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Last week I was a real hero, I was in the mall with all my family, and there was
a robbery in the shop next to the ice cream, where I was. Everyone was
shouting and the thief that had a black mask was trying to scape and
accidentally dropped a piece of cloth next to a bench. No one noticed that
because they were too scared. At first, I think to leave the cloth there and
forget about it, but later I realized that it was evidence and maybe it would
help the police to catch the thief. So, I took it and give it to the police, and
then they discovered that was a normal type of cloth but it was only used by
the people who work in the ice cream shop. Suddenly the police went to the ice
cream shop to question the owner, in my opinion it was too easy, because he
accept the fault and he went to jail. In the end, the police thanked me, and me
and my family went home, and enjoy our weekend.

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