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Life Satisfaction psychopathology and still be highly satisfied

with life or not display psychopathological symp-
Carmel Proctor1, P. Alex Linley2 and John toms and yet be very dissatisfied with life –
Maltby1 suggesting that the absence of psychopathological
Positive Psychology Research Centre, St Peter symptoms is not necessarily an indication of pos-
Port, Guernsey itive mental health (Proctor and Linley 2014).
Centre of Applied Positive Psychology, The Therefore, SWB should not simply be placed at
Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science the opposite end from psychopathology on the
Park, Coventry, UK mental health/disease continuum (Huebner
1991a). Past investigations into subjective psy-
chological well-being among adolescents have
Overview relied heavily on objective indicators such as fam-
ily income level, divorce rate, housing quality,
Adolescent life satisfaction is a key indicator of access to recreational facilities and medical health
mental health and is positively related to a broad services, and school expenditure. However, such
spectrum of positive personal, psychological, objective indicators fail to tap into individual (i.e.,
behavioral, social, interpersonal, and intraper- subjective) perceptions of quality of life
sonal outcomes (see Proctor et al. 2008 for a (cf. Proctor 2014). Life satisfaction, on the other
review). Historically, adolescent life satisfaction hand, is an individual cognitive evaluation of life
has been overlooked and understudied along with as a whole (Shin and Johnson 1978) and one of the
various other positive indicators of optimal func- most well-established indicators of well-being
tioning among youth. However, with the advent of and positive functioning among young people
positive psychology, there has been a significant (Suldo et al. 2006).
resurgence of the study of optimal functioning and Subjective well-being is considered a broad
well-being during the past decade. Traditionally, area of scientific interest, which includes individ-
positive psychological function was informed ual emotional responses (i.e., positive [e.g., joy,
from the absence of psychopathological symp- optimism] and negative [e.g., sadness, anger]
toms. However, recent evidence suggests that affect), domain satisfactions (e.g., work satisfac-
high psychopathology can be accompanied by tion), and global judgments of life satisfaction
high subjective well-being (SWB), just as low (Diener et al. 1999). Unlike emotional responses,
psychopathology can be accompanied by low which are invariably short lived and fluctuating
SWB (Greenspoon and Saklofske 2001). That is, (Gilman et al. 2000), domain satisfactions and
an individual may display symptoms of overall appraisals of life satisfaction are
# Springer International Publishing AG 2017
R.J.R. Levesque (ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32132-5_125-2
2 Life Satisfaction

considered to be the more stable components of (e.g., demographic, personal, and environmental
SWB and therefore the indicators most amenable factors) of adolescent life satisfaction has steadily
for inclusion in examinations of adolescents’ per- expanded such that current research in this area
ceptions of their life circumstances (Eid and seeks to understand the specific mechanisms that
Diener 2004; Huebner 2006). Measures of life link life satisfaction to its determinants and con-
satisfaction are created on the basis of unidimen- sequences (Huebner et al. 2004). For example,
sional (i.e., global and general life satisfaction) Ash and Huebner (2001) demonstrated that ado-
and multidimensional frameworks (Huebner lescent life satisfaction was mediated by locus of
2004). In general, both unidimensional and multi- control (LOC) orientation (i.e., frequent negative
dimensional measures of life satisfaction are self- life events were related to decreased perceptions
report. Unidimensional measures provide an over- of control, which was related to lower life satis-
all total score as an indication of life satisfaction, faction). Similarly, Fogle et al. (2002) demon-
whereas multidimensional measures provide a strated that social self-efficacy mediates the
profile of life satisfaction across various domains relationship between extraversion and life satis-
(see Proctor et al. 2009 for a review). For global faction. That is, although extraversion itself
unidimensional measures, the total score is lacked a strong direct influence on life satisfac-
derived from context-free items that allow respon- tion, positive perceptions of social capabilities
dents to use their own criteria in weighting the (i.e., social self-efficacy) served as the mechanism
various aspects of their lives (Pavot and Diener through which extraversion effected life satisfac-
1993). Examples of global unidimensional mea- tion (Fogle et al. 2002). Research has also dem-
sures include the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale onstrated that life satisfaction is not only an
(Huebner 1991b) and the Satisfaction with Life outcome of various psychosocial relationships
Scale (Diener et al. 1985). For general unidimen- but also acts to mediate and moderate the relation-
sional measures, the total score is the sum of life ship between the environment and behavior. For
satisfaction reports across domains considered example, Suldo and Huebner (2004b) demon-
fundamental to the contribution of overall life strated that life satisfaction mediates the relation-
satisfaction (Gilman and Huebner 2000). Exam- ship between the social support-involvement
ples of general unidimensional measures include dimension of authoritative parenting and adoles-
the Perceived Life Satisfaction Scale (Adelman cent problem behavior and partially mediates the
et al. 1989) and the Brief Multidimensional Stu- relationship between the other two parenting
dents’ Life Satisfaction Scale (Seligson et al. dimensions (i.e., strictness-supervision and psy-
2003). For multidimensional measures, total chological autonomy granting) and problem
scores are calculated for each domain (Huebner behavior. Further, support has been provided for
2004). Examples of multidimensional measures the potential mediating role of life satisfaction
include the Extended Satisfaction with Life between stressful life events and internalizing
Scale (Alfonso et al. 1996) and the Multi- behavior (see McKnight et al. 2002). In addition,
dimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale there is recent evidence to suggest that increased
(Huebner 1994). life satisfaction buffers against the negative
effects of stress and the development of psycho-
logical disorders. For example, adolescents with
Adolescent Life Satisfaction Research positive life satisfaction are less likely to develop
later externalizing behaviors as a result of stressful
Research into the correlates and consequences of life events than adolescents with low life satisfac-
life satisfaction among adults has been studied tion, suggesting that life satisfaction acts as a
extensively. Comparatively, research among ado- moderator for (i.e., buffer against) externalizing
lescents has only begun to receive attention more behavior (Suldo and Huebner 2004a).
recently. Indeed, over the course of the last
decade, research examining the correlates
Life Satisfaction 3

Demographic Factors and Life Satisfaction research findings also demonstrate that global
Levels life satisfaction tends to decline slightly with the
Research has consistently shown that the relation- onset and progression of adolescence (i.e.,
ship between demographics (i.e., age, gender, eth- advancement in age) and that these findings are
nicity, socioeconomic status [SES]) and life similarly supported by international research,
satisfaction is weak and that these variables con- including those from America (Suldo and
tribute only modestly to the prediction of adoles- Huebner 2004b), Israel (Ullman and Tatar 2001),
cent life satisfaction. However, noted differences South Korea (Park 2005), and China (Chang
in the relationships between demographic vari- et al. 2003).
ables and adolescent life satisfaction have been
made. For example, Ash and Huebner (2001) Intrapersonal Factors
found that SES was significantly related to life Unlike the modest impact of demographic vari-
satisfaction reports of lower SES students (i.e., ables on the components of SWB (e.g., life satis-
lower SES students reported lower life satisfac- faction), personality and temperament variables
tion than higher SES students), whereas other have been demonstrated to account for most of
studies have only found modest (e.g., Dew and the variance in SWB (Diener 1996). For example,
Huebner 1994) relationships between the two. McKnight et al. (2002) found that temperament
Similarly, with regard to ethnicity, some studies variables accounted for approximately 16% of the
have found that African-American students report variance in prediction of life satisfaction ratings
lower levels of satisfaction in specific domains, among adolescents. Additional research has
such as friends and living environment, than Cau- linked increased life satisfaction during adoles-
casian students (e.g., Huebner et al. 2000a), cence with high levels of extraversion, social
whereas others have found no differences (e.g., self-efficacy (Fogle et al. 2002), social interest
Adelman et al. 1989). Indeed, a study of 5,545 and participation in structured extracurricular
American students’ perceptions of their global activities (Gilman 2001), intrinsic values (Casas
and domain-specific life satisfaction found that et al. 2004), self-esteem (Dew and Huebner
global life satisfaction did not differ for adoles- 1994), perfectionism (Gilman and Ashby 2003),
cents as a function of gender, grade, or ethnicity internal LOC (Ash and Huebner 2001), hope
but that there were modest relationships between (Gilman et al. 2006), and an adaptive attributional
demographics and several of the domains sampled style (Rigby and Huebner 2005). Moreover,
(Huebner et al. 2000a). recent research has demonstrated that adolescent
Similar to cross-national data that has demon- life satisfaction is positively associated with indi-
strated a positive level of happiness among adults vidual strengths of character (i.e., virtues)
throughout the world, most adolescents report (Gillham et al. 2011) and participation
their life satisfaction to be in the positive range. curriculum-based strength initiatives (e.g.,
For example, Huebner et al. (2000a) found that Proctor et al. 2011). In particular, Park and Peter-
73% of 5,545 high school students in grades 9–12 son (2006) found the personal strengths of hope,
reported life satisfaction ratings in the “mostly love, gratitude, and zest to be linked to increased
satisfied” to “delighted” range. Similar findings life satisfaction among adolescents. Similarly,
of an overall positive level of life satisfaction Shogren et al. (2006) found that both hope and
among adolescents have been reported across var- optimism predicted life satisfaction in adolescents
ious international studies (Huebner et al. 2000a, b; with and without cognitive disabilities. Further,
Kuntsche and Gmel 2004; Leung and Zhang related research has shown that participating in
2000; Neto 2001; Park and Huebner 2005), as strength-based exercises, such as counting bless-
well as among studies involving special groups, ings is associated with enhanced self-reported
such as those with mental disabilities and learning gratitude, optimism, and life satisfaction and
difficulties (Brantley et al. 2002; McCullough and decreased negative affect (Froh et al. 2008). In
Huebner 2003). However, it is noteworthy that contrast, life satisfaction among adolescents is
4 Life Satisfaction

inversely related to psychopathological condi- reduced life satisfaction. Further studies have
tions, such as depression (Adelman et al. 1989), shown eating disorders to be related to numerous
anxiety, and neuroticism (Heaven 1989). negative psychological, personality, and behav-
Decreased life satisfaction during adolescence ioral factors, such as neuroticism, perfectionism,
has also been linked with suicide behavior, such negative self-evaluation, depression, and low self-
as serious suicide consideration, planning for sui- esteem (Halvorsen and Heyerdahl 2006;
cide, attempted suicide, and suicide attempt Lombardi et al. 1998). Similarly, negative associ-
requiring medical treatment (Valois et al. 2004a), ations have been demonstrated between life satis-
loneliness (Moore and Schultz 1983), emotional faction and poor self-rated health, poor physical
disturbance (Huebner and Alderman 1993), poor health, poor mental health, and activity limitation
self-concept (Dew and Huebner 1994), and inter- among adolescents (Zullig et al. 2005). Con-
nalizing and externalizing behavior problems versely, however, life satisfaction has a positive
(Suldo and Huebner 2004b). relationship with a good diet (Piko 2006), strenu-
ous physical exercise, and various physical exer-
Physical and Health-Related Factors cise behaviors (Valois et al. 2004b; Vilhjalmsson
Research aimed at examining adolescent mental and Thorlindsson 1992). Indeed, research findings
health has revealed life satisfaction to be nega- suggest that health-risk behaviors in adolescence
tively associated with various health-risk behav- are associated with numerous functioning difficul-
iors. For instance, studies have linked low life ties that continue across the lifespan, including
satisfaction with abuse of various substances reduced academic and occupational functioning,
including cigarettes, cocaine, marijuana, steroids, impaired relationships, employment instability,
and alcohol (Zullig et al. 2001; Valois et al. 2010). and early parenthood (Rohde et al. 2007;
Similarly, dissatisfaction with life has also been cf. Georgiades and Boyle 2007).
linked to violent and aggressive behaviors includ-
ing physical fighting, carrying a gun, carrying a Familial and Environmental Factors
weapon, riding in a car with an impaired driver, Crucial to the attainment of adolescent life satis-
bullying, dating violence, and forced sex victim- faction is adaptive and satisfying familial and
ization/perpetration (Callahan et al. 2003; Valois environmental conditions, such as family struc-
et al. 2001). Conversely, research has revealed ture, parenting style, parental emotional and social
prosocial experiences among adolescents to be support, family conflict, and quality of the physi-
associated with increased life satisfaction and pos- cal environment. Specifically, adolescent life sat-
itive affect over and above the influence of overt isfaction has been demonstrated to be positively
and relational peer victimization – suggesting that associated with authoritative parenting (Suldo and
prosocial peer interactions act as a protective fac- Huebner 2004b), authoritative mothering
tor (Martin and Huebner 2007). Adolescent life (Milevsky et al. 2007), perceived parental support
satisfaction is also negatively related to eating (Burke and Weir 1979; Young et al. 1995), per-
disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa ceived quality of attachment to parents
(Halvorsen and Heyerdahl 2006), poor eating (Greenberg et al. 1983), perceived loving parental
habits, and obesity. For example, Valois et al. relationship (Grossman and Rowat 1995), per-
(2003) found life satisfaction to be negatively ceived family functioning (Heaven et al. 1996),
related to poor perceptions of body weight, trying cohesive family relationships (Manzi et al. 2006),
to lose weight, and dieting, vomiting, using laxa- quality of parent-adolescent communication (Piko
tives, and taking diet pills to lose weight among and Hamvai 2010; Shek et al. 2006), and parental
American adolescents. Similarly, Saluoumi and marital status (Demo and Acock 1996). For exam-
Plourde (2010) found that Canadian adolescents ple, Kwan (2010) found that Chinese adolescents
dissatisfied with their body, afraid of becoming from intact families enjoyed higher life satisfac-
overweight, and engaged in weight control behav- tion than adolescents not living with both parents.
iors, such as smoking and avoiding food, had Further, healthy adolescent adjustment is also
Life Satisfaction 5

influenced by the quality of sibling relationships, quality of parental attachment has been found to
especially among adolescent girls (Oliva and be the strongest unique predictor of adolescent life
Arranz 2005). Overall, research suggests that satisfaction (e.g., Ma and Huebner 2008). This
parental separation, divorce, and remarriage are finding is in keeping with previous research
associated with diminished well-being in adoles- supporting the importance of perceived support
cents (Demo and Acock 1996); however, it is by parents in determining adolescent life satisfac-
more complex familial variables, such as lack of tion (e.g., Dew and Huebner 1994; Greenberg
paternal involvement, that have been shown to et al. 1983). Similarly, Paxton et al. (2006) dem-
exert a greater negative effect (Flouri and onstrated the importance of additional adult bond-
Buchanan 2002; Grossman and Rowat 1995). ing and meaningful relationships in the
For example, Grossman and Rowat (1995) found community with other significant adults to be
that perceived poor parental relationship, and not associated with increased life satisfaction among
family status, was associated with reduced life adolescents.
satisfaction among a group of Canadian adoles- Other familial and environmental factors that
cents. Similarly, Winkelmann (2006) found that affect adolescent life satisfaction include parental
among German adolescents, it is living circum- alcoholism and adolescent pregnancy. In a cross-
stance and not parental separation, which has the sectional sample of Australian youths,
greatest negative effect on well-being. Further- Braithwaite and Devine (1993) found that paren-
more, removal of children from their homes into tal alcohol dependency and family disharmony
residential treatment care due to severe family made significant independent and unique contri-
discord is also associated with diminished life bution to life dissatisfaction (i.e., parental alcohol-
satisfaction. For example, Sastre and Ferriere ism added to the stress of family disharmony,
(2000) examined the life satisfaction reports of which in turn was associated with decreases in
French adolescents living in residential treatment adolescent life satisfaction). Indeed, research indi-
centers and found that these adolescents had lower cates there is substantial transmission of mental
life satisfaction than matched adolescents living at distress between parents and children, such that
home with their families. Moreover, research parental distress affects the life satisfaction of
conducted by Gilman and Barry (2003) demon- their child and a child’s life satisfaction influences
strates that life satisfaction ratings can increase as the happiness of their parent (Powdthavee and
a function of time in residential care, suggesting Vignoles 2008). In a study of family risk factors
that life in a residential treatment facility may associated with adolescent pregnancy, Guijarro
enhance, rather than diminished, perceived qual- et al. (1999) found life satisfaction and happiness
ity of life for some adolescents. In addition to were higher among nonpregnant adolescents and
studies of major life events affecting adolescent their families than among the pregnant adoles-
life satisfaction, there is growing interest in the cents and their families. Further, pregnant adoles-
role of minor life events (e.g., daily hassles, every- cents showed a higher level of depression and
day stressors) in changes in life satisfaction. For sexual abuse than their nonpregnant peers,
example, McCullough et al. (2000) found that whereas nonpregnant adolescents had higher aca-
minor daily events (e.g., fights with friends, demic achievement and future expectations than
doing poorly on an exam, enjoying a hobby, help- their pregnant peers (Guijarro et al. 1999).
ing other people) contributed unique variance Quality of the immediate physical and social
over and above that of major life events (e.g., environment has also been shown to be pertinent
death of family member, divorce). Similarly, to youth life satisfaction. For example, Homel and
Suldo and Huebner (2004a) found that adoles- Burns (1989) found that children residing in
cents with positive life satisfaction were less poorly maintained houses and/or rented accom-
likely to develop later externalizing behavior modation reported less overall satisfaction and
problems following stressful life events than less happiness with their families than other chil-
those with low levels of life satisfaction. Overall, dren. Moreover, children living on industrial or
6 Life Satisfaction

commercial streets reported lower life satisfaction contained special education settings have signifi-
and expressed more unhappiness with their fami- cantly higher school satisfaction than that of peers
lies, than children living on residential streets with MMD who spend three or more hours in a
(Homel and Burns 1989). Similarly, Nickerson regular educational setting (Brantley et al. 2002).
and Nagle (2004) found parent and peer alienation Further results revealed that MMD students expe-
to be inversely related to adolescent living envi- rience more dissatisfaction with their friendships,
ronment satisfaction. Longitudinal examination but higher satisfaction with school than typically
of rural adolescents from America’s Appalachian achieving students (Brantley et al. 2002). Simi-
region has revealed a variety of variables, includ- larly, a comparison of a group of deaf/hard-of-
ing (1) family’s SES, community size, and marital hearing (D/HH) students educated in a segregated
status, (2) perceived attainment in job and life residential setting with those attending day
goals and self-esteem, and (3) perceived disparity schools revealed significant differences in global
between job aspirations and job opportunities, life satisfaction between the D/HH groups collec-
educational demands and educational aspirations, tively and the non-D/HH group, with the D/HH
desired residence and actual residence, and group reporting both lower global and domain-
desired children and actual number of children, specific life satisfaction. Further, the D/HH resi-
to be predictors of life satisfaction among eco- dential group reported significantly lower living
nomically dispossessed Appalachian youth environment satisfaction than the D/HH day
(Wilson et al. 1997). school group, whereas no differences were found
between the D/HH day school group and the non-
Educational Factors D/HH group. In contrast, Ash and Huebner (1998)
School is the primary activity during childhood explored the well-being of a group of academi-
and adolescence, and necessarily the classroom cally gifted students and found no differences in
environment plays a crucial role in the attainment global or domain-specific life satisfaction
of life satisfaction. For example, recent research between this group and normally achieving stu-
conducted by Suldo and Huebner (2006) demon- dents. However, results did suggest that gifted
strated that the effect associated with support from students determined their global life satisfaction
classmates was twice as large as support from differently than non-gifted students. Specifically,
close friends, indicating the specific influence of living environment and school satisfaction were
the classroom environment on adolescent life sat- the strongest unique contributors for gifted stu-
isfaction. In related research, Froh et al. (2008) dents, whereas self- and family satisfaction were
have demonstrated requiring adolescents to list up the strongest unique contributors for non-gifted
to five things every day for which they were students, with school satisfaction serving as the
grateful results in greater satisfaction with their weakest overall contributor for this group (Ash
school experience than students in a control and Huebner 1998). Comparative differences in
group. Similarly, Gilman and Huebner (2006) school satisfaction ratings have also been found
have shown extremely high life satisfaction to be among cross-cultural comparisons of adolescent
positively related to a positive attitude toward life satisfaction. For example, Liu et al. (2005)
school and teachers, grade point average, partici- found that Chinese students scored higher on the
pation in structured extracurricular activities, and dimensions of friends, school, and general life
interpersonal relations. Conversely, research satisfaction than American students. Similarly,
conducted within the United Kingdom suggests Park and Huebner (2005) compared the life satis-
that schools with an excessive focus on academic faction reports of Korean and American students
test results negatively impact youth life satisfac- and found that Korean students reported lower life
tion (Marks 2004). Examination of special educa- satisfaction than their American counterparts. The
tion placement due to cognitive and learning greatest differences were found in the self and
disabilities has revealed that students with mild school domains, with Korean students reporting
mental disabilities (MMD) who are in self- significantly less satisfaction in the self-domain
Life Satisfaction 7

and American’s reporting less satisfaction in the psychological adaptation and autonomy among
school domain. three immigrant Asian groups living in Australia
Indeed, school and the classroom environment and found that successful adaptation could be
are an ideal place for initiatives that foster life explained by migration circumstances (i.e., vol-
satisfaction and well-being. For example, research untary or refugee), cultural differences (e.g.,
has demonstrated the benefits of encouraging ado- emphasis on education), and the ability of the
lescents to participate in activities that facilitate cultural group to support the adolescent (e.g.,
“flow” – a mental state in which the challenge of presence of preexisting English-speaking immi-
an activity matches the skill required grant community). Liebkind and Jasinskaja-Lahti
(Csikszentmihalyi 2002). The flow state has (2000) investigated the effects of acculturation on
been linked to academic success, reduced delin- the psychological well-being of immigrant ado-
quency, physical health, and life satisfaction lescents in Finland from the former Soviet Union,
(Nakamura and Csikszentmihalyi 2002). Simi- Turkey, Somalia, and Vietnam and found that
larly, academic achievement and life satisfaction perceived discrimination increased acculturative
have consistently been positively linked to partic- stress and behavioral symptoms and reduced life
ipation in structured extracurricular activities (see satisfaction and self-esteem, whereas perceived
Gilman et al. 2004; Suldo et al. 2006 for reviews). parental support, acceptance of parental authority,
Research has also demonstrated the benefits of and length of residence increased life satisfaction
grateful and engaged living on levels of life satis- among these groups. In Israel, Hofman et al.
faction and additionally a host of positive aca- (1982) found Jewish adolescents to have higher
demic, social, and psychological outcomes, such life satisfaction than their Arab peers. In America,
as increased positive affect, self-esteem, grade Constantine et al. (2006) found that the life satis-
point average, and hope (2010a, b). In accordance faction among African-American girls was posi-
with these findings, a positive link has been found tively related to adherence to Africentric values
between life satisfaction and employment experi- and self-esteem, but not to perceived social sup-
ence and finding purpose in life. For example, port satisfaction. Moreover, perceptions of dis-
findings reported by Hirschi (2009) demonstrate crimination have been demonstrated to be linked
the benefits to life satisfaction and career adapt- to low life satisfaction, self-esteem, and depres-
ability through vocational education and social sive symptoms among this group (Seaton et al.
support that enables work experience. Similarly, 2010, 2008). In contrast, in Canada, markedly
research by O’Brien (1994) found that employed higher life satisfaction was found among adoles-
youth have higher life satisfaction and greater cent from noneconomically motivated immigrant
commitment to values than unemployed youth. families from Hong Kong reporting positive expe-
Indeed, research by Bronk et al. (2009) revealed rience making friends with Canadians (Chow
that having an identified purpose in life was asso- 2007), whereas in a cross-cultural study, Tanaka
ciated with greater life satisfaction during adoles- et al. (2005) found that Japanese students report
cence (see also Bronk and Finch 2010). higher numbers of physical and psychiatric symp-
toms, less happiness, and more stressful life
Sociocultural Factors events, and considerably lower levels of life sat-
Recently attention has begun to focus on the psy- isfaction than Swedish adolescents.
chological well-being of immigrant youth and the
acculturation of ethnic minorities. For example,
Bradley and Corwyn (2004) found that marital Conclusion
status was the most consistent family context pre-
dictor of life satisfaction among five divergent Adolescent life satisfaction is a key variable in the
sociocultural groups of adolescents of attainment of psychological well-being during
non-European descent living in America. Simi- youth and, as evidenced from the research litera-
larly, Leung et al. (2006) examined the ture, is positively related to a broad spectrum of
8 Life Satisfaction

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