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Cisco Security Licensing

So2ware Access Process

Global Security Sales Engineering

Channels Engineering

January 2024

Quick Find
4 – Firewall Management Center, 5 – Firewall Threat Defense, 6 – ASA, 7 – CDO, 8 –
Multicloud Defense, 9 – Umbrella, 10 – Secure Network Analytics, 11 – Identity Services
Engine, 12 – Secure Web, 13 – Secure Email, 14 – Secure Email & Web Management, 15 –
Cloud Email Security, 16 – Email Threat Defense, 17 – Secure Endpoint, 18 – Secure
Malware Analytics, 19 – Cisco XDR, 20 – Cisco Duo, 21 – Secure Attack Surface
Management, 22 – Cloud Application Security

1 Introduction

The Cisco Global Security Sales Organization (GSSO) is proud to continue the Security
Licensing and Software Access Program. This document outlines the processes that
partner SEs will follow to request licenses for Partner Executed POVs and labs or to
obtain required software.

The Security Licensing and Software Access program supports multiple security products
and evolves with the Cisco Security portfolio. View the sections below to complete the
Licensing and Software Access request for supported security products. The process is
administered as a part of the Partner Help pre-sales technical support offering. All POV,
Software and Lab License requests are to be submitted in English as directed in the
sections below.

License Types and Disclaimer

This guide provides instruc`ons for channel partners to request lab and POV licenses for
their Cisco Security products. When making a request for licensing refer to the following:

POV Licenses: For customer proof-of-value engagements to demonstrate the product's

capabiliDes in the customer or partner lab environment. Used for short-term, fixed

Lab Licenses: For Internal, partner lab use only. Not to be used in produc`on environments or
customer environments.

2 Cisco Smart Licensing

Many security products now use Cisco Smart Licensing which will be configured within
the management interfaces of those security products. Before requesting any security
feature licenses which are enabled via Smart Licensing, you or your organization must
either have an existing Cisco Smart Account or create a new Cisco Smart Account to hold
security licenses.

2.1 Creating a Cisco Smart Account

To create a new Cisco Smart Account and the Virtual Accounts within for Lab and
Demo licenses, go to and select “New Account” in the
Smart Licensing section, under For Customers.

After authenticating, verify your profile information is correct. The top-level Smart
Account will be created using your organization's domain name. You can create virtual
accounts under this top-level account for you as an individual or for a project. If an
account already exists for the top-level domain, you will need to be authorized by the
account administrator before you can create a virtual account underneath.

The request will go through a validation process and the account will be created once
the information has been validated. After the account has been created, it is

recommended to also create separate Virtual Accounts to hold the Lab and/or POV
licenses. To create the Virtual Accounts, log into the Smart Account at and select Manage Smart Account in the Download and
Manage section.

Next select Virtual Accounts and then select New Virtual Account.

Enter a name and description for the Virtual Account which would associate the Virtual
Account to the license’s intended use (i.e., FTD Lab Account and/or FTD POV Account)
and select Save.

Repeat this process as needed to create any additional Lab and/or POV Virtual Accounts.
2.2 Smart Licensing Account Activation Example
Many security licenses are now managed via Cisco Smart Licensing. The instructions that follow
serve as an example of enabling the Smart Software Licensing in the Smart Account Portal and then
registering it in a Firewall Management Center to utilize the POV/Lab licenses provisioned by
Partner Help. These instructions serve as an example but need to be adjusted for the product
being used.

To enable the Smart Licenses, go to and log in using the

credentials for the appropriate Smart Account. Then select Smart Software Manager
in the Download and Manage section.

Next, select Inventory. Make sure the appropriate Virtual Account is selected, and
then select New Token.

Next, enter an appropriate description for the token (e.g., Customer FTD POV), set the
Expire After field to 90 days, click export controls box, and select Create Token.

Then copy the new token to then enter it into the FMC. On the token just created,
click Actions and then select Copy. This token will be utilized within the FMC as
shown in the next section.

2.3 Smart License Registration Example

To enable the Smart Licenses in a Secure Firewall Management Center (FMC),

navigate through the FMC GUI to System > Licenses > Smart Licenses and select
Register. These instructions serve as an example but need to be adjusted for the
product being used.

Paste the token created in the previous section into the Product Instance Registration
Token field and select Apply Changes.

Paste the token created in the previous section into the Product Instance Registration
Token field and select Apply Changes.

You should now see details in the Smart License Status section and the FMC will be registered.

3 Cisco Secure Trials Console
Over time, more products will move into the Secure Trials Console (STC), a portal where you
will be able to define, manage, and track deals and POVs through the sale of the product.
Today, there are two products in STC, Umbrella and Secure Endpoint (AMP).

3.1 Getting Access to Cisco Secure Trials Console (STC)

To gain access to STC, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once
you reach the GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab
License -> Engage” button.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title: Secure Trials Console
Product Type is [Secure Trials Console]
Administrator Name: [Partner First and Last Name]
Administrator Email: [Partner CCO email address]

Click Submit button.

Once your request has been approved, you will receive an email notification with
instructions on how to access STC.

3.2 Starting a new POV or Trial with Secure Trials Console

Log into the Cisco Secure Trials Console at

After authenticating, start a new POV or trial by clicking the Create New Trial
button in the upper-right hand corner.

Specify the Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW) Deal ID, if you have one, or check
Continue without Deal ID to search for your customer and click Next.

Find the customer by specifying a region and searching on the customer name.
Add the customer point-of-contact information in, including first and last name
and email address.
Last, select the trial(s) to include for this customer and detail the product features
and number of seats required for this customer.

To learn more about STC, visit the Secure Trials Console Learning Site at

4 Secure Firewall Management Center (FMC)

4.1 Secure Firewall Management Center Software Download

This sec`on covers the process to download the solware required for the FMC. The instruc`ons
that follow demonstrate how to obtain required solware for an appliance and a virtual FMC.

There are many possible solware requirements and the informa`on below serves as an
example of a common configura`on for a partner-executed POV or a Lab. Adjust the process
outlined below as required to match your hardware specifica`ons.

To download the Secure Firewall Management Center solware, go to

hmps:// This will present the So\ware Download page.
Select “Browse all” then select Security > Firewalls > Firewall Management.

From here, choose the management product required. As an example - choose Secure Firewall
Management Center > Firewall Management Center [model] > Firewall Management Center
Software or Secure Firewall Management Center Virtual > Firewall Management Center

If you are unable to access the software open a case with Partner Help following the
instructions in the following section.

4.2 Secure Firewall Management Center Download Request

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required information:

Primary Technology: Network Security

Title: Software Access
Product Type: FMC
FMC Type: [Hardware or Virtual]
FMC So\ware: [Version]

Click Submit button.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested software. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be notified when you download the requested software.

4.3 Secure Firewall Management Center License Request (POV)

Star`ng with solware version v6.0, the FMC requires a Smart License. The instruc`ons for
Smart Licensing account crea`on and ac`va`on were provided in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. You must first complete that sec`on prior to reques`ng an FMC Smart

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security
Title = FMC POV Smart License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: FMC
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
FMC type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model & OS (VMWare or KVM)]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

*A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an FMC
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

4.4 Secure Firewall Management Center License Request (Lab)

Star`ng with solware version v6.0, the FMC requires a Smart License. The instruc`ons for
Smart Licensing account crea`on and ac`va`on were provided in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. You must first complete that sec`on prior to reques`ng an FMC Smart

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = FMC Lab Smart License
Product type: FMC
FMC Type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model & OS (VMWare or KVM)]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an FMC
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

5 Secure Firewall Threat Defense (FTD)

5.1 Secure Firewall Threat Defense Software Download

This sec`on covers the process to download the solware required for FTD. The instruc`ons that
follow demonstrate how to obtain the required solware for an appliance or FTDv. There are
many possible solware requirements and the informa`on below serves as an example of a
common configura`on for a partner-executed POV or a Lab. Adjust the process outlined below
as required to match your hardware specifica`ons.

To download the Secure Firewall Threat Defense solware, go to

hmps:// This will present the So\ware Download page.
Select “Browse all” then select Security > Firewalls > Next-GeneraDon Firewalls (NGFW) >
Firepower [series] or Secure Firewall [series]. Then select your specific model on the resul`ng

On the resul`ng page, select Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) So\ware.

Choose the version of solware on the lel and “install and upgrade” package on the right.

If you are unable to access the software open a case with Partner Help following the
instructions in the following section.

5.2 Secure Firewall Threat Defense Download Request

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Network Security

Title: So\ware Access
Product Type: FTD
NGFW type: [Hardware or Virtual]
Model: [Hardware Model or FTDv Size]
FTDv OS: [VMware or KVM], if applicable
FTD So\ware: [Version]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested solware. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be no`fied when you download the requested solware.

5.3 Secure Firewall Threat Defense License Request (POV)

License dura`on is dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide 90-day keys for POVs.

Star`ng with solware version v6.0, FTD requires a Smart License. The instruc`ons for Smart
Licensing account crea`on and ac`va`on were provided in the Cisco Smart Licensing sec`on of
the guide. You must first complete that sec`on prior to reques`ng an FMC Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = FTD POV Smart License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: FTD
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
FTD type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model & OS (VMWare or KVM)]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

*A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an FTD
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

5.4 Secure Client (AnyConnect) License Request (POV)

License dura`on is dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide 90-day keys for POVs.

To request client licenses, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support
page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE
Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = AnyConnect for FTD POV Smart License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist: [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: AnyConnect for FTD
QuanDty: [Number of seats]
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
FTD type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

* A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive
AnyConnect licenses in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the
Cisco Smart Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per
customer. To receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

5.5 Secure Firewall Threat Defense License Request (Lab)

License dura`on is dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide 365-day keys for
partner labs.

Star`ng with solware version v6.0, FTD requires a Smart License. The instruc`ons for Smart
Licensing account crea`on and ac`va`on were provided in the Cisco Smart Licensing sec`on of
the guide. You must first complete that sec`on prior to reques`ng an FTD Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = FTD Lab Smart License
Product type: FTD
FTD type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model & OS (VMWare or KVM)]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an FMC
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

5.6 Secure Client (AnyConnect) License Request (Lab)

License dura`on is dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide 365-day keys for
partner labs.

Star`ng with solware version v6.0, FTD requires a Smart License. The instruc`ons for Smart
Licensing account crea`on and ac`va`on were provided in the Cisco Smart Licensing sec`on of
the guide. You must first complete that sec`on prior to reques`ng an FTD Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = AnyConnect for FTD Lab Smart License
Product type: AnyConnect for FTD
FTD type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model]
QuanDty: [Number of Seats]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive
AnyConnect licenses in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the
Cisco Smart Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per
customer. To receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

6 Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA)

6.1 Adaptive Security Appliance Download

This sec`on covers the process to download the solware required for ASA. The instruc`ons
that follow demonstrate how to obtain the required solware for 5500-X Appliances or
Firepower Appliances. There are many possible solware requirements and the informa`on
below serves as an example of a common configura`on for a partner-executed POV or a Lab.
Adjust the process outlined below as required to match your hardware specifica`ons.

To download the ASA solware for 5500-X series appliances, go to

hmps:// This will present the So\ware Download page.
Select “Browse all” then select Security > Firewalls > AdapDve Security Appliances (ASA) > ASA
5500-X Series Firewalls. Then select your specific model on the resul`ng pane. Then select
So\ware on Chassis.

To download the ASA solware for Secure Firewall series appliances, go to

hmps:// This will present the So\ware Download page.
Select “Browse all” then select Security > Firewalls > Next-GeneraDon Firewalls (NGFW) >
Firepower [series] or Secure Firewall [series]. Then select your specific model on the resul`ng
pane. Select AdapDve Security Appliance (ASA) So\ware in the resul`ng window.

Choose the version of solware on the lel and the appropriate appliance solware package on
the right.

If you are unable to access the software open a case with Partner Help following the
instructions in the following section.

6.2 Adaptive Security Appliance Software Download Request

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Network Security

Title: So\ware Access
Product Type: ASA
Appliance Type: [Hardware or Virtual]
ASA So\ware: [Version]
ASA Device Manager: [Version]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested solware. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be no`fied when you download the requested solware.

6.3 Adaptive Security Appliance License Request (POV)

License dura`on is dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide 90-day keys for POVs.

To request client licenses, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support
page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE
Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

** If your hardware appliance is a 5500-X, In the subsequent form provide the following
required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = ASA Appliance POV License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist: [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: ASA
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
ASA Appliance Type: [Appliance Model]
ASA Appliance Serial Number: [Serial Number]
Plagorm License: [Base or Security Plus]
VPN Features: [Strong EncrypOon, Advanced Endpoint Assessment, AnyConnect
Mobile, AnyConnect EssenOals, AnyConnect VPN Phone]
Firewall Features: [Botnet Traffic Filter, Clustering]
AnyConnect Premium Licenses: [10, 25, 50, 100, 250, or 500]
Security Contexts: [2, 5, 10, 20]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*
Show Version: [Output from ‘show version’ command]

* A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will generate POV License keys. You will receive the
appropriate ASA license ac`va`on key that can be loaded into ASDM by browsing to
ConfiguraDon > Device Management > Licensing > AcDvaDon Key.

Load the Ac`va`on Key into the New Ac`va`on Key field, select Update AcDvaDon Key, save
your configura`on, and reload the ASA.

** If your hardware appliance is a Firepower, Secure Firewall appliance, or ASAv, In the
subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = ASA POV Smart License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist: [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: ASA Smart License
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
FTD type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an ASA
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

6.4 Adaptive Security Appliance License Request (Lab)

License dura`on is dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide 365-day keys for
partner labs.

To request client licenses, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support
page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE
Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

** If your hardware appliance is a 5500-X, In the subsequent form provide the following
required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = ASA Appliance Lab License
Product type: ASA
ASA Appliance Type: [Appliance Model]
ASA Appliance Serial Number: [Serial Number]
Plagorm License: [Base or Security Plus]
VPN Features: [Strong EncrypOon, Advanced Endpoint Assessment, AnyConnect
Mobile, AnyConnect EssenOals, AnyConnect VPN Phone]

Firewall Features: [Botnet Traffic Filter, Clustering]
AnyConnect Premium Licenses: [10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500]
Security Contexts: [2, 5, 10, 20]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]
Show Version: [Output from ‘show version’ command]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will generate Lab License keys. You will receive the
appropriate ASA license ac`va`on key that can be loaded into ASDM by browsing to
ConfiguraDon > Device Management > Licensing > AcDvaDon Key.

Load the Ac`va`on Key into the New Ac`va`on Key field, select Update AcDvaDon Key, save
your configura`on, and reload the ASA.

** If your hardware appliance is a Firepower, Secure Firewall appliance, or ASAv, In the

subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Network Security

Title = ASA Lab Smart License
Product type: ASA Smart License
ASA type: [Hardware or Virtual Sensor Model]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an ASA
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

7 Cisco Defense Orchestrator

The CDO team supports license requests for both POVs and partner labs and provides license extensions
with business jus`fica`on. There is no solware access or required product informa`on for the Cisco
Defense Orchestrator license request.

7.1 Cisco Defense Orchestrator Trial

POV and Lab licenses should both be started by the trial process at hmps://

Choose your region and login using your login into the Security Cloud Sign On portal.

The trial period is 30 days and can be used for both POV and labs during that `me. If you
require a POV extension, open a request at hmps:// under Ordering
and Licensing and choose Licensing Assistance from the case crea`on tool.

8 Cisco Multicloud Defense

The CDO team supports license requests for both POVs and Partner Labs and provides license extensions
with business jus`fica`on. Cisco Mul`cloud Defense can be managed and controlled through Cisco
Defense Orchestrator and thus there is no solware access or required product informa`on for the
license request.

Refer to the Cisco Defense Orchestrator sec`on above to obtain an instance of Mul`cloud Defense,
launched from CDO, that can be used for customer POVs.

9 Umbrella

9.1 Managed Security Services Partner (MSSP) Portal

The Selling Umbrella page on the Partner Community at:

hmps://communi` contains informa`on on the training and
requirements to be eligible for MSSP Portal access, but these requirements will also be noted

Please note: Only one MSSP Portal is allowed per Partner organiza`on. As such, the first Partner
SE reques`ng MSSP Portal access will be set as the Administrator for the en`re Partner

organiza`on. All subsequent Partner SEs must work with this administrator to create addi`onal
Partner SE Administrator accounts in the MSSP Portal. If we find there is an exis`ng MSSP Portal
for a Partner organiza`on, we will provide the Administrator informa`on for follow up within
the Partner organiza`on. Also, the email address associated with the nominated Administrator’s
CCO profile will be used as the authen`ca`on mechanism for the MSSP Portal, so please ensure
the correct email address is associated BEFORE submipng a request in the PMA tool. Personal
email addresses in CCO profiles will not be accepted, so please ensure the correct business
email address is used.

9.2 Umbrella MSSP Portal Requirements

To qualify for Umbrella MSSP Portal access, the Partner Organiza`on must meet the following

The Partner Organiza`on MUST:

1. Be an authorized Cisco partner in good standing
2. Have an opera`onal SOC and preferably an API developer/team
3. Provide frontline support
4. Have (2) SEs on staff per Partner GEO ID complete the following training and provide screen
• Fire Jumper - Pre-sales - Cloud Security stage 2 on Sales Connect
NOTE: If you completed Fire Jumper - Presales - Cloud Security stage 2 prior to September
2021, you will need to complete the updated stage 2learning map for Cloud Security which
includes the new SIG features.

9.3 Umbrella Partner Console

To request Umbrella Partner Console access, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the
Partner support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you
reach the GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage”

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Cloud, Email & Web Security

Title: Umbrella Partner Console Access
Product Type: [Umbrella Partner Console]
Administrator Name: [Partner Name]
Administrator Email: [Partner Email]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will review the information and if all the criteria
have been met, the Partner Help Agent will create the Umbrella Partner Console and
provide the relevant information for the Umbrella Partner Console. The requester
should also receive an activation email with the same information and a link to access
the portal and create a password to the portal to begin provisioning.

9.4 Umbrella License (POV)

Trials or POVs can be started from the MSSP Console, Umbrella Partner Console, Secure Trials
Console (outlined in Sec`on 3) or from the web at hmps:// Ideally
partners should use one of the three Console methods to run POVs with customers so they have
visibility and can guide the process through to a sale.

10 Secure Network Analytics (Stealthwatch Enterprise)

10.1 Secure Network Analytics Software Download

This sec`on covers the process to download the solware required for the SNA. The instruc`ons
that follow demonstrate how to obtain required solware for a physical or virtual appliance.
There are many possible solware requirements and the informa`on below serves as an
example of a common configura`on for a partner-executed POV or a Lab. Adjust the process
outlined below as required to match your hardware specifica`ons.

To download the Secure Network Analy`cs solware, go to

hmps:// This will present the So\ware Download page.
Select “Browse all” then select Security > Network Visibility and SegmentaDon > Secure
AnalyDcs (Stealthwatch).

From here, choose the product required. As an example - choose Secure Network Analytics
Manager > Secure Network Analytics Manager [model] or Secure Network Analytics Virtual
Manager > Secure Network Analytics System Software.

If you are unable to access the software open a case with Partner Help following the
instructions in the following section.

10.2 Secure Network Analytics Software Download

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Visibility & Enforcement

Title: So\ware Access
Product: [Secure Network AnalyDcs]
SNA type: [Hardware or Virtual]
SNA So\ware Type: [Data Store, Flow Collector, Flow Sensor, Manager, UDP Director]
SNA Version: [Version]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested solware. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be no`fied when you download the requested solware.

10.3 Secure Network Analytics License Request (POV)

Virtual appliances ship with a 90-day eval period. Once this is complete the appliances will stop
collec`ng flows and must be registered in your Smart Account. Aler registering in your Smart
Account, you may open a case with GVE to request a POV license extension.

License dura`on is dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide 45-day keys for POVs.

Star`ng with solware version v7.2, SNA appliances require a Smart License. The instruc`ons for
Smart Licensing account crea`on and ac`va`on were provided in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. You must first complete that sec`on prior to reques`ng a Smart License.

To request a license extension, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support
page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE
Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Visibility & Enforcement

Title = SNA POV Extension
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
POV Extension for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]

SNA So\ware Type: [Data Store, Flow Collector, Flow Sensor, Manager, UDP Director]
SNA Version: [Version]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer.

10.4 Secure Network Analytics License Request (Lab)

Star`ng with solware version v7.2, SNA appliances require a Smart License. The instruc`ons for
Smart Licensing account crea`on and ac`va`on were provided in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. You must first complete that sec`on prior to reques`ng a Smart License.

To request a license extension, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support
page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE
Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Visibility & Enforcement

Title = SNA Lab License
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
SNA So\ware Type: [Data Store, Flow Collector, Flow Sensor, Manager, UDP Director]
SNA Version: [Version]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide.

11 Identity Services Engine (ISE)

11.1 Identity Services Engine Software Download

This section covers the process to download the software required for a virtual
Identity Services Engine installation. There are many possible software requirements
and the information below serves as an example of a common configuration for a
partner executed POV. Adjust the process outlined below as required to match your
hardware specifications.

To download Identity Services Engine, go to

Choose the Suggested Release version unless you want to show your customer a
specific version. You should download any patches for the latest fixes and features.

If you are unable to access the software due to entitlement, engage with your Cisco alliance
manager to associate your CCO account with your company to grant partner-level CCO access.
If you are still unable to access the software, open a case with Partner Help following the
instructions in the following section.

11.2 Identity Services Engine Software Request

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Visibility & Enforcement

Title: So\ware Access
Product Type: [ISE]
ISE So\ware: [Version]
ISE Patch: [Version]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested solware. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be no`fied when you download the requested solware.

11.3 Identity Services Engine License Request (POV)

Starting with software version v3.0, ISE requires a Smart License. The instructions for
Smart Licensing account creation and activation were provided in Section 2 of the
guide. You must first complete that section prior to requesting an ISE Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Visibility & Enforcement

Title = ISE POV Smart License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: ISE
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
Requested Licenses: [3 x R-ISE-VML-K9= (Large VM Nodes), 2 x L-ISE-TACACS-ND=
(Device Admin nodes), 500 x ISE-P-LIC (Premier Endpoints)]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]

Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

*A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an FTD
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

11.4 Identity Services Engine License Request (Lab)

Starting with software version v3.0, ISE requires a Smart License. The instructions for
Smart Licensing account creation and activation were provided in Section 2 of the
guide. You must first complete that section prior to requesting an ISE Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Visibility & Enforcement

Title = ISE Lab Smart License
Product type: ISE
Requested Licenses: [3 x R-ISE-VML-K9= (Large VM Nodes), 2 x L-ISE-TACACS-ND=
(Device Admin nodes), 500 x ISE-P-LIC (Premier Endpoints)]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive an FTD
license in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart
Licensing sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To
receive the extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

12 Secure Web Appliance (WSA)

12.1 Secure Web Appliance Software Download

To download the Secure Web solware, go to hmps:// This
will present the So\ware Download page. Select “Browse all” then select Security > Web
Security > Secure Web Appliance or Secure Web Appliance Virtual.

From here, choose the product required. As an example - choose Secure Web Appliance Virtual
> AsyncOS for WSA > Version > Cisco Web Security Virtual Appliance [model].

If you are unable to access the solware open a case with Partner Help following the
instruc`ons in the following sec`on.

12.2 Secure Web Appliance Software Request

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title: So\ware Access
Product Type: [Secure Web]
Secure Web Appliance Type: [S100V, S300V, S600V, S1000V]
Secure Web Version: [Version]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested solware. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be no`fied when you download the requested solware.

12.3 Secure Web Appliance License Request (POV)

Starting with software version v11.7, Secure Web requires a Smart License. The
instructions for Smart Licensing account creation and activation were provided in
Section 2 of the guide. You must first complete that section prior to requesting an ISE
Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title = Secure Web POV Smart License

Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: WSA
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
Secure Web Appliance Type: [S100V, S300V, S600V, S1000V]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

*A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To receive the
extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

12.4 Secure Web Appliance License Request (Lab)

Starting with software version v11.7, Secure Web requires a Smart License. The
instructions for Smart Licensing account creation and activation were provided in
Section 2 of the guide. You must first complete that section prior to requesting an ISE
Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title = Secure Web Lab Smart License
Product type: Secure Web
Secure Web Appliance Type: [S100V, S300V, S600V, S1000V or S1X0, S3X0, S6X0]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing

sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To receive the
extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

13 Secure Email Appliance (ESA)

13.1 Secure Email Appliance Software Download

To download the Secure Web solware, go to hmps:// This

will present the So\ware Download page. Select “Browse all” then select Security > Email
Security > Secure Email Virtual Gateway.

From here, choose the product required. As an example - choose Secure Web Appliance Virtual
> AsyncOS for Secure Email > Version > Cisco Secure Email Virtual Gateway [model].

If you are unable to access the solware open a case with Partner Help following the
instruc`ons in the following sec`on.

13.2 Secure Email Appliance Software Request

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title: So\ware Access
Product Type: [Secure Email Virtual Gateway]
Secure Email Virtual Gateway Type: [C100V, C300V, or C600V]
Secure Email Version: [Version]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested solware. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be no`fied when you download the requested solware.

13.3 Secure Email Virtual Gateway License Request (POV)

Starting with software version v12.0, Secure Email requires a Smart License. The
instructions for Smart Licensing account creation and activation were provided in
Section 2 of the guide. You must first complete that section prior to requesting a
Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title = Secure Email POV Smart License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: ESA
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
Secure Web Appliance Type: [C100V, C300V, or C600V]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

*A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To receive the
extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

13.4 Secure Email Appliance License Request (Lab)

Starting with software version v12.0, Secure Email requires a Smart License. The
instructions for Smart Licensing account creation and activation were provided in
Section 2 of the guide. You must first complete that section prior to requesting a
Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title = Secure Email Lab Smart License

Product type: Secure Email
Secure Web Appliance Type: [C100V, C300V, C600V or C1X0, C3X0, C6X0]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To receive the
extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

14 Secure Email and Web Manager (SMA)

14.1 Secure Email and Web Manager Software Download

To download the Secure Web solware, go to hmps:// This

will present the So\ware Download page. Select “Browse all” then select Security > Email
Security > Secure Email and Web Manager or Secure Email and Web Manager Virtual.

From here, choose the product required. As an example - choose Secure Email and Web
Manager Virtual > Version > Cisco Secure Email and Web Manager Virtual Appliance [model].

If you are unable to access the solware open a case with Partner Help following the
instruc`ons in the following sec`on.

14.2 Secure Email and Web Manager Software Request

To complete a Solware Request, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner
support page and under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the
GVE Client Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License -> Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology: Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title: So\ware Access
Product Type: [Secure Email and Web Manager]
Secure Email Virtual Gateway Type: [M100V, M300V or M600V]
Secure Email Version: [Version]

Click Submit bumon.

Upon receiving this case, partner help will use the Special File Publish tool to provide the
requested solware. You will receive an email from Cisco to the address associated with your
Cisco CCO ID. Partner Help will be no`fied when you download the requested solware.

14.3 Secure Email and Web Manager License Request (POV)

Starting with software version v12.0, Secure Email and Web Manager requires a
Smart License. The instructions for Smart Licensing account creation and activation
were provided in Section 2 of the guide. You must first complete that section prior to
requesting a Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title = Secure Email and Web Manager POV Smart License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: SMA
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Point of Contact: [Customer POC]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
Secure Web Appliance Type: [C100V, C300V, or C600V]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]
Deal ID = CCW Deal ID*

*A CCW Deal ID is mandatory for this service

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To receive the
extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

14.4 Secure Email and Web Manager License Request (Lab)

Starting with software version v12.0, Secure Email and Web Manager requires a
Smart License. The instructions for Smart Licensing account creation and activation
were provided in Section 2 of the guide. You must first complete that section prior to

requesting a Smart License.

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title = Secure Email and Web Manager Lab Smart License
Product type: Secure Email and Web Manager
Secure Web Appliance Type: [M100V, M300V, M600V or M1X0, M3X0, M6X0]
Partner Smart Account Domain ID: [Smart Account Domain ID]
Partner Smart Account: [Smart Account Name]
Partner Smart Virtual Account: [Smart Virtual Account Name]
Expected Start Date: [Lab Deployment Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To receive the
extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

15 Cloud Email Security

Partner Help supports 45-day license requests for POVs with the ability to request one 45-day extension.
Ac`va`on instruc`ons will go to the customer, so please ensure the Customer Technical contact
informa`on is provided below.
15.1 Cloud Email Security License Request (POV)

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Cloud, Web & Email Security

Title = Cloud Email Security POV License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]
Product type: CES
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Contact InformaDon

Customer Name: [Customer POC]
Customer Email: [Customer Email Address]
Customer Phone: [Customer Phone Number]
Customer Address: [Address, City, State/Province, Country, Postal Code]
Cisco Contact InformaDon
Cisco AM: [Cisco AM Name]
Cisco AM Email: [Cisco AM Email]
Cisco SE: [Cisco SE Name]
Cisco SE Email: [Cisco SE Email]
Cloud Email Data Center Region: [United States, Canada, Europe]
Cloud Email Security Seat Count: [EXACT Seat Count]
Office365 Support Required: [Yes/No]
Intelligent MulD-scan Support Required: [Yes/No]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will request Smart License keys. You will receive licenses
in your Smart account that can be loaded using the instruc`ons in the Cisco Smart Licensing
sec`on of the guide. One POV license extension will be granted per customer. To receive the
extension, open a new Partner Help case following the process above.

16 Email Threat Defense (CMD)

16.1 Email Threat Defense Trial

Cisco Channel Partners can sign their customers up for a 30-day free trial of Email Threat
Defense via the following URL:

When submitting the required information be sure to check the button to indicate "I am an
MSP, IT Provider or Reseller contacting you on behalf of a customer". The trial activation
credentials will be directly sent to the customer when the form is submitted, and a Cisco
representative will be available to support the trial.

17 Secure Endpoint (AMP for Endpoint)

17.1 Secure Endpoint License Request (POV)

Cisco Channel Partners can sign their customers up for a 30-day free trial of Secure Endpoint
via the following URL:
endpoints/free-trial.html. When submitting the required information, check the button to
indicate "Yes - I am a client referred by a partner" and a Cisco representative will complete
the trial request.

Alternatively, and probably a better option, you can initiate a Secure Endpoint POV using the
Secure Trials Console detailed in Section 3 of this document. Here you will be able to
manage the trial process with the customer.

17.2 Secure Endpoint License Request (Lab)

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Advanced Threat

Title = Secure Endpoint Lab
Product type: Secure Endpoint

Upon receiving this request, Partner Help will generate lab licenses. You will receive an email
from Partner Help with credentials and instructions on how to access your account. Specifically,
you will receive an email from <> with a link to activate your account.
Refer to New Secure Endpoint Organization section in this document for steps to activate your account
once it’s been provisioned:

18 Secure Malware Analytics (Threat Grid)

Partner Help supports license requests for both POVs and Partner Labs. License duration is
dependent on internal tools, but the goal is to provide a 45-day API license key for POVs with
one extension and a 6-month API license key for Partner Labs with unlimited extensions.

18.1 Secure Malware Analytics License Request (POV)

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Advanced Threat

Title = Secure Malware AnalyDcs POV License
Cisco Cybersecurity Partner Specialist [Cisco CPS, if applicable]
Partner AM: [Partner AM email address]
Partner SE: [Partner SE email address]

Product type: Threat Grid
POV License for [Customer name]
Customer Contact InformaDon
Customer Name: [Customer POC]
Customer Email: [Customer Email Address]
Customer Role: [Customer Role]
Customer Opportunity Value: [Opportunity in USD]
Expected Start Date: [POV Start Date]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will forward the request to the Secure
Malware Analytics Provisioning team. Once the team has provisioned the
subscription, the Customer Point of Contact will receive an email with API license key
to use for the subscription. One 45-day API license key extension will be granted when
required. To receive the extension, follow the process above noting the request is for a

18.2 Secure Malware Analytics License Request (Lab)

To request a license, open a case with Partner Help. You can go to the Partner support page and
under “Global Virtual Engineering”, select Open a Case. Once you reach the GVE Client
Experience Portal (CEP), select the “Security POV/Lab License > Engage” bumon.

In the subsequent form provide the following required informa`on:

Primary Technology = Advanced Threat

Title = Secure Malware AnalyDcs Lab License
Product type: Threat Grid
POV License for [Partner Name]
Partner SE InformaDon
Partner Name: [Partner SE Name]
Partner Email: [Partner SE Email Address]
Partner Role: [ Pre-Sales SE or Field SE]

Upon receiving this case, Partner Help will forward the request to the Secure
Malware Analytics Provisioning team. Once the team has provisioned the
subscription, the partner SE will receive an email with API license key to use for the
subscription. Unlimited 180-day API license key extension will be granted as required.
To receive the extension following the same process above noting this is an extension
to an existing partner lab license key.

19 Cisco XDR

Cisco XDR POVs require provisioning by the XDR and depend on which products your
customer may already have provisioned today, including Secure Cloud Analytics and
SecureX. To request a new POV environment, please fill out this form with your contact
details and the customer information and the team will reach out to help you start the
POV process:

20 Cisco Duo

The Duo team supports license requests for both POVs and partner labs and provides
license extensions with business justification. All software access is provided via the
Admin Console once the trial has started.

20.1 Cisco Duo Trial

POV and Lab licenses should both be started by the trial process at hmps:// The
trial period is 30 days and is available at the Advanced license level. There is a sol limit of 10
user accounts but will allow more users and authen`ca`ons during the trial period.

Customer POV License: Fill in the form fields as the customer and click Start My Trial.

Partner Lab License: Fill in the form fields as the partner SE, `ck the “I’m an MSP, Reseller, or
Partner” box and click Start My Trial.
At the end of the trial period, or as the end approaches, a Cisco/Duo channels engineer can
extend the trial period to accommodate a longer POV process. In addi`on, for partner lab
licenses, the channels engineer can make these pseudo-permanent for lab environments or
modify the license level to Premier.

At the end of the trial period, the Duo instance will fall back to the Duo Free `er of licensing
which is limited to Essen`als and 10 users.

20.2 Cisco Duo Not-For-Resale (NFR)

Partners looking for more than a simple lab license can acquire (50) Duo Premier licenses to be
used in non-customer produc`on environments for no cost. For addi`on details on how to
par`cipate in NFR, or informa`on about placing NFR order, access this link:

21 Secure Attack Surface Management (Cloud Insights)

Secure Attack Surface Management is an OEM product, and they handle the POV and Lab
provisioning process differently than many of the other products. Both POV and lab
accounts require that you start with the trial process.

21.1 Secure Attack Surface Management Trial

To begin either a lab or POV, start with the 60-day trial license account. Note the
“What is your relationship with Cisco?” field at the end of the form where you should
select Customer, if initiating a POV, or Partner/Distributor if you are looking to stand
up an instance for a lab.

22 Cisco Cloud Application Security (Panoptica)

Cloud Application Security is a SaaS-delivered product and POVs and labs can be stood up
on demand. Start by creating a new account (or using one of the federated logins) at For a POV, if they are already a Cisco Security customer,
they can use the Cisco Security Cloud Sign-In using their existing credentials. Free accounts
are limited in scope but sufficient for most POV and partner lab scenarios including 1
cluster and up to 15 nodes.

23 Next Steps
Our Cisco Security Partner Community ( has
additional resources, including POV Best Practices guides, beneficial when demonstrating
the capabilities of the product. It’s also a great place to connect with our teams to provide
support for you throughout the process.


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