CBSE-X Mathematics - Chap-13 (Statistics)

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Learning Objectives
 Students will be learning to define the statistics and grouped data.
 Students will be learning to discuss about the two forms of grouped
Learning Outcomes
 Students will be able to convert the exclusive form into inclusive form.
 Students will be able to find the class-size or class width of a grouped
frequency distribution.

Real Life Application

In your school, there must be thousands of students. Every year numerous
students pass out while many new ones take admission. The school keeps all
the data regarding its students, teachers, or any other professional working
there. You may wonder how they arrange and maintain this large amount of

Statistical analysis tools are typically used to address this issue and reduce the
complexity of analysing the data. By using statistics to manage educational
data, the information is more organised and easier to analyse.
To maintain this educational data, i.e., the collection of all the information
regarding a student studying, a teacher teaching, or any other professional
working at an educational institute. This could be any piece of information or
data, like a name, date of birth, enrollment date, etc. The process of storing
such large amount of data is challenging because the data keeps growing
every day.
The statistics is useful in this situation, which means any kind of information
regarding any student can be acquired from the educational data. Let’s study

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the various statistical terminologies.
Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organisation, analysis,
interpretation and presentation of data.
In the previous class, we have already studied the three measures of central
tendency, i.e., mean, median and mode to find the average middle term and
most frequency term, respectively, of an ungrouped data. Now, in this chapter,
we will study mean, median and mode of grouped data.
Grouped Data
A data that is organised into several groups is called grouped data.
A data can be grouped in two forms:
(1) Exclusive Form (Overlapping/Continuous Form) : In this type of grouped
data, the upper limit is excluded from each class interval and the class
intervals are made in such a manner that the upper limit of one class is the
lower limit of the next class.
For example, 0 – 10 and 10 – 20. Here, 10 is included in 10 – 20 and with
0 – 10.
(2)Inclusive Form (Non Overlapping/Discontinuous Form): In this type of
grouped data, the upper limit is also included in the class itself and so, it is
not included in the next higher class.
For example 0 – 19 and 20 – 29.
 To convert inclusive form to exclusive form, we substract 2 from the lower

limit and add h to the upper limit of each class interval where, h is the
difference between upper and lower limit of the preceding class.
 In the exclusive form, the lower limit and the upper limit are called the True
Lower Limit and the True Upper Limit respectively.
 The difference between the true upper limit and true lower limit of a
grouped frequency distribution is called the class-size or class width. It is
denoted by h.
 The middle-value of a class-interval which lies between true lower limit
and true upper limit is called the class mark. It is denoted by x.

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Learning Objectives
 Students will be introduced to the method of finding mean with three
Learning Outcomes
 Students will be able to find the mean of grouped frequency.
 Students will be able to apply the three methods of finding mean of
given data.

Real Life Application

When you scroll through social media, you often see advertisements. These
advertisements promote a specific product, service, or campaign. So when
you watch them or click on them or buy the product, service or campaign
marketers and the brand make money.
Some ads become very popular and some are underrated, which result in
loss. As a result, some ads generate good revenue while others generate bad
revenue. This usually happens in the advertisement market.

But how does any marketing agency or any business promoting their product
earn a profit by a specific advertisement? This is done with the help of mean.
A mean is basically the average value of a given dataset. So, the marketers
and businessmen frequently calculate their campaign performance based on
total sales achieved / clicks achieved on the campaign. This is the most basic
real-life example of calculating mean. In this topic we will learn the basics of
how to calculate mean.
The mean of a data, or a set of observation is the average value of the data,

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or observation, and is denoted by x , read as x bar. Generally, it is obtained
by dividing the sum of all the observations by the total number of the
To calculate the mean of grouped data, following three methods can be used.
(1) Direct method

(2) Assumed mean method
(3) Step–deviation method

Statistics 5
OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The
mean and median of a distribution are 14 and 15, respectively.
The value of the mode is:
(a)16 (b)17
(c)18 (d)13 [CBSE 2020]
Ans. (b)17
Explanation: Using empirical formula we have
3 Median = Mode + 2 Mean
⇒ Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean
= 3(15) – 2(14)
= 45 – 28 = 17
2. Students of a school were informed that a doctor would visit the
school for their annual health checkup. The students were lined up
and their height, weight and blood pressure were checked.

Consider the following frequency distribution of the heights (in cm) of 60

students of a class:

Class Frequency
150 – 155 15
155 – 160 13
160 – 165 10
165 – 170 8
170 – 175 9
175 – 180 5
The upper limit of the median class in the given data is:
(a)165 (b)155
(c)160 (d)170

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[CBSE SQP 2019]
Ans. (a)165
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2019]
No. of
Height Cumulative
(in cm) Frequency (cf)
150 – 155 15 15
155 – 160 13 28
160 – 165 10 38
165 – 170 8 46
170 – 175 9 55
175 – 180 5 60
Hence, n =60
\ =30
Since, the cumulative frequency just greater than 30 is 38, which belongs
to class 160-165.
\ Median class = 160 - 165
\ Upper limit of median class = 165

Assertion Reason
In question a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
Reason (R). Choose the correct option as:
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct
explanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the
correct explanation of assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
3. Assertion (A):If the value of mode and median is 50.5 and 45.5
respectively, then the value of mean is 86.
Reason (R): Median = (Mode + 2 Mean)
Ans. (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
Explanation: We know that,
Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean
(50.5) = 3 (45.5) – 2 Mean

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2 Mean = 136.5 –50.5
= 86
Hence, assertion is true but reason is false.

CASE BASED Questions (CBQs)

[ 4 & 5 marks ]
Read the passages and answer the questions that follow:
‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ is a country-wide campaign initiated by our
Honourable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Singh Modi in the year
2014 to eliminate open defecation, to improve solid waste management
and to accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitisation.

As part of the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, some houses of a locality in Agra
decided to clean up and beautify a Primary School of their locality by
planting a number of plants. They involved the school kids and the local
community in doing so.

data indicating the number of plants contributed by different houses is
tabulated below:

Number of plants
Number of houses
1–3 10
4–6 8
7–9 x
10 – 12 7
13 – 15 12
16 – 18 4
(A) What is the median class?

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(B) Find the median number of plants contributed.
Ans. (A)

Class Frequency Cumulative Frequency

0.5 – 3.5 10 10
3.5 – 6.5 8 18
6.5 – 9.5 x=9 27
9.5 – 12.5 7 34
12.5 – 15.5 12 46
15.5 – 18.5 4 50
N = 50
Here, = 25
Cumulative frequency just greater than 25 is 27 which belongs to
class 6.5 – 9.5.
\Median class=6.5 – 9.5.
(B) We know, N 
 2 − cf 
Median = l +  ×h
 f 
 

Here, l = 6.5, cf = 18, f = 9, h = 3

[from (A)]
 25 − 18 
\ Median = 6.5 +  ×3
9 
= 6.5 + ×3
= 6.5 + 2.33
= 8.83


[ 1 mark ]

5. Find the class marks of the classes 15 – 35 and 45 – 60. [CBSE 2020]
15 + 35
Ans. Class mark of 15 – 35 = , i.e., 25

45 + 60
Class mark of 45 – 60 = , i.e, 52.5

Statistics 9
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SHORT ANSWER Type-I Questions (SA-I)
[ 2 marks ]

6. If mode of the following frequency distribution is 55 then find the

value of x.
Class Frequency
0 – 15 10
15 – 30 7
30 – 45 x
45 – 60 15
60 – 75 10
75 – 90 12
[CBSE Term-2 2022]
Ans. Given : Mode of the frequency distribution = 55
Modal class = 45 – 60
lower limit = 45
Class limit (h) = 15
f1 = 15, f0 = x,
f2 = 10
 f1 − f 0 
Mode = l+ ×h
 2f1 − f 0 − f2 

 15 − x 
55 = 45 +  2 × 15 − x − 10  × 15

 15 − x 
55 – 45 =  30 − x − 10  × 15

10 (15 − x )
= (20 − x )

15 − x 2
20 − x
= 3

45 – 3x = 40 – 2x

SHORT ANSWER Type-II Questions (SA-II)

[ 3 marks ]

7. Following is the distribution of the long jump competition in which 250

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students participated. Find the median distance jumped by the students.
Interpret the median.
Distance (in m) Number of Students
0-1 40
1-2 80
2-3 62
3-4 38
4-5 30
[CBSE Term-2 SQP 2022]
Distance Number of cf
(in m) Students
0-1 40 40
1-2 80 120
2-3 62 182
3-4 38 220
4-5 30 250
N 250
= 2
= 125Þ median class is 2 – 3,
l = 2, h = 1, cf = 120, f = 62.
− cf
median = l + 2 ×h
= 2 + 62
= 2 62 m or 2.08 m
50% of students jumped below 2 62 m and 50% above it.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-2 SQP 2022]

Distance Number of Students Cumulative Frequency
(in m)
0-1 40 40

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1-2 80 120
2-3 62 182
3-4 38 220
4-5 30 250
N = 250
Here = 125
And, cumulative frequency just greater than 125 is 182, which belongs to
class 2 – 3.
\ Median class= 2 – 3
We know,
N 
 2 − cf 
Median = l × 
f 
 ×h
Here, l = 2, f = 62, cf = 120, h = 1.
 125 − 120 
\ Median = 2 +   ×1
= 2 +
= 2 + 0.08
= 2.08
Hence, the median distance jumped by the students is 2.08 m.
Interpretation: Half of the students jumped above 2.08 m.
 Students should remember that cf is cumulative frequency of the class,
preceding the median class and f is frequency of median class.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 4 & 5 marks ]
8. A life insurance agent found the following data for distribution of
ages of 100 policy holders. Calculate the median age, if policies are
given only to persons having age 18 years onwards but less than 60
Age (in years) Number of policy holders
Below 20 2
20-25 4
25-30 18

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30-35 21
35-40 33
40-45 11
45-50 3
50-55 6
55-60 2
[CBSE SQP Basic 2022]

A n s .
Class Interval Number of Cumulative Frequency
policy holders (cf )
(f )
Below 20 2 2
20-25 4 6
25-30 18 24
30-35 21 45
35-40 33 78
40-45 11 89
45-50 3 92
50-55 6 98
55-60 2 100
n = 100 Þ = 50, Therefore, median class

= 35 – 40,

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SHORT ANSWER Type-I Questions (SA-I)
[ 2 marks ]

9. Find the mode of the given frequency distribution:

Class 15–25 25–35 35–45 45–55 55–65 65–75
Frequency 6 11 22 23 14 5


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