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.................................. ORIGAMI MASTERY - PHAM HOANG TUAN ...................................

ELK 3.5 Phạm Hoàng Tuấn


Time to fold: 8 hours
Paper size: 90x90cm

Elk is one of my favorite animals. I love the way it’s head and horns look, they are massive
and spectacular. The time I started to design origami art, I’d planned to create one from an uncut square of paper, with all
real details. At that time, about 2012, it’s such a hard time of my designing. I was lost in the mathematical methods of
Origami. Sometimes the toughness prevented me from using math to make my dream come true.
Then until 2015, after three years of pressurising myself under the academic science of the art. I came to realize that
Origami is not only a science, it’s feeling and ambition. With the help of an old friend in the group of Southern Origami
Society of Vietnam, he led me to apply feelings onto the paper, onto each crease. Someone has said that origami is art and
math, but I think it is feelings, languages and life.
I started to create the elk, from the very first creases of a very basic form- the bird base. I
spread my emotion onto the paper. Not focus much on the math, but the real feeling of a lively elk. Then, horn after horn, I
folded the head, it appeared out what was exactly on my mind. It had two ears, a huge splendid pair of horns, eyes and
even a mouth. Using experiences, I continued on the body with every single part. When I finished test-folding. I drawed
up the crease pattern, which is a diagramed way to memorise all the creases of a model.
I started to make my own paper to fold it, from a large sheet of oil paper, I used a special solution of glue and chemicals so
that it was stronger and thinner. After all, the folding began.
I finished with the basic structure after 10 hours of folding. Which opened the hardest
part, the shaping process. I looked at the pictures of the real elks on the internet. That’s a great deal. Also, I looked at the
works of the other authors. Yet, at that time hardly anybody, to me, had made a truly lively one. I came to make an elk that
is looking forward ahead, with curiosity and strength, which I think, is the final work after 3 years of planning, designing
and folding.”

1 2 3 4

Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold short lines. Fold and unfold.
5 6 7 8

Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold.

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9 10

Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold.

11 12

Keep making creases. Collapse the edge box-pleating.

13 14

Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold.

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15 16 17

Fold and unfold short line. Fold and unfold. Fold and unfold.

18 19

Fold and unfold. Turn over. Valley fold. Rabbit-ear fold.




Open sink.

Turn over. Collapse like water-bomb base.


Use the circled point as

the rotation center, rotate
the layer by making some
hidden valley fold beneath. Squash fold, repeat behind.
The result should be like this, rotate.

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27 29

28 30

Zoom in.

Inside reversed fold.

Turn over.
Fold and unfold.

32 33

Fold to the left. Fold up to make a mountain fold. Fold to the left.

34 36
35 37

Fold and unfold. Spread sink.

Fold and unfold. Open sink.

38 39 40 41 42

Pull the inner Fold down.

corner out. Fold and unfold. Spread sink. Fold to the right.

43 44 45
46 47


Repeat on the left. Fold to the right. Fold down. Fold and unfold. Zoom in.

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48 49 50 51


Fold to the right. Repeat step 31-48 Turn over.

on the left. Rise up the flap.

Fold and unfold. Fold the corner to the

right to rise up the pocket.

Fold and unfold.

Squash fold.

56 57 58

Fold and unfold. Reversed fold to rise Fold and unfold.

up the flap.

59 60

Fold and unfold. Fold the corner to the

right to rise up the pocket.

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61 62 63

Fold and
Fold and
Squash fold. unfold.

64 65 66

Fold and
Pedal fold up. unfold. Inside reversed fold.

67 68 69

Fold to
Fold and Fold and
the left.
unfold. unfold.

70 71 72

Fold and Inside Fold and

unfold. reversed fold. unfold.

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73 75

Unfold the Valley fold, Mountain fold Use the creased

reversed. in half. and unfold. line above as
reference line.

76 77 78

Mountain fold
and unfold. Unfold.

Inside reversed fold in and out

80 81

Make creases. Open sink Fold to the left.

in and out.

82 83 84


Repeat on
the left. Fold down. Fold down.

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85 86 87

Fold down Pull up

inner corner. Fold up.
a big flap.

88 90

Fold to Fold and Open sink

the left. unfold. in and out.

91 93

Repeat on the Fold up Unfold the

next pocket. the flaps. reverse fold.

94 95 96

Fold and Fold and Inside reversed

unfold. unfold. fold.

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97 98 99

Fold and Open sink,

unfold. in and out. Repeat on the
next pocket.

100 101

Fold to
Fold down. the right.

103 104 105


Repeat step Turn over.

on the left.

106 108

Fold up
to make a valley
fold beneath.
Inside reversed fold. Valley fold.

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109 122



Repeat on
the left.

Fold up like
petal fold
123 124 but this one
is box-pleating.

Fold and unfold. Inside reversed fold.

125 127

Fold to the right. Fold the triangle Fold and

to the left. Open sink
unfold. in and out.
Pull out
128 129

130 131

Fold and Open sink

Fold to in and out.
Fold the right.

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133 134 135


Fold to Fold up. Fold in half and Repeat on the

the left. right up the middle flap. right.

136 137 138 139

Valley fold. Zoom in.

Pull out hidden layers. Turn over.

140 141 142

Fold and unfold. Fold up 2 flaps. Fold and unfold.

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143 144 145

Open sink. Fold down 3 flaps.

Fold and unfold.

146 147 148

Fold and unfold. Open sink. Pull the middle flap down...

149 150 151

... by pushing the middle pocket.

This changes the 22.5 degree Fold and unfold. Open sink, in and out.

Repeat on the next pocket. Zoom out.

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154 155 156


Open down the

Fold and flaps using
unfold. creased lines.

Fold and Mountain

unfold. fold and unfold.

159 160

Fold and unfold.

Notice the corners
Valley fold. that should be
equal with the
flap under it.

Valley fold. Rabbit-ear fold.

162 163 164

Pull out folded 2 layers. Peel the behind layers to the Zoom in.

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166 167

Turn 2 corner
layers out. Hide the flap
Squash fold. under the thigh.

168 169 170

Valley fold. Fold and

Turn over. unfold.

171 172 173

Fold and unfold Fold and unfold.

notice the circled Fold and unfold.

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174 175 176

Fold and unfold.

Spread sink both sides. Squash fold
and spread sink.

177 178 179

Hide the upper Fold in half.

layers to behind. Inside reversed fold
the middle flap.
You know what it is. Rotate.

180 181

Valley fold to rise up the Reverse the upper layers into the
shoulder layer, repeat behind. middle pocket, this is important.
Repeat behind.


Inside reversed fold. Inside reversed fold.

Repeat behind.

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185 186


Fold and unfold. Inside reversed fold

in and out.

187 188 189 190

Repeat on the next pocket. Fold and unfold. Open sink. Zoom out.

191 192

Fold the antler to the left. Zoom in.

194 195 196

Inside reverse fold

Inside reversed fold. Inside reversed fold. Inside reversed fold.
in and out.
Just on the first pocket.

197 198

Fold the flap to the right,

as far as the box-pleating allows you. The result should be like this.
Look at the crease pattern to make this step. Fold and unfold.

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199 200 201

Open sink. Fold to the left. Zoom out.


203 204

Zoom in. Fold and unfold.

205 206

Inside reversed fold.

Fold and unfold.

Collapse the diagonal

box-pleat. As show on
the crease pattern.

208 209 210

Fold and unfold. Open sink. Fold and unfold.


Open sink.
Spread to widen the
open sunk layer. Fold, unfold and
valley fold.

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214 215 216 217

Inside reversed fold Zoom in.

Fold to the left.
in and out.
Close sink.

218 220

Repeat step 184-217

on the other antler.

Zoom in. Fold and unfold.

221 222 223 224

Inside reversed fold. Fold up. Push inside to pull Fold up.
the under pocket out.
226 227 228

Push inside to pull Inside reversed fold Inside reversed fold Mountain fold behind.
the under pocket out. in and out. in and out.

229 231


Repeat behind.
Reverse the layer to the inner. Zoom out.

Fold and unfold. Mountain fold.

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Zoom in. Fold and unfold

Rise up the flap behind.

237 238 239 240

Open the flap

using creased lines.
Mountain fold. Fold to the left. Valley fold.

Fold in half to
the back.

Valley fold the antler

Fold the ear to the right.

Zoom out.


Rise up the
antler branch.

Pull out a layer.


Repeat step 246-247

on as many inner layers
Fold the layer as you can, this helps
up. locks the antler on it
position and make the neck
more thinner and flexible.

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249 250

Pull 2 layers out right. Peel the 2 layer from

back to front.

251 252

Pull out 2
inner pockets. Fold down
2 pockets.

253 254

Separate the first

layer and fold to
the left. Fold back.

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Push inside
to pull the under pocket out. Repeat on the next pocket.

257 258

Open 2 layers to the right.

Pleat fold. Watch carefully.


Close sink. Close sink.

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Turn over.
Valley fold up.

Inside reversed fold 267

in and out.



Zoom in.
Pleat both layers.
Inside reversed fold.


Turn over.


Zoom out.

Repeat behind.


Inside reversed fold.

271 272

Mountain fold. Repeat behind.

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273 274

Mountain fold
Mountain fold
both sides.
both sides.


Pleat up 1 layer.
Inside reverse spread,
widen the under flap
and fold it into
the middle layer.

277 278

Pleat up the next 2 layers. Fold the ear to the left.

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Inside reversed fold.

Mountain fold the tail, the shoulder and the horns.

282 283


Valley fold. Small squash fold.

284 285 286

Zoom in.


Petal fold. Pleat. Small inside reversed


Zoom out

Shape the legs and

the antlers. Completed
Lean the head down. Elk.

.................................. 408 ...................................

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