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To whom it may concern,

Re: Master M/8yrs.


Diagnosis: Motor co-ordination de cits (referral from Dr. , and also supported by
recommendations in report by Dr. )

Treatment Plan: Evaluation and treatment of issues identi ed during evaluation and
clinical observations. Therapy based on sensory integration and developmental

Bene ts of this Treatment: Include:

• Improved core strength and motor coordination.

• Increase in bilateral integration and co-ordination skills and general praxis.
• Improved gross motor skills including movement sequences and organisation
of movement
• Reduction in impulsivity
• Improvement in modulation of force and movement
• Improved ne motor skills including pencil grip, in particular (with equipment
modi cations and supports to assist this)
• Addressing sensory needs such as visual, vestibular and proprioceptive needs
which underpin all movement and function.
• Improved visual tracking/scanning/ xing, in all activities such as reading,
writing, classroom learning, homework, any ball games or activities involving eye
hand coordination in PE lessons.
• Increased attention skills and auditory processing with regulating his alert
systems and reducing distractibility from other stimuli.
• All leading to school (academic)/sports and social/emotional health and

I hope the above assists you in your consideration of coverage for this child.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you require any further information.
Yours sincerely,

BSc(HONS) Occupational Therapy

MA Health and Policy
Bobath Cert
Therapeutic Listening®
Senior Consultant

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