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SCHOOL Pangasinan National High School CLASS Grade 8


The learners demonstrate an understanding of the digestive system and its

CONTENT STANDARDS interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems in providing
the body with nutrients for energy.
PERFORMANCE The learners should be able to present an analysis of the data gathered on
STANDARDS diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency.
The learners should be able to:
 Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion. S8LT-IVa-

LEARNING COMPETENCIES/ At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to do the following with at
OBJECTIVES least 80% level of success:
 Identify and describe the functions of each organs of the digestive
 Explain the changes in food as it undergoes mechanical and chemical


A. Content The Digestive System
 Information and Communication Technologies (PPT)
B. Instructional Materials

C. Reference Books Science 8 Learner’s Materials Campo, P. et. al. 2013, pp. 291-297

D. Other Learning Resources

E. Science Processes Explaining, Describing, Interpreting, Observing, Comparing and Inferring

Keen observer, Open-Mindedness, Active Participation, Decision-Making and

F. Values Integration


“Good morning, ma’am”
“Good morning/afternoon Grade 8!”

 Prayers:
“Before we begin our class, let us have our prayer
(The student’s will volunteer to lead
first. Who will lead the prayer?”
the prayer)
Preliminaries  Checking of Attendance
“Class monitor, do we have any absences in this
(The student will answer)

A. Reviewing
“Before we start, try to take a look at this picture”

(The students’ answer may vary)

“Carbohydrates for energy; proteins

for growth and repair; fats to store
energy; vitamins and minerals to
keep the body healthy”

“What did you observe about this picture?”

“Correct! It shows the parts of our body”

Previous lesson or
Presenting a new
“Are you familiar with the parts that are shown in the
lesson (ELICIT)
image? ”
“The picture shows the parts of our
“Can you give one example of body parts and tell me
their function?”
“Yes, ma’am!”
“Very good! Mouth is used for eating”

“How about the others? What body parts are you

familiar with?”
“Mouth, it is used to break food.
“Correct! Esophagus is a muscular tube through
which food passes from the throat to the stomach.”

“How about the Stomach? What is the function of

“Esophagus is used to swallow
our stomach? Any idea?”
“Very good! Stomach helps to digest food. It holds
food while it is being mixed with stomach enzymes.”

“From the word digest, what body system do these

“Stomach is used for digesting
parts belong?”

“For today’s lesson, we are going to learn about how

our digestive system work.” “
“Digestive system, ma’am!”
“Let’s explore how this amazing system, called the
digestive system, does its job!”
B. Establishing a “But first, let’s have our objectives for today’s At the end of the lesson, the students
purpose (Engage) lesson. Kindly read!” should be able to:
 Identify and describe the
functions of each organs of
the digestive system.
 Explain the changes in food
as it undergoes physical and
chemical digestion.

“What can you say about this picture?”

C. Presenting “Did this picture make you want to eat your favorite “Yes, ma’am!”
examples/instances food right now?”
of the new lesson (The students answer may vary)
(Engage) “Why do we need to eat?”

“Very good! Food plays a central role in the survival

of species. Food gives organisms energy that enables
them to carry out the many activities they do each
day; this includes predators chasing a prey or a prey
escaping a predator.”

“Organisms are able to obtain energy from the foods

they eat through digestion”

D. Discussing new Activity 1: Connection System

concepts and
practicing new skills Procedure: Identify the organs of the human body
#1 (Explore) that was being described and pick your answer from
the work bank.

Stomach Pancreas Muscles Lungs
Bones Small Liver Urinary
intestines Bladder
Brain Large Kidney Heart

1.Takes oxygen from air you breather in and sends it

to the blood. __________________
2.It is connected to the nerves that send signals
throughout your body, without me you cannot
control your thoughts, movements, decisions
and memories. _______________
3.Makes digestive juices to help the small intestine
break down food. ______________
4.A bean shaped which is responsible in eliminating
waste products from the blood and produce
urine. ______________
5.Made up of strong muscles that pumps blood
through your body. My size is as size as your
fist, I am located near the center of your chest.
6.Mix food when you eat with chemicals made by
your body, then chum up your food into smaller
parts and send it to small intestine. __________
7.The one which give support and protection to your
organs. _________
8.Absorb the nutrients that your body needs from
your food and I put it on your bloodstream so
your body can use it. __________
9.It work with bones to provide movement, strength
and power.___________
10. It is the place where urine is stored until it is
eliminated from your body. _____________
E. Discussing new “What is Digestive system? Kindly read, everyone!” “The digestive system breaks down
concepts and food and absorbs nutrients for energy
practicing new skills “Thank you! Digestion of food is carried out by and growth.
#2 (Explore) organs and substances of the digestive system”

“During digestion, the food that we eat will break

into smaller pieces, and then a fraction of these foods
will have nutrients that will circulate throughout our
body, and it will begin the process of mechanical

“While chewing the food, our body also starts to

release some enzymes that will be the start of the
process of chemical digestion and the break down
of biological molecules.”

“What is enzymes? Please read!” “Enzymes is a molecule that speed

up chemical reactions”
“Where do we usually see enzymes? Of course, it is
present in our saliva, that helps us chew and break
down foods that we eat into smaller pieces.”

“Most of the chemical digestion happens in the

stomach. The food moves through your digestive
system and is eventually broken down into particles
and nutrients that your small intestine an absorb into
the bloodstream.”

“In this lesson, we are going to discuss the different

processes of mechanical digestion. We are also going
to discuss the different parts or organs in the
digestive system. Also, we are going to discuss how
the digestive system breaks down foods to nourish
the body.”

“Here are the different processes of Mechanical

Digestion. We have four processes”
1. Ingestion
2. Digestion
3. Absorption
4. Elimination

“First activity of Mechanical process is to take in

food through the mouth. This is what you called
Ingestion process. Kindly read!” “Ingestion Process takes place before
anything else can happen”
“After Ingestion, the food particles move from the
mouth into the pharynx, then to the esophagus. This
movement is called swallowing or deglutition.”

“Movement of mixing occur in the stomach as a

result of contraction of smooth muscles. These
repetitive contractions occur in small segments of the
digestive tract and mix the food particles with other
fluids and enzymes.”

“Movements that propel the food particles through

the digestive tract is called peristalsis”

“Kindly read what is Peristalsis” “Peristalsis is a successive waves of

involuntary contraction passing
along the walls of a hallow muscular
“After passing the food through the esophagus, it will structure such as esophagus or
let the food pass into our stomach” intestine and forcing the contents
“This is the next organ that makes up the digestive
“After the esophagus, the food will directly go down
to our stomach, where it will mix with gastric juices
and acid. It will also start the process of digestion.”

“Inside our stomach, there are also other enzymes

such as Frotease, and Lipase that help breakdown
proteins into the stomach and fats in the small

“Remember that the digestive glands in the stomach

lining produce acids and enzymes that digest protein”

“most digested molecules of food as well as water

and minerals are absorbed by the small intestine. So
this is the next organ of the digestive system which is
the Small intestine”

“The thirds process which is the absorption will start

in small intestine”

“The walls of this small intestine contain many folds

that are lined up with finger-like projections called

“What is villi?” “Villi are in turn covered with even

smaller projections called microvili.
These structure enhance the
“During Absorption, these nutrients pass through the absorption surface area.”
linings and walls of the small intestine and into the
bloodstream where they get transported to different
parts of our body.”

“Additionally, the muscles of the small intestines mix

the food with digestive juices from the pancreas,
liver and gall bladder, and push the mixture forward
for further digestion”

“the walls of the small intestine in the absorption will

absorb the water and the digestive nutrients into our

“We already mentioned the pancreas, liver and gall


“what is the purpose of these three?”

“Let us first discuss the Pancreas. Kindly read!”

“Your pancreas plays a big role in
digestion. It is located inside your
abdomen, just behind your stomach.
It's about the size of your hand.
“Pancreas make u digestive juice that has enzymes During digestion, your pancreas
that break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins” makes pancreatic juices called
enzymes. These enzymes break
“And pancreas will also delivered the digestive juice down sugars, fats, and starches.”
to our small intestine through small tubes called
“All the blood leaving the stomach
and intestines passes through the
liver. The liver processes this blood
and breaks down, balances, and
creates the nutrients and also
metabolizes drugs into forms that are
“The we have the liver, please read!” easier to use for the rest of the body
or that are nontoxic.”

“Liver, makes digestive juice called bile that helps

digest fats and some vitamins”

“The bile the produced of our liver digests the fats

and vitamins”

“Next one is gall bladder”

“Please read what is gallbladder”

”Gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped
organ on the right side of your
abdomen, just beneath your liver.
“Gallbladder is a small pouch that sits under our The gallbladder holds a digestive
liver. Gallbladder is the storage of bile that produced fluid called bile that's released into
the liver” your small intestine.”

“Before we eat, our gallbladder is still filled with

bile, but after we eat, our gallbladder looks like a
deflated balloon, which is already empty.”

“Again, what is the purpose of gallbladder?”

“It is the storage of bile produce by
the liver”
“The last part of our mechanical process is what we
called Elimination”

“The undigested part of food or those that are not

absorbed our body are eliminated as feces”

“The one that our body is being released”

“And it is done by the process of elimination. Which

is the last part or the last process in mechanical

“The next organ that we’re going to discuss is the

large intestine”

“Large intestine looks like this”

“Our waste product goes in here from the digestive

process which includes the undigested parts of the
food,water and fluid and other older cells from the
lining of gastrointestinal track”

“In large intestine absorbs the water and changes the

waste from liquid into the feces. And this feces will
move to another organ called rectum”

“What is rectum? Kindly read, everyone!” “The primary function of the rectum
is to collect and hold your poop until
it's time to release it.”
“Rectum is the second to the last organ of the
digestive system”

“It is the lower end part of our large intestine. The

rectum will store the feces until it is ready to be

“The last organ or end part of our digestive system is

what you called anus”

“Anus is the end part of our gastrointestinal tract”

“When our rectum is already full, Our body will feel

as if it needs to be released, right? ”

“Internal anal sphincter will push the feces down to

the anal canal”

“And that’s the end of the mechanical digestion”

“Almost all of the animals have a tube-like digestive

system, where one end serves as the mouth wherein
food will enter, while the other part is the anus,
where the feces will go out of our body.”

“And this digestive system is what you call

Complete Digestive System”

“Remember, when we say Complete Digestive

System, of course it is complete from the mouth
down to the anus”

“These are the examples of the complete digestive

system of the different representative species of
“Incomplete Digestive System is an
organisms that eat and defecate with
their mouth which also alternates as
their anus”

“But when we say Incomplete Digestive System.

Kindly read!”

“Defecate means discharge feces from the body.”

F. Developing
Direction: Answer the following questions:
mastery (leads to
1. Explain the process of digestive system.
2.What is the role of the pancreas, liver, and
gallbladder in the digestive system?
G. Finding practical
(The teacher will let the students watch a video about
applications of
biodiversity to broaden their knowledge)
concepts and skill in
daily living
 Digestion, Process of dissolving and
chemically converting food for absorption by
cells. In the mouth, food is chewed, mixed
with saliva, which begins to break down
starches, and kneaded by the tongue into a
ball for swallowing. Peristalsis propels it
through the esophagus and the rest of the
alimentary canal. In the stomach, food
mixes with acid and enzymes, which further
break it down. The mixture, called chyme,
enters the duodenum, the first part of the
H. Making small intestine. Bile from the liver breaks
Generalizing and up fat globules. Enzymes from the pancreas
abstractions about and intestinal glands act on specific
the lesson molecules, breaking carbohydrates down
(ELABORATE) into simple sugars, proteins into amino
acids, and fats into glycerol and fatty acids.
These products are absorbed by the
bloodstream. Indigestible substances, such
as fibre, pass into the large intestine, where
water and ions are reabsorbed and feces
held for excretion.
 An incomplete digestive system consists of a
digestive cavity with one opening. The
single opening serves as both mouth and
anus. A complete digestive system consists
of a digestive tract with two openings.
I. Evaluating Direction: Answer the following questions
(EVALUATE) 1. Process that grinds food down into smaller
pieces for easy swallowing is
A. Chemical digestion
B. Ingestion
C. Complete Digestive System
D. Hydrolysis
2. The digestive system first activity, is to take
in food through the mouth, this process is
A. Ingestion
B. Hydrolysis
C. Peristalsis
D. Absorption
3. Structure in the small intestine absorb the
nutrients that result from the digestive
A. Duodenum
B. Intestinal glands
C. Intestinal muscles
D. Villi
4. Which of the following is not a work of liver?
A. Detoxifies drugs
B. Synthesis of bile
C. Synthesis insulin
D. Synthesis
5. Digestion of carbohydrates mostly occurs
with enzymes from the ______
A. Liver
B. Pancreas
C. Salivary glands
D. Stomach
6. The human body to survive, needs a
constant supply of protein. The first part of
the digestive system that begin digesting
protein is the _______
A. Duodenum
B. Stomach
C. Esophagus
D. Mouth
7. The correct arrangement of structures in the
gut is ______
A. Esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small
B. Esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
C. Esophagus, small intestine, stomach, large
D. Stomach esophagus, large intestine, small
8. Select the incorrect connection
A. Stomach - grinds and liquifies foods
B. Large intestine - digest food
C. Pancreas - secretes digestive enzymes
D. Small intestine - absorbs fluid and food
9. Throat divides into two separate tubes: the
windpipe and the gullet which of these
prevents food from entering the windpipe?
A. Uvula
B. Tongue
C. Epiglottis
D. Bile
10. The indigestible wastes removal through the
A. Hydrolysis
B. Ingestion
C. Mastication
D. Defecation
11. The one which give support and protection
to your organs. _________
A. Bones
B. Muscles
C. Skull
D. Rib cage
12. Solid wastes leaves the body through the
rectum then the anus, the liquid wastes
leaves our body after passing through the
A. Kidney and bladder
B. Large intestine and bowel
C. Blood vessels and lungs
D. Small intestine and large intestine
13. The movements that propel the particles
through the digestive tract _______
A. Choking
B. Deglutition
C. Peristalsis
D. Absorption
14. _______ speeds up the process of
A. Digestive enzymes
B. Carbohydrates
C. Proteins
D. Peristalsis
15. An incomplete digestive system consists of
a digestive cavity with one opening.
A. True
B. False



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of Learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the Remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of Learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. what innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Practice Teacher T-III, Cooperating Teacher Principal IV

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