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Hello everybody!
Now it's time for you to do the task for this week. Read the instructions below. Remember that if you need
to review a topic, you can always check the course material as many times as you need. Keep in mind that
you have to present this task during week 2.

1. Learning Outcome

Through this activity, students write a text about their daily routine using the grammar and vocabulary
learned in Week 2.

2. Description

 Step 1: Individual task

 Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes.
 Situation: You have a new friend who lives in the USA. He/she wants to know you
more. Send an email to your friend and tell him/her about your daily routine.

Lima, Saturday April 6, 2024

From: Alex Cahua Iparraguirre

To: My dear friend

Hi friend, how are you? I hope this is well, I am writing you a letter to tell you how
it is fulfilling me these days.
How things have been going for you in the USA, since you left your friends have been
missing you. I have been exercising more often, now I get up earlier at approximately
7:00 am. I am also still studying at the UTP university as I had
told you before, I am also excited since I am trying to learn and improve my English
pronunciation a little more to be able to communicate better with you.
Likewise, I am also working in a company, it is going well for me but it is a little tiring.
Well, I still try not to give up since I want to move forward.

Well with all this I say goodbye, I hope you are well and do not hesitate to write to me
if you have anything, we will always support each other.
Take care and until the next opportunity.

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