History Chat GPT Tentang Seoul

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berdasarkan kutipa berikut, berikan poin-poin penjelasan dari sejarah pengembangan kota seoul

The History of Seoul A Center of Asia, Seoul Metropolitan The history of the city of Seoul dates
back approximately 2,000 years, to when Wiryeseong, the capital of Baekje, was located on the
banks of the Hangang River in the southeastern part of what is now Seoul. Development of the
city began in earnest once it was appointed the capital of the Joseon Dynasty (1392 - 1910) in
1394. The framework for modern-day Seoul began to emerge as the construction of electrical
facilities, railroads, streetcar tracks, parks, waterworks systems, schools, and hospitals commenced
at the end of the 19th century with the opening of the port. However, Seoul soon came under the
influence of Japanese colonialism (1910 - 1945). This was followed by gradual industrialization,
which in turn led to the formation of illegal settlement areas around the city. With these
peripheral regions quickly being considered as within the scope of the city, Seoul began to
transform into a new residential zone. After Korea achieved independence in 1945, the city was
officially renamed Seoul Metropolitan City. However, as the Korean War broke out, the city fell
into ruin. In the 1950s, Seoul rapidly grew out of the ashes of the war and, supported by rapid
economic growth, it advanced to become a global megalopolis in just half a century. While it
took a century for many European countries to industrialize, Korea accomplished the same in less
than 30 years. In only 50 years, Seoul overcame various urban problems to grow and advance
into a smart city where 10 million people live comfortably. Seoul’s contemporary development
can be divided largely into three phases. From the 1960s - 1970s, Seoul experienced serious
urban issues, such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, formation of illegal settlement
areas, and housing shortages, as a result of the extensive population inflow and lack of social
infrastructure. To resolve these issues, the Seoul Metropolitan Government focused on
establishing a basic infrastructure by expanding roads, building apartment complexes in illegal
settlement areas, and constructing the Cheonggye Overpass and Yeouido Island. During the
1980s - 1990s, the Seoul Metropolitan Government embarked on a series of active urban
improvement and city beautification policies in line with Korea hosting the Asian Games in 1986
and the Olympic Games in 1988. On the one hand, a general development plan for the Hangang
River was drawn up and the Gangbyeonbuk-ro and Olympic-daero roads were built running
along the river. At the same time, the Seoul Metropolitan Government opened subway lines 2 - 8
and established large-scale apartment complexes in Gangnam, Mok-dong, Godeok-dong,
Gaepo-dong, and Sanggye-dong in order to respond to the explosive increase in housing
demand among the middle class. As a result of this extensive infrastructure development project,
Seoul was able to secure a considerable, high-standard urban infrastructure network consisting of
public transportation, roads, waterworks, and sewage systems. However, the relentless
development also produced some serious side effects, such as destruction of the natural
environment, damage to historical resources, and the breakdown of communities. In the 2000s,
with the development of Informational Technology and an increase in citizens’ demand for
improved quality of life, Seoul’s urban management policy took a shift towards creating a
sustainable city with advanced IT. In tandem with several park development projects, such as the
Cheonggyecheon Stream restoration and Seoul Forest development project, the Seoul
Metropolitan Government’s administration became digitized. Recently, as economic growth has
slowed down and the social environment has changed due to aging of the population along with
other factors, Seoul underwent a paradigm shift in its policies towards urban regeneration. This
led to the promotion of the Seoullo 7017 and Sewoon Shopping Center regeneration projects.
Here are key points explaining the history of Seoul's development:
1. Ancient Origins: Seoul's history dates back around 2,000 years when it was known as
Wiryeseong, the capital of Baekje, situated along the Hangang River.
2. Joseon Dynasty Capital: In 1394, Seoul became the capital of the Joseon Dynasty,
marking a significant phase in its development.
3. Modernization in the Late 19th Century: In the late 19th century, modernization efforts
began, including the construction of various facilities such as railroads, parks, and
waterworks systems following the opening of the port.
4. Japanese Colonialism: From 1910 to 1945, Seoul was under Japanese colonial rule,
which influenced its development.
5. Post-Independence: After Korea gained independence in 1945, the city was officially
renamed Seoul Metropolitan City but faced challenges during the Korean War, leading to
6. Rapid Growth in the 1950s: Despite the war's aftermath, Seoul experienced rapid
growth in the 1950s, becoming a global megalopolis due to rapid economic
7. Three Development Phases:
 1960s - 1970s: Faced urban issues like traffic congestion and housing shortages,
with a focus on basic infrastructure development.
 1980s - 1990s: Hosted major events like the Asian Games and Olympic Games,
leading to urban improvement, city beautification, and infrastructure expansion.
 2000s: Shifted towards creating a sustainable, IT-driven city with projects like
Cheonggyecheon Stream restoration and digitization of administration.
8. Urban Challenges: Throughout its development, Seoul faced challenges like
environmental pollution, illegal settlements, and destruction of the natural environment.
9. Contemporary Urban Regeneration: In recent years, Seoul shifted its policies towards
urban regeneration with projects like Seoullo 7017 and Sewoon Shopping Center.

These points highlight the historical evolution and development phases of Seoul into a modern,
thriving metropolis.

buat dalam bahasa

Berikut adalah poin-poin penjelasan tentang sejarah pengembangan kota Seoul:

1. Asal Usul Kuno: Sejarah Seoul berawal sekitar 2.000 tahun yang lalu, ketika dikenal
sebagai Wiryeseong, ibu kota Baekje, yang terletak di sepanjang Sungai Hangang.
2. Ibu Kota Dinasti Joseon: Pada tahun 1394, Seoul menjadi ibu kota Dinasti Joseon, tanda
penting dalam perkembangannya.
3. Modernisasi pada Akhir Abad ke-19: Pada akhir abad ke-19, upaya modernisasi
dimulai, termasuk pembangunan berbagai fasilitas seperti jaringan rel kereta api, taman,
dan sistem air bersih setelah pelabuhan dibuka.
4. Pengaruh Kolonialisme Jepang: Dari tahun 1910 hingga 1945, Seoul berada di bawah
pemerintahan kolonial Jepang, yang memengaruhi perkembangannya.
5. Pasca-Kemerdekaan: Setelah Korea meraih kemerdekaan pada tahun 1945, kota ini
secara resmi dinamai Kota Metropolitan Seoul tetapi mengalami kerusakan selama
Perang Korea.
6. Pertumbuhan Cepat pada 1950-an: Meskipun akibat perang, Seoul mengalami
pertumbuhan pesat pada tahun 1950-an, menjadi megalopolis global berkat
perkembangan ekonomi yang cepat.
7. Tiga Fase Pembangunan:
 1960-an - 1970-an: Menghadapi masalah perkotaan seperti kemacetan lalu
lintas dan kekurangan perumahan, dengan fokus pada pengembangan
infrastruktur dasar.
 1980-an - 1990-an: Menjadi tuan rumah berbagai acara besar seperti Asian
Games dan Olimpiade, yang menghasilkan perbaikan perkotaan, penataan kota,
dan perluasan infrastruktur.
 2000-an: Beralih ke arah menciptakan kota berkelanjutan yang didukung oleh
teknologi informasi dengan proyek-proyek seperti restorasi Sungai
Cheonggyecheon dan digitalisasi administrasi.
8. Tantangan Perkotaan: Sepanjang perkembangannya, Seoul menghadapi tantangan
seperti polusi lingkungan, permukiman ilegal, dan kerusakan lingkungan alam.
9. Regenerasi Perkotaan Kontemporer: Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Seoul mengubah
kebijakannya menuju regenerasi perkotaan dengan proyek-proyek seperti Seoullo 7017
dan Pusat Belanja Sewoon.

Poin-poin ini menggambarkan evolusi sejarah dan fase-fase perkembangan Seoul menjadi
sebuah metropolis modern yang maju.

berikan penjelasan dalam bentuk time series

Berikut adalah penjelasan sejarah pengembangan kota Seoul dalam bentuk time series:

 Circa 2,000 Tahun yang Lalu: Seoul memiliki asal usulnya sebagai Wiryeseong, ibu kota
Baekje, yang terletak di tepi Sungai Hangang.
 1394: Seoul diangkat menjadi ibu kota Dinasti Joseon, yang memulai perkembangannya
sebagai pusat pemerintahan yang penting.
 Akhir Abad ke-19: Pada akhir abad ke-19, Seoul mengalami modernisasi yang signifikan
dengan pembangunan infrastruktur seperti jalur kereta api, taman, dan sistem air bersih.
 1910 - 1945: Kota ini berada di bawah pemerintahan kolonial Jepang, yang
mempengaruhi perkembangannya secara substansial.
 1945: Setelah kemerdekaan Korea, Seoul secara resmi menjadi Kota Metropolitan Seoul,
tetapi mengalami kerusakan akibat Perang Korea.
 1950-an: Meskipun menghadapi dampak perang, Seoul mengalami pertumbuhan pesat
dan menjadi megalopolis global.
 1960-an - 1970-an: Fase ini melibatkan penanganan masalah perkotaan seperti
kemacetan lalu lintas, polusi lingkungan, dan kekurangan perumahan dengan fokus pada
pengembangan infrastruktur dasar.
 1980-an - 1990-an: Dalam persiapan menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games 1986 dan
Olimpiade 1988, Seoul melakukan peningkatan perkotaan yang signifikan, termasuk
pengembangan tepi Sungai Hangang dan proyek-proyek perumahan besar.
 2000-an: Pada dekade ini, Seoul bergeser menuju penciptaan kota berkelanjutan yang
didukung oleh teknologi informasi dengan proyek-proyek seperti restorasi Sungai
Cheonggyecheon dan digitalisasi administrasi.
 Dekade Terbaru: Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, fokus kota ini beralih ke regenerasi
perkotaan dengan proyek-proyek seperti Seoullo 7017 dan Pusat Belanja Sewoon.

Time series ini mencerminkan evolusi dan perubahan signifikan dalam pengembangan Seoul dari
masa lalu hingga saat ini.

bagaimana sejarah perkembagan kota seoul pada tahun 1950an

Pada tahun 1950-an, sejarah perkembangan kota Seoul ditandai oleh peristiwa-peristiwa berikut:

1. Pengaruh Perang Korea: Dekade 1950-an dimulai dengan Perang Korea (1950-1953)
yang menghancurkan sebagian besar kota. Seoul menjadi salah satu medan perang yang
paling sengit selama konflik ini, dan sebagai akibatnya, banyak bagian kota hancur.
2. Pemulihan Pasca-Perang: Setelah berakhirnya Perang Korea pada tahun 1953, upaya
pemulihan dan rekonstruksi dimulai. Banyak bangunan dan infrastruktur perlu dibangun
kembali dari nol. Bantuan internasional, terutama dari Amerika Serikat, membantu dalam
upaya pemulihan ini.
3. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Pada pertengahan hingga akhir 1950-an, Korea Selatan
mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat, yang menciptakan dorongan bagi
perkembangan Seoul. Dukungan finansial dan teknis dari Amerika Serikat, bersama
dengan kebijakan ekonomi yang progresif, membantu dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi ini.
4. Urbanisasi dan Migrasi: Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peluang kerja di Seoul
menyebabkan gelombang urbanisasi dan migrasi penduduk dari daerah pedesaan ke
kota. Hal ini menyebabkan peningkatan populasi yang signifikan dan menimbulkan
tantangan terkait perumahan, transportasi, dan infrastruktur perkotaan.
5. Pembangunan Infrastruktur: Untuk mengatasi pertumbuhan populasi dan mobilitas
yang meningkat, pemerintah Seoul mulai membangun infrastruktur dasar seperti jalan
raya, jaringan transportasi, dan fasilitas umum. Ini adalah langkah awal menuju
transformasi Seoul menjadi pusat ekonomi dan budaya yang semakin penting di kawasan

Dekade 1950-an merupakan periode yang penuh tantangan dan pemulihan bagi Seoul.
Meskipun mengalami perang dan kehancuran, kota ini berhasil bangkit kembali dan menjadi
salah satu pusat ekonomi terbesar di Asia. Perkembangan selanjutnya pada tahun-tahun
berikutnya akan melihat pertumbuhan yang lebih lanjut dan perubahan signifikan dalam wajah
kota Seoul.

peristiwa apa saja yang mempengaruhi pola pengembangan kota seoul

Pola pengembangan kota Seoul dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah peristiwa sepanjang sejarahnya.
Beberapa peristiwa utama yang memengaruhi pola pengembangan kota Seoul adalah sebagai

1. Pemilihan sebagai Ibu Kota Joseon: Pemilihan Seoul sebagai ibu kota Dinasti Joseon
pada tahun 1394 adalah peristiwa yang sangat penting dalam sejarah kota ini. Keputusan
ini memulai perkembangan kota sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan budaya yang penting
di Korea.
2. Pengaruh Kolonialisme Jepang: Pada periode 1910-1945, Korea, termasuk Seoul,
berada di bawah pemerintahan kolonial Jepang. Ini memengaruhi perkembangan kota
dengan pembangunan infrastruktur yang dimaksudkan untuk kepentingan Jepang.
3. Keruntuhan Akibat Perang Korea: Perang Korea (1950-1953) mengakibatkan
keruntuhan dan kehancuran besar di Seoul. Ini mempengaruhi pola pengembangan kota,
karena banyak bangunan dan infrastruktur harus dibangun kembali.
4. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pasca-Perang: Pertumbuhan ekonomi Korea Selatan pada
tahun 1950-an dan seterusnya memiliki dampak signifikan pada pengembangan kota
Seoul. Pertumbuhan ekonomi ini mendorong urbanisasi dan migrasi penduduk ke kota,
mengubah pola pengembangan perkotaan.
5. Pembangunan Infrastruktur: Upaya untuk membangun infrastruktur dasar seperti jalan
raya, transportasi umum, dan fasilitas publik lainnya memengaruhi pola pengembangan
kota. Ini mencakup proyek-proyek besar seperti pembangunan sistem transportasi metro
dan jaringan jalan raya.
6. Pertumbuhan Sektor Teknologi dan Informasi: Pertumbuhan industri teknologi dan
informasi di Korea Selatan, terutama pada tahun 2000-an, memainkan peran penting
dalam pengembangan Seoul sebagai kota yang terhubung secara digital.
7. Regenerasi Perkotaan: Pada tahun-tahun terbaru, upaya regenerasi perkotaan seperti
proyek Cheonggyecheon Stream restoration dan pengembangan kawasan seperti Seoullo
7017 telah mempengaruhi pola pengembangan kota dengan peningkatan ruang publik
dan pemanfaatan kembali lahan-lahan bekas.
8. Pertumbuhan Pariwisata: Pariwisata yang berkembang pesat di Seoul juga
mempengaruhi pola pengembangan kota dengan fokus pada pengembangan atraksi
wisata dan fasilitas pendukung.
9. Perubahan Demografis: Perubahan dalam demografi penduduk, termasuk pertumbuhan
penduduk tua, juga mempengaruhi pola pengembangan kota dengan peningkatan
pelayanan kesehatan dan perumahan untuk populasi tersebut.

Peristiwa-peristiwa ini, bersama dengan faktor ekonomi, politik, dan sosial lainnya, telah berperan
dalam membentuk pola pengembangan kota Seoul sepanjang sejarahnya menjadi kota yang
modern, beragam, dan terus berkembang.

berikan bahasa indonesia kutipan berikut the city focused on its City beautiful movement,
improving the Han Riverfront, redeveloping hillsides & dilapidated areas
"Kota ini berfokus pada gerakan 'Kota Indah', dengan memperbaiki tepian Sungai Han,
merevitalisasi lereng bukit, dan daerah yang sudah rusak."

berikan bahasa indonesia To systematically redevelop the aging town area, the city pursued large
scale renewal projects, “New Towns”
"Untuk secara sistematis merevitalisasi daerah perkotaan yang telah menua, kota mengejar
proyek-proyek peremajaan berwawasan besar, yang dikenal sebagai 'Kota Baru'."
berikan bahasa indonesia the urban management paradigm has shifted towards placing more
emphasis on creating environmental and pedestrian-oriented spaces
"Paradigma pengelolaan perkotaan telah bergeser menuju penekanan yang lebih besar pada
penciptaan ruang yang ramah lingkungan dan berorientasi pada pejalan kaki."

berikan bahasa indonesia As the value of history & culture is re-illuminated, Seoul is now
pursuing urban planning tailored to each area’s special characteristics
"Seiring dengan pentingnya nilai sejarah dan budaya yang kembali ditekankan, Seoul kini sedang
mengejar perencanaan perkotaan yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik khusus setiap daerah."

Seiring dengan pentingnya nilai sejarah dan budaya yang kembali ditekankan, Seoul kini sedang
mengejar perencanaan perkotaan yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik khusus setiap daerah.
buat lebih singkat kalimat di atas
"Dengan penekanan kembali pada nilai sejarah dan budaya, Seoul kini merancang perkotaan
yang menyesuaikan karakteristik setiap daerah."

berikan bahasa indonesia In order to preserve historic remains excavated in the region, a
representative historic resources preservation place will be built at the center of the city in a form
of a museum
"Untuk menjaga sisa-sisa sejarah yang digali di wilayah tersebut, akan dibangun tempat
pelestarian sumber sejarah yang representatif di pusat kota dalam bentuk museum."

berikan bahasa indonesia dengan poin-poin singkat Expansion of urban areas of Seoul since
1958 (Seoul Development Institute, 1994). Urban areas have expanded toward the northern part
(old commercial and resident area) of the Han River since 1950, after the Korean War. Population
increase in Seoul, which has accompanied the economic development since the 1970’s, is a major
driving force of land transformation in the southern area of the River and establishment of new
satellite cities (towns)
 Ekspansi wilayah perkotaan Seoul sejak tahun 1958.
 Wilayah perkotaan berkembang ke arah utara Sungai Han, khususnya daerah komersial
dan permukiman lama, sejak tahun 1950 setelah Perang Korea.
 Peningkatan populasi di Seoul, yang menyertai perkembangan ekonomi sejak tahun
1970-an, menjadi faktor utama dalam transformasi lahan di wilayah selatan Sungai Han
dan pendirian kota satelit baru.
berikan terjemahan dalam bentuk poin poin secara berurutan Rapid housing developments have
encroached into neighboring forested and cultivated lands, creating a number of satellite cities
that are mainly composed of housing clusters surrounded by conserved natural areas (Fig. 5).
Such “edge cities” in percolation theory have caused large-scale landscape fragmentation in
Korea as well as in other parts of the world (Zipperer et al., 2000). Nevertheless, according to
Seoul Metropolitan Government (1995), the future Seoul metropolitan area will be planned to
have a multi-satellite town structure with a number of nuclei. In this case, many socioeconomic
and environmental problems can and will readily spread into other adjacent cities (Fig. 5). To
minimize the negative environmental impacts of this plan, several strategic steps and procedures
based on holistic urban landscape ecological planning principles must be followed. The goal is to
create a landscape with high ecological functional integrity and connectivity among nuclear cities,
appropriate spacing among cities to reduce possibilities of resourcerelated conflicts, and effective
transportation systems networking all the cities. To achieve this goal, a green-space network
approach is necessary. Fragmented and dissected forest patches and other remnant green spaces
can be connected or restored through vegetated corridors or native plantations (Fig. 6). In
addition, the total coverage of green-spaces needs to be increased by revegetation of rooftops,
roadsides, and stream banks. Thus, we have suggested the construction of a green space network
that connects mountain ranges, watersheds, riparian forests, and isolated forest patches through
streams (e.g., Cheonggyecheon (Stream) restoration,
http://www.metro.seoul.kr/kor2000/chungaehome/en/seoul/main.htm) associated with the Han
River, to help enhance the ecological sustainability of Seoul in years to come (Fig. 7).
 Pembangunan perumahan yang cepat telah merambah ke lahan hutan dan lahan
pertanian tetangga, menciptakan beberapa kota satelit yang terutama terdiri dari
kumpulan perumahan yang dikelilingi oleh daerah alami yang dilestarikan (Gambar 5).
 "Kota pinggiran" seperti dalam teori perkolasi telah menyebabkan fragmentasi lanskap
besar-besaran di Korea dan di berbagai bagian dunia lainnya (Zipperer et al., 2000).
 Menurut Pemerintah Kota Metropolitan Seoul (1995), wilayah metropolitan Seoul di masa
depan akan direncanakan memiliki struktur kota satelit multi-nukleus. Dalam hal ini,
banyak masalah sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan dapat dengan mudah menyebar ke
kota-kota tetangga lainnya (Gambar 5).
 Untuk meminimalkan dampak lingkungan negatif dari rencana ini, beberapa langkah
strategis dan prosedur berdasarkan prinsip perencanaan ekologi lanskap perkotaan yang
holistik harus diikuti.
 Tujuannya adalah menciptakan lanskap dengan integritas fungsional ekologi tinggi dan
keterhubungan antara kota inti, penyesuaian yang tepat antara kota-kota untuk
mengurangi kemungkinan konflik terkait sumber daya, dan sistem transportasi efektif
yang menghubungkan semua kota.
 Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, pendekatan jaringan ruang hijau diperlukan. Pecahan dan
hutan yang terputus dapat dihubungkan atau dipulihkan melalui koridor bervegetasi atau
penanaman tumbuhan asli (Gambar 6).
 Selain itu, cakupan total ruang hijau perlu ditingkatkan dengan perhutanan kembali atap,
pinggiran jalan, dan tepi sungai.
 Oleh karena itu, kami telah mengusulkan konstruksi jaringan ruang hijau yang
menghubungkan pegunungan, cekungan air, hutan riparian, dan pecahan hutan terisolasi
melalui aliran sungai (misalnya, restorasi Sungai Cheonggyecheon,
http://www.metro.seoul.kr/kor2000/chungaehome/en/seoul/main.htm) yang terkait
dengan Sungai Han, untuk membantu meningkatkan keberlanjutan ekologi Seoul di
masa depan (Gambar 7).

berikan bahasa indonesia Changes in the spatial structure of the Seoul Metropolitan Area
"Perubahan dalam struktur spasial Wilayah Metropolitan Seoul."

berikan terjemahan dalam bentuk poin poin seoul’s contemporary development can be divided
largely into three phases. From the 1960s - 1970s, Seoul experienced serious urban issues, such
as traffic congestion, environmental pollution, formation of illegal settlement areas, and housing
shortages, as a result of the extensive population inflow and lack of social infrastructure. To
resolve these issues, the Seoul Metropolitan Government focused on establishing a basic
infrastructure by expanding roads, building apartment complexes in illegal settlement areas, and
constructing the Cheonggye Overpass and Yeouido Island.
 Pengembangan kontemporer Seoul dapat dibagi menjadi tiga fase utama.
 Dari tahun 1960-an hingga 1970-an, Seoul mengalami masalah perkotaan serius, seperti
kemacetan lalu lintas, polusi lingkungan, pembentukan permukiman ilegal, dan
kekurangan perumahan.
 Hal ini terjadi akibat aliran penduduk yang besar dan kurangnya infrastruktur sosial.
 Untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah ini, Pemerintah Kota Metropolitan Seoul berfokus
pada pembangunan infrastruktur dasar dengan memperluas jalan, membangun kompleks
apartemen di daerah permukiman ilegal, dan membangun Jembatan Cheonggye serta
Pulau Yeouido.

berikan poin-poin penjelasan berdasarkan kutipan berikut Seoul’s People-Centric Urban

Regeneration Project as a Model of Sustainable Urban Growth Seoul City has followed this trend
by formulating its own “urban regeneration” policy designed to encourage active and mature
citizenship from the perspective that a city is not a place for “development” but for “harmonious
coexistence” amid rapid sociocultural change. Background and Objective Seoul, the capital of
Korea changed the direction of its urban policy from “urban development” to “urban
regeneration” in 2013. Seoul implemented an innovative “urban regeneration” policy designed to
reshape the city for the people and by the people based on a mature sense of citizenship.
Currently, Seoul City is undertaking 131 urban regeneration projects that are focused on
improving the physical structure of the city and vitalizing community programs through public-
private partnerships, ultimately contributing to the creation of positive community identities and
sustainable urban growth. To give some examples, Seoul City held 615 meetings with local
residents about transforming an old highway overpass into a 1.2-kilometer-long elevated park
filled with 24,000 plants called “Seoullo 7017.” Also, Sewoon Shopping Center, located in front of
Jongmyo, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, was slated for demolition and reconstruction
as a skyscraper. However, Seoul City spent seven years convincing the public sector and local
residents to preserve the shopping center and protect the existing landscape of Jongmyo. As a
result, it is now home to 26 startup companies and serves as an innovative hub for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. Last but not least, the Changsin-Sungin district, a rundown area in Seoul’s
urban center, has undergone environmental renovations and is now being economically and
socially revitalized through the creation of a clean and safe community and growth of the local
sewing industry. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Seoul City developed new policies geared toward
stabilizing housing prices for low-income families and restoring communities and historic and
cultural resources. It also announced the “Urban Regeneration Plan,” aiming to help Seoul
achieve stable, sustainable, and people-centric growth, and established the legal foundation for
the implementation of the plan. Aiming to achieve sustainable development and address global
issues, Seoul City has drawn up its urban regeneration policy which will serve as a model of urban
management in the future. ORIGINS Over the last 50 years, Seoul has achieved remarkable
economic growth. However, the achievement was accompanied by various urban problems, such
as the destruction of cultural and natural heritage sites dating back over 1,000 years, the
ghettoization of urban centers, soaring housing prices and consequent housing shortage for low-
income families, and the dismantlement of local communities. Seoul City’s urban regeneration
plan aims to restore local identities and achieve sustainable urban growth through public-private
partnership and citizen engagement. To that end, Seoul City named citizen leaders in various
areas as honorary deputy mayors and had all relevant documents be subject to the review and
approval of the honorary deputy mayors as well. Seoul City designated 13 regions as “bellwethers
for the vitalization of urban regeneration” in 2015 and has undertaken 131 urban regeneration
projects, spanning all areas of Seoul, over the last six years. Seoul City’s urban regeneration
division consisting of 200 staff members works together with 53 divisions of Seoul City and 17
bureaus of the central government, including the Land Ministry. The Seoul Institute focuses on
R&D activities and the monitoring of various urban regeneration projects, while the Seoul
Housing Corporation is responsible for the implementation of Seoul City’s urban regeneration
plans. The Urban Regeneration Support Center serves as a liaison between the public sector and
local residents. Currently, the center has 23 offices throughout Seoul and employs 187 people.
Also, 2,684 citizens are actively participating in various urban regeneration projects as members
of 73 resident councils. Seoul City has put a great deal of effort into forming partnerships for its
urban regeneration project as it benefits all citizens rather than specific groups, highlights the
uniqueness of local areas, and ultimately contributes to enhancing the city’s urban
competitiveness. Seoul City has allotted KRW 1.06 trillion for its urban regeneration projects
designed to promote active citizenship and improve community infrastructure. Also, Seoul City
attracts additional funding for its urban regeneration projects from 92 institutions, including
colleges and businesses, by offering incentives and relaxing regulations. Outcomes and Impacts
Preservation and restoration of historic buildings: Seoul City’s urban regeneration project, which
started in 2015, is beginning to produce tangible results in three of the 133 urban regeneration
areas, which have been selected as bellwethers. In particular, Seoul spent KRW 54 billion on the
pedestrian bridge construction project, which was undertaken to link existing shopping centers
with bridges rather than redeveloping them as skyscrapers. With the completion of the project,
Sewoon Shopping Center and its rooftop observatory, which was on the verge of demolition for
redevelopment, have become a tourist attraction that offers a view of Jongmyo, a UNESCO World
Cultural Heritage Site. Currently, Sewoon Shopping Center houses 26 “Makers Cubes” for young
startups on the pedestrian bridge, serving as a hub of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is
integrated with the area’s existing parts manufacturing industry. The Sewoon Shopping Center
project is expected to create 34,000 jobs as it generates significant ripple effects on the
development of nearby areas by the public sector. Tourist attraction in Seoul: Since its opening,
Seoullo 7017 has drawn over 10 million people (average of 30,000 people a day) and hosted 32
festivals, establishing itself as a local landmark and a place for relaxation in the urban center of
Seoul. Improvement of living environment: In relation to the “Changsin-Sungin Region for the
Promotion of and Support for Urban Regeneration” project, residents opted to preserve and
improve the area rather than completely demolishing and rebuilding it. With this, Seoul City
injected over KRW 20 billion of public funds into improving the living environment of the area,
improving alleys, repairing old houses, and replacing sewer lines, among others. It also renovated
the birth house of Nam June Paik, a world renowned media artist, to create Nam June Park
Memorial House, which will serve as a historic and cultural resource of the area. This local
landmark is now visited by over 7,000 people every month. Seoul City monitors the urban
regeneration progress of the areas every two to three years by conducting interviews, field
inspections, and surveys through the Urban Regeneration Support Center. After the completion
of each five- to six-year public project, the Seoul Institute prepares a report on the outcome of
the project for assessment by the advisory committee. Seoul City has created an interactive
website to provide citizens with the opportunity to share their opinions on local issues and open
up the entire decision-making process to them so that the various parties involved can learn from
one another. For accurate assessments of urban regeneration, Seoul City analyzes
communication-based data related to the floating population and sales growth. The city also
collects data on the trends of citizens’ interest in public policy and analyzes it by conducting
social media keyword searches. In addition, Seoul City is engaging in R&D activities with the aim
of applying smart technologies to the entire process of forming, planning, and executing
governance. Currently, over 13 million people have visited the 32 places that were created
through Seoul City’s urban regeneration projects. There have been concerns over the negative
effects of excessive gentrification. However, for the sake of mutual growth, property owners in
nine areas willingly agreed not to increase rents. There are 99 cooperatives and social economic
organizations in those areas as well. Innovative Initiative Seoul City’s urban regeneration can be
considered both evolutionary and revolutionary. In the past, the city followed the traditional top-
down decisionmaking approach in formulating and implementing policies in virtually all areas,
including urban regeneration. However, a paradigm shift is imperative for the adoption of
bottom-up approaches that encourages citizen engagement for sustainable urban growth and
regional development. Such bottom-up approaches can be viewed as evolutionary, rather than
innovative. However, the creation of the Urban Regeneration Support Center to serve as a
mediator between the public and private sectors in pursuing bottom-up approaches can be
viewed as truly innovative. The Changsin-Sungin Regeneration Project serves as a representative
top-down model. In 2013, the Changsin-Sungin district became the first to be excluded from the
New Town project, upon the request of the area’s residents and after seven years of conflict
between the proponents and opponents of the project. At the time, the area was on the verge of
slumization due to dilapidated infrastructure. Furthermore, there was distrust in public
administration and conflict among local residents. With the launch of the urban regeneration
project in 2014, Seoul City created the Urban Regeneration Support Center consisting of a group
of experts, Seoul City officials, and community activists and met with citizens 250 times to
promote Seoul City’s urban regeneration project and listened to over 720 citizens before
completing the urban regeneration project. Seoul City’s urban regeneration model can serve as a
benchmark for the formulation of citizenparticipatory policy designed to realize sustainable
urban development. The city put a lot of time and effort to adopt bottom-up approaches in
formulating its urban regeneration plans. By incorporating citizens’ voices into the planning and
decision-making processes, Seoul City succeeded in minimizing citizens’ complaints while
maximizing their satisfaction with the projects. Taking the Seoullo 7017 project as an example,
there were mixed reactions as to whether the old highway overpass should be demolished or
reused. Amid intense conflicts between the proponents and opponents of the project, Mayor
Park Won-soon held 615 meetings with local residents. As of now, over 10 million people have
visited the elevated park and local businesses are thriving as their sales grow. Conclusion Seoul
City’s outstanding urban regeneration policy has been benchmarked by local governments and
prompted the central government to promote the Urban Regeneration New Deal project as a
major national policy. An increasing number of public officials from other cities are visiting Seoul
to learn about its successful urban regeneration models. Driven by this success, Seoul City
published a whitepaper to share various urban regeneration examples and data with others,
fulfilling its role as a leader in the area of urban regeneration policy. In May 2017, Seoul Mayor
Park Won-soon visited the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam as an ASEAN envoy, where he
introduced the Korean government’s policy vision. In addition, the University of Seoul launched a
two-year program to provide public officials in Asian countries with the opportunity to study
Seoul City’s urban policy in Korea. Also, a growing number of cities in various nations, including
China, Japan, Russia, Thailand, and Singapore, have visited Seoul to learn more about the city’s
urban regeneration project. RELEVANCE TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Goal 3: Ensure
healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable
education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all Goal 8: Promote sustained,
inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for
all Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries Goal 11: Make cities
and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Target 1: Access for all to
adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums Target 2: Access to
safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all Target 3: Participatory,
integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management Target 4: Safeguard
cultural and natural heritage Target 5: Reduce deaths and number of people affected by disasters
with particular focus on the poor and people in vulnerable situations Target 6: Improve air quality
and manage municipal and other wastes Target 7: Universal access to safe, inclusive and
accessible green and public spaces, in particular of women, children older persons and persons
with disabilities Target 9: Improving resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate
change, resilience to disasters and implement holistic disaster risk management Target 10:
Support least developed countries in building sustainable and resilient buildings utilizing local
materials Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership
for Sustainable Development
Berikut adalah poin-poin penjelasan berdasarkan kutipan yang diberikan:

Latar Belakang dan Tujuan:

 Pada tahun 2013, Seoul mengubah arah kebijakan perkotaannya dari "pengembangan
perkotaan" menjadi "regenerasi perkotaan."
 Kebijakan "regenerasi perkotaan" dirancang untuk menciptakan kota yang lebih baik
untuk warganya, berdasarkan kewarganegaraan yang matang dan partisipatif.
 Seoul saat ini sedang menjalankan 131 proyek regenerasi perkotaan yang bertujuan
memperbaiki struktur fisik kota dan memajukan program-program komunitas melalui
kemitraan antara pemerintah dan swasta.

Dampak dan Hasil:

 Proyek regenerasi perkotaan Seoul menghasilkan hasil nyata, seperti mempertahankan

dan merestorasi bangunan bersejarah.
 Contohnya adalah pembangunan jembatan pejalan kaki untuk menghubungkan pusat
perbelanjaan yang ada dengan jembatan daripada merobohkannya menjadi gedung
pencakar langit.
 Sewoon Shopping Center yang tadinya akan direkonstruksi menjadi gedung pencakar
langit, sekarang menjadi tempat yang mendukung inovasi dan menjadi pusat Revolusi
Industri Keempat.
 Daerah Changsin-Sungin, yang tadinya dalam kondisi buruk, mengalami perbaikan
lingkungan dan pemulihan ekonomi melalui pembentukan komunitas yang bersih dan
aman serta pertumbuhan industri lokal yang berkaitan dengan kerajinan menjahit.

Inisiatif Inovatif:

 Seoul menerapkan pendekatan bawah ke atas yang melibatkan partisipasi warga dalam
perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan.
 Pembentukan Urban Regeneration Support Center yang bertindak sebagai mediator
antara sektor publik dan swasta dalam menerapkan pendekatan bawah ke atas dianggap
sebagai inovasi.
 Melalui partisipasi warga dalam perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan, Seoul berhasil
meminimalkan keluhan warga sambil maksimal memuaskan mereka dengan proyek-
proyek tersebut.


 Kebijakan regenerasi perkotaan Seoul telah menjadi contoh bagi pemerintah lokal lainnya
dan mendorong pemerintah pusat untuk mempromosikan proyek Urban Regeneration
New Deal sebagai kebijakan nasional utama.
 Semakin banyak pejabat publik dari kota-kota lain yang mengunjungi Seoul untuk
mempelajari model regenerasi perkotaan yang sukses.
 Seoul telah membagikan berbagai contoh dan data regenerasi perkotaan dengan pihak
lain, memenuhi perannya sebagai pemimpin dalam kebijakan regenerasi perkotaan.
 Seoul City telah meluangkan banyak waktu dan upaya untuk mengadopsi pendekatan
bawah ke atas dalam perencanaan rencana regenerasi perkotaannya.
 Dengan menggabungkan suara warga dalam proses perencanaan dan pengambilan
keputusan, Seoul City berhasil meminimalkan keluhan warga sambil memaksimalkan
kepuasan mereka terhadap proyek-proyek tersebut.

○ 1990: The “Basic Seoul Urban Plan” for the 2000s - The Basic Urban Plan of 1990 was more
significant as it was the first statutory plan for the City of Seoul. It set 2001 and a population of
12 million as its targets. It aimed to balance development in both the Gangnam and Gangbuk
areas by providing standardized placement of essential facilities, road grids, and enhanced access
and connection points to city areas where key activities were carried out. It was designed to
continue activities in the existing city center while allowing for flexibility in the multi-nucleic
structure and increasing the role of the secondary centers. The urban structure in the Plan was
comprised of one city center within the Four City Gates area, five secondary centers (Sinchon,
Cheongnyangni, Yeongdeungpo, Yeongdong, and Jamsil), and 59 district centers. ○ 1991 – 1995:
A Basic Urban Plan for the Autonomous Districts - In July 1991, the City of Seoul prepared a Basic
Urban Plan for the autonomous districts and instructed each gu (district) office to develop its
own basic plan from December. The top-down planning structure of the existing Basic Plan was
amalgamated with a new bottom-up planning system to provide for more detailed and effective
urban planning. In this process, the local characteristics of and input from the local communities
were deemed particularly important. This Plan was a long-term comprehensive scheme at the
autonomous district level, taking into consideration the different characteristics of each district in
setting the direction of and strategies for future development. The projects included in the Plan
included yearly execution plans. ○ 1997: The “Basic Seoul Urban Plan” for 2011 - The Basic Urban
Plan established in 1990 required a feasibility review and revision. In 1997, a new Plan was thus
established, with the year 2011 and a population of 12 million as its targets. The Plan proposed a
vision of a 21st century Seoul, distinguished priority tasks from sustainable tasks, and came up
with long-term goals and policy directions to be carried out in the ensuing 15 years. While the
Basic Urban Plan of 1990 was Seoul-oriented, the 1997 Plan encompassed a wider approach to
the distribution of urban functions and to the transportation network. The 1990 Plan was physical
facility-intensive while the new Plan placed more emphasis on software including such things as
operation and management. In terms of the urban spatial structure, the 1990 Plan was less about
a multi-nucleic system, comprised of one primary center, five secondary centers, and 59 district
centers. The 1997 scheme was a more aggressive 4-phase plan, consisting of one primary center,
four secondary centers (Yeongdong, Yeongdeungpo, Yongsan, and Cheongnyangni/Wangsimni),
11 local centers, and 54 district centers. berikan poin kesimpulan singkat dari masing-masing
paragraf di atas
1990: Rencana Perkotaan Dasar untuk 2000-an

 Rencana Perkotaan Dasar tahun 1990 adalah rencana perundang-undangan pertama

untuk Kota Seoul.
 Rencana ini bertujuan untuk mencapai target tahun 2001 dengan populasi 12 juta dan
menyeimbangkan pengembangan di wilayah Gangnam dan Gangbuk.
 Struktur perkotaan dalam rencana ini mencakup satu pusat kota, lima pusat sekunder,
dan 59 pusat distrik.

1991 – 1995: Rencana Perkotaan Dasar untuk Distrik Otonom

 Pada tahun 1991, Kota Seoul menyusun Rencana Perkotaan Dasar untuk distrik otonom
dan memberikan instruksi kepada setiap kantor distrik (gu) untuk mengembangkan
rencana dasar mereka sendiri.
 Rencana ini adalah skema komprehensif jangka panjang di tingkat distrik otonom,
mempertimbangkan karakteristik berbeda dari setiap distrik dalam menetapkan arah dan
strategi untuk pengembangan masa depan.
 Rencana ini memasukkan proyek-proyek dalam rencana eksekusi tahunan.

1997: Rencana Perkotaan Dasar untuk 2011

 Rencana Perkotaan Dasar yang ditetapkan pada tahun 1990 memerlukan tinjauan
kelayakan dan revisi.
 Pada tahun 1997, Rencana baru dibuat dengan target tahun 2011 dan populasi 12 juta.
 Rencana ini menawarkan visi Seoul abad ke-21, membedakan tugas prioritas dari tugas
berkelanjutan, dan menghasilkan tujuan jangka panjang dan arah kebijakan yang akan
dilaksanakan dalam 15 tahun mendatang.
 Rencana ini memiliki pendekatan lebih luas terhadap distribusi fungsi perkotaan dan
jaringan transportasi daripada Rencana tahun 1990.

berikan poin-poin penjelasan secara singkat dari kutipan berikut Period 1: Expansion of Basic
Infrastructure (1960 – 1979) The 1960s: Population Outgrowing Housing and Infrastructure
Economic development plans in the 1960s attracted a phenomenal number of people to Seoul,
approximately 500,000 people moving to the city within a two-year period. As a myriad of people
who had no ties to the city swarmed to Seoul, most of them fell into the urban poor, living in
unauthorized settlements across the city. The outskirts of the city, which had not been developed
for residential habitation, were inundated with the new arrivals and quickly became part of the
burgeoning capital. The inclusion of Gangnam and the northeastern areas (as large as 594 km2)
to the city doubled its size in 1963. The sudden growth of population (three million at the time)
ultimately led to extreme traffic congestion, environmental pollution, an overburdened public
transit system, overcrowded residential areas, and rampant development of unauthorized
settlements. Construction Projects as the Solution To address traffic congestion, existing roads
were expanded and new arterial roads, overpasses, and underground roads were built. It was
around this time that the Cheonggye Stream was uncovered and restored to create Seoul’s first
overpass – Cheonggye Overpass. Countless pedestrian overpasses and underpasses were also
built to enhance the traffic flow. By 1967 the Yeouido area, inundated every flood season, saw the
addition of a new urban district with over 2.97 km2 of land. The Seoul City Government began to
focus on eradicating unauthorized settlements and redeveloping those areas. Inner city slums
and red-light districts were demolished and department stores and large commercial/residential
complexes (e.g., Seun Arcade) took their place. Poor neighborhoods on hillsides became the site
of apartment complexes. Through this development fervor, about 400 apartment buildings were
constructed in the city in 1969 alone. Continued Land Readjustment to House the Population The
land readjustment program began under Japanese colonial rule and continued into the mid-
1980s across various regions, significantly influencing Seoul’s current inner city structure. Land
was readjusted to systematically develop and revamp areas already developed while minimizing
public costs in the establishment of infrastructure and laying of foundations for private
development. In Seoul, the program was implemented with a goal to redistribute the
concentrated inner-city population and industrial facilities out to the surrounding areas. The
program also centered on detached housing which was then universally applied, based on the
division of lots. During this time, readjustment took place in Seogyo, Dongdaemun, Suyu,
Bulgwang, and Seongsan districts. The First Institutional Measure for Urban Planning This
particular period was marked by a need for new urban planning legislation to address the
housing, transportation and infrastructure problems emerging due to poverty and population
growth. The Joseon Town Planning Ordinance, enforced after the 1945 liberation but only up
until the late 1950s, had been introduced by the Japanese Governor-General in Korea to promote
the national interests of colonial Japan. In 1962, it was divided into the “Urban Planning Act” and
the “Construction Act,” two independent legislations for the sovereign nation. This new Urban
Planning Act was the first institutional measure for urban planning undertaken by the Republic of
Korea. It included provisions for the improvement of poor districts. Urban planning decisions
were made through Central Urban Committee resolutions. The Land Readjustment Program Act
was enacted in 1966, and the concept of replotting was introduced to renew basic infrastructure
(roads and parks, etc.) at minimum public cost. The Act set forth regulations on implementation,
methodology and cost so as to promote the land readjustment program, thereby encouraging
the healthy development of the city and its public works infrastructure.
Berikut adalah poin-poin penjelasan singkat dari kutipan mengenai Periode 1: Perluasan
Infrastruktur Dasar (1960 - 1979):

1960-an: Penduduk Melampaui Perumahan dan Infrastruktur

 Rencana pembangunan ekonomi pada tahun 1960-an menarik sekitar 500.000 orang
pindah ke Seoul dalam periode dua tahun.
 Kedatangan massal orang yang tidak memiliki ikatan dengan kota membuat sebagian
besar dari mereka menjadi kaum miskin perkotaan dan tinggal di pemukiman ilegal di
seluruh kota.
 Gangnam dan wilayah timur laut kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam kota pada tahun 1963,
menggandakan ukuran kota.
 Pertumbuhan populasi yang pesat menyebabkan kemacetan lalu lintas, polusi
lingkungan, sistem transit publik yang terlalu padat, pemukiman padat, dan
perkembangan pemukiman ilegal yang merajalela.

Proyek Konstruksi sebagai Solusi

 Untuk mengatasi kemacetan lalu lintas, jalan-jalan yang ada diperluas, dan jalan arteri
baru, jembatan layang, dan jalan bawah tanah dibangun.
 Pada waktu ini, Sungai Cheonggye ditemukan kembali dan dipulihkan untuk menciptakan
Cheonggye Overpass, yang merupakan jembatan layang pertama di Seoul.
 Berbagai jembatan penyeberangan pejalan kaki juga dibangun untuk meningkatkan
aliran lalu lintas.
 Pemerintah Kota Seoul mulai fokus pada penghapusan pemukiman ilegal dan
pengembangan ulang area tersebut, termasuk penggusuran permukiman kumuh di pusat
kota dan distrik pelacuran.

Lanjutan Penyesuaian Tanah untuk Menampung Populasi

 Program penyesuaian tanah dimulai di bawah pemerintahan kolonial Jepang dan

berlanjut hingga pertengahan 1980-an.
 Program ini memiliki tujuan untuk mendistribusikan populasi dan fasilitas industri yang
terpusat di pusat kota ke daerah sekitarnya.
 Selama periode ini, penyesuaian tanah dilakukan di berbagai distrik, seperti Seogyo,
Dongdaemun, Suyu, Bulgwang, dan Seongsan.

Langkah Institusional Pertama untuk Perencanaan Perkotaan

 Periode ini menandai kebutuhan akan legislasi perencanaan perkotaan baru untuk
mengatasi masalah perumahan, transportasi, dan infrastruktur yang muncul akibat
kemiskinan dan pertumbuhan penduduk.
 Pada tahun 1962, undang-undang baru mengenai perencanaan perkotaan diperkenalkan
sebagai "Urban Planning Act" dan "Construction Act," yang merupakan legislasi
independen bagi negara berdaulat.
 Undang-undang Perencanaan Perkotaan ini adalah langkah institusional pertama untuk
perencanaan perkotaan yang diambil oleh Republik Korea.
berikan poin-poin penjelasan artikel berikut Period 2: Urban Growth (1980 – 1999) The 1980s:
Formation of Large Areas Already Developed and the Development of CBD (CENTRAL BUSINESS
DISTRICT) In 1980, Seoul had become a very large city with a population of 8.5 million. It was
expected to reach 10 million within eight years. Through an unprecedentedly rapid economic
growth, Seoul witnessed the emergence of large corporations, diversified industrial structures,
and a strong middle class. After the death of former President Park Jeong-hee, who had led the
economic development in the 1960s and 1970s, the socioeconomic changes in the following
decade called for sustainable urban growth that would match the development of the past. City
Overhaul for the Olympics As a host for the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Olympics, the SMG
felt it necessary to improve and beautify the city. In Jamsil, large stadiums, Olympic parks,
residences for athletes and other facilities for the Olympics were built. In the meantime, the Han
River and the nearby areas were also targeted to be developed. Through this project, the
riverside land – now used as city waterfront parks – were developed, and sewer lines were
installed on both sides of the river to prevent water pollution. City highways were paved
alongside the river to connect Gimpo International Airport to the city center and the Olympic
stadiums. Subway expansion also followed as a means to resolve traffic congestion. These tasks
were already in the existing plans, but were expanded for the upcoming Olympics. In 1984,
Subway Line 2 was opened, followed by Lines 3 and 4 in 1985. City Center Redevelopment &
Construction of Housing Redevelopment projects for the city center – overhauling the inner city
slums to supply more space for businesses – became active, boosted by the high development
density and tax benefits of the 1980s. At the time, the City of Seoul approved over 70
redevelopment projects, which attributed to the modernization of the traditional city center. To
improve functionality and beautify the capital, city design projects were carried out along Eulji-ro
and Tehran-ro in Gangnam. The government also paid attention to the redevelopment of areas
with poor or inadequate housing and the construction of new residential buildings. The extensive
farmlands and forests in the Gangnam, Mokdong, Godeok, Gaepo, and Sanggye areas were
replaced by large apartment complexes. Companies discovered that it was highly profitable to
build apartments in a city that suffered from a long-lasting housing shortage. An apartment
boom was fueled, changing the scene of Seoul entirely. By the 1980s, a series of significant issues
arose due to the rapid economic growth resulting in overpopulation and a city crowded with
industry. Demands increased for modern housing and amenities for greater housing stability as
well as for an improved urban design to match the enhanced standards for education, culture,
and medical care. In 1981, the government amended the Urban Planning Act. With the Basic
Urban Plan in place, the 3-phase urban planning system was implemented: Phase 1: the Basic
Urban Plan; Phase 2: Urban Plan Overhaul; and Phase 3: Yearly Execution Plan. An urban design
system was introduced to provide more detailed guidelines and information on managing land
use. Another institutional measure was public participation, aiming at giving opportunities for
local residents to participate in public hearings. A number of laws were put in place such as the
Housing Site Development Promotion Act (1981) for the supply of extensive housing sites and
the Act on Temporary Measures for the Improvement of Dwelling and Other Living Conditions for
Low-Income Urban Residents (1984).
Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang perkembangan kota Seoul selama periode 1980 hingga 1999,
yang mencakup beberapa poin penting:

1. Pertumbuhan Kota: Pada tahun 1980, Seoul telah menjadi kota besar dengan populasi
sekitar 8,5 juta penduduk dan diprediksi akan mencapai 10 juta dalam delapan tahun.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cepat membawa perubahan sosioekonomi, termasuk
munculnya korporasi besar, struktur industri yang beragam, dan kelas menengah yang
2. Persiapan Olimpiade: Seoul menjadi tuan rumah Asian Games 1986 dan Olimpiade 1988,
yang mendorong Pemerintah Metropolitan Seoul (SMG) untuk memperbaiki dan
mempercantik kota. Beberapa fasilitas seperti stadion besar, taman Olimpiade, tempat
tinggal untuk atlet, dan fasilitas lainnya dibangun. Pengembangan juga dilakukan di
sekitar Sungai Han, termasuk pembangunan taman tepi sungai dan instalasi saluran
pembuangan air limbah.
3. Pembaruan Pusat Kota & Pembangunan Perumahan: Proyek pembaruan kota tengah
yang mencakup perbaikan permukiman kumuh di dalam kota, memberikan lebih banyak
ruang bagi bisnis, dan memodernisasi pusat kota tradisional. Selain itu, perhatian
diberikan pada pembangunan perumahan baru dan perumahan yang layak. Sejumlah
lahan pertanian dan hutan digantikan oleh kompleks apartemen besar. Hal ini juga
memicu ledakan pembangunan apartemen di kota.
4. Perubahan Regulasi Perencanaan Kota: Pemerintah mengadopsi beberapa regulasi dan
undang-undang untuk mengatasi masalah pertumbuhan yang cepat, seperti amandemen
Undang-Undang Perencanaan Kota pada tahun 1981. Sistem perencanaan kota tiga
tahap diperkenalkan, dan sistem desain perkotaan diperkenalkan untuk memberikan
panduan lebih rinci tentang penggunaan lahan. Pemukiman publik juga menjadi fokus,
termasuk pembangunan situs perumahan yang luas dan langkah-langkah untuk
meningkatkan kondisi hidup warga kota berpenghasilan rendah.

Artikel ini mencerminkan perkembangan penting dalam sejarah perencanaan dan pertumbuhan
kota Seoul selama periode tersebut.

BERIKAN TERJEMAHAN By the 1980s, a series of significant issues arose due to the rapid
economic growth resulting in overpopulation and a city crowded with industry. Demands
increased for modern housing and amenities for greater housing stability as well as for an
improved urban design to match the enhanced standards for education, culture, and medical
care. In 1981, the government amended the Urban Planning Act. With the Basic Urban Plan in
place, the 3-phase urban planning system was implemented: Phase 1: the Basic Urban Plan; Phase
2: Urban Plan Overhaul; and Phase 3: Yearly Execution Plan. An urban design system was
introduced to provide more detailed guidelines and information on managing land use. Another
institutional measure was public participation, aiming at giving opportunities for local residents
to participate in public hearings. A number of laws were put in place such as the Housing Site
Development Promotion Act (1981) for the supply of extensive housing sites and the Act on
Temporary Measures for the Improvement of Dwelling and Other Living Conditions for Low-
Income Urban Residents (1984).
Pada tahun 1980-an, sejumlah masalah signifikan muncul akibat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang
cepat yang mengakibatkan kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi dan kota yang padat dengan
industri. Permintaan meningkat untuk perumahan modern dan fasilitas untuk stabilitas
perumahan yang lebih besar serta perancangan perkotaan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan standar
yang ditingkatkan untuk pendidikan, budaya, dan perawatan medis. Pada tahun 1981,
pemerintah mengamandemen Undang-Undang Perencanaan Kota. Dengan Rencana Dasar
Perkotaan yang ada, sistem perencanaan kota tiga tahap diterapkan: Tahap 1: Rencana Dasar
Perkotaan; Tahap 2: Pembaruan Rencana Perkotaan; dan Tahap 3: Rencana Pelaksanaan Tahunan.
Sistem desain perkotaan diperkenalkan untuk memberikan panduan yang lebih rinci dan
informasi tentang penggunaan lahan. Langkah institusional lainnya adalah partisipasi publik,
dengan tujuan memberikan kesempatan bagi penduduk lokal untuk berpartisipasi dalam
pengadilan umum. Sejumlah undang-undang diterapkan seperti Undang-Undang Promosi
Pengembangan Situs Perumahan (1981) untuk pasokan situs perumahan yang luas dan Undang-
Undang Tindakan Sementara untuk Peningkatan Perumahan dan Kondisi Hidup Lainnya bagi
Penduduk Kota Berpenghasilan Rendah (1984).
berikan terjemeahan Seoul’s Urban Planning in the 1980s ○ 1980: The “Mid- to Long-term Plan
for Urban Development in Seoul” - The Basic Plan was revised in accordance with the higher-level
Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Planning Act, setting the goal of a population of 9.45
million by 2001 with mid- and long-term plans. During the mid-term development period (1980 –
1986), urban structure would be updated according to the actual changes and basic direction of
the Plan. In the long-term structural planning period (1987 – 2000), the focus would be on the
use of highly dense land, development of a multi-nucleic structure, local community plans, and
the urban environment. This Plan did not include details on the urban spatial structure but
categorized the “local communities” into 18 large, 90 medium, and 333 small communities. ○
1984: The “Multi-Nucleic City Development Research for Urban Restructuring” - Revision of the
Urban Planning Act in 1981 led to the Basic Urban Plan becoming law and the adjustment of the
higher level Seoul Metropolitan Area Readjustment Plan. In 1984, the Basic Urban Plan of Seoul
was reworked to reset the direction for urban development. It proposed a new urban planning
direction for the 2000s and guidelines for urban restructuring and readjustment. The target
population was 10 million by 2001, but the Basic Urban Plan failed to become law due to delayed
public hearings. Suburbanization, sprawl, and expansion were managed through building satellite
cities and decentralizing development, making Seoul a multi-nucleic city. The single-nucleus
network of transportation was restructured by turning the circular/radial street network into a
grid. The CBD would be consisted of one main nucleus in the primary center, three minor nuclei
(Yeongdong, Yeongdeungpo, and Jamsil), 13 secondary centers, and 50 district centers.
Perencanaan Kota Seoul pada Tahun 1980-an

 1980: "Rencana Menengah- hingga Panjang untuk Pengembangan Perkotaan di Seoul"

Rencana Dasar direvisi sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Perencanaan Ulang Kawasan

Metropolitan Seoul yang lebih tinggi, dengan tujuan populasi mencapai 9,45 juta pada tahun
2001 dengan rencana menengah dan panjang. Selama periode pembangunan menengah (1980 -
1986), struktur perkotaan akan diperbarui sesuai dengan perubahan aktual dan arah dasar
Rencana. Pada periode perencanaan struktural jangka panjang (1987 - 2000), fokus akan pada
penggunaan lahan yang sangat padat, pengembangan struktur multi-nukleus, rencana
komunitas lokal, dan lingkungan perkotaan. Rencana ini tidak mencakup detail tentang struktur
spasial perkotaan tetapi mengkategorikan "komunitas lokal" menjadi 18 komunitas besar, 90
komunitas menengah, dan 333 komunitas kecil.

 1984: "Penelitian Pengembangan Kota Multi-Nukleus untuk Restrukturisasi Perkotaan"

Revisi Undang-Undang Perencanaan Kota pada tahun 1981 mengakibatkan Rencana Dasar
Perkotaan menjadi undang-undang dan penyesuaian Rencana Perencanaan Ulang Kawasan
Metropolitan Seoul yang lebih tinggi. Pada tahun 1984, Rencana Dasar Perkotaan Seoul diubah
ulang untuk menetapkan arah pengembangan perkotaan. Ini mengusulkan arah perencanaan
perkotaan baru untuk tahun 2000-an dan pedoman untuk restrukturisasi perkotaan dan
penyesuaian ulang. Populasi target adalah 10 juta pada tahun 2001, tetapi Rencana Dasar
Perkotaan gagal menjadi undang-undang karena penundaan dalam pengadilan umum.
Suburbanisasi, pertumbuhan tak teratur, dan perluasan dikelola melalui pembangunan kota
satelit dan desentralisasi pembangunan, menjadikan Seoul sebagai kota multi-nukleus. Jaringan
transportasi satu nukleus tunggal direstrukturisasi dengan mengubah jaringan jalan lingkar/radial
menjadi grid. CBD akan terdiri dari satu nukleus utama di pusat utama, tiga nukleus minor
(Yeongdong, Yeongdeungpo, dan Jamsil), 13 pusat sekunder, dan 50 pusat distrik.

1980: "Rencana Menengah- hingga Panjang untuk Pengembangan Perkotaan di Seoul" Rencana
Dasar direvisi sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Perencanaan Ulang Kawasan Metropolitan Seoul
yang lebih tinggi, dengan tujuan populasi mencapai 9,45 juta pada tahun 2001 dengan rencana
menengah dan panjang. Selama periode pembangunan menengah (1980 - 1986), struktur
perkotaan akan diperbarui sesuai dengan perubahan aktual dan arah dasar Rencana. Pada
periode perencanaan struktural jangka panjang (1987 - 2000), fokus akan pada penggunaan
lahan yang sangat padat, pengembangan struktur multi-nukleus, rencana komunitas lokal, dan
lingkungan perkotaan. Rencana ini tidak mencakup detail tentang struktur spasial perkotaan
tetapi mengkategorikan "komunitas lokal" menjadi 18 komunitas besar, 90 komunitas menengah,
dan 333 komunitas kecil. 1984: "Penelitian Pengembangan Kota Multi-Nukleus untuk
Restrukturisasi Perkotaan" Revisi Undang-Undang Perencanaan Kota pada tahun 1981
mengakibatkan Rencana Dasar Perkotaan menjadi undang-undang dan penyesuaian Rencana
Perencanaan Ulang Kawasan Metropolitan Seoul yang lebih tinggi. Pada tahun 1984, Rencana
Dasar Perkotaan Seoul diubah ulang untuk menetapkan arah pengembangan perkotaan. Ini
mengusulkan arah perencanaan perkotaan baru untuk tahun 2000-an dan pedoman untuk
restrukturisasi perkotaan dan penyesuaian ulang. Populasi target adalah 10 juta pada tahun 2001,
tetapi Rencana Dasar Perkotaan gagal menjadi undang-undang karena penundaan dalam
pengadilan umum. Suburbanisasi, pertumbuhan tak teratur, dan perluasan dikelola melalui
pembangunan kota satelit dan desentralisasi pembangunan, menjadikan Seoul sebagai kota
multi-nukleus. Jaringan transportasi satu nukleus tunggal direstrukturisasi dengan mengubah
jaringan jalan lingkar/radial menjadi grid. CBD akan terdiri dari satu nukleus utama di pusat
utama, tiga nukleus minor (Yeongdong, Yeongdeungpo, dan Jamsil), 13 pusat sekunder, dan 50
pusat distrik. berikan kesimpulan masing-masing paragraf
1980: "Rencana Menengah- hingga Panjang untuk Pengembangan Perkotaan di Seoul" Pada
tahun 1980, Seoul merevisi Rencana Dasar Perkotaan sesuai dengan undang-undang yang lebih
tinggi, dengan tujuan meningkatkan populasi menjadi 9,45 juta pada tahun 2001. Selama periode
pembangunan menengah (1980-1986), struktur perkotaan akan disesuaikan dengan perubahan
aktual dan arah dasar rencana tersebut. Selanjutnya, pada periode perencanaan struktural jangka
panjang (1987-2000), fokus akan diberikan pada penggunaan lahan yang sangat padat,
pengembangan struktur multi-nukleus, rencana komunitas lokal, dan perbaikan lingkungan
perkotaan. Meskipun rencana ini tidak mencakup detail tentang struktur spasial perkotaan,
rencana tersebut mengkategorikan "komunitas lokal" menjadi 18 besar, 90 menengah, dan 333

1984: "Penelitian Pengembangan Kota Multi-Nukleus untuk Restrukturisasi Perkotaan" Pada

tahun 1981, revisi Undang-Undang Perencanaan Kota mengakibatkan Rencana Dasar Perkotaan
menjadi undang-undang dan menyesuaikan Rencana Perencanaan Ulang Kawasan Metropolitan
Seoul yang lebih tinggi. Pada tahun 1984, Rencana Dasar Perkotaan Seoul diubah untuk
menetapkan arah pengembangan perkotaan baru untuk tahun 2000-an dan pedoman untuk
restrukturisasi perkotaan dan penyesuaian ulang. Meskipun populasi target adalah 10 juta pada
tahun 2001, rencana tersebut gagal menjadi undang-undang karena penundaan dalam
pengadilan umum. Suburbanisasi, pertumbuhan tak teratur, dan perluasan dikelola melalui
pembangunan kota satelit dan desentralisasi pembangunan, menjadikan Seoul sebagai kota
multi-nukleus. Jaringan transportasi satu nukleus tunggal direstrukturisasi dengan mengubah
jaringan jalan lingkar/radial menjadi grid. Rencana ini juga mengusulkan bahwa CBD akan terdiri
dari satu nukleus utama di pusat utama, tiga nukleus minor (Yeongdong, Yeongdeungpo, dan
Jamsil), 13 pusat sekunder, dan 50 pusat distrik.

buat singkat dalam 1 kalimat masing-masing paragrag

1980: "Rencana Menengah- hingga Panjang untuk Pengembangan Perkotaan di Seoul" Pada
tahun 1980, Seoul merevisi Rencana Dasar Perkotaan dengan tujuan meningkatkan populasi
menjadi 9,45 juta pada tahun 2001 dan fokus pada pengembangan struktur perkotaan dalam
periode menengah dan jangka panjang.

1984: "Penelitian Pengembangan Kota Multi-Nukleus untuk Restrukturisasi Perkotaan" Pada

tahun 1984, Rencana Dasar Perkotaan Seoul diubah untuk mengarahkan perkembangan
perkotaan ke arah yang baru, termasuk restrukturisasi dan pembangunan ulang, sementara
mengakomodasi pertumbuhan suburban dan pengembangan kota satelit, serta perubahan
dalam jaringan transportasi dan pusat bisnis.

berikan poin kesimpulan secara singkat dari kutipan berikut The 1990s: Urban Infrastructure &
Investment in the Environment After the 1988 Olympics Games, Seoul became a megacity with a
population of 10 million and per-capita income of over 10,000 USD. As the capital of a
modernized industrial nation, Seoul had to enhance and diversify urban restructuring to meet the
needs of the ever-growing economy and population. Many public projects were carried out
during this decade, including expansion of the subway system. Four subway lines (Lines 5, 6, 7,
and 8) were added and new bridges, highways, and art and music centers were built as part of
the plans by the central government and the SMG. High-rise buildings constructed by private
builders changed the skyline of the city, especially in the Gangnam area. The increased ownership
of private vehicles and the construction of highway networks contributed to urban expansion
beyond the Development Prohibited Areas. Five new towns, including Bundang and Ilsan, were
created, and development continued on the outskirts of the city, all serving as local centers of a
metropolitan area. However, as the 1997 Asian financial crisis hit the country, Seoul faced new
issues such as unemployment, labor unrest, increased homelessness and the need for greater
social welfare.
Pada tahun 1990-an, Seoul menjadi sebuah megakota dengan populasi 10 juta jiwa dan
pendapatan per kapita lebih dari 10.000 USD setelah Olimpiade 1988. Kota ini melakukan banyak
proyek publik, termasuk perluasan sistem kereta bawah tanah, pembangunan jembatan, jalan
raya, dan pusat seni. Peningkatan kepemilikan kendaraan pribadi dan pembangunan jaringan
jalan raya juga berkontribusi pada perluasan perkotaan di luar Area Larangan Pembangunan.
Meskipun demikian, krisis keuangan Asia pada tahun 1997 membawa masalah baru bagi Seoul,
seperti pengangguran, ketidakstabilan tenaga kerja, meningkatnya pengangguran tunawisma,
dan kebutuhan akan kesejahteraan sosial yang lebih besar.

berikan poin-poin singkat penjelasan kutipan berikut Significance of Managing the Old City
Center As Seoul has served as the capital since the Joseon Dynasty for hundreds of years, the city
government became acutely aware of the significance of restoring Seoul’s ancient city walls and
cultural heritage that was slowly being eaten away by urban growth and development. In 1990,
the Namsan Mountain Restoration program was initiated to protect this mountain in the middle
of the city. An association made up of experts, ordinary citizens and local residents was
organized, and it soon realized that its key agenda would be the removal of foreigner apartments
and moving of the Agency for National Security Planning and the Capital Defense Command that
stood in the way of Namsan’s beautiful view. The Command was replaced with Namsan Hanok
Village, a small restoration of the ancient hillside village from the Joseon Dynasty, and in 1994 the
apartments were demolished, finally clearing the view. With this campaign, the public began to
appreciate the importance of managing the old city center, rich with historical and cultural
heritage. By this time, local government administrations had been brought back to life. City
administration and urban planning, which had thus far been top-down, now appeared with a new
face – public participation and new administrative procedures. The 25 local administrative
districts in Seoul were given more leeway, each working on their own diversified plans, facilities,
and activities. As such, the 1990s saw the introduction of different systems and initiatives: the
Wide-area Plan was devised to efficiently build and manage infrastructure (roads, railroads,
waterworks, etc.) that required a wider perspective for systematic maintenance, while the Detailed
Planning Initiative was adopted to specify building use, the number of floors, and the floor space
ratio of the buildings in certain areas so as to make better use of the land and beautify the city at
the same time. In line with democratic and decentralized governance, most of the urban planning
authority held by the Construction & Transportation Minister was transferred to the City Mayors
or the Provincial Governors. Before approving the Basic Urban Plan, the Minister was required to
listen to the views of local councils and incorporate them into the Plan.
 Pada tahun 1990, dimulai program Restorasi Gunung Namsan untuk melindungi gunung
di tengah kota Seoul dan mengembalikan warisan budaya dan tembok kota kuno yang
tergerus oleh pertumbuhan perkotaan.
 Sebuah asosiasi yang terdiri dari para ahli, warga biasa, dan penduduk setempat
terorganisir untuk mengambil tindakan, termasuk menghapus apartemen bagi warga
asing dan memindahkan lembaga Keamanan Nasional dan Komando Pertahanan Ibu
Kota yang menghalangi pemandangan indah Namsan.
 Inisiatif ini menghasilkan pembentukan Desa Namsan Hanok yang merupakan restorasi
kecil dari desa lereng bukit kuno dari Dinasti Joseon.
 Pada tahun 1994, apartemen tersebut dihancurkan, akhirnya membersihkan
pemandangan Namsan, dan mendorong publik untuk menghargai pentingnya
pengelolaan pusat kota tua yang kaya akan warisan sejarah dan budaya.
 Pada tahun 1990-an, pemerintah daerah kembali menjadi aktif, dengan administrasi kota
dan perencanaan perkotaan yang sebelumnya berpusat pada pemerintah pusat, mulai
melibatkan partisipasi publik dan prosedur administrasi yang baru.
 Diperkenalkannya berbagai sistem dan inisiatif, termasuk Rencana Wilayah Luas dan
Inisiatif Perencanaan Rinci, yang bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan lahan dengan lebih baik
dan mempercantik kota.
 Sejalan dengan tatanan pemerintahan demokratis dan terdesentralisasi, sebagian besar
wewenang perencanaan perkotaan yang sebelumnya dipegang oleh Menteri Konstruksi
& Transportasi dialihkan kepada Wali Kota Kota dan Gubernur Provinsi.
 Sebelum menyetujui Rencana Dasar Perkotaan, Menteri tersebut wajib mendengarkan
pandangan dewan-dewan lokal dan mengintegrasikannya ke dalam Rencana.

berikan terjemahan Significance of Managing the Old City Center

Signifikansi Pengelolaan Pusat Kota Tua

berikan terjemahan Early 1990s: Movement for pedestrian rights related to safety issues in school
zone walkways and alleys in residential areas 1996: Legislation of the Act on the Establishing of
Child Protection Zones 1997: Legislation of ordinance on pedestrians in Seoul; establishment of
car-free streets (Insa-dong, Myeongdong-gil, Gwancheoldong-gil) 1998: Implementation of
pedestrian-friendly walkway project; establishment of 1st basic plan for Seoul’s pedestrian
environment 1999: Installation of a crosswalk on the north-south side of Sejongno intersection;
implementation of the Green Way Project 2000: Installation of a crosswalk in front of the Seoul
Arts Center 2004: Creation of Seoul Plaza 2005: Establishment of 2nd basic plan for Seoul’s
pedestrian environment 2007: Implementation of the Design Seoul Street Creation project 2008:
Implementation of a pilot project for pedestrian priority areas and the Seoul Street Renaissance
project 2009: Establishment of a plan to improve pedestrian traffic 2010: Establishment of a new
department for pedestrians and bicyclists within the Seoul City Traffic Headquarters 2012:
Legislation of an act intended to secure and protect pedestrian rights and improve pedestrian’s
convenience 2013: Announcement of the Seoul Vision for a Pedestrian-friendly City
Awal 1990-an: Gerakan hak pejalan kaki terkait dengan masalah keselamatan di jalur pejalan kaki
zona sekolah dan lorong-lorong di area perumahan 1996: Pengesahan Undang-Undang tentang
Pembentukan Zona Perlindungan Anak 1997: Pengesahan peraturan pejalan kaki di Seoul;
pendirian jalan tanpa mobil (Insa-dong, Myeongdong-gil, Gwancheoldong-gil) 1998: Pelaksanaan
proyek jalur pejalan kaki yang ramah; pendirian rencana dasar pertama untuk lingkungan pejalan
kaki Seoul 1999: Pemasangan zebra cross di sisi utara-selatan persimpangan Sejongno;
pelaksanaan Proyek Green Way 2000: Pemasangan zebra cross di depan Seoul Arts Center 2004:
Pembuatan Seoul Plaza 2005: Pendirian rencana dasar kedua untuk lingkungan pejalan kaki Seoul
2007: Pelaksanaan proyek Cipta Jalan Seoul Design 2008: Pelaksanaan proyek pilot untuk area
prioritas pejalan kaki dan proyek Renaissance Jalan Seoul 2009: Pendirian rencana untuk
meningkatkan lalu lintas pejalan kaki 2010: Pendirian departemen baru untuk pejalan kaki dan
pengendara sepeda dalam Markas Besar Lalu Lintas Kota Seoul 2012: Pengesahan sebuah
undang-undang yang bertujuan untuk mengamankan dan melindungi hak pejalan kaki serta
meningkatkan kenyamanan pejalan kaki 2013: Pengumuman Visi Seoul untuk Kota Ramah
Pejalan Kaki

berikan terjemahan Accomplishments with the Seoul City Center Management 1994 was the
600th anniversary of Seoul being designated the capital city. To efficiently manage this historical
city, a number of plans were launched: the City Center Management Plan (1999); the City Center
Development Plan (2004); the Comprehensive City Center Recreation Plan (2008); and the
Historical City Center Management Plan (2010). Other projects were also put in place to return to
citizens the space that had been otherwise used for traffic-oriented development projects.
Examples include the restoration of the royal palaces (e.g., Gyeongbok Palace, Changdeok Palace,
Deoksu Palace) and Jongmyo; construction of Seoul Plaza, Sungnye Gate Plaza, and
Gwanghwamun Square; and the addition of open spaces in the city center. Other efforts included
the creation of an eco- and pedestrian-friendly environment within the city, such as the
restoration of Cheonggye Stream, the transformation of Dongdaemun Stadium into a city park,
and the launch of the Open Namsan Mountain campaign. The city also sought to reclaim its
identity as a timeless historic yet modern city by restoring its historical and cultural heritage such
as through the Bukchon Village Beautification program, restoration of ancient city walls, and
inclusion of Hanyang Township – the ancient capital of the Joseon Dynasty and today’s Seoul –on
the UNESCO Cultural Heritage list. Seoul’s Endeavor to Become an Advanced City In 2002, the
pilot “New Town” project was launched in the Eunpyeong/Gireum/Wangsimni region in an effort
to narrow the wealth gap between Gangnam and Gangbuk and establish and improve the
infrastructure. From then until 2007, a total of 26 regions were appointed to be targets of the
New Town project. Also in 2002, Korea and Japan co-hosted the World Cup. In preparation, the
Nanjido landfill site in the Sang-am area, west of Seoul, was entirely transformed. An
environmentally-friendly eco-park, the World Cup Stadium, and Eco Village were built, and Digital
Media City (DMC) was developed for the IT industry. The SMG took on a variety of development
projects for each region, such as the Han River Renaissance, the Northeast Region Renaissance,
the Yongsan International Business District and Magok District. To turn Seoul into an advanced
city, the SMG has poured its energy into urban design and made every effort to turn the city into
a city of beauty and class. Examples of where this energy has become reality include regional
parks (Dream Forest in North Seoul, Seoul Forest, Pureun Arboretum, etc.); pathways on the
ancient city walls; Seoul walking trail from Oesasan Mountain to neighboring peaks; pedestrian
and bicycle paths along the Han River and its branches; and walking trails such as the Eco &
Cultural Trail that connects the parks, mountains and streams. Pedestrian areas, such as
Gangdong Greenway and Design Street, were also modernized. Seoul also encourage people to
walk more and enjoy the city’s rich history, culture and tourist attractions. To create a pedestrian-
friendly environment, some of the streets have been designated for pedestrians only. Seoul
continues to enhance itself today. It has successfully recovered its historical and cultural identity
and developed itself into an international high-tech city. It has implemented urban policies
designed to promote balanced development within its boundaries. During the 2000s, it became
particularly important to encourage public participation in decision-making towards social
consensus. In the Seoul Plan 2030, the Citizen Board, and in the following living sphere plan,
residents’ boards were organized to take an active part in the development of future plans. Into
the 2000s, the institutional framework related to urban planning was greatly affected by the
social conditions of the time and changed accordingly. The Urban Planning Act (2000) was also
considerably revised. The living sphere grew bigger by the day as the city continued to grow
outwards, aided by improvements in the transportation system. The growth had to be managed,
and a wider urban plan for Seoul was instituted for two or more administrative regions. Reckless
development of the Seoul metropolitan area was to be prevented under the "Plan First, Develop
Later" system. With concerns regarding land tied to long-term urban facility projects not yet
begun, a "Request for Purchase" system was introduced to improve unrealistic regulations. Other
regulations on restricted development areas, a concept from the 1970s, were later separately
addressed and managed by the Act on Special Measures on the Designation & Management of
Development Prohibited Areas (2000). This can be seen as a reflection of the circumstances of the
time – stimulus for a construction industry that had underperformed due to the Asian financial
crisis in the late 1990s, corrective action on regulations encroaching on property rights, and a
desire to reverse overcrowding and environmental degradation. In other words, the paradigm
where priority was placed on development and growth shifted to placing a greater emphasis on
the environment and sustainability, and legislation systematically reflected this changing view.
The Urban Planning Act, which applied to cities, and the Act on Utilization & Management of
National Territory, which loosely managed non-urban areas, were integrated and revised to unify
the land use management system. In 2002, the Urban Planning Act (1962) and the Act on
Utilization & Management of National Territory (1973) were each revised into the Framework Act
on National Land and the Act on Planning & Use of National Territory, respectively. The city
design plans and the detailed planning initiatives, provided for similar purposes, were also
integrated into the plans at the district level. The provisions on urban development projects in
the Urban Planning Act were combined with the Land Readjustment Program Act to create the
new Urban Development Act (2000), while the Urban Redevelopment Act (1976) and the Act on
Temporary Measures for the Improvement of Dwellings & Other Living Conditions for Low-
Income Urban Residents (1984) were merged into a new Act on Maintenance & Improvement of
Urban Areas and Dwelling Conditions for Residents (2003). As such, in the 2000s, related or
overlapping urban plans were brought together to simplify the system and add more details to
the provisions. By 2010, the Seoul City Government was increasingly conscious of the necessity to
revitalize and update the city as it witnessed a decrease in population, changes in the industrial
structure, reckless and unregulated expansion, and dilapidated residential areas, leading to the
enactment of the Special Act on Activation & Support of Urban Restoration (2013). Seoul’s Urban
Planning in the 2000s ○ 2006: The “Basic Seoul Urban Plan” for 2020 - The Basic Seoul Urban Plan
for 2020 was a revision of and supplement to the 1997 Plan, targeting the year 2020 and a
population of 9.8 million. The existing plan’s CBD system was maintained to ensure consistency in
policy. If the Basic Urban Plan of 2011 was considered to comprehensively embrace the material
and socioeconomic aspects, the Basic Urban Plan for 2020 was more strategic in nature, with
clear priorities, goals and strategies. The 2020 Plan also reflected expert and public opinion,
proposed goals and a monitoring index, and provided direction for urban development in each
of the five living spheres as one of the ways to promote balanced regional development. Its
urban spatial structure is comprised of one primary center, five secondary centers (Yeongdong,
Yeongdeungpo, Yongsan, Cheongnyangni/Wangsimni, and Sangam/Susaek), 11 local centers,
and 53 district centers. ○ 2014: The “Seoul Plan 2030” - The Seoul Plan 2030 was developed to
revise and supplement the Basic Seoul Urban Plan for 2020. It targeted an estimated population
of 10.2 million by 2030, according to Statistics Korea. The Basic Urban Plan for 2020 had
independent plans for each of the 12 sectors, and therefore, seeking connection and consistency
between the plans would be restricted. Moreover, the information provided was too broad and
technical for the general public to understand. In the Seoul Plan 2030, the amount of such
information was materially reduced and simplified into five key issues and 17 goals. It was firmly
built on the actual involvement of people from diverse backgrounds, such as ordinary citizens,
experts, city council members, civil servants, and personnel from the Seoul Institute, and the
information made accessible and easy to understand. The Plan was established with an emphasis
on governance of the wider area within Seoul, in consideration of the relationship between the
autonomous districts and the Seoul metropolitan areas. To address the issues related to spatial
structure (public demand for better quality of life, widening wealth gap between regions,
expansion and absorption into the Seoul urban area, fierce competition between global
megacities, etc.), the Plan proposed switching back to the multi-nucleic system, with a focus on
various connections to the CBD (Central Business District) and utilization of diverse functions. The
multi-nucleic system that the Plan suggested was comprised of three city centers (the ancient
Hanyang walled city area, Yeongdeungpo/Yeouido, and Gangnam), seven wider-area centers
(Yongsan, Cheongnyangni/Wangsimni, Changdong/Sanggye, Sangam/Susaek, Magok,
Gasan/Daerim, and Jamsil), and 12 local centers, with a particular emphasis on the functional
Pencapaian dalam Manajemen Pusat Kota Seoul

Tahun 1994 adalah peringatan 600 tahun Seoul sebagai ibu kota. Untuk mengelola kota
bersejarah ini dengan efisien, sejumlah rencana diluncurkan: Rencana Manajemen Pusat Kota
(1999); Rencana Pengembangan Pusat Kota (2004); Rencana Rekreasi Pusat Kota Komprehensif
(2008); dan Rencana Manajemen Pusat Kota Bersejarah (2010). Proyek-proyek lain juga
dilaksanakan untuk mengembalikan kepada warga ruang yang sebelumnya digunakan untuk
proyek-proyek pengembangan berorientasi lalu lintas. Contohnya adalah restorasi istana-istana
kerajaan (seperti Istana Gyeongbok, Istana Changdeok, Istana Deoksu) dan Jongmyo;
pembangunan Seoul Plaza, Sungnye Gate Plaza, dan Gwanghwamun Square; serta penambahan
ruang terbuka di pusat kota. Upaya lain termasuk penciptaan lingkungan ramah ekologi dan
pejalan kaki di dalam kota, seperti restorasi Sungai Cheonggye, transformasi Stadion
Dongdaemun menjadi taman kota, dan kampanye Namsan Terbuka. Kota juga berusaha untuk
mengklaim identitasnya sebagai kota bersejarah yang tetap modern dengan mengembalikan
warisan sejarah dan budayanya, seperti melalui program Pempercantikan Desa Bukchon, restorasi
tembok kota kuno, dan inklusi Hanyang Township - ibu kota kuno Dinasti Joseon dan Seoul saat
ini - dalam daftar Warisan Budaya UNESCO.

Usaha Seoul untuk Menjadi Kota Maju Pada tahun 2002, proyek "New Town" pilot diluncurkan di
wilayah Eunpyeong/Gireum/Wangsimni dalam upaya untuk menyempitkan kesenjangan
kekayaan antara Gangnam dan Gangbuk serta mendirikan dan meningkatkan infrastruktur. Dari
saat itu hingga tahun 2007, total 26 wilayah ditunjuk sebagai target proyek New Town.

Juga pada tahun 2002, Korea dan Jepang menjadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia. Sebagai persiapan,
situs pembuangan Nanjido di area Sang-am, barat Seoul, sepenuhnya diubah. Taman eko ramah
lingkungan, Stadion Piala Dunia, dan Desa Eko dibangun, dan Kota Media Digital (DMC)
dikembangkan untuk industri IT. Pemerintah Kota Seoul mengambil berbagai proyek
pengembangan untuk setiap wilayah, seperti Renaissance Sungai Han, Renaissance Wilayah
Timur Laut, Distrik Bisnis Internasional Yongsan dan Distrik Magok.

Untuk menjadikan Seoul sebagai kota maju, Pemerintah Kota Seoul telah mencurahkan energinya
pada desain perkotaan dan berupaya menjadikan kota ini sebagai kota yang indah dan berkelas.
Contoh di mana energi ini menjadi kenyataan termasuk taman regional (Taman Impian di Utara
Seoul, Hutan Seoul, Arboretum Pureun, dll); jalur-jalur di tembok kota kuno; jalur pejalan kaki dan
sepeda di sepanjang Sungai Han dan anak sungainya; dan jalur pejalan kaki seperti Jalur Ekologi
& Budaya yang menghubungkan taman, gunung, dan sungai. Area pejalan kaki, seperti
Gangdong Greenway dan Design Street, juga dimodernisasi. Seoul juga mendorong orang untuk
berjalan lebih banyak dan menikmati sejarah, budaya, dan objek wisata kota yang kaya. Untuk
menciptakan lingkungan yang ramah pejalan kaki, beberapa jalan telah ditunjuk hanya untuk
pejalan kaki.

Seoul terus meningkatkan dirinya hingga saat ini. Kota ini berhasil mendapatkan kembali
identitas sejarah dan budayanya serta mengembangkan dirinya menjadi kota teknologi tinggi
internasional. Ini telah menerapkan kebijakan perkotaan yang dirancang untuk mempromosikan
pembangunan seimbang dalam batas-batasnya. Selama tahun 2000-an, semakin penting untuk
mendorong partisipasi publik dalam pengambilan keputusan menuju konsensus sosial. Dalam
Rencana Seoul 2030, Dewan Warga, dan dalam rencana lingkungan hidup berikutnya, dewan-
dewan warga yang diselenggarakan untuk mengambil bagian aktif dalam pengembangan
rencana masa depan.

Pada tahun 2000-an, kerangka kerja institusional terkait dengan perencanaan perkotaan sangat
dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial saat itu dan berubah sesuai dengan itu. Undang-Undang
Perencanaan Perkotaan (2000) juga mengalami revisi yang signifikan. Ruang hidup menjadi
semakin besar seiring pertumbuhan kota yang terus berkembang, dibantu oleh perbaikan dalam
sistem transportasi. Pertumbuhan ini harus dikelola, dan rencana perkotaan yang lebih luas untuk
Seoul diterapkan untuk dua atau lebih wilayah administratif. Pembangunan sembrono wilayah
metropolitan Seoul harus dicegah di bawah sistem "Rencana Dulu, Bangun Kemudian". Dengan
kekhawatiran tentang tanah yang terkait dengan proyek fasilitas perkotaan jangka panjang yang
belum dimulai, sistem "Permintaan Pembelian" diperkenalkan untuk meningkatkan peraturan
yang tidak realistis. Peraturan lain tentang area pengembangan yang dibatasi, konsep dari tahun
1970-an, kemudian secara terpisah ditangani dan dikelola oleh Undang-Undang Tindakan Khusus
tentang Penunjukan & Pengelolaan Area Pengembangan yang Dilarang (2000). Ini

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