DLL - Grade 8

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School Del Monte National High School Grade Level 8- Diamond/8-Ruby/8-

LESSON PLAN Teacher Mr. Kobe A. Baylon Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and Time March 6-13, 2024/10:45-11:45, 1:15-2:15, 2:15-3:15 Quarter Third

WEDNESDAY (March, 6, 2024) THURSDAY (March 7, 2024)


A.Content Standards
B. Performances Standards
C. Learning Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. Judge the validity of the evidence listened to.
Write the LC code for each At the end of the session, 75% of the learners should be able to: At the end of the session, 75% of the learners should be able to:
A. define literature and its elements A. Identify the elements of a given literary piece.

II. CONTENT Literature and its Elements Literary selection: In the Dark/Lord Krishna


1.Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Copy of the story, Activity sheets
C. Integration
D. Valuing Developing comprehension skills Developing comprehension skill
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Class Routine Class Routine
presenting the new lsson  May I request everyone to  Learners will pray  May I request everyone to please  Learners will pray.
please stand and somebody stand and somebody will lead the
will lead the prayer. prayer.  Good
 Good morning/afternoon class.  Good morning/afternoon,  Good morning/afternoon class. morning/afternoon,
Sir.  How are you today? Sir
 How are you today?  We are doing great, Sir.  May I know who is absent for
 May I know who is absent for  None, Sir. today?  We are doing great,
today?  Anyone can recall our lesson last Sir.
 Anyone can recall our lesson  Our lesson last meeting meeting?
last meeting? was all about the different  None, Sir.
 Present pictures of different types of listening.  Our lesson last
meeting was all
literary texts then let the about literature and
learners guess what the its different types,
lesson is on based on the as well as the
given picture. elements of a story.

Activity: Name Me! Possible answers Activity 1. 2-3-1 Challenge!

The teacher will present pictures that a. Characters The students are tasked to read the story Answers may vary.
represent the following and let the b. Setting and answer the following questions in their
students guess:: activity notebook.
a. Characters
b. Setting  List down the two characters found
B. Presenting Examples/Instances in the story.
of the lesson  Describe the feelings of the main
character in three words.
 Give a one-sentence ending about
what might happen to the character
in the story.

C. Establishing a purpose for the The teacher will present the objectives The learners will read the objectives The teacher will present the objectives then The learners read the
lesson then let the learners read it. let the students read it. objectives.

D. Discussing new concepts and  Students are asked what is a The learners will listen and participate Assessment 1. Answers may vary.
practicing new skills #1 literature? in the discussion. The students are tasked to read the story and
The teacher will provide additional information on answer the following questions below.
literature and its types.
What point of view is used by the author?
Evidence/line from the text:
What is the theme of the story?
Evidence/line from the text:
What societal issue is mirrored in the story?
Evidence/line from the text:

E. Discussing new concepts and  What are the elements of a Possible answers Activity 2.
practicing new skills #2 story?  Setting The teacher will instruct the learners to read The learners read the story
 Plot the story, Lord Krishna silently. silently with comprehension.
 Character
 Conflict
 Point of View
 Theme

F. Developing mastery  Students are tasked to identify Answers may vary depending on the Assessment 2
(Leads to Formative what elements of the story are given lines.
Assessment) presented in the given lines. Directions: Based on the story “Lord Krishna,”
fill in the plot diagram below. Write your
answers in sentence form. Do this in your
activity notebook. The students do the activity.
Rising Action
Falling Action

G. Finding practical applications  What is the importance of the Answers may vary.  How do we live life with resiliency? Answers may vary.
of concepts and skills in daily elements of a story? Was there a time in your life when
living you exhibited resiliency?

H. Making generalizations and  What is literature? Literature refers to a body of written  What are the six elements of plot? Exposition, rising action,
abstractions about the lesson works such as poetry, novels, history, climax, falling action,
biography, and essays that reflects resolution
the background of a certain culture.

 What are the elements of Setting, Plot, Character, Conflict,

literature? Point of View, Theme
I. Evaluating Learning  The teacher gives conclusion. Process students’ answers

J. Additional activities for  Students are tasked to study Read the story, My Childhood
application or remediation lessons. Sweetest Memory by Gemma B.
Espadero and answer the activity.

The sweetest memory of the writer is
My sweetest memory is….


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your
VI. REFLECTIONS instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish to share with other

TUESDAY (March 12, 2024) WEDNESDAY (March 13, 2024)


A.Content Standards
B. Performances Standards
C. Learning Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. Judge the validity of the evidence listened to.
Write the LC code for each As a learner, you are expected to: At the end of the session, 75% of the learners should be able to:
a. analyze the culture reflected in the text with other cultures B. Write a composition appreciating literature as a reflection to a shared
heritage of people.

II. CONTENT Works in Afro-Asian Literature Writing a composition appreciating literature


1.Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Copy of the story, Activity sheets
C. Integration
D. Valuing Developing comprehension skill Developing comprehension skill
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A.Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lsson Class Routine Class Routine
 May I request everyone to  Learners are praying  May I request everyone to please  Learners are
please stand and somebody  Good morning/afternoon, stand and somebody will lead the praying
will lead the prayer. Sir. prayer.
 Good morning/afternoon class.  We are fine, Sir.  Good morning/afternoon class.
 How are you today?  None, Sir  How are you today?  Good
 May I know who is absent for  May I know who is absent for morning/afternoon,
today? today? Sir.
 Anyone can recall our lesson  Our lesson last meeting  Anyone can recall our lesson last  We are fine, Sir.
last meeting? was all about the different meeting?  None, Sir
elements of story.
 Our lesson was all
What do you think are the values that about the different
the old woman wanted to inculcate to the Answers may vary. afro-asian literature
young woman? Fill in the blanks to in different
complete the response. countries.

•Babu’s Song (Africa)

The students will do the activity, “My Students will do the activity.  What are the different afro-asian
Resolution” and completing the stories presented in the discussion •The Story of the Aged
composition by following the sentence yesterday? Mother (Japan)
B. Presenting Examples/Instances starters as their guide.
of the lesson •The Soul of the Great Bell

•Ibong Adarna (Philippines)

C. Establishing a purpose for the Tell the students to read the objectives.

D. Discussing new concepts and Read the different afro-asian literatures.

practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts and Ask questions about the different afro- Answers may vary. Ask further about the stories presented
practicing new skills #2 asian stories. yesterday as a sort or recap.
F. Developing mastery What values are presented in different Answers may vary.
(Leads to Formative stories?
Assessment)  Babu’s Song (Africa)
 The Story of the Aged Mother
 The Soul of the Great Bell
 Ibong Adarna (Philippines)

G. Finding practical applications How are you going to apply these values
of concepts and skills in daily in your life? Cite examples.

H. Making generalizations and Again, what are the different stories in

abstractions about the lesson afro-asia that we have discussed?
I. Evaluating Learning Students are tasked to make
a two-paragraph essay
showing their reflection to the

1. What values are

presented in the
2. How are you going
to apply these
values in your life?
to the above mentioned Afro-
Asian literary works. Their
essays will be graded
according to the critera set in
the rubrics.
J. Additional activities for No assignments will be given. Just study No assignments will be given. Just study the
application or remediation the lesson of the day. lesson of the day.


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your
VI. REFLECTIONS instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

Student Teacher/English 8 Cooperating Teacher Principal I

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