon musL be lncreased so LhaL our Leachers would happy ln Lhelr
own professlon
O 1eachers should be moLlvaLed Lo lncrease Lhelr knowledge

O ow status
O Some Leachers have low sLaLus ln a class because of Lhelr poor communlcaLlon
O ln prlvaLe lnsLlLuLes sLudenLs are consldered more lmporLanL Lhan Leachers
because lnsLlLuLes are Laklng money from Lhe sLudenLs and noL from Leachers
O 1he educaLlonal lnsLlLuLes ln our counLry are noL properly developed and Lhe
Leachers Leachlng ln Lhese Lypes of lnsLlLuLes also galn no more respecL
O ln our counLry Lhe [obs ln all Lhe professlons are equal Lo none uue Lo Lhls
reason Lhe Leachlng fleld has become saLuraLed 1here ls very dlfflculL Lo flnd ouL
an unalloyed person of Lhls professlon

O 1eachers don'L achleve Lhe sLaLus whaL Lhey deserve and Lhey don'L glve
splrlLual feellngs Lo Lhe socleLy because Lhe socleLy consldered Lhem from lower
O 1hey are lnLernally degraded by Lhe socleLy lL ls mosLly due Lo Lhe llllLeracy of
Lhe people
O 8y glvlng low sLaLus Lo Lhe Leachers our socleLy ls geLLlng down and down

O eople need Lo be educaLed Lo undersLand Lhe value of a Leacher AfLer geLLlng
educaLlon Lhey wlll come Lo know how Lo veneraLe Lhelr Leachers
O SLudenLs should noL make fun of Leachers because Lhe Leachers are llke a ladder
on whlch sLudenLs have Lo ascend Lo become professlonal

O ercrowded c|assrooms
Cvercrowded classrooms are anoLher ma[or problem for Leachers

O uecremenL of educaLlonal lnsLlLuLes may cause of overcrowded classrooms
O uecrease ln Lhe number of Leachers also leads Lhe classrooms Lo be crowded
1he lesser Lhe Leachers Lhe lesser wlll be Lhe secLlons ln numbers

O 1eachers don'L convey Lhelr ldeas ln a rlghL way whaL Lhey wanL Lo share wlLh
Lhe sLudenLs
O Pe or She can'L make everyone a perfecL man ln concepLs
O 1eachers are blamed by Lhe parenLs when Lhelr chlldren geL fall
O 1he nolse of Lhe Leacher can'L reach Lo everyone
O lL creaLes reslsLance beLween Lhe Leachers and Lhe sLudenLs

O number of lnsLlLuLlons and Leachers should be lncreased Lo overcome such Lypes
of problems
O Classes should noL be overcrowded

O 1he bad beha|or of students

O negllgence of Lhe parenLs ln fosLer of Lhelr chlldren ls Lhe maln cause of Lhls
O 8ad company of Lhe sLudenLs may cause of Lhelr bad behavlor

O 8ad behavlor of sLudenLs may change Lhe behavlor of Leachers
O lL excldes Lhe cooperaLlon beLween Lhe sLudenLs and Lhe Leachers
O uue Lo bad behavlor of sLudenLs Leacher may noL Leach properly and he or she
only come Lo Lhe class [usL for formallLy
O 1he oLher sLudenLs wlll also be dlsLurb and can'L aLLend Lhe lecLure properly ln
Lhls way Lhe Leacher wlll also dlsLurb

O ulsclpllne musL be esLabllshed by Lhe govL of aklsLan ln all Lhe lnsLlLuLes of
aklsLan so LhaL Lhe Leachers could have Lhelr rlghLs
O arenLs should play Lhelr role ln guldlng Lhelr chlldren Lo Lhe rlghL paLh
O tt|tudes of parents
lL ls also a blg problem for Lhe Leachers

O unawareness of Lhe parenLs lncreases Lhe problems of Lhe Leachers noL knowlng
LhaL whaL Lhelr chlldren are dolng Lhey make Lhelr own declslons and oplnlons
abouL Lhelr chlldren
O 1hey don'L glve preference Lo Lhe Leachers

O arenLs come Lo know Lhe bad way of Lhelr chlldren when a loL of Llme has gone
O 1hey ruln ouL Lhe fuLure of Lhelr chlldren Lhelr self and blame Lhe Leachers
O AfLer seelng Lhe parenLs Lhe chlldren wlll adapL Lhe same aLLlLude as of Lhelr

O arenLs should help Lhe Leachers Lo gulde Lhelr chlldren Lo Lhe golden paLh
O 1hey should conslder Lhe Leachers as parenLs and behave well wlLh Lhem
O arenLs should keep Lhelr eyes on Lhelr chlldren raLher Lhan blamlng Lhe

O Attitude of educational managers:
The attitude oI education organizer is not positive the oIIicers think that the
teacher is a spare part in the society.
$o, they use them in every walk oI liIe. Although, they are related to this
department or not. The oIIicers think that they are Iree creature so, there attitude is
very poor with the teacher.
On the other hand they demand the good result in the educational Iield. How is it
possible iI this system is continuing? Then it has very bad eIIect on our
educational system. We should make better attitude with the teacher on every
In this way we can develop a healthy and educated nation. It should be
remembered that the teacher is a beneIactor oI a nation.

O emand of the syllabus:
In modern time we should set-up the syllabus according to the demand oI
international standard. UnIortunately our syllabus had been made by Lard Makaly
which produce only clerk.
It is a tragedy. In this way we cannot compete the modern word and modern and
inIormative technology. II we want to compete the international world. We should
update our course and syllabus.

%eaching too many hours:
There is no doubt in Pakistan a common man and a lay man thinks that teacher is a
public servant. He or she has to work day and night.
Besides the reading, writing and teaching, a teacher has to do so many govt.
works. i.e. (Making voting lists polio moham) and kind oI survey etc.
$o a teacher has to do many works that eIIect on his education work.
It is a tragedy. II we want to make a solid nation, we should provide a special
preIerence to teacher and should regard as a teacher because teaching is a
proIession oI Prophets.

ack of support:
It is also a great tragedy with the teacher oI Pakistan. No any authority or
organization support teacher. II it Iace any problem, Mishap authority don`t
support the teacher.
In spite oI these authorities seek other ways to disgrace the teacher. We have so
many examples in this context in our practical liIe.
The teacher considers him a 'Punjabi word master. W e should support teacher
on all the level.

ack of tra|n|ng and dee|opment opportun|t|es
Cne ma[or problem wlLh Lhe Leacher ls lack of Lralnlng
lL ls noL a good Lhlng lf we wanL Lo updaLe of knowledge we should seLup a
sysLem for Lhe Lralnlng and develop Lhe opporLunlLles for Lhe Leacher
lf a Leacher has modern knowledge abouL Lhe Lhlngs he can educaLe Lhe
Pe can make Lhem a good and nlce producLlon of hls sLudenLs CovL and oLher
nongovernmenLal organlzaLlon should arrange Lhe sysLem Lo Lraln Lhe Leacher
accordlng Lo Lhe modern values and clvlllzaLlon
1ralnlng musL be glven accordlng Lo Lhe Leachlng of lslam

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