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Higher Technological institute

Tenth of Ramadan City

Mechanical Department

Hydrostatic Pressure

NAME : Eslam Samy Farahat

ID : 20220273

GR : 62

DR : Gamal Nada
Fluid statics or hydrostatics is the branch of fluid mechanics that
studies fluids at rest (hydrostatic condition). When a body is submerged
in a liquid in hydrostatic equilibrium, the fluid exerts a force on all
surfaces and the pressure variation is due only to the weight of the fluid.
The determination of these forces is important in the design of storage
tanks, ships, dams, and other hydraulic structures. For fluids at rest the
force must be perpendicular to the surface since there are no shearing
stresses present. The pressure varies linearly with depth if the fluid is
incompressible. The magnitude of the resultant fluid force is equal to the
pressure acting at the centroid of the area multiplied by the total area.
P=ρgh (1)
F = (ρ g h) A (2)
where; "P" is the hydrostatic pressure (N/m2), "ρ" is the density
"g" is the gravity acceleration (m/s2), "h" is the depth of the centroid,
"f" is the hydrostatic Force (N) and "A" is the total area (m2).
Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus Schematic of Hydrostatic Pressure

The apparatus consists of a quarter circle block mounted on a

balance arm. The pivot point on the arm corresponds to the center
of radius of the block. In addition to the quadrant clamping screw
the balance arm incorporates a balance pan, an adjustable
counterbalance and an indicator which shows when the arm is
Water is admitted to the top of the tank by flexible tube and may
be drained through a cock in the base. The water supply may be
obtained from the hydraulic bench. The water level is indicated on
a scale.
Dimensions of Hydrostatic Pressure
Note: The apparatus is designed in a way that the top and bottom faces
of the quadrant are concentric circular arcs centered on the pivot so, the
resultant hydrostatic force at every point passes through the pivot axis
and does not contribute to the moment, so that only the moment due to
hydrostatic pressure distribution on the vertical rectangular face of the
D: height of the quadrant face (=100mm),

m B: width of the of the quadrant face (=75mm),

m g: gravity acceleration (=9.81m/s2)

H: Vertical distance between the bottom of the quadrant face and the pivot arm (200mm), m
L: Horizontal distance between the pivot point and the balance pan (275mm), m

γ: specific weight of water (= ρ× g =9810 N/m3)

Partially submerged face diagram

where: d: the depth of submersion, (m).

F: Hydrostatic thrust exerted on the quadrant, (N). h: Depth of

the centroid, (m).

h': depth of the center of pressure, (m).

h": Distance between the line of action of force below the pivot, (m).
The momentum "M" can be defined as: M = F h", (Nm)
A balanced moment is produced by the weight "W" applied to the
hanger at the end of the balance arm. The momentum is proportional to
the length of the balance arm, "L".
For static equilibrium the two moments are equal
F h" = WL =m g L (7)
By substitution of the derived hydrostatic force "F" from equation (6)

h" = (8)

The theoretical result for depth of center of pressure below the freesurface is

h' = (9)
, where "Ix" is the second momentum of area of immersed section about an axis in the
By use of the parallel axes theorem
Ix = Ic + A h2 (10)

Ix , (m4) (11)
The depth of the center of pressure below the pivot point is
h" =h' + H- d (12)
Substitution of (10) into (12) yields the theoretical result of:

h" (13)
Fully submerged face diagram

, where: d: the depth of submersion, (m).

F: Hydrostatic thrust exerted on the quadrant, (N).

h: Depth of the centroid, (m). h': depth of the center of pressure, (m).

h": Distance between the line of action of force below the pivot, (m).

The momentum "M" can be defined as: M = F h", (Nm)
A balanced moment is produced by the weight "W" applied to the
hanger at the end of the balance arm. The momentum is proportional to the
length of the balance arm, "L".
For static equilibrium the two moments are equal
F h" = WL =m g L (18)
By substitution of the derived hydrostatic force "F" from equation (18)

h" = (19)

The theoretical result for depth of center of pressure below the freesurface is

h' = (20)
, where "Ix" is the second momentum of inertia of immersed section about an axis in the

By use of the parallel axes theorem

Ix = Ic + A h2 (21)

Ix (22)

The depth of the center of pressure below the pivot point is

h" =h' + H- d (23)

Substitution of (10) into (12) yields the theoretical result of:

h" (24)
1- Position the empty Perspex tank on the hydraulic bench.
2- Locate the weight hanger in the groove at the end of the balance arm.
3- Ensure that the drain valve is closed
4- Move the counter-balance weight until the balance arm is horizontal 5- Add
a small mass (50 g) to the weight hanger.
6- Add water to the tank until the hydrostatic thrust on the end-face of the
quadrant causes balance to rise.
7- Continue to add water until the balance arm is horizontal.
8- Read the depth of immersion “d” from the scale on the face of the quadrant;
more accurate results can be obtained from reading with the line of sight
slightly below the surface, to avoid the effect of surface tension.
9- Repeat the above procedure for each load increment produced by adding a
further weight to weight hanger.

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