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Assignment topic
"Exploring Values and Job Satisfaction in IT: A Comparative Analysis"
Submitted by
Usama Aurangzaib 20011556-045
Submitted to
Dr. Sobia Shabeer
Submission Date
April 16-2024
Department of Information Technology


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 Concepts:
(Apply components of attitudes, on your personal examples or IT students)

1. Attitudes:
Attitudes are psychosomatic tendencies conveyed by valuing a specific individual with more or
less step of favour or disapproval. In short they are categorized into the much known three
1.1. Cognitive Element:
This includes feeling, belief, emotions, and thoughts that we cling to a particular person.
1.2. Affective Element:
This involves the belief, feeling, or emotions that is bring up (evoke) by something.
1.3. Behavioural Element:
The element of future decision-making or taking future steps towards the attitude which effects
how we act and be good yourself.
Attitudes can enormously impact conduct, however not in every case straightforwardly. They are
molded by knowledge and education and can be affected by personal sentiments and the climate.
2. Personality:
3. (you were required to write the personalities of IT students which you have experienced
in last three years. We have also studied several personality types)

Personality alludes to individual contrasts in trademark thought processes, feeling, and acting.
The investigation of character centers around two wide regions: figuring out individual contrasts
specifically character qualities, like friendliness or peevishness, and understanding how the
different pieces of an individual meet up in general. A few models make sense of character,
 The Enormous Five Model, which incorporates receptiveness, honesty, extraversion,
pleasantness, and abnormality.
 The Myers-Briggs Type Pointer (MBTI), which positions entities into 16 particular
character types in view of four divergences.

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4. Values:
5. (Same issue as commented above)

Values are center criteria or norms that guide conduct. Values reflect what is vital to an
individual and can influence the two perspectives and conduct. Values are by and large stable,
long-lasting principles about what is substantial in various positions.
For instance:
Somebody who values genuineness deeply is possibly going to think and consider about this
characteristic substantial across a widespread range of everyday problems.
Attitudes, Personality, and Values involved in IT student:
(Generic answers, not included any example)

1. Attitude:
IT undergraduates might foster explicit attitudes in light of their encounters and training.
For example:
Inspirational perspective toward Innovation:
IT undergraduates normally have a good personality towards invention and advancement
because of their curiosity and studies.
Receptiveness to Change:
Given the wild advancement in invention and innovation, IT undergraduates regularly should be
versatile, flexible and open to obtaining new capabilities.

2. Personality:

Although it's problematic to sum up the character of all IT undergraduates, certain attributes
might be more predominant:
Introversion versus Extroversion:
The detail frequently inclines towards self-importance in IT, however this can shift largely with
numerous outgoing individuals likewise blossoming in supportive tech circumstances.
High Transparency:

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IT undergraduates normally score extraordinary on friendliness, given their promise with
imaginative, resourceful and complex structures.
High Good faith:
Successful IT undergraduates and specialists normally display incredible determination,
accurateness, and a rock-hard hard working attitude, shimmering high principles and values.

3. Values:

Values are ordinary among IT undergraduates could include:

3.1 Consistent Improvement:
Appreciating deep rooted gaining and uninterrupted expertise progress.
3.2 Development:
Placing an extraordinary worth price on inventiveness and development.
3.3 Joint effort:
Particularly in circumstances that burden agile methodologies and teamwork.
3.4 Moral Utilization of Innovation:
As invention impacts practically every portion of life, many IT undergraduates regard moral
observations in regards to data and information protection, security, and the ethnic consequence
of innovation and improvement.

 "Exploring Diverse Teacher Personalities, Values, and Attitudes in

 (Write the introduction of teachers like, gender, age, work experience, subject taught to
you. And add examples of teachers, how you came to know she is creative, planned etc.
It’s better to relate with types of personalities, attitudes and values you studied in the

Teacher A:
Professor A is unusually vigorous and active. They have an active character that enthralls
undergraduate thought easily. Their lessons are dynamic and loaded up with excitement.

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Professor A firmly has confidence in the strength of care and uplifting feedback. They inspire a
steady climate where undergraduate feel open to pushing themselves out there and facing tests in
their learning process.
Attitude towards instructing calling:
Instructor A sees educating as a chore as well as a calling. They are intensely passionate about
instructing and enabling undergraduate, constantly going overhead and beyond to guarantee
every understudy reaches at their maximum capability.
Teacher B:
Instructor B is noiseless, created, and greatly sympathetic. They have a supporting nature that
causes undergraduate to feel respected and understood. Their way to arrangement with educating
is gentle yet strong when required.

Instructor B focuses on kindness and understanding in their educating practice. They have
confidence in gathering undergraduate where they are intellectually and privately, fitting their
way to deal with oblige mixed evolving necessities.
Attitude towards educating calling:
For Instructor B, educating is a job circled around having a significant effect in undergraduate
lives. They vision their profession as a tutor as well as a coach and guide, directing
undergraduate towards individual and academic improvement.
Teacher C:
Instructor C is scientific and detailed. They have a determined way to deal with educating,
separating complex thoughts into practical pieces. Their classes are structured and centered.

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define values. If you will add your personal examples it will become good)

Instructor C potentials accuracy and precision in their teaching. They stress critical reasoning and
serious thinking capabilities, allowing undergraduate to move near learning with a logical
Attitude towards instructing calling:
Instructor C procedures teaching with a feeling of dedication and impressive talent. They have
confidence in continually cleansing their presentation techniques and remaining refreshed with
the uttermost down the line educational practices to warranty the best of guidance for their

 Values and ranking from “Very Important” to “Less Important”

Value depends on the person mentality and the thought of the person. According to my thought
and thinking following are the values of mine that can be ranked respectively:

1. Genuineness:
Continuously coming clean.
Ranking: Very Important
2. Thoughtfulness:
Being good to other people.
Ranking: Very Important
3. Regard:
Treating everybody pleasantly.
Ranking: Very Important
4. Difficult Work:
Giving a valiant effort in all things.
Ranking: Very Important
5. Decency:
Ensuring everybody gets a fair opportunity.
Ranking: less Important
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6. Support:
Being prepared to help others.
Ranking: less Important
7. Companionship:
Being an old buddy to other people.
Ranking: Very Important
8. Learning:
Continuously attempting to see new things.
Ranking: Very Important
9. Sharing:
Imparting things to other people.
Ranking: less Important
Dealing with your obligations.
Ranking: Very Important

Any Similarity:
No any kind of similarity and similar values of mine is not found according to the values that i
have seen of my group as well as class members.

 Ranking Order of Job Attributes:

relate with the given situation like if I will get a chance to accept a job offer. I will
consider these job attributes as follows;)
Rearrange the attributes most important to not important

1. Autonomy and independence:

Ranking: (5 - Most important)
Independence permits me to work in my favoured style, cultivating imagination and efficiency.
Freedom empowers me to take responsibility for work, prompting a feeling of satisfaction.
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2. Compensation/Pay:
Ranking: (5 - Most important)
Sufficient pay is fundamental for monetary security and acknowledgment of my commitments. It
likewise mirrors the worth the association puts on my abilities and endeavors.
3. Career advancement opportunities:
Ranking: (4 - Fairly important)
Valuable learning experiences demonstrate the potential for long haul achievement and
self-awareness inside the association. Seems copy from google, you have to tell me your own

4. Opportunities to use skills/abilities:

Ranking :( 4 - Fairly important)
Using my abilities and capacities in my job upgrades work fulfillment and propels me to perform
at my best.
5. Relationship with immediate boss:
Ranking: (4 - Fairly important)
A positive relationship with my manager encourages open correspondence, backing, and
direction, adding to a favourable workplace.
6. The work itself:
Ranking: (4 - To some degree important)
Partaking in the assignments I perform prompts higher work fulfilment and generally speaking
satisfaction in my vocation.
7. Flexibility to balance life and work issues:
Ranking: (4 - Fairly important)

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Adaptability empowers me to keep a sound balance between serious and fun activities, lessening
pressure and working on by and large prosperity.
8. Overall corporate culture:
Ranking: (4 - Fairly important)
A positive corporate culture advances coordinated effort, inclusivity, and shared values, adding
to a more charming workplace.
9. Job Security:
Ranking: (3 - Neutral)
While professional stability gives strength, it's not the essential driver of occupation fulfilment
for me as long as different elements are satisfied.
10. Management recognition of employee job performance:
Ranking: (3 - Neutral)
While acknowledgment is significant for confidence, it's not as urgent to me as different
perspectives like independence and remuneration.
11. Relationship with co-workers:
Ranking: (3 - Neutral)
Positive associations with partners improve cooperation and joint effort yet are not the sole
determinant of occupation fulfilment for me.
12. Feeling safe in the work environment:
Ranking: (3 - Neutral)
Wellbeing is significant, however it's commonly expected in most workplaces, so it doesn't
essentially affect my work fulfilment.

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13. Contribution of work to organization business goals:
Ranking: (2 - To some degree not important)
While significant for hierarchical achievement, it's not as straightforwardly connected to my own
work fulfilment.
14. Communication between employee and management:
Ranking: (2 - Fairly not important)
Viable correspondence is urgent, yet it's anything but a represent the moment of truth factor for
my work fulfilment.
15. Job specific training:
Ranking: (2 - To some degree not important)
While significant for ability improvement, it's not as basic if different chances to utilize abilities
are given.
16. The variety of work:
Ranking: (1 - Not important)
While assortment can be invigorating, it's anything but a main concern for me contrasted with
different elements like pay and independence.
17. Networking:
Ranking: (1 - Not important)
While systems administration can be valuable, it's anything but an essential worry for my work
fulfilment contrasted with different parts of my job and workplace.

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