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When conducting the research, the researchers will prioritize the safety and rights of

the respondents participating in the study. To ensure the research is conducted ethically

and responsibly, the researchers will fulfill the nine ethical considerations set by the

institution’s Research Ethics Committee and the Department of Science and

Technology (DOST) - Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB). These

guidelines and regulations are a legal requirement and a moral obligation to protect the

research participants' dignity and well-being.

Social Value. The research aims to study how to prevent the spread of banana

disease and help local farmers preserve a high-quality product and maintain the banana

plant's health. The respondents will benefit from the said study by alleviating the spread

of banana-related diseases, thus producing more products and increasing their income,

ultimately improving their living standards. Additionally, preventing the spread of banana

disease can have positive environmental impacts, as it may reduce the need for harmful

pesticides and other chemicals commonly used to control the disease. This can lead to

a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to banana cultivation, which can benefit

the farmers, the community, and the broader ecosystem. The Department of Agriculture

would greatly benefit from the study results since it would improve the detection of

banana-related diseases and thus help improve the quality of banana and banana

products in the country.

Informed consent. The researchers will prioritize the well-being and autonomy

of the respondents and are working to create a consent process that is respectful,

transparent, and sensitive to individual needs and circumstances. To achieve this goal,

the proponents crafted an informed consent form that is clear and free from technical
terms that might lead to confusion. Before conducting the survey, the proponents will

follow the strict health protocol of the IATF by implementing these protocol such as wear

facemask, physical distancing and disinfection. The proponents will give a health

screening before the face-to-face interaction. The proponents will give the informed

consent form in print. The respondents will have to write their printed name and

signature to certify that they are willing to be part of the study and accept the purpose,

risks, and benefits of participating in it. Withdrawing their consent at any time and their

willingness to give their voluntary and informed agreement to participate will be


Risk, Benefits, and Safety. Despite the benefits that the research study may

provide, there are risky practices associated with dealing with the device, such as

inhaled fumes and direct skin contact when handling pesticide that will be poured into a

small barrel and used as a refill the container that contains the pesticide that is precisely

part of the system. To alleviate the said risk, PPE must be worn as a safety precaution

to alleviate the said risk when directly interacting with the pesticide container. It will act

as the distribution point and point of origin for the pesticide utilized in every sprayer the

researcher’s device. Furthermore, the researchers will consider the sake of the

respondents and their risk in the deployment of devices, such as the dispersing of

pesticides through the air produced by each sprayer and potentially affecting the air, as

this may result in health issues for the individuals living beside or surrounded by the

plantation area. The area where the device is designated is an isolated area where

most of the parts of the area are banana plantations, and it is at least 5 km away from

the community. The researcher will implement safety measures by providing them
protective equipment and train them on safe handling of the technology. Pesticides can

harm animals directly through poisoning. Animals that consume contaminated

vegetation or water can suffer from acute toxicity, which can lead to illness or death.

The effects of pesticide poisoning can be particularly severe for small animals, such as

birds and insects, which can be more vulnerable to pesticides than larger animals. The

use of pesticides on banana plantations can have negative effects on wildlife, including

acute toxicity, disruption of the food chain, changes in behavior, and reduced

reproductive success. To minimize the impact of pesticides on wildlife, it is crucial to use

these chemicals in a responsible and sustainable manner, following best practices for

pesticide use and taking steps to minimize their impact on the environment or death. In

order to mitigate these effects the researcher ensured that there are no domestic

animals on site. If soil becomes contaminated with banana pesticides, it can have a

range of negative effects on the soil quality and the surrounding environment.

Pesticides can persist in soil for varying periods, depending on the type of pesticide and

environmental conditions. One immediate effect of pesticide contamination is the

destruction of beneficial microorganisms and soil biodiversity. Pesticides can kill or

reduce the populations of soil bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that play

essential roles in maintaining soil health, such as nutrient cycling, soil structure

formation, and plant growth promotion. As a result, soil fertility and productivity can

decline, and plants may become more susceptible to diseases and pests. In order to

mitigate the result of the pesticide on the soil, the researcher will apply bagasse on the

surface of the testing site before the actual testing. After several applications of the

pesticide, farmers may remove the contaminated bagasse to clean the area and the
researchers will also be helping the respondents in case the respondents chooses to

remove the bagasse. The study that we will conducting as a fabricators can provide

significant benefits to both the respondents and our group. By developing innovative

technology for agriculture, we can help to improve crop yields, reduce labor costs,

preventing the spread of disease, create new market opportunities, increase revenue,

enhance our reputation, and have a positive social impact. The benefits of the study

outweigh the risks. By conducting a thorough risks assessment, obtaining informed

consent, and taking appropriate measures to mitigate risks, we can help to ensure that

the study is conducted safely and ethically.

Privacy and confidentiality of information. The main priority of the

researchers will be safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of the research study

respondents. Thus, the researchers will adhere to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and not

collect sensitive data and information from the respondents. Furthermore, no private

information will be gathered from the respondents, and study respondents will never be

specifically identified. The soft copy record will kept on a laptop (owned by the lead

researcher) has secure password that only the lead researcher has access. The

evaluation questionnaires will be kept in a sealed envelope and will be stored in a

secured filing cabinet while the research is still going through. Once the research is

complete, no records will be kept and disposed of properly using shredder.

Justice. To ensure the fairness and integrity of the research study, the

researchers will use random sampling in selecting study participants and respondents.

The respondents must be (18 years of legal age and above) and have been farming
bananas for at least one year in a banana plantation in the region. The researchers will

assist the respondents if they have concerns about the consent form and questionnaire,

and the researchers will give clear instructions and assistance to secure their safety and

the safety of the respondents. The researcher will provide a contact number or direct

message to the provided social media platform of the researchers. The researcher will

implement safety measures to minimize the risk of exposure to pesticide and train them

on safe handling use of pesticides. If any of the respondents and researcher becomes ill

or shows signs of pesticide poisoning we should respond promptly to address the issue

this may include providing medical care and removing them from further exposure of

pesticides. The researcher will be giving a certificate of appreciation when the study is

completed as a token of gratitude in participating in the research study.

Transparency. The researchers are not directly blood-related or in a personal

relationship with their research adviser, technical panel, and respondents. The study is

also not funded by private or public agencies; the researcher personally funds it. To

uphold the integrity of the study, the researchers will be disclosing any forms of conflict

of interest that arise. To minimize or eliminate conflict, the researchers will remove

themselves from certain aspects of the research or ensure that the study design and

data analysis are conducted independently. The researchers will give the respondents a

copy of the results if they ask them. A final printed copy of the study will be given to the

College of Engineering and Technology, the institution where the researcher is currently

enrolled, and to the Commission on Higher Education. Moreover, the researchers are

also open to publishing their study in trusted research journals.

Qualification of the research. The researchers are enrolled in the Bachelor of

Science in Computer Engineering program and working toward their baccalaureate

degree. The researcher had practical experience in farming or agriculture can provide

valuable insights into challenges and best practice associated with crop management

and pesticide use. The researcher will be assist by the adviser or instructor to ensure

that the study is conduct safely or effectively. They had already undergone Methods of

Research and CpE Practice and Design 1 as well as seminars and workshops on

conducting research ethically.

Adequacy of facilities. We will be using local banana farms to become the

design facilities. For the safety and security of the respondents and the researchers,

these farms have vast areas and well-ventilated farms. The researchers will also adhere

to the rules and guidelines for entering banana farms. They will subject themselves to

proper authorization for compliance for the participants, such as foot cleansing, before

heading to the designated area of the farm.

Community involvement. The design aims for local farmers to automate their

methods, whether they are not into technology, and to modernize the old techniques of

banana farming. Using the study's result, the researchers are willing to impart their

knowledge to these farmers to adopt these technologies in Banana farming slowly. The

researchers are willing to participate in the further improvement of the industry by

providing the farmers with more information on the development of banana farming and

the agricultural sector. The researcher will respect the local traditions and culture of the

community that involve community member in the research process. The researcher will

ensure that the research is culturally appropriate and respectful, involving community
members in the research process and minimizing the disruption caused by the study

can help to ensure the study is conducted ethically and in a manner that is respectful of

the local traditions and culture.

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