ALH Level1 Teacher'SBook Worksheets-46 2

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2 Vocabulary American Language Hub Level 1 Worksheet 

Present time expressions

A Choose the correct time expressions to complete the blog post.

What’s Going On This Month?

EMILY STEVENS – November 10

Last year was hard, but my life is great 1today / at the moment. I’m 2currently / at the moment

spending a lot of time studying, and my friend is visiting for a few days 3today / right now. 4At the

moment / these days she’s out shopping – she loves staying here near the mall. It is raining 5today

/ these days, so it’s a good day for shopping. My father is away 6these days / at the moment on a

business trip, and 7right now / these days my mother is sleeping, so the house is quiet – it’s easy to

study. I’m really enjoying my college course 8at the moment / today, because this semester we are

learning about Japan, which I love.

B Complete the questions with the words in the box.

days moment now right these today

1 What are you reading at the ?

2 Where do you have lunch these ?

3 What is your family doing now?

4 What are you studying ?

5 What is your teacher doing right ?

6 What are you doing in your free time days?

C Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise B. Try to ask follow-up questions for
more information.

What are you reading right now?

I’m reading The Secret History by Donna Tartt. It’s amazing!

Oh, really? What’s it about?

American Language Hub Level 1 Teacher’s Resource Center. Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited. © Springer Nature Limited, 2020.
This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 46

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