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Sultanatah | family

Q1. Who makes you feel safe?

Q2. What is stopping you from taking the big step in your life?
Q3. When was the last time you faced a fear? How did you feel afterwards?
Q4. If you were to start a new business today what it would be?
Q5. When was the last time you lost track of time?
Q6. What are you overthinking?
Q7. What keeps you balanced?
Q8. What does patience mean to you?
Q9. What does a perfect night look like to you?
Q10. Tell me one of your anxiety or worries, let us talk it out.
Q11. What is your best memory with me?
Q12. What life question have you recently found an answer for?
Q13. What is a win you could really do it right now?
Q14. What about keeping in touch with people do you find the hardest?
Q15. How do you deal with pressure?
Q16. Tell me something about your mother that you did not appreciate until you
became older.
Q17. If you can give me a piece of advice on anything, what would it be?
Q18. Do you remember the moment that shaped your life as you know it?
Q19. Tell me something about yourself that less than 5 people know.
Q20. What about me intimidate you the most?
Q21. What is the biggest small thing that you can do?
Q22. Would you say that you are the same person in private as you are in public?
Q23. Do I seem like I need validation?
Q24. Do I seem like more of a doer or a thinker?
Q25. When I think of meeting Allah, I feel…??
Q26. Think about someone you recently had a disagreement with, without telling
me who they are, share three amazing qualities about them.
Q27. What are you preventing yourself from feeling?
Q28. What do you do daily to exercise your mental health?
Q29. What are you excited to go home to?
Q30. Think about someone in your life that is no longer here, what is one lesson
they taught you?
Q31. Who inspired you the most in your childhood? Do they still inspire you now?
Q32. Do you find it easy to apologize?
Q33. If someone could see your actions and do not hear your words what they
would say your priorities are?
Q34. Name one thing you love about the way you have been raised…
Q35. I can improve my relationship with Quran by……...?
Q36. How could you do better with your finances?
Q37. Who haven’t you got connected for long time... call them…
Q38. Finish the sentence, When I am (double your age), I would like to be…
Q39. What is your biggest insecurity?
Q40. Are you a defensive person?
Q41.When was the last time you laughed hard that your stomach hurt?
Q42. Who really are you?
Q43. Who is someone you are thankful to, lets come up with a meaningful gift you
can gift them?
Q44. Finish the sentence... dear Allah…………
Q45. What has been tough about today?
Q46. What took you the longest to understand about me?
Q47. What was the point in your life when you started believing in yourself?
Q48. What do you think the hardest part of my childhood was?
Q49. What is an Islamic reminder that you once heard that stayed with you until
this day?
Q50. What are you avoiding lately and why?
Q51. Do you think I find it hard to empathize?
Q52. How do we improve our relationship?
Q53. When was the last time you spoke from your heart to Allah, what motivated
Q54. Who is your biggest cheer leader?
Q55. What steps could you take to get closer to Allah?
Q56. One of Allah’s names is your protecting friend (Wali), name a time in your
life where you have felt that name in existence?
Q57. What test your patience?
Q58. What are you most thankful to Allah this week?
Q59. Do you think I am good at hiding my emotions?
Q60. Tell me one of your anxieties, let’s talk it out. (repeated question)
Q61. Ask me anything, I promise to be vulnerable.
Q62. What’s the story behind the Ayah that changed your life?
Q63. The most embarrassing moment at school.
Q64. If you could get anything you want, what it would be?
Q65. Tell a reminder that helped you refocus in Ramadan?
Q66. What lesson did you get from yesterday?
Q67. When was the last time you gave yourself permission to switch off?
Q68. Have you been tolerating your flaws or improving them lately?
Q69. Do you find it difficult to be present?
Q70. Name one time when having patience made all the difference.
Q71. What’s your ideal Sahoor?
Q72. Name 3 of your favorite people from your Teens.
Q73. Tell me one thing that you have discovered about yourself this year?
Q74. What you need to be more balanced in?
Q75. What are you not prioritizing?
Q76. One of Allah’s names is the Provider, what are you thankful for that money
can’t buy?
Q77. What is the worst fight you had with a friend that you made up later?

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