PPE2 Tender For Ground-Mounted PV - Session

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Results analysis
PPE2 tender for ground-mounted PV – Session #5

Version 1.00

MARCH 5 , 2024

Masque v1 (Jan 22)

PPE2 ground-mounted PV tender – Introduction
The PPE2 tender for ground-mounted PV grants solar developers a feed-in premium for their installation


▪ The French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition released in August 2021 its new renewables tenders’ plan to takeover with the CRE 4 tenders program coming
to an end in 2021. This new program, called “PPE2” due to its central role in France’s second multi-annual energy plan (Programmation Pluriannuelle de l’Energie), includes
several tender rounds for nearly 29 GW called, with applications starting from 2021 and ending in 2026. Among all PPE2 tenders, one is supporting ground-mounted PV
installations between 500 kWp and 30 MWp located in mainland France, with one exception: there is no capacity limit for projects located on degraded lands (e.g.,
industrial wasteland, old quarry, etc.)
▪ We are today analyzing the results of the 5th session of the PPE2 tender for ground-mounted PV, released on March 4th, 2024. The average tariff of this session confirms
its stabilization trend (-0.6% compared to the 4th session’s average) which was already observed during the last session (cf. slide 6). This 5th session was properly
subscribed with 912 MWp awarded for 925 MWp called

Tender criteria Key data

▪ Type: Ground-mounted PV PPE2 PPE2

Session #4 Session #5
Between 500 kWp and 30 MWp (no limit for
▪ Capacity: Awarded capacity 1 519.0 MWp 911.5 MWp
degraded lands)
9% Price Number of awarded projects 129 92

Environmental relevance¹ Average awarded tariff € 82.42/MWh € 81.90/MWh

▪ Rating: Carbon footprint
No maximum No maximum
Maximum bidding tariff
Shared governance or bidding tariff bidding tariff
crowdfunding² Application deadline June 26th, 2023 Dec. 15th, 2023

¹ Environmental relevance can either be maximum if the project is located on degraded lands, or null otherwise, ² Shared governance and crowdfunding premium are mutually exclusive, with shared
governance accounts graded between 0% to 5% while crowdfunding will be either 0% or 3% with no intermediate value, ³ Adjusted data based on category #1 and category #2 of CRE 4 ground-
mounted tender (therefore excluding category #3 which was designed for shade houses, no longer part of PPE2 ground-mounted tender)
Masque v1 (Jan 22)
PPE2 ground-mounted tender – What’s new since CRE4
The PPE2 tender for ground-mounted PV is a straight-forward follow-up to the CRE 4 ground-mounted tender with some adaptations

Notable adjustments since CRE 4 ground-mounted tender Carbon footprint’s reference values for rating
Minimum 200 kg CO2 eq/kWp
▪ Shade houses are no longer part of this tender which now solely aims at
ground-mounted PV Maximum 550 kg CO2 eq/kWp
▪ Priority will be given to projects below 5 MWp for up to 200 MWp of
tendered capacity for each tender as the tender no longer differentiates
different categories of assets. The CRE will eliminate the worst bids Tender calendar
accordingly with the mechanism in case of undersubscription for this
Application deadline Tendered capacity
reserved capacity
▪ Financial guarantees will now be paid by project sponsors when applying 1st session December 23rd, 2021 700 MWp
to the tender and released if the project is not awarded 2nd session May 20th, 2022 700 MWp
▪ Compatibility of the tender with installations featuring storage system -
although the latter can not be subsidized under this tender 3rd session December 23rd, 2022 925 MWp

▪ Ground-mounted installations located in i) “constructible” areas of 4th session (catch-up) June 26th, 2023 1 500 MWp
municipal maps (Carte Communale) or ii) “urbanized” or “to be
5th session December 15th, 2023 925 MWp
urbanized” areas (Urbanisé or A Urbaniser) in municipalities with a local
urbanization plan (Plan Local d’Urbanisme) are now eligible 6th & 7th sessions 2024 TBD 2 x 925 MWp
▪ Rating criteria adjustments: environmental relevance, shared governance 8th & 9th sessions 2025 TBD 2 x 925 MWp
and crowdfunding are now part of the overall rating:
— Environmental relevance for degraded lands 10th session 2026 TBD 925 MWp
— Shared governance accounts for the long-term ownership of the
projects by local individuals or communities N.B. Finergreen has recently released a comparative study on the key adjustments made
— Crowdfunding accounts for the financing of the project by local since CRE4 in the different PPE2 tenders’ specifications. Please reach out to us if
individuals or communities interested!

▪ The commissioning delay is increased from 24 months to 30

▪ Implementation of the Deggendorf rule: the project sponsor can not apply if
currently subject to a State order for repayment for unlawful aid

Masque v1 (Jan 22)

PPE2 ground-mounted tender #5 – Awarded projects
The total awarded capacity amounts to 912 MWp, with 34 identified developers

Capacity awarded per developer (MWp)

▪ EDF ranks first with 191.4 MWp

▪ Neoen lands in second position with 7 projects amounting to 118.9 MWp 100%
▪ Lastly, Urbasolar completes the podium with 78.3 MWp

13% ▪ The overall awarded capacity at this tender session is 912 MWp
▪ 34 developers were identified, with 21 of them awarded with less than 20 MWp
191.4 9%
7% 7% 160.7
118.9 4% 25%
4% 4% 4%
78.3 3% 2% 2% 2%
64.1 63.4
39.9 37.7 34.3 32.3 26.8 21.6 21.3 21.0

N.B.: This graph shows the cumulated projects capacity awarded to each developer; the developer might not be the final owner of the plant

Masque v1 (Jan 22)

PPE2 ground-mounted tender #5 – Mapping
Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the most awarded region with 148.4 MWp closely followed by Grand-Est with its 132.3 MWp

Capacity awarded per region (MWp)

▪ Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Grand-Est are the regions with the greatest

73.2 awarded capacities on this 5th session of PPE2 tender for ground-mounted
PV, with respectively 148.4 MWp and 132.3 MWp
16.3 ▪ Developers seem to have been bidding less up North than before: 43% of
17.7 132.2 the total awarded capacity is in Southern France. This share had never
reached more than a 33% since the start of PPE2 ground-mounted tenders
▪ On average, projects located in the Northern half are close to twice as big
18.2 108.2 as projects located in the Southern half (i.e., 15.1 MWp vs. 8.6 MWp) despite
two tremendous projects (69.0 MWp & 45.0 MWp).

▪ The overall average project’s size dropped by 16% since the 4th session
(i.e. 9.9 MWp vs. 11.8 MWp) which may have slightly favoured Southern
projects encountering greater land pressure than Northern candidates
148.4 ▪ For the first time in a PPE2 ground-mounted session, Bretagne has been
awarded with 10+ MWp to reach 32.3 MWp thanks to one large project of
27.1 MWp

31.9 ▪ Every region has been awarded with capacities on this 5th session, this is
121.3 only the second time in PPE2 ground-mounted tenders, with the previous
make-up session (4th) that attributed 1 519 MWp

Masque v1 (Jan 22)

PPE2 ground-mounted tender – Average tariff evolution
Under this new PPE2 session, the average awarded tariff has once again stabilized (-0.6%) after an unprecedented increase in 2022-2023

Average tariff evolution since CRE 4 last tenders (€ per MWh)



82.2 82.4 81.9

€ / MWh

58.9 59.9 58.8
55.2 55.0

CRE4 Session 5 CRE4 Session 6 CRE4 Session 7 CRE4 Session 8 CRE4 Session 9 CRE4 Session 10 PPE2 Session 1 PPE2 Session 2 PPE2 Session 3 PPE2 Session 4 PPE2 Session 5
(790 MWp, Mar (787 MWp, Aug (601 MWp, Apr (301 MWp, Oct (381 MWp, Feb (597 MWp, Nov (705 MWp, Mar (339 MWp, Aug (115 MWp, Apr (1519 MWp, Sep (912 MWp, Mar
2019) 2019) 2020) 2020) 2021) 2021) 2022) 2022) 2023) 2023) 2024)

N.B.: Adjusted data based on category #1 and category #2 of CRE 4 ground-mounted tender (therefore excluding category #3 which was designed for shade houses, no longer part of PPE2 ground-
mounted tender)
Masque v1 (Jan 22)
PPE2 ground-mounted tender – Top 25 developers
st th rd
Neoen managed to keep its 1 place, closely followed by this 5 session most awarded developer, EDF, while Rubis Photosol maintains its 3 rank

Top 25 most-awarded developers under the PPE2 ground-mounted tender scheme

TOTAL (MWp) - 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
1 Neoen 479
2 EDF 477
3 Rubis Photosol 302
4 Urbasolar 208
5 Générale du Solaire 194
6 Q ENERGY 186
7 JPEE 157
8 TotalEnergies Renouvelables 139
9 BayWa r.e 123
10 Engie 123
11 TSE 120
12 ib vogt 119
13 CVE 86
14 Valeco 84
15 Kronos Solar EDPR 76
16 Terre Et Lac 52
17 Technique Solaire 46
18 IEL 41 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
19 Solveo 36 Session 4 Session 5
20 Arkolia 34
21 Sergies 33
22 Altergie 32
23 ABO Wind 26
24 Akuo 23
25 Valorem 22 Top 25 has been awarded with 3.2 GWp
since PPE2 ground-mounted tender offers

Masque v1 (Jan 22)

Feel free to reach out


Vice President Vice President
M. +33 (0) 7 81 34 61 40 M. +33 (0) 7 60 03 29 06
arthur.omont@finergreen.com bastien.martinez@finergreen.com


Analyst Analyst
M. +33 (0) 6 30 05 62 41 M. +33 (0) 6 73 96 20 35
agathe.champagne@finergreen.com theo.picard@finergreen.com

Masque v1 (Jan 22)

Masque v1 (Jan 22)

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