Annotated-Slo 20visual 20communication 20and 20production 20and 20delivery

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Student Learning Outcomes:

Visual Communication and Production and Delivery

Through Project 2, I have been able to utilize the use of multiple media which has been a

learning process and has helped me understand the importance of catering to an audience even

further. In Project 1, the main focus was on switching between different audiences and writing in

a style and tone that was specific to that audience. Whereas, in this project, I have been able to

make one product that caters to as many people as possible. My main audience is specific with

the video being for an occupational therapist who can utilize the game ‘HedBanz’ in a clinical

setting. They can use this game to connect with their patients as well as foster developmental

skills like memorizing, question-asking, regulation, etc. However, the design and function of my

video also have a broad audience as anyone who wants to watch the video can and can learn

something from it.

By using visual communication I was able to make certain choices that help to make it

more accessible to my audience. I choose to incorporate multiple different visuals in the video.

One choice that I made was to have a picture of the supplies that are going to be used in the

video. This way a person can pause the video and gather these supplies rather than having to

continuously go back and forth through the video to see what they need to get. I also chose to

have a video of each part of the making process because it can be easier for some to have visual

instructions alongside audio instructions. I also chose to have demonstrations of certain elements

of the making process and playing process so that the audience knew exactly what was going on.

Overall, throughout each part of the video, I have some type of visual element that aims to help

the audience fully understand the instructions so that there is no confusion as to what is being

For production and delivery, I decided to use multiple modes of media that included

paper, oral, video, and the web. In each step of the process, I wanted the audience to have little to

no confusion about what was happening. As I stated above, I chose to show all elements of the

instructions visually with demonstrations. I also chose to have voiceovers on top of the visuals to

explain what I was doing in case some parts of the video were not as clear as well as knowing

that some people like to listen to instructions rather than watch. I also chose to type out captions

of what I am saying in the voiceovers and all other audio sections because I want to cater to

those who aren’t using their volume as well as those who are hard of hearing. I utilized paper and

web in my instructions as options that can be used in replacement of each other, but I didn’t

necessarily use them as a part of my video. All modes that I used were aimed at serving multiple

learning ways and abilities.

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