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Pre-Junior Cycle Final Examination 2024

(Option A)
Common Level
Time – 2 hours
360 marks For Examiner
Ques on Mark Ques on Mark

1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
School use only:
9 Total
Spelling Waiver Granted
10 %

Write your details in the boxes on the front cover.

There are two sec ons in this examina on paper.

Sec on A 150 marks 10 ques ons

Sec on B 210 marks 5 ques ons

Answer all parts of all ques ons.

You may ask the superintendent for a copy of the Formulae and Tables booklet. You must return
it at the end of the examina on. You are not allowed to bring your own copy into the
examina on.

Not all the ques ons carry equal marks. The number of marks for each ques on is stated at the
top of the ques on.

Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. You are not required to use all of the
space provided. There is extra space at the end of Sec on A and at the back of the booklet. Label
any extra work clearly with the ques on number and part.

This examina on booklet will be scanned and your work will be presented to an examiner on
screen. Anything that you write outside of the answer areas may not be seen by the examiner.

Write your answers in blue or black pen. You may use pencil for graphs and diagrams only.

Section A 150 marks

QuesƟon 1 (15 marks)

Examine the laboratory instruments below and complete the table underneath them by filling in
the empty white boxes. It is par ally completed for you.



Label Instrument QuanƟty Measured

A Mass
B Ammeter
C Volume
D Stopwatch
E Newton Meter

QuesƟon 2 (15 marks)

(a) Using the le ers A, B, C and D as provided, classify whether each of the following is an
element, a mixture, or a compound by comple ng the table below.

LeƩer: A, B, C or D Classified as a(n):


(b) Which of the following diagrams represents a gas? Give one reason for your answer.




QuesƟon 3 (15 marks)

(a) Calculate the volume of the wooden block on the right.

Volume =



(b) The mass of the wooden block above is 315g. Calculate the density of this block, giving the
correct units for density.

Density = Units =

(c) If ice is simply frozen water, why does it float? Briefly explain why.

QuesƟon 4 (15 marks)

The infographic below shows the trend in global temperatures from 1880 to 2022.
Answer the following ques ons about this trend.

Global Temperature Anomaly (oC compared to the 1951-1980 average)


0.75 2022



- 0.25

- 0.50
1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

(a) Iden fy two ac ons that have caused the sharp rise in global temperatures in recent

(b) State the largest contributor to the global greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector
from the chart on the right.

Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

by Economic Sector

10% Electricity and
(c) Briefly men on two ways in which businesses and Heat Produc on
households can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Industry

Agriculture, Forestry
and Other Land Use
Transporta on 24%


QuesƟon 5 (15 marks)

Read the ar cle below, then answer the ques ons that follow.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infec ous disease caused
by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus
will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover
without requiring special treatment. However, some will become
seriously ill and require medical a en on. Older people and
those with underlying medical condi ons like cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are
more likely to develop serious illness. Anyone can get sick with
COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well-informed about the disease and
how the virus spreads. Protect yourself and others from infec on by staying at least 1 metre apart
from others, wearing a properly fi ed mask, and washing your hands or using an alcohol-based
rub frequently. Get vaccinated when it’s your turn and follow local guidance.

The virus can spread from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid par cles when they
cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. These par cles range from larger respiratory droplets to
smaller aerosols. It is important to prac ce respiratory e que e, for example by coughing into a
flexed elbow, and to stay home and self-isolate un l you recover if you feel unwell.

World Health OrganizaƟon

(a) Is this ar cle reliable? State one reason why.

(b) From the passage, what two groups are at most risk from serious infec on?

(c) Use the advice given in the above ar cle to iden fy three ways in which we can help limit the
spread of the COVID-19 virus.

QuesƟon 6 (15 marks)

(a) Iden fy the parts labelled A, B and C in the diagram.

Label Name of Part

(b) Suggest one reason why the lungs are located in the chest cavity, surrounded by the ribcage.

(c) Outline one way in which the alveoli and capillaries are adapted for gas exchange.

(d) State whether the following statements are true or false.

Statement True or False

There is more carbon dioxide in inhaled air than in exhaled air.

The epiglo s is a flap of ssue that stops food entering the trachea.

During exhala on, the pressure of the lungs decreases.

QuesƟon 7 (15 marks)

(a) Examine the three diagrams below and classify each as being either an exothermic or
endothermic reac on. Fill in the box underneath each picture with your answer.

(b) Use the following terms to complete the energy profile diagram below.

Reactants Products AcƟvaƟon energy Energy released

Reac on Progress

(c) Is this an energy profile diagram for an exothermic or endothermic reac on?
Jus fy your answer.



QuesƟon 8 (15 marks)

Cys c Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited condi on in which the lungs and diges ve system can become
clogged with thick, s cky mucus. It can cause problems with breathing and diges on from a young
age. The pedigree chart below shows the pa ern of inheritance star ng with a father who was
unaffected (no gene for cys c fibrosis) and a mother who was a carrier of the CF gene. Examine the
family tree and answer the ques ons that follow.

Parents 1 2

4 6
3 5


8 9 10

(a) How many children were born to the parents?

(b) Two of the grandchildren (individuals 8 and 9) have cys c fibrosis.

What does this tell us about their parents?

(c) How many children do individuals 6 and 7 have?

Do their offspring have cys c fibrosis? Explain why.

Number of children

Have the condiƟon?

Yes or No


QuesƟon 9 (15 marks)

Electrical power is the amount of electrical energy that is

converted into another form of energy per second.
Electrical appliances such as the electric heater shown on
the right are expensive to run.

(a) State the unit of power.

(b) Calculate the electrical power of this electric heater if it is connected to a power supply of
230V and uses a current of 5A.

Power = Voltage x Current

(c) The electric heater with the power calculated above in part (b) is used for 3 hours a day for a
full week.

(i) Calculate the number of kWh used.

kWh = kW x hours =

(ii) Calculate the total cost of running this appliance for the week if 1kWh is 29 cents.

QuesƟon 10 (15 marks)

Wind energy is one form of renewable energy that

has become more common in Ireland in recent years.

(a) Name two other forms of renewable energy that can be used in Ireland and globally.

(b) Discuss one way in which wind turbines can nega vely affect wildlife.

(c) Explain where fossil fuels originate from.

(d) Give one reason why fossil fuels are an unsuitable energy source for our future needs.

Addi onal wri ng space for SecƟon A.
Label all work clearly with the ques on number and part.

Section B 210 marks

QuesƟon 11 (45 marks)

Indiges on is caused by excess acid made in the stomach. Various brands of indiges on tablets
(antacids) neutralise some of this acid.
One suitable technique used to inves gate the effec veness of antacids is via ƟtraƟon.
Some students performed this inves ga on three mes with two brands of antacid: Alka-Seltzer
and Gaviscon.
Both antacids were in tablet form.
For each brand, two tablets of equal mass were used.
The students then calculated the average volume of acid neutralised.

(a) In the empty box below le , draw the apparatus that the students set up to inves gate the
above neutralisa on reac on. Some of the equipment they may have used is also shown.

Conical flask

Pipe e
Bure e

(b) Name an indicator that could be used in this neutralisa on reac on and outline the colour
change observed.

Indicator used

Colour before

Colour aŌer

(c) State one safety precau on used when performing this inves ga on.

(d) The average volume of acid neutralised in cm3 was recorded for each of the two brands of
indiges on remedies used (i.e. Alka-Seltzer and Gaviscon).

Brand Average volume of acid neutralised (cm3)

Alka-Seltzer 12

Gaviscon 14

Which remedy was the most effec ve? Explain why.



(e) The products formed from this reac on are calcium chloride (a salt), water and carbon
dioxide. Name a separa on technique that would be most convenient to separate the
men oned salt from the water and carbon dioxide.

(f) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, the separa on technique men oned in part (e).

(g) Using your periodic table, predict the chemical formula and ra o of atoms in the following

Compound Formula RaƟo

Calcium Chloride

QuesƟon 12 (30 marks)

A cyclist travelled from home to a specific des na on and then

returned home.
Their distance from home was measured every 10 seconds.

(a) Explain the difference between speed and velocity.



(b) In the graph space provided, draw a line graph with distance travelled on the y-axis and me
on the x-axis.

Distance travelled (m) 0 25 50 50 150 0

Time (s) 0 10 20 30 40 50




travelled 100




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)

(c) Calculate the average speed between 10 seconds and 20 seconds. Give the units for speed.

Average Speed =

Units =

(d) Describe the cyclist’s mo on that occurred between 20 and 30 seconds.

(e) State the term that is used to describe the increase in the cyclist's velocity.

(f) Name the most suitable apparatus that could be used to measure the distance the cyclist

QuesƟon 13 (30 marks)

The diagram below shows the product lifecycle of many materials. Plas cs are one versa le
material that have various physical proper es and func ons (e.g. flexible, durable, etc.).

(a) Explain briefly in the table below how a named material of your choice other than plasƟc
(e.g. metal, wood, etc.) is extracted, used, disposed of, and recycled.

Material of your choice

How is it extracted?

How is it used?

How is it disposed of?

How is it recycled?

(b) In the product produc on industry, companies are obliged by law to be more sustainable.
Explain your understanding of the term sustainability.

(c) The technology of various components such as computers has changed over me.
In your studies, you have researched a technological applica on of physics that has impacted
the world of science, society, and the environment.

(i) In the box below, name one technological applica on.

(ii) Outline one impact this technological applica on has on each of the following areas:

Area Impact




QuesƟon 14 (45 marks)

Under the supervision of their teacher, a group of students were inves ga ng the effect of light
intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.
They set up their apparatus similar to that shown in the diagram below.
The students measured the distance between the light source and the pondweed.


lamp bubbles



(a) In the box below, complete the word equa on that summarises photosynthesis.


_____________________ + Water _____________________ + Oxygen


(b) Outline a suitable hypothesis that the students could have formed for this inves ga on.

(c) Name one piece of apparatus that the students could have used to measure the distance
between the light source and pondweed.

(d) Name the variable that was measured in this inves ga on.

(e) Name the variable that was changed in this inves ga on.

(f) The students performed this inves ga on three mes. Give a brief explana on for this.

(g) The results in the table below were obtained during the inves ga on.
Comment on the rela onship between the distance of the light source from the pondweed
and the average number of oxygen bubbles per minute.

Average number of oxygen bubbles

Distance (cm) from light source
in 1 minute
10 12
20 10
30 7
40 6
50 4
60 2


Green plants such as the pondweed in the above experiment are described as producers, i.e. they
make their own food. The food chain below shows the energy flow of a typical woodland habitat.
Answer the following ques ons on food chains and energy flows.

primary secondary terƟary

energy producer consumer consumer consumer

sun grass grasshopper shrew owl

(h) Explain why it is unusual for food chains with more than three or four organisms to exist.

(i) From the above food chain, name the primary source of energy and the herbivore.

Primary source of energy


(j) Give one adapta on that the grasshopper possesses to avoid being prey to the shrew.
(Looking at the given diagram of the food chain may help you.)

(k) Give one adapta on that the shrew possesses to avoid being prey to the owl.

(l) What term is used to classify organisms that break down dead or decaying remains in the

QuesƟon 15 (60 marks)

(a) Draw in the shape of a full Moon, its loca on, and the mo on of our Moon in the Earth-Sun-
Moon system below.



(b) Explain what is meant by the term natural satellite.

Write X a er the one correct answer in each of (c) and (d) below.

(c) What are the reasons for the no ceable seasons in some countries around the world, such as

Earth's Ɵlt and revoluƟon

Earth's Ɵlt and rotaƟon
Earth's rotaƟon and revoluƟon
Earth's Ɵlt and resoluƟon

(d) The Earth's what is an imaginary line that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole?


(e) How does the Earth's lt determine the length of the day and the temperature on Earth?

(f) State the term used to describe the different stages of the moon seen at night.

(g) In your opinion, why do we not see a new moon at the beginning of a new lunar phase?

(h) Which of the pictures below represents a) waxing gibbous and b) waning crescent?

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Phase Picture 1, 2 or 3?

a) Waxing gibbous

b) Waning crescent

(i) The gravita onal force on the Moon is 1.6Nkg, in comparison with 10Nkg on Earth.
Calculate the weight of a person with a mass of 60kg on a) Earth and b) the Moon.

a) Weight on Earth

b) Weight on the Moon

(j) State the unit for weight.

(k) In your opinion, state two reasons why it would be difficult to live on the Moon.

(l) Why does the Moon appear to be larger than the stars?

(m) Fill in the following sentences using the mes given in the table below.

27 days 24 hours 365.25 days

The Earth spins on its own axis once every ________________.

The Earth orbits the Sun once every _______________.

The Moon orbits the Earth once every _________________.

Addi onal wri ng space for SecƟon B.
Label all work clearly with the ques on number and part.

Addi onal wri ng space for SecƟon B.
Label all work clearly with the ques on number and part.


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