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Student Learning Outcome: Project Analysis

Through this project and its assignments, the student learning outcome of project analysis

has been heavily explored. Before this course, I had been writing to one specific audience which

was typically the instructor who assigned the writing. Throughout this project, I was able to

identify many audiences and write according to each one. For example, there was a big

difference in writing for the complaint letter and writing for the post-mortem report. The

audience for the complaint letter was the CEO of Kellogg’s. I had to navigate how I could write

both from a professional and personal perspective. When I was writing to a best friend I was able

to use the language that I would use to express my emotions which came easy. Whereas, for the

company complaint letter it took me longer to find the right words to express the importance of

the situation while still sounding professional.

I believe that I was able to do this by including only the most important aspects of the

complaint which were key information, the impact of the advertisement, and the needs as a

consumer. For the post-mortem report, I took on the role of being an employee whose audience

would be the CEO as well as other members of the company. For this I took a different approach,

as I am used to providing a bunch of information in my writings so instead I touched on only the

most important points while still providing enough detail. This was difficult for me as I tend to

overexplain, so with the help of my peers in the discussion, I was able to keep only the most

important information in my slides.

The audience from the project summary statement helped immensely when it came to this

project. I found it most helpful when writing the complaint letter. It helped me be able to

summarize what I wanted to say by explaining the situation and why it matters. At times I found

the ethical dilemma to be a challenging part of the process. When writing from the perspective of
the CEO I wanted to apologize for everything and say that it was such a horrible mistake, but

that is not professional nor what companies want. I tried to come from a genuine place while

remaining professional which was a challenge I think I handled.

Overall, these assignments have helped me to understand how different audiences change

the way I write. I have been able to practice multiple writing styles which I am not used to.

Being able to react and respond to social justice issues was a great way to gain this experience.

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