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Chemical Reactions of Aqueous Acids

and Bases

Grade 10

Ms. J. Cole

1. Investigate the reactions of acids in aqueous


2. Investigate the reactions of Bases

3. Identify examples of acids in living systems.

Chemical Reactions of Aqueous Acids

1. Acids react with reactive metals

2. Acids react with bases.
3. Acids react with metal carbonates and
metal hydrogen carbonates.
Acids and Reactive Metals

► Acids except nitric, react with metals above hydrogen in the

reactivity series to form a salt and hydrogen gas.

► Reactive metal + Acid Salt + Hydrogen gas

Mg (s) + 2 HCl (aq) MgCl₂ (aq) + H₂ (g)
Acids and Bases

► Acids react with bases, Which are mainly metal hydroxides and
metal oxides to form salt and water.

► Base + Acid Salt + Water

CuO (s) + H₂SO₄ (aq) CuSO₄ (aq) + H₂O (l)

When an acid reacts with a base a neutralization reaction occurs
Acids and Metal Carbonates and Metal
Hydrogen carbonates
► Acids react with metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates to form a salt, carbon
dioxide and water.
► Metal carbonate + Acid Salt + Carbon dioxide + Water
CuCO₃ (s) + H₂SO₄ (aq) CuSO₄ (aq) + CO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)

Metal Hydrogen carbonate + Acid Salt + Carbon dioxide + Water

Mg(HCO₃)₂ (aq) + 2 HNO₃ (aq) Mg(NO₃)₂ (aq) + 2 CO₂ (g) + 2 H₂O (l)
Chemical Reactions of Bases

1. Bases react with acids.

2. Bases react with ammonium salts.
Bases and Acids

► Bases react with acids to produce salt and water.

► Base + Acid Salt + Water

CuO (s) + H₂SO₄ (aq) CuSO₄ (aq) + H₂O (l)

When an base reacts with a acid a neutralization reaction occurs
Bases and Ammonium Salts.

► When heated, bases react with ammonium salts to produce a salt,

ammonia and water

► Base + Ammonium Salt Salt + Ammonia + Water

► NaOH (aq) + NH₄Cl (aq) NaCl (aq) + NH₃ (g) + H₂O (l)

Acids in living Systems

Acid Where Found Notes

Ascorbic Acid- In many fruits and • Vitamin C is essential in a healthy
Vitamin C vegetables e.g. diet. A shortage can lead to scurvy.
West Indian • When exposed to heat during
cherries, citrus cooking vitamin C is oxidized which
fruits, raw green destroys it.
vegetables • Sodium hydrogen carbonate is
occasionally added to fruits and
vegetables to improve appearance
and texture. This neutralizes any
vitamin C in the foods which reduces
its content.
Acids in living Systems

Acid Where Found Notes

Citric Acid In citrus fruits, • Lime juice can be used to remove rust stains
e.g. limes and from clothing. The acid in the lime juice
lemons reacts with the iron (III) oxide (Fe₂O₃) in the
rust stains. This makes a soluble compound
which washes out of the clothes removing the
rusty yellow Fe³⁺ ions:

• Fe₂O₃ (s) + 6H⁺ )aq) 2Fe³⁺ (aq) + 3H₂O (l)

rust acid washes out of clothes
Acids in living Systems

Acid Where Found Notes

Methanoic Acid In the venom of • Methanoic acid can cause itching,
swelling, redness and pain around the
• Ant stings can be treated by applying a
paste of sodium hydrogen carbonate or
calamine lotion which contains zinc oxide.
Both compounds neutralizes the acid.
Acids in living Systems

Acid Where Found Notes

Lactic Acid Produced in the • A person collapses if too

cells of muscles
during strenuous much lactic acid builds up in
the muscle because it
prevents the muscles from
Acids in living Systems

Acid Where Found Notes

Ethanoic In vinegar • Vinegar can be used to

preserve food items. Its low
pH destroys enzymes that
cause decay and prevents the
growth of microorganisms,
i.e. bacteria and fungi.
Activity 1

► Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions

1. Potassium carbonate and Nitric acid
2. Sodium hydroxide and Sulfuric acid
3. Zinc and Hydrochloric acid
4. Calcium hydrogen carbonate and Sulfuric acid
-Identify the chemical reaction of acids taking place in each
Activity 2

► Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions


1. Magnesium Oxide and Sulfuric

2. Calcium Hydroxide and Ammonium nitrate

3. Potassium Hydroxide and Ammonium sulfate.

- Identify the chemical reaction of bases taking place in
each question.
Activity 3

► Explain the reason for EACH of following:

a) Vinegar is used to preserve certain foods.

b) Sodium hydrogen carbonate is used to as a

treatment for ant stings.

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