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- Commūnicāre
- To share
- To divide out
- It is a process of sharing ideas and opinions about issues, people, events, and
places between and among persons through various channels to gain common
There are 2 persons/actors involved in communication
1. Sender
2. Receiver
Sender → encoding → receiver → decoding → sender

Basic types of communication

Verbal information
- It happens through verbally, vocally, or through written words w/c express to
convey the message.
a. Oral communication
b. Written communication
Non-verbal Communication
- It is any communication w/o words of mouth, spoken words, and written language
a. Signs
b. Symbol
c. Colors
d. Gestures
e. Body Language

Parts of the Communication Model

1. Source/Sender
- Is the one who sends or deliver the message or who initiates the
communication process
2. Message
- The information of verbal and non verbal conveyed to another person or to
a group of people
3. Medium
- Ways to communicate information
4. Receiver
- The one who receives the message
5. Effect
- Response of the receiver after getting the messages from the source
6. Feedback
- It tells the source how effective the selected message and the channel to
the receiver
7. Noise Barriers
- The distraction in the communication

- The ability to read and write
1. Recognize the letters
2. Identify the words
3. Understand the words meaning
- The ability to comprehend information
Media Literacy
- The ability to identify different types of media and UNDERSTAND the message
they are sending

1. Decode the message

2. Assess the influence of those messages on thought, feelings, and/or behavior.
3. Create media thoughtfully and conscientiously

Information Literacy
- It is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of
information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, the
use of information in creating knowledge and participating ethically in
communities of learning.

Technological/technology literacy
- It is the ability to use, message, understand, and access technology.

The Evolution of Media

- It is any channel or way we use to transmit or communicate messages.

Pre-industrial Age
- People discovered fire
- Developed papers from plants
- Forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper, etc.

● Core painting
- Pictograph - they use ink from plants and animals
- Petroglyph - carve on the walls
● Papyrus
● Clay tablets
● Codex in mayan
● Printing press using wood printing

Industrial Age
- Developed machine tools
- Mass production of different products

● Printing press
● Newspaper (1600s)
● Typewriter (1800s)
● Telegraph (1840s)
● Sound films
● Telephone (1876)
● Motion pictures
● Punch cards

Electronic Age
- Transistors were developed

● Transistors radio (1950s)

● Commercial television (1940s)
● Large electronic computers (late 1940s)
● Mainframe computer
● Personal computer
● Overhead projectors (1950s to1960s)
● LCD projectors

Information Age
- The internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the
social network

● Web browser
● Search engines
● Blogging sites
● Social network
● Micro blogging sites
● Photo and video sharing websites
● Instant messaging and video conferencing

Types of Media
- Print media
- Broadcast media
- Film/cinema
- Video games
- New media

Points of intersection among media forms

Synergy - interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is
greater than the sum of their individual effects
Convergence - the combination of various elements to create a new whole

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